![Contributions to the Knowledge of the Flora of Slovenia and Adjacent Regions: Taxonomic Revision and Distributional Patterns of Ten Selected Species](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
231 Phyton (Horn, Austria) Vol. 50 Fasc. 2 231±262 7. 2. 2011 Contributions to the Knowledge of the Flora of Slovenia and Adjacent Regions: Taxonomic Revision and Distributional Patterns of Ten Selected Species By BozÏo FRAJMAN*) and Tinka BACÏ ICÏ **) With 10 Figures Received July 9, 2010 K e y w o rd s: Angiosperms, Ballota nigra, Chaerophyllum aromaticum (not in Slovenia), Eschscholzia californica, Galium elongatum, Isolepis setacea, Laserpitium archangelica, Phacelia tanacetifolia, Ranunculus polyanthemophyllus, Ranunculus reptans (not in Slovenia), Thalictrum simplex. ± Taxonomy, floristics, neophyta, plant distribution, alien and native species. ± Flora of Slovenia. Summary FRAJMAN B. & BACÏ ICÏ T. 2011. Contributionsto the knowledge of the flora of Slovenia and adjacent regions: taxonomic revision and distributional patterns of ten selected species. ± Phyton (Horn, Austria) 50(2): 231±262, with 10 figures. The Angiosperm flora of the Slovenian Dinaric phytogeographic region is, with the exception of some famous localities such as Mt. SnezÏnik and CerknisÏko jezero, relatively poorly studied. We here present new floristic records for ten taxa. Their distribution in Slovenia (based on revision of the herbarium material in LJU, our own data as well as literature data) is discussed and where necessary presented on maps. The distribution patterns are often in disagreement with the information pro- vided in standard Slovenian floristic and biogeographic literature. In some cases we discuss taxonomically difficult groups and present new data about the distribution of infraspecific taxa. Moreover, we evaluate the conservation status of the taxa in Slo- venia. In Slovenia, Ballota nigra is represented by two subspecies, the western subsp. meridionalis and the eastern subsp. nigra. Their distributions largely overlap in central Slovenia and subsp. meridionalis hasmuch wider distribution than pre- *) Dr. B. FRAJMAN, Institute of Botany, University of Innsbruck, Sternwartes- trasse 15, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria, Europe; e-mail: [email protected] **) Dr. T. BACÏ ICÏ , Biology Department, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, VecÏna pot 111, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; e-mail: [email protected] 232 viously assumed. Chaerophyllum aromaticum is an enigmatic species, in the past er- roneously listed for Slovenia. Eschscholzia californica isan alien speciesneglected by the Slovenian standard floristic literature, even if its occurrence in the wild has been known for several years. We here present its distribution in Slovenia for the first time. Galium elongatum, an octoploid species from the G. palustre group, is sometimes difficult to distinguish from G. palustre. We used the stomata length as an additional character to resolve the taxonomic alliance of the G. palustre group. Iso- lepis setacea wasafter 100 yearsrediscovered in central Slovenia. Laserpitium archangelica wasbelieved to be very rare in Slovenia, where it reachesitsnorth- western distribution margin, but the here presented map shows that it is distributed in major parts of the Dinaric phytogeographic region. We present an updated dis- tribution map of the alien species Phacelia tanacetifolia. Ranunculus poly- anthemophyllus from the R. polyanthemos group isa neglected speciesof the Slove- nian flora, not treated by standard floristic works. The revision shows that it is scattered in the western part of Slovenia, whereas the occurrence of R. polyanthemos could not be confirmed. Ranunculus reptans was erroneously listed for CerknisÏko jezero and doesactually not occur in Slovenia. Thalictrum simplex and itsinfra- specific taxa have been revised and only subsp. tenuifolium hasbeen confirmed for Slovenia. In some cases our results are of broader international importance, as they provide new insights into the distribution of some poorly studied European taxa. Zusammenfassung FRAJMAN B. & BACÏ ICÏ T. 2011. Contributionsto the knowledge of the flora of Slovenia and adjacent regions: taxonomic revision and distributional patterns of ten selected species. [BeitraÈge zur Kenntnisder Flora Sloweniensund angrenzender Gebiete: taxonomische Revision und Verbreitung zehn ausgewaÈhlter Arten]. ± Phyton (Horn, Austria) 50(2): 231±262 , mit 10 Abbildungen. Die Angiospermen-Flora der dinarischen phytogeographischen Region (DN) in- nerhalb Sloweniens ist mit Ausnahme einiger bekannter LokalitaÈten, wie z.B. SnezÏnik und CerknisÏko jezero, relativ schlecht bekannt. In dieser Arbeit praÈsentieren wir neue Daten zur Verbreitung von zehn ausgewaÈhlten Arten in Slowenien (basie- rend auf der Revision von Herbarmaterial in LJU, unseren eigenen Funden und Literaturangaben). Die Verbreitungsmuster sind oft im Widerspruch zu Angaben in der slowenischen floristischen und biogeographischen Standardliteratur. Taxo- nomisch schwierige Gruppen werden diskutiert und neue Daten uÈ ber die Verbreitung intraspezifischer Sippen praÈsentiert. Der Naturschutz-Status einiger Sippen wurde uÈ berpruÈ ft. Zwei Subspecies von Ballota nigra kommen in Slowenien vor, die westlich verbreitete subsp. meridionalis und die oÈstliche subsp. nigra. Die Areale der beiden uÈ berlappen in Zentralslowenien und subsp. meridionalis ist weiter verbreitet als bisher bekannt. Chaerophyllum aromaticum wurde in der Vergangenheit irrtuÈ mlich fuÈ r Slowenien angegeben. Der Neophyt Eschscholzia californica ist eine in der slo- wenischen floristischen Standardliteratur uÈ bersehene Art, obwohl Verwilderungen dieser Art seit Jahren bekannt sind. Wir praÈsentieren die erste Verbreitungskarte dieser Art fuÈ r Slowenien. Galium elongatum, eine oktoploide Sippe ausder G. pa- lustre-Gruppe, ist manchmal schwierig von G. palustre zu unterscheiden. Wir ver- wenden die LaÈnge der Stomata-Geleitzellen alszusa ÈtzlichesMerkmal bei der Revi- sion dieser Gruppe. Isolepis setacea wurde nach 100 Jahren wieder in Zen- 233 tralslowenien gefunden. Laserpitium archangelica wurde fruÈ her alsrare Art der slowenischen Flora betrachtet, aber unsere Verbreitungskarte zeigt, dass es in DN, an der Nordost-Grenze seines Areals, nicht selten ist. Wir bringen eine aktualisierte Verbreitungskarte der oft verwilderten Phacelia tanacetifolia. Ranunculus poly- anthemophyllus ausder Gruppe des R. polyanthemos ist eine bisher uÈ bersehene Art der slowenischen Flora, die in Westslowenien zerstreut verbreitet ist. Das Vorkom- men von R. polyanthemos konnte hingegen nicht bestaÈtigt werden. Ranunculus reptans wurde irrtuÈ mlich fuÈ r den CerknisÏko jezero angegeben, kommt aber in Slo- wenien nicht vor. Wir revidierten auch die Thalictrum simplex-Gruppe und koÈnnen nur das Vorkommen von subsp. tenuifolium bestaÈtigen. Insgesamt sind unsere Re- sultate nicht nur fuÈ r Slowenien, sondern auch fuÈ r angrenzende Gebiete interessant, weil sie die Verbreitung einiger in Europa wenig bekannter und taxonomisch pro- blematischer Arten oder Artengruppen betreffen. 1. Introduction With 3452 registered taxa of vascular plants, 3119 of them native or naturalised (MARTINCÏ ICÏ & al. 2007), the Slovenian flora isrelatively rich as compared with neighbouring areas. For Austria (7.7 times bigger than Slovenia) 3606 taxa are listed (FISCHER & al. 2008), out of which 2214 for KaÈrnten (roughly half the size of Slovenia) and 2331 for Steiermark (80 % of the size of Slovenia). For Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), which is c. 40 % of the size of Slovenia, 3388 taxa were listed by POLDINI 2002, in Croatia (al- most 3 times bigger than Slovenia) 5347 taxa are registered (NIKOLICÂ & TOPICÂ 2005), and in Hungary (4.6 timesthe sizeof Slovenia), 2721 (K IRAÂ LY 2009), out of which roughly 2300 are native (KIRAÂ LY, pers. com.). Some dif- ferencesin the number of taxa are basedon diversetaxonomic conceptsas well ason different treatmentsof taxonomically critical groups(e.g. Tar- axacum and Hieracium) in variouscountries,and the number of taxa isnot proportional with the size of the area and is related to different factors, e.g. existence of different landscape types, but the given numbers still roughly show the richness of Slovenian vascular flora compared to neighbouring areas(with exception of Friuli Venezia Giulia which hasan even more di- verse flora). Such biotic richness of Slovenia was observed also in other groupsof organisms(M RSÏ ICÏ 1997). The reasons for such a diversity are various, among the most im- portant being the geographic position of Slovenia on the junction of dif- ferent (bio)geographic regions: Alps, Mediterranean, Dinaric mountains and Pannonian area (see also MRSÏ ICÏ 1997). Different biogeographic divi- sions of Slovenia have been proposed (e.g., WRABER 1969, ZUPANCÏ ICÏ & al. 1989, ZUPANCÏ ICÏ &ZÏ AGAR 1995), dividing Slovenia into six phytogeographic regions(Fig. 1): Alpine (AL), Prealpine (PA), Submediterranean (SM), Di- naric (DN), Predinaric (PD) and Subpannonian (SP). The one mostly used by Slovenian botanists is the division by M. WRABER 1969 (Fig. 1), which was also adopted by the authors of the Slovenian floristic reference work 234 Fig. 1. Phytogeographic regionsin Slovenia, according to M. W RABER 1969: Alpine (AL), Prealpine (PA), Submediterranean (SM), Dinaric (DN), Predinaric (PD) and Subpannonian (SP). Mala flora Slovenije (``Small flora of Sloveniaº; MARTINCÏ ICÏ & al. 2007), where these regions are used when presenting the distribution of taxa in Slovenia. Another reference work for distributional data of Slovenian flowering plantsand pteridophytesare Materialsfor the Atlasof Flora of Slovenia (JOGAN & al. 2001) where the distribution
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