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'ujivh q] C dJ X O r - 5 ® *- SI » VS“ -£S? ^5 -S -&* CjQ Q_ sz 21 <n o g ~ s.03 re I I 2 a T3 ^ ^ **- a? bci? o >03 cn -2 re 0 d 1>S3.CJX:f3a>5'0 3 J3 TO K> 00 X P p c ■*"2-*-^^^ o5c £ §8^ r33®^5! 5c85SMg£1i:<C co M < 5 5XS LU ® s = « ? 5 S i i .E cu X !rssiesiuii!i is»i! a > X ^ctj-os^cjC^Eo f !!§ CL) CC SfIf «fl ||II|Sts u QJ S'Ss ® =1 - = 5 = o sfM la.iiqf cd o S5^g*a-Se| c O « .§ ’-''m ^ s “ " | a : a |^MMI^g|IPg| I 1 1 m r* g«3s?s2a iS.aW o nSc pri“V«|gE%S bDcjS^-^^cgPo-g^o^l^ Q-ra LU o yo_o.-Co?^o 9 c ••= < = «5c^n=a"<«4 O o c— u £S3 £-s§a^as I r j : Ihe unchanging truth about : 1 dictators and appeasement : BRITAIN’S FITST'AMt* 1 TT is-alarmi?? to _hear some Jke Falklands war. On the at South Georgia, does not alter "r---------- J1 1 A of the things that people whole most countries, apart from the argument. And there is an OUTPOSTS — T . 8aY wb*cb g^11 circulation Argentina and Soviet subordinates, absolutely stark lesson to be n— in Latin America over the South are bored with the Malvinas . learneD here for unilateral dis- Atlantic problem. In Argentina ?au?e- But obviously the Organ- armers. Just look what happens if it is what the discrediteD IsatJ0n of American States had to when a deterrent, however small, military tyrants want to hear a p£bllc *Ksture in> suPP°rt is. withdrawn before an aggres- 'it is given banner headlines Fnr of .Argentina. Having done so, give military regime ! exmnDtein P?riianSnt A?‘ rw having Tn the UniteD ProvideD Argentina and the rest 14 Mr TVmr ^^ament ^ec; Nations vote, honour may well of Latin America know that we 14, Mr 1 ony oenn said: Almost have been served for those who will always protect British citizens everyone except the Prime ^matter. It will not be served, and and territory, there will never be Minister realises that the exclu- r-they will not be off the hook, if another Argentine invasion. If sive sovereignty of Britain we continue to give signals that that is the case, all ' that -are over the Falkland Islands can- sovereignty could one day be necessary for effective* deterrence not survive much beyond this ner*a*ed with Argentina. are sophisticated early-warning decade.” Of course we have to recognise devices, the smallest trip-wire I would say that almost every- tfrat rf?111 s 1S- “J* tbe only vo!ce Presence as before in terms of one (except Anthony Wedgwood ra?v *.ut bon?e which troops, and immediate airborne Benn and a few trendies) realises t*S nation as a access, which was never available nothing of the sort. One would ** J?aK^omin/ trendy before. That will be enough. All think he had never hearD of the tJ!^^J^S^h3h§l^fTltAmiTlorrt7 talk of blg garrisons and huge Daily Telegraph gateway to the Atlantic and the ^ toe Palklands opera- costs are far-fetched, and perhaps freedom of the sea lanes rounD the °D ‘ * We shou3d not have done deliberately far-fetched. 13th January Horn. But whatever he believes, —■=— — — Scaremongering is also being all Benn achieves by proclaiming t xl_ . .x indulged m reference to Exocet ^8 3 that sort of little Englander non- Whatever followg the Visit missiles and the danger of sudden sense is the propping up of mili- M,. Th » 1. .. Argentine air attack. There is tary juntas in Argentina, because 01 IVirs 1 it is talk of possible nuclear bombs, what he said is the one thing „ _ .
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