Eortamolltb, N

Eortamolltb, N

Name Burleigh, Carll Lockhart Lodge No. 76 Arundel Initiated Dimitted ~~ l~ccord -:/ I _ JQC.f~ Passed Sus~en ded } ~ N. ·'. D. Deprived } Raise'L. - 22-19 38 N. P. D. Affilia6cl U Sus~nded } - 23-196 u.. c. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Z-b. -t.~ Z ~ ~ !l. .I ~ Born 8 -21±-1902 7J Remarks From St. Andr~ws Lodge No . 56 , :Eortamolltb, N. H. ~me Burleigh, be ci1 H LodQeNo. 170 Cari b ou Initia ted ~ DlmiUed Official Record 9- 7- 1 9 J 0 Paned Suspended} 10- 12- 195 0 N.P.D. Deprived} Ra/ 0 - ;)_ ~ -/9 Jd N. P.D. Affiliated Suopended} U.M. C. Relnetated Eipelled Reetored Died I 7-I:Z-117/, R~arka { ti , ,- t~J-- jf - t lu Initiateil O fficialRe c or·d ~ ~-!r- 1?11 Passed Suspended} .r--;lf- 1? I( N.P.D. Ra1sed Deprived } N .P.D. A ka~ l9-/? // Suspended} U.M.C. ·Reinstated Expelled Res t ored Died 1/-;<.;;_-/9 ~I R emarks SID70& , OCflclnl Record Suspended} N . P. D. Deprived } N. P.D. Suspended } U. M . C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Remarks Name Burlei gh, Clarence ~ Lode,e No. 124 011 Ve Initiated J Dlmltted r -, ro ,..., 7 s- Pas'~ Suspended} 7 - 9 - / '..}..J N.P.D. Raised De11rived} s -1 'f -1 9 r .J N.P. D. Affiliated { Suspended} U.M.C. Relnnated Expelled Restored Died q./ 12 / )D II Rem~ / 6 -Y'j- / 7 YY Initiated O!flclal Record Passed Suspended N. P.D. Raised Deprived } N. P. D. AffiUntcd Su spended U.M.C. Reins tated Expelled Restored Died Remarks If 6 7 Name Burleigh, Dana Herbert Lod!le No. I n itiated Dlmltted Offlclnl Record 5- ~3- 46 Passed Suspended} 6 - 6- 46 N. P . D. Raised Deprived\ l - 2 - 4 7~tt- N.P. D. f Afflliated Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated E1pelled Restored IJied ·----- -------------------- Name Lodge No. Suspended t N. P.D. f Deprived } N.P.D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Remarks Died '1 -1 y -1 '9 .£ 3 Name Lodll'e No. 1¥-/ Tnltlated l Dfmitted t /ijl.f Passed Suspended} '/1/ t'-1 N .P. D. Rais ed ~jrr.j; '-1 D eprived} N. P.D. } Affiliated"M Suspended U . M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Remark a Name L od~~:e No. Dlmitted Official Record Suspended} N . P.D. Deprived} N.P. D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reins tated Expelled Restored Remarks Restored llmna rkK Nama Lod&e No. Inltlateil Dlmitted Official Record 3 rf 'if /t ]// ,.5. ~- 1'171 .. 'til Pasoed fi'/3- .J/I'fjfJ Suspended} N . P.D . ~ ' )i1~ ­ Raised Deprived } t> I Y/ff'i N.P. D. ch~ - lfi1J.f .. 9~...._ Affiliated Suspended} U .M . C. Rei notated Expelled Reotored Died Remark a Nume L c ~~:e No. Dimit t ed Official Rccord-- ~Oj !:uspended} N. P.D. 7t (jrj 0 tf -OJ D epriv ed} N. P.D. J ()r o;.. -o I Suspended} U .M . C. (h- /7UTJ- Rcin s t::ateJ Expelled Rest ored Died - tf-{~-J9JJ Remarks J{ Offldal Record Suspended} N. P. D. 7 -1'J -j i <f ~ Deprived } N.P.D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Remarks William Burleigh (Father of John Holmes Burleigh b orn Northwood, N.H., Oct. 24, 1785; lawyer, So. Berwick, Me ., from 1 815 ; member 1 8-20 Congresses 1 823 un~il his death, So.Berwick, July 2, 1827) Name L odge No. I Initiat ed lJimitteu Officia!Rec:or<l P <~ssed Suspen ded} N.P.D. R aised Dep:ived} N .P. D. Affiliated Suspended} U . M.C. Reinst ated Expelled Restored Died /d-/J/ 77 N a me I nit iated Official R<cord IJron;roJ--i rotf--!1a:s Suspen ded} N . P. D. :.J f,j. I 9 0 v ·fir0 r-Fl vl'r'Jj Deprived} N.P.D. Suspended} U. M.C. Reinst at ed Expelled 4 II John ;:--a;;;laigh, SOUTH BERWICK, Feb. 12.-Fu­ nera.l services for John M. Burleigh, one of the most prominent citizens of the town, succeeding his father, the late Congl'esaman John H. Burleigh of this town, In the management of the Burleigh Blanket Mills, will M held Sunday afternoon at 3 from his home. Mr. Burleigh died Friday, fol­ lowing an illness of but a few days. Mr. B•Jrlelgh was born In Somers­ r.orth, N. H., 72 years ago, and when & young boy came here with his par­ ents and had since JnJI.(le his home here. He received his preparatory education In the publlo schools and In Berwick Academy In this town, and Phillips Exeter Academy, where he fttted for college, graduating from WUllallJII College In 1878. After grad­ .uatlng from Hal'\'ard Law Sehool he practiced law for some time In La­ fayette, Ind., for two years, and In Montana for five years, coming to South Berwick at the end of that time. Succeeding to executive posi­ tions In the mill, he continued In ac­ tive direction of affairs until a year -.o. when he re\fred. '·•·He waa ·. promlnent In tle .Maaone. 1Mll was t member' of tbe Grand LOdge fo~: many ;var.. He waa en­ Paed. In writing a ;.-hlatOl'Y of St. Jobn'a Lodge of this town, which 11•as to have been his coll\rlbutlon at the{ Q8Jltennlal celebration to be held this rear. He Is survived by his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Tracy A. A¥,ma of North Adams, Maall., and Mrs. Jamea. w. Bb;le~: of Exeter, N. H ., and a son, .John H. Burleigh of B•Jrllngton, Vt. 5~7/ 6 Tnitlatcd Suspended } N.P.D. Deprived } N.P.D. Suspended } U. M .C. Reinstated Expelled Restored cr)-rRemarks N urne Lod ~: e No. Dlmitted Official Record Suspended} N. P. D. f W. lfd.r; Deprived} N .P. D . ~- W. I 'foro Suspen ded} U.M.C. w.-m. ~ ~ o R einsta t ed Expelled 7 Name Lod~re No. Dimitted Official Record Suspended} N.P. D. '1-y-. j(/'.j tf Deprived} /" N.P. D. Suspended} U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Remarks lni~'Y!-/ ct; y Pas~ f · Suspended} !J - (-li3 N.P.D. Ral1d Deprived} & -1 J-//3 N. P.D. Affllintcd Suspended} U.M. C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Rom~ r t Name Burleigh 1 ReginaLd E Lodge No. 170 Caribou InitiateS -1 8 -19 61 Oimittcd Official Record Passed Susrpnded } 2-15-1961 N . • D. I.Z-,?.. l!l.i':L Raised Deprived } 9- 7-1961 N. P. D. Alliliatcd Suu ..s~nd ced. } Reirutated Expelled Restoo-cd Died Born 7-21-19lJ,O Remarks I Name Lodge No. --riil tla tc<l Dlmlttc<la- f -3 J- o<f r ~- / ;;_:_ Passi, Suspended l - )_J - 0 1./- N.P. D. ( Rais Deprived l o-/J-. -o<f N.P. D. ( Afflllatc<l Suspended l U.M.C. ( R elnstat<.'<l Expelled Official Record Passed Suspended } N.P.D. Raised Deprived } N.P. D. Mflllated Suspended } U.M.C. R!L:lt;;/ ! 'I} E~:pelled Restored Died Remark8 Initia ted ,_h( Dlmltted I rJ.. - v-1 -tu y Passed f f {.p Sus pended} ') -t b I I I N.P. D. Ralsed , t': ...., De p rived } '}- c -lt't'/ N . P.D. AffllCated S uspended } U. M . C. R einstated Expelled Restored Die d Remarks N ame Official · Record Suspen ded } N . P. D. D eprived} N . P . D Suspen.ded } U . M. C. Re inst ated Expelled Res t ored D ied 3 -/-11-;u Rem a rk a Name Bur leigh, William Adelbert Lod ge No. l2h Olive Branch I n itiated Dimltted Official Record ll-26-1956 Pan~ Suspended} 5- 24-1956 N.P.D. Raised Deprived} 6 -~8'~/Cf~(., N. P. D. AffllJated S u spended} U M . C. Reinstated E11:pelle d Remarks Reinstated Q 'f 0 Restor')'.;-ef"Jd -/t Died 0 I?_~ /?7fl Remarks BURLEIGH-In Lewiston, Autl. 6, Merlin e. lkll'lltlell. .... 76 y..... 0 rnldent of Grove St., Kennebunk. Funeral 11 o.m. Wednesday ot the lllber Memorial Chollel, ~Summer lt., Ktl!lllbunk. Interment In LMds c:.m.r Cemetery, Masonic ritualistic tervlen 7:30 11.m. Tundov. Friends moy coli ot tht chapel Tundoy ev• nl1111 7 tot p.m. I P-Ill Name ~urleson , Robert Paul LodaeNu. InJr~d--'/111 't 1 Dli/C:.i ~ -1 9 s- :s -~: C) Off c Passed Suspended} / - ?-" ~l 1 ~- 0 N. P. D. /:/·.3 /fSJ Raised Deprived} '}/ .,.,; 3 ...-; Cj ..£0 N. P. D. Aftufa ted tJ:. Suspended} 1/ -7-f 'f.!'S I"Y U . M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Remar~!{" ... /' J ...- / 1 y O I Nnme LodlleNo. Dimlge Oificlal Record ~ -(U}-/{90 Suspended l N.P.D. 5 Raised Depr ived l N. P.D. I :L;k]- lfi! Suspended } U. M.C. ~staC; 3 "jf(, Expelled Restored Died R~~arks O J 7-/ b -- /q 0 ~v, ~ 1---- ~-- Name Lodge No. Initiated . I(!. ·u 1- OfficioI Record // - 3 _,_.t~ "r Suspended } PaT/-J -~~~ N.P.D. Deprived } Ril7, -17-ll N.P.D. · Affiliated Suspended } U.M.C. Reinstated Expelled Restored Died Remarks Reinstated Restored Died Remarks Name Burlingame, Walter D Lodge No. 213 Kemankeag Initiated Dimitted Official Record Suspended } Passed N. P. D. Raised Deprived } N. P. D. Affiliated S Swpended } J-4 -13 1 U. M . C. Reirutated Expelled Restored Born .5-21-1911 Remarks Raised 4-16-1946, Bristo Lodge, N. Attlebor< ~~ Mass. Name /97 Initiated Dimitted Official Record .y~It:! 'l :J 1.u1.- I'll o P asoed 1 Suspended }J _'2._ -fD '2 I-f;;()/tHJ N.P.D.

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