Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-04775-3 - Handbook of Ecological Restoration: Restoration in Practice, Volume 2 Edited by Martin R. Perrow and Anthony J. Davy Index More information Index Page numbers in italics refer to information in a box, figure or table abalone (Haliotis rufescens)124 and heavy metals 95 Ammophila arenaria 209, 216, 218 Abandoned Mine Land (AML) and landscapes 32--33, 46, 47, 61--65, Amoco Cadiz oil spill 255 programme 18 113, 401, 402--403, 421 Amorpha nana 10 Abramis spp. 298, 299, 300, 314 livestock (see cattle; grazing; ancient woodlands 504, 505, 506, 521 Acacia spp. 71, 488, 489 pastoralism; sheep) see also old growth Acanthaster plancii 173, 176 organic 45, 53 Angola 60 Accipiter gentilis 505 pastoral (see pastoralism) ants 565, 568, 572 Acer spp. 7, 10 on reclaimed land 94, 94--95 Apis mellifera 574 acid rain 36, 341, 342 reclaiming land from 338, 340, Apteryx spp. 100 acidification/acid rain 36, 341, 342, 383, 406--407, 411--412, 541--543 Aqaba, Gulf of 186 406 and reedbeds 41 aquaculture 243 saltmarshes 246, 247, 255 subsidies, EU 46--50 Araucaria heterophylla 100 wetlands, freshwater 341--342, 343 sustainable 47, 477--478 arctic, oil development 6, 356--357, see also soils and tropical forests 540, 559 361--364 Acropora spp. 177, 178, 179, 180, 186 and water 45, 48 arctic ecosystems 355--358 acrotelm 331, 336 see also grazing arctic hare (Lepus arcticus)6 Action Plan for the Human agro-forestry systems 471, 479, 541, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge 6, 357 Environment 101 545 Arctophila fulva 362 active/passive techniques 469, 474, 487, ‘agronomic engineering’ 487 Area de Conservación Guanacaste (ACG) 490, 510, 512 Agropyron cristatum 444, 445, 446, 447, (tropical dry forest restoration) afforestation 92, 94, 103, 114 448, 451, 453, 454, 455 559--580 Africa 57--77 ailanthus (Ailanthus altissima) 7 Argentina 21, 22, 27 constraints on restoration 58--63 Ailuropoda melanoleuca 91 artificial reefs see reefs desertification 62--63 air rooting 548 Arusha National Park 64 drylands 65--69 Alaska 6, 357, 361--364 ash (Fraxinus excelsior) 504 effects of colonialism 58--61 Alberta, Canada 20 green (Fraxinus pennsylranica) 10 floodplains 69--72, 245 Alces alces 6 white (Fraxinus americana) 7 human impacts 58, 61, 62--63, 64, alder, European (Alnus glutinosa) 7 Asia see China; India 69, 72 Algeria 65--66 Asilomar, California 227 livestock farming 61, 65--69 Alnus spp. 7, 277 aspen (Populus)6,7 ‘natural’ landscapes 61--65 Alosa spp. 39 assessment see monitoring pastoral ecosystems 66--69 alpine ecosystems 376--377 Atlantic heathlands see heathlands scientific knowledge of 58--60, 72 see also high-elevation ecosystems atolls 171 ‘wilderness’ 58, 61, 63--65 aluminium 89, 90, 407 Atta sexdens 545, 547 Agenda 21 102, 104 Amazon Basin 539 aurochs 33 agriculture 16, 32--33, 46--50, 61, 65--69, Amelanchier alnifolia 10 autumn olive (Elaeagnus angustifolia) 7, 90--91 Americas 3--31, 5 65 on calcareous grasslands 420, 421 ecological disturbance in 12--16 Australia 100, 104, 108--112, 113, 114 croplands 5, 7--8, 10, 71 environmental laws and policies 11, wetlands 243, 245, 247, 248--249, floodplain 71 16--27 249 and heathlands 401, 402--403, see also Latin America; Mexico; South see also Oceania; semi-arid lands 406--407, 411--412 America; United States Austria 49 585 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-04775-3 - Handbook of Ecological Restoration: Restoration in Practice, Volume 2 Edited by Martin R. Perrow and Anthony J. Davy Index More information 586 Index Baccharis halimifolia 244 Oceania 99, 100--101, 105, 112--113, 114, bream (Abramis spp.) 298, 299, 300, 314 Baldi River, India 82 116 Briza media 433 Baltic Sea 39, 45--46 policies/agreements on 37, 102, 103, brome grass (Bromus spp.) 433, 447, 448, ‘banded’ vegetation 471 105, 114, 403 449 Barbados Declaration 104 targets 403--404 Bromus spp. 433, 447, 448, 449 barnacles 128, 129 tropical forests 539--541, 546, 577--579 brush-layering 369 barrier reefs 171 tundra 355--357 Bubo virginianus 10 bats 100, 505, 551 wetlands 329--330 buckbrush (Symphoricarpos occidentalis) see also fruit bat biomes 4--12, 32--33, 57 10 bauxite 81, 87 Biosecurity Act 107, 113 buffaloberry (Shepherdia argentea) 10 beaches 197--213 biotopes 289 buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris) 491, 492 artificial 202, 203 birch (Betula spp.) 6, 364, 368, 405, 410, buffering 526--527 case studies 200--205 528, 529 bunds 333--334 cleaning 198, 201, 208 birds Bunkerde 348 cobble 207--208 conservation of 105, 106, 329 burning compaction 206, 210 creation of habitat for 41, 201, 411 ‘fire plots’ 563 constraints on restoration 199 game 344, 528 heathlands 413 degradation 198 habitat loss 42, 100--101, 241 and litter 562, 563 monitoring 199 nesting habitats for 242, 255, 257, prairies 449, 456, 457, 458, 459 nourishment 199--207, 201--202, 356, 505 prevention of 552--553, 562--564 223 on beaches 199, 201, 206, 210 semi-arid lands 68, 477--478, 486, 493, organic matter/nutrients 208 roosting/perching 562 particle size 205--206, 208, 210 and seed dispersal 565, 566 stubble 406, 429 profiles 202, 203, 205, 210 structures for 163, 551--552, 553 timing of 478 rationale for restoration 198--199 of saltmarshes 242--243, 245 tropical forests 540, 544, 552--553, salinity/drought 206, 208--209 see also waterfowl 559, 562--564 shingle 197, 201, 202, 204, 207, 208 Birds Directive (EU) 38, 39, 40, 403 wetlands 343--344 species of 197--199, 199 Bison spp. 7, 33 wildfires 477--478, 508, 514, 563 techniques of restoration 199--209 bison woodlands 477--478, 507--508, 514 timing of works 206, 209, 210 American (Bison bison)7 bush crickets 436 tropical 197 European (Bison bonasus)33 butterflies 50, 53, 427, 456 vegetation 197--198, 202, 203, 204--205, bittern (Botaurus stellaris) 39, 41, 329 207--210 black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia) 7 Cache River, USA 11 burial 202--205, 207 black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis) 65 Cakile constricta 202, 209 propagules, sources of 207 blackthorn (Prunus spinosa)421 calcareous grasslands 419--442 bear, brown (Ursus arctos)33 blue grama (Bouteloua gracilis) 445, 446, on arable lands 426, 427--429, 430, bees 427, 574 447, 450, 451--452, 453, 455, 456 438--439 Belgium 40 bluegrasses (Poa spp.) 10 case studies 424--425, 426, 430, 434--435 Bellaire Corporation 10 bogs 328, 335, 336--337, 344, 348 constraints on restoration 422--427 bellflower, clustered (Campanula see also wetlands grazing, effects of 420, 421, 429--430, glomerata) 433 Bolivia 21, 22--23, 27 430, 436 bentonite 18 Bonn Convention 41, 243, 403 human impacts on 420--421 Berne Convention 39, 403 boobook owl (Ninox novaeseelandiae intensively managed 438 Betula spp. 6, 364, 368, 405, 410, 528, undulata) 101 invertebrates of 426--427, 429, 436 529 boreal forest see taiga losses/degredation 420--422 Bialowieza Forest 34 Botaurus stellaris 39, 41, 329 nurse plants, role of 431, 433, 434 biodiversity 5, 91, 102, 522 bottom--up forcing processes 123, 141 nutrients 420, 421, 422, 434 action plans 40, 199, 527 bottomlands 11--12 propagules, availability of 423--426 coastal ecosystems 199, 228, 231 Bouteloua gracilis 445, 446, 447, 450, re-creation 438--439 and conflicting requirements 427, 451--452, 453, 455, 456 routes to restoration 437--439 439 box elder (Acer negundo) 10 scrub encroachment 421, 423, coral reefs 171--172, 179--180 Brachypodium pinnatum 433--435 437--438 and ecotypes 259--260 bracken (Pteridium aquilinum) 405, 406, seeds 422, 423--426, 430--435, 431--432, grasslands 419, 421, 422 409--410 437, 439 heathlands 403--404 Braer oil spill 128 significance 419--420 high-level ecosystems 394 Brazil 8, 13, 23, 27, 539 soils 419--420, 422--423, 427--429 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-04775-3 - Handbook of Ecological Restoration: Restoration in Practice, Volume 2 Edited by Martin R. Perrow and Anthony J. Davy Index More information Index 587 succession in 420, 437, 438--439 Clear Creek, USA 276, 277--279, 280 Convention on Wetlands (1971) See techniques of restoration 427--437 climate change 50--51, 103, 198, Ramsar Convention weeds/dominant grasses 433--435 216--217, 241, 357, 511, 540 coot (Fulica atra) 302, 303 Caledonian Pinewoods Inventory 529 effects on plant populations 216--217, copper 20, 21, 26, 87, 90, 95 Calluna vulgaris see heather 245--246, 511 coppices 470, 504, 505, 509--510 Camargue 35 see also carbon; sea level coral reefs 101, 123, 140, 171--196 camels 67 clonal growth 223--224, 229, 379 algae of 171 Cameroon 69, 71 cloud forests 576--578 artificial reef structures (ARS) Campanula spp. 433 coal-mining 180--187, 191 CAMPFIRE 60 in Americas 17--19, 20--21 biodiversity of 171--172, 179--180 camping sites 384--386 in China 89, 90 case studies 178, 179, 181--183, 186, 188 Canada 6, 11, 19--21, 27, 337, 364, 515--519 in India 78, 80, 81, 82, 87 constraints on restoration 188--191 Canadian Environmental Protection Act see also mining costs of restoration 189--191 (CEPA) 20 coastal defences 51, 198, 199, 201--202, fisheries on 130, 172, 179 Canis latrans 10, 574, 576 219, 230 mariculture 187--188, 188, 189, 191 Canis lupus 33, 505, 530 managed retreat 52, 251, 256 monitoring/evaluation 175--176, 182, Cano Island Biological Reserve 178 coastal ecosystems 52, 121--142, 197--199 192 canopies, tree 133, 469, 474, 503--504 case studies 127--129, 136--138 planning restoration 174--176, capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus) 529, 530 and sea level rise 198, 216--217 191--192 captive breeding 65 see also beaches; docks; dunes; rationale for restoration 173--174 carbon dioxide 216--217, 326, 338, 540 mangroves; saltmarshes; sediment removal 186--187 carbon sequestration 7, 114, 326, 367, seagrasses techniques of restoration 176--188 540 coastlines 52, 122, 136, 139, 198--199 threats to 173 Carex spp.
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