TERRILL L. HILL DONALD E. HOLMES MAYOR-COMMISSIONER CITY MANAGER MARY LAWSON BROWN LOGAN B. BECKER VICE MAYOR - COMMISSIONER FINANCE DIRECTOR RUFUS J. BOROM JASON L. SHAW, SR COMMISSIONER CHIEF, POLICE DEPT. TAMMIE McCASKILL KEITH 'J.R.' GRIMES COMMISSIONER CHIEF, FIRE DEPT. JUSTIN R. CAMPBELL VALERIA BLAND THOMAS, ESQ. COMMISSIONER INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY Regular meeng 2nd and 4th Thursdays each month at 6:00 p.m. AGENDA CITY OF PALATKA July 23, 2020 a. CALL TO ORDER: Invocation and Pledge of Allegiance b. ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES: a. Minutes of the City of Palatka City Commission Meeting 06/25/2020 b. Minutes of the City of Palatka Special Called City Commission Meeting 07/01/2020 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS: (Speakers limited to the chat feature on YouTube live or call in at 386-329-0100 for comments or questions. Call in speakers are limited to three minutes. - No Action taken on items.) 2. CONSENT AGENDA: * a. Adopt Resolution 2020-R-73 Authorizing execution of RW 17-35 & TW C-3 Improvements Project Change Order No. 1. Cost to the City is $807.58. * b. Adopt Resolution No. 2020-R-74 authorizing the execution of an agreement to provide supplemental police services for the Palatka Housing Authority effective July 23, 2020 *3. Direction concerning retaining cares funding consultant *4. Direction re: disposal of surplus real estate held by the City 5. PUBLIC HEARINGS: a. Public Hearing: Wastewater Facility Plan for Treatment Facility Modification b. * Adopt Resolution No. 2020-R-75 - adopting the Wastewater Facilities Plan for Treatment Facility Modification c. Public Hearing - 2020 TRIM Calendar: Adopt Resolution 2020-R-76 setting the tentative Millage Rate for the 2020/21 Budget Year- 6.4000 mills proposed d. Adopt Resolution 2020-R-77 setting a date for a Public Hearing to consider adoption of the 2020 Fire Assessment Rate to fund Fire Protection Services with no change in the rate of assessment from 2019 rates, and memorializing Staff direction - Adopt *6. ORDINANCE accepting IRS changes for Palatka Fire Pension as recommended by respective Pension Boards - 1st Reading 7. CITY MANAGER AND ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS 8. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS MAYOR'S INITIATIVE 9. ADJOURN *Attachment **Separate Cover ANY PERSON WISHING TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT SUCH MEETING WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS, AND FOR SUCH PURPOSE MAY NEED TO INSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED. FS 286.105 PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES REQUIRING ACCOMMODATIONS IN ORDER TO PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING SHOULD CONTACT THE CITY CLERKS OFFICE AT 329-0100 AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE TO REQUEST ACCOMMODATIONS. CITY COMMISSION AGENDA ITEM - SUBJECT: MINUTES - 6/25/2020 SUMMARY: See attached minutes from the 6/25/2020 City Commission Meeting. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve as read. ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Minutes of the June 25, 2020 Palatka City Commission Meeting Attachment REVIEWERS: Department Reviewer Action Date City Clerk Krantz , Sunni Approved 7/8/2020 - 9:33 AM TERRILL HILL DONALD E. HOLMES MAYOR-COMMISSIONER CITY MANAGER MARY LAWSON BROWN VICE MAYOR – COMMISSIONER LOGAN B. BECKER FINANCE DIRECTOR RUFUS J. BOROM COMMISSIONER JASON SHAW, SR CHIEF, POLICE DEPT. TAMMIE M. McCASKILL COMMISSIONER KEITH ‘J.R.’ GRIMES CHIEF, FIRE DEPT. JUSTIN R. CAMPBELL COMMISSIONER VALERIA B. THOMAS Regular meetings 2nd and 4 th Thursdays each month at 6:00 p.m. INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY MINUTES CITY OF PALATKA CITY COMMISSION June 25, 2020 – 6:00 p.m. Proceedings of a Virtual Meeting, pursuant to Governor DeSantis' Executive Order Number 20-69 issued on March 20, 2020 held on the June 25, 2020. PRESENT: Mayor Terrill L. Hill Vice Mayor - Commissioner Mary Lawson Brown Commissioner Rufus J. Borom Commissioner Justin R. Campbell Commissioner Tammie McCaskill Also present: City Manager, Donald E. Holmes; Interim City Attorney, Valeria Thomas; Finance Director, Logan Becker; Police Chief, Jason L. Shaw, Jr.; Fire Chief, Keith “J.R.” Grimes; Human Resources Director, Debra Robinson; Human Resources Coordinator, Courtney Tillis; Airport Manager, John Youell; Recreation and Cultural Resources Director, Eddie Cutwright; Grants and Projects Administrator, Mandi Tucker; Sunni Krantz, Administrative Assistant to the City Manager; and Ms. Tena Brown CALL TO ORDER: 6:02 p.m. Begins at 32:31 on the YouTube recording https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CkeCiExpP4 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & INVOCATION by Commissioner Campbell Begins at 32:55 on the YouTube recording ROLL CALL: by Mayor Hill Begins at 33:54 on the YouTube recording All members present and there is a quorum. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Begins at 34:19 on the YouTube recording MINUTES – Regular City of Palatka City Commission Meeting held on June 11, 2020 MINUTES – Special Called City of Palatka City Commission Meeting held on June 19, 2020 201 N. 2 nd STREET ▪ PALATKA, FLORIDA ▪ 32177 PHONE: 386-329-0100 www.palatka-fl.gov FAX: 386-329-0106 Motion by Commissioner Campbell to approve the Minutes of the June 11, 2020 and June 19, 2020 City Commission Meetings as written Second by Commissioner McCaskill Motion passes unanimously. 1. PUBLIC COMMENTS: (Speakers limited to the chat feature on YouTube Live or call in at 386-329-0100 for comments or questions– no action taken on items) Begins at 34:54 on the YouTube recording 2. CONSENT AGENDA: Begins at 36:09 on the YouTube recording Vice Mayor Brown advised that she would not be voting on item 2.D. Mayor Hill pulled item D from the Consent Agenda. Motion to approve items a. – c. of the Consent Agenda by Commissioner McCaskill Second by Commissioner Borom Motion passes unanimously. ITEM 2. D. Mayor Hill read Resolution 2020-R-68 into the record A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF PALATKA, FLORIDA, DESIGNATING THAT MARINA LOCATED AT RIVERFRONT PARK AT 319 RIVER STREET BE KNOWN AS MARY LAWSON BROWN MARINA Motion to approve item 2. d. by Commissioner Borom Second by Commissioner Campbell Motion passes unanimously. Commissioner Comments on Item 2.d.: Commissioner McCaskill - stated she is honored to serve on the City Commission with Vice Mayor Brown, who has put faith into her work and has done this unwavering efforts. She said the Vice Mayor Brown’s commitment to this community and the work that she has done are things to honor and celebrate. The Vice Mayor has proven that we are better together. Commissioner McCaskill congratulated Vice Mayor Brown and thanked her for her personal assistance. Commissioner Borom - said he calls Vice Mayor Brown his “Palatka Mother”. He spoke of the Vice Mayor’s kindness in allowing him to stay at her home when he newly moved to Palatka. He further offered “kudos” to the Vice Mayor and thanked her for all she has done and continue to do. Commissioner Campbell – stated that the Vice Mayor deserves the honor bestowed upon her today. He said that when one thinks of Palatka, they think of Vice Mayor Brown, as she has been on the City Commission longer than he is old. He sentimentally talked of his aunt serving on the Vice Mayor’s election campaign and said it has been a privilege to sit beside her on the Commission for the last 5 years. He said this honor gives us the opportunity to give her “flowers” while she is still here. He called the Vice Mayor “the mother of Palatka” and “the Queen of Palatka”. He stated that we are happy to dedicate this bit of Palatka to her and that it will remain. Staff Comments on Item 2.d.: City Manager Holmes - reminisced that when Vice Mayor Brown was first elected, he had just entered private law practice. He spoke of his interactions with the her while appearing before the City Commissioner prior to serving as City Attorney, and then as City Attorney, and presently as City Manager. Over this time, he said he has come to appreciate a quality in Vice Mayor Brown that we see less and less in life, politics, and business - that quality is a good spirit. One will hardly ever see Ms. Brown campaign or act against something – it has always been for something in a positive fashion. The Vice Mayor is always seeking to be inclusive rather than be divisive. Mr. Cutwright – spoke of Vice Mayor Brown’s helpfulness, saying she has touched many people in Palatka, and that it is outstanding she has been on the City Commission for 30+ years. He thanked her for her service and said she is correct in that we are getting better and better. Ms. Tucker – stated that it is an honor to work under the Commission while Vice Mayor Brown has been on it. Ms. Becker – thanked Vice Mayor Brown for her service and for welcoming her with open arms. She said seeing the Vice Mayor’s smiling face in City Hall has always been wonderful. Mr. Youell – thanked Vice Mayor Brown for serving the Commission and the Airport. He stated that she brings people together and provides an example of how to treat people. He offered her his congratulations on her upcoming retirement. Additional Comments on item 2.d.: Ms. Tena Brown – the daughter of Vice Mayor Brown, thanked the Commission on behalf of their family for sharing the Vice Mayor with their family. In regard to the Vice Mayor’s retirement, she stated that their family is excited to get her back after 36 years. Mayor Hill – said that Vice Mayor Brown has been saluted by the Florida League of Cities, by the City of Palatka, and by every entity that she has ever put her hands on.
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