Arheolo{ki institut Beograd Kwiga LXVIII/2018. LXVIII 2018 Na koricama: Posude od purpurnog stakla ukra{ene apliciranim nitima iz sredwovekovnog grada Brani~eva (foto: Narodni muzej Po`arevac) Sur la couverture : Les récipients de verre pourpre à décor marbré de la ville médiévale de Brani~evo (photo: Musée national de Po`arevac) ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT BEOGRAD INSTITUT ARCHÉOLOGIQUE BELGRADE UDK 902/904 (050) ISSN 0350-0241 ([tampano izd.) ISSN 2406-0739 (Online) © STARINAR LXVIII/2018, 1–226, BEOGRAD 2018 INSTITUT ARCHÉOLOGIQUE BELGRADE STARINAR Nouvelle série volume LXVIII/2018 RÉDACTEUR Miomir KORA], directeur de l’Institut archéologique COMITÉ DE RÉDACTION Miloje VASI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade Rastko VASI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade Noël DUVAL, Université Paris Sorbonne, Paris IV Bojan \URI], Université de Ljubljana, Faculté des Arts, Ljubljana Mirjana @IVOJINOVI], Académie serbe des sciences et des arts, Belgrade Vasil NIKOLOV, Institut archéologique national et Musée, Académie bulgare des sciences, Sofia Vujadin IVANI[EVI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade Dragana ANTONOVI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade Sne`ana GOLUBOVI], Institut archéologique, Belgrade Arthur BANKOFF, Brooklyn Collège, New York Natalia GONCHAROVA, Lomonosov, L’Université d’Etat de Moscou, Moscou Haskel GREENFIELD, L’Université de Mantitoba, Winnipeg BELGRADE 2018 ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT BEOGRAD STARINAR Nova serija kwiga LXVIII/2018 UREDNIK Miomir KORA], direktor Arheolo{kog instituta REDAKCIONI ODBOR Miloje VASI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Rastko VASI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Noel DIVAL, Univerzitet Sorbona, Pariz Bojan \URI], Univerzitet u Qubqani, Filozofski fakultet, Qubqana Mirjana @IVOJINOVI], Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Beograd Vasil NIKOLOV, Nacionalni arheolo{ki institut i muzej, Bugarska akademija nauka, Sofija Vujadin IVANI[EVI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Dragana ANTONOVI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Sne`ana GOLUBOVI], Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Artur BANKHOF, Bruklin kolex, Wujork Natalija GON^AROVA, Univerzitet Lomonosov, Moskva Haskel GRINFILD, Univeritet u Manitobi, Vinipeg BEOGRAD 2018 STARINAR STARINAR Nova serija kwiga LXVIII/2018 Nouvelle série volume LXVIII/2018 IZDAVA^ EDITEUR ARHEOLO[KI INSTITUT INSTITUT ARCHÉOLOGIQUE Kneza Mihaila 35/IV, 11000 Beograd, Srbija Kneza Mihaila 35/IV, 11000 Belgrade, Serbie e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] Tel. 381 11 2637191 Tél. 381 11 2637191 SEKRETAR REDAKCIJE SECRÉTAIRE DE RÉDACTION Jelena AN\ELKOVI] GRA[AR, Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Jelena AN\ELKOVI] GRA[AR, Institut archéologique, Belgrade Marija SVILAR, Arheolo{ki institut, Beograd Marija SVILAR, Institut archéologique, Belgrade LEKTOR ZA SRPSKI JEZIK LE LECTEUR POUR LA LANGUE SERBE Mirjana RADOVANOVI] Mirjana RADOVANOVI] LEKTOR ZA ENGLESKI JEZIK LECTEUR POUR LA LANGUE ANGLAIS Dejv KALKAT Dave CALCUTT GRAFI^KA OBRADA RÉALISATION GRAPHIQUE Danijela PARACKI i D_SIGN, Beograd Danijela PARACKI & D_SIGN, Belgrade [TAMPA IMPRIMEUR Sajnos d.o.o., Novi Sad Sajnos d.o.o., Novi Sad TIRA@ TIRAGE 400 primeraka 400 exemplaires SEKUNDARNA PUBLIKACIJA PUBLICATION SECONDAIRE COBISS COBISS ^asopis je objavqen uz finansijsku pomo} Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnolo{kog razvoja Republike Srbije Ce périodique est publié avec le soutien du Ministère de l’éducation, de la science et du développement technologique de la République Serbie SADR@AJ – SOMMAIRE RASPRAVE – ETUDES Marija M. SVILAR Things we lost in the fire: the case of the “beautiful” vessel . 7 Marija M. SVILAR Stvari koje smo izgubili u vatri: slu~aj „lepe” posude . 18 Aleksandar BULATOVI], Marc VANDER LINDEN, Maja GORI New AMS dates as a contribution to the absolute chronology of the Early Eneolithic in the Central Balkans . 19 Aleksandar BULATOVI], Mark VANDER LINDEN, Maja GORI Novi apsolutni datumi kao prilog apsolutnoj hronologiji starijeg eneolita na centralnom Balkanu . 29 Aleksandar KAPURAN Jewellery made of bronze sheets from the prehistoric necropolis at the village of Velebit, near Kanji`a . 33 Aleksandar KAPURAN Nakit od bronzanog lima na praistorijskoj nekropoli u selu Velebit kod Kawi`e . 43 Marko DIZDAR, Asja TONC Not just a belt: astragal belts as part of Late Iron Age female costume in the south-eastern Carpathian Basin . 47 Marko DIZDAR, Asja TONC Vi{e od pojasa: astragalni pojasi kao dio `enske no{we mla|eg `eqeznog doba u jugoisto~nom dijelu Karpatske kotline . 63 Mirjana D. VOJVODA Perforated coins from graves at the Viminacium necropolis of Pe}ine . 65 Mirjana D. VOJVODA Perforirani novci sa Viminacijumske nekropole Pe}ine . 82 Miloje R. VASI] Sculptures and “the sanctuary of Aesculapius” in Mediana . 89 Miloje R. VASI] Skulpture i „Eskulapovo svetili{te” u Medijani . 109 Vujadin IVANI[EVI], Bojana KRSMANOVI] New Byzantine Seals from Morava (Margum) and Brani~evo . 111 Vujadin IVANI[EVI], Bojana KRSMANOVI] Novi vizantijski pe~ati iz Morave (Margum) i Brani~eva . 124 Thilo REHREN, Anastasia CHOLAKOVA, Sonja JOVANOVI] Composition and texture of a set of marvered glass vessels from 12th century AD Brani~evo, Serbia . 125 Tilo REREN, Anastasija ^OLAKOVA, Sowa JOVANOVI] Hemijski sastav i tekstura seta staklenih posuda ukra{enih apliciranim nitima (12. vek) iz Brani~eva (Srbija) . 146 Dragana SPASI]-\URI], Sonja JOVANOVI] A12th century set of marvered purple glass vessels from Brani~evo (Serbia) . 151 Dragana SPASI]-\URI], Sowa JOVANOVI] Set purpurnih staklenih posuda sa ukrasom od apliciranih niti (12. vek) iz Brani~eva (Srbija) . 173 Marko POPOVI] The bathing chamber in the castle of Novo Brdo . 175 Marko POPOVI] Kupatilsko zdawe u zamku Novog Brda . 189 Sr|an KATI], Aleksandar KRSTI] Firuz agha and his hammam in Smederevo . 191 Sr|an KATI], Aleksandar KRSTI] Firuz-aga i wegov hamam u Smederevu . 209 KRITIKE I PRIKAZI – COMPTES RENDUS Josip [ARI] Boris Gasparyan, Makoto Arimura (eds), STONE AGE OF ARMENIA, A Guide-Book to the Stone Age Archaeology in the Republic of Armenia, Monograph of the JSPS-Bilateral Joint Research Project Center for Cultural Resource Studies, Kanazawa University 2014. 211 Vojislav FILIPOVI] Ivan Drni}, KUPINOVO, Groblje latenske kulture / A La Tène Culture Cemetery, Musei Archaeologici Zagrabiensis Catalogi et Monographiae / Katalozi i monografije Arheolo{kog muzeja u Zagrebu, Svezak XII, Arheolo{ki muzej u Zagrebu 2015. 213 Mirjana VOJVODA Miroslav Na|, Anja Bertol-Stipeti}, KAMENICA, Ostava rimskog srebrnog novca iz zbirke Arheolo{kog muzeja u Zagrebu / A hoard of Roman silver coins from the Archaeological Museum in Zagreb, Zagreb 2016. 214 IN MEMORIAM Sofija PETKOVI] Mira Ru`i} (1950–2017) . 217 Editorial Policy and Submission Instructions for the Starinar Journal . 219 UDC: 903.02"634"(497) https://doi.org/10.2298/STA1868007S 903.23:738"634"(497.11) Original research article MARIJA M. SVILAR, Institute of Archaeology Belgrade THINGS WE LOST IN THE FIRE: THE CASE OF THE “BEAUTIFUL” VESSEL e-mail: [email protected] Abstract – From the earliest excavations on the territory of the central Balkans and up to today, Late Neolithic pottery assemblages have remained one of the most important contributors to our knowledge of the past. To a certain extent, the burned Late Neolithic horizons left a great number of the architectural details preserved in the archaeological record, along with various artefacts, of which pottery makes up the largest part. However, due to the fact that the majority of pottery vessels and sherds were subjected to temperatures that were higher than those they were initially fired in the manufacturing process, decoration makes up a minority of the archaeological record of the central Balkans and, unfortunately, we usually deal with plain assemblages. Therefore, it is not surprising that the discovery of one vessel that has a small preserved portion of applied painted decoration, unearthed from a burned building structure in the latest horizon at the site of Plo~nik, introduced a whole new set of questions. Importantly, this instance further emphasises that when deconstructing prehistoric paradigms, our interpretation sometimes must go beyond observation. Key words – Decoration, ceramic vessels, secondary burning, Late Neolithic, central Balkans. The Context While the archaeological material gathered during pre- The archaeological context of this study is the Late vious campaigns indicates the presence of Late Neo- Neolithic site of Plo~nik near Prokuplje, which was lithic and Early Eneolithic horizons, the settlement of discovered in 1927, during the construction of the Pro- Plo~nik is dated to 5300/5200–4600 cal BC.4 Unfortu- kuplje – Kur{umlija railroad. In the same year, the first nately, since the discovery of copper hoards was acci- of a total of four copper hoards, i.e. assemblages of dental, their context as well as the chronological cor- copper weapons and artefacts, were found, after which relation with the settlement to-date remain uncertain. the site became widely known among archaeologists. In 2010, in Trench No. 23, a relatively large burned The National Museum in Belgrade carried out system- building structure was discovered. The structure shows atic excavations in the period from 1960 to 1972, with remarkable similarities regarding its position, architec- the aim of determining the boundaries of the settle- ture and vessel content to the previously investigated ment. In 1996, another long-term campaign of system- atic research was launched at Plo~nik,1 this time with the intention of finding evidence regarding the begin- 1 To a certain extent, research is
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