Cambridge University Press 0521580900 - Catholicism, Controversy and the English Literary Imagination, 1558–1660 Alison Shell Index More information Index Abbot, John, 142±4, 166 Aston, Margaret, 36, 40 Jesus Prae®gured,142±4,166 Astraea, 179 The Sad Condition of a Distracted Kingdom,166 Audley, Thomas, baron Audley ofWalden, absolutism, royal, chapter 4 passim 215±16 Accession Day Tilt, 127±33 Augustine ofHippo, St, 143, 196, 197 Act ofUniformity, 10 autodidacticism, 157, 226 Adams, Thomas, 48 Austin, John, 16 advice-to-a-painter poems, 30 Aveling, Hugh, 3, 4 agnosticism in critical discourse, introduction passim, 55, 101 Babington Conspiracy, 117 Ahasuerus, 159±60 Bacon, Anthony, 127 Alabaster, William, 14, 58, 88±94, 98 Bacon, Francis, 60 sonnets, 88±94 Bacon, George, 170 Aldiberga, queen ofBritain, 152 Bale, John, 37 Alexander VI, Pope, 29 ballads, 16, 64, 163±4, 195±9 Alfred the Great, 181 Bansley, Charles, 27 allegory, 25±6, 34, 66, 72, 127, 142, 148, Barclay, John, 115, 142±6 188±93 Argenis, 115, 145±6 Allen, William, cardinal, 117, 119 Euphormio,145 Allison, Anthony, 13±14 Series Patefacti,142 Alpaugh, Davis J., 24 Barnes, Barnabe,28±30 Ambrose, St, 196, 213 baroque in England, 56, 103 Anglicanism: see Church ofEngland Bartas, Guillaume Salluste du, see du Bartas, Anglo-Catholicism, 95 Guillaume Salluste anti-Catholicism, 16±19, chapter 1 passim,56, Bassompierre, Marshal de, 153 64, 72, 82, 165; daemonopoiia,40 Bathsheba, 70 Catholics as mountebanks, 33±4 Beast ofRevelations, 25 anticlericalism, 42, 48±9 Bellarmine, St Robert, cardinal, 87 anti-Puritanism, 11 Bennett, Joan, 102 antiquarianism, 12 Bernard, Richard, 25, 28 apocalypse, chapter 1 passim Bible: Book ofthe Apocalypse, see Bible: OldTestament,64 Revelation Psalms, 64, 96; penitential psalms, 87 Apostles, the, 142 Jeremiah, 177 Appellants, 109, 115, 133±5 Lamentations ofJeremiah, 69, 177, 184, Apples ofSodom, 27, 34, 47 195 Aquinas, St Thomas, 2 New Testament, 64 aristocracy, Catholic, 67 Gospels, 64, 68, 89 Armada, 115 Book ofRevelation, 24±38, 195, 198 Arundel, Earl of: see Howard, Thomas Apocrypha, 37, 64, 161 Arundell, Charles, 167 Biblical paraphrases, 37, 39, 64, 73 303 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521580900 - Catholicism, Controversy and the English Literary Imagination, 1558–1660 Alison Shell Index More information 304 Index Birrell, T.A., 4 church-papists, 14±15, 111, 225 Blacklo, Thomas, see White, Thomas Catholic communities, 107±9, 121, 172±3 Blackwell, George, 113, 133 deracination ofCatholics, 19, 56, 97, Blackwood, Adam, 121 chapters 5±6 passim,224±5 Blainville, Sieur de, 153 Catholics in exile, 19, 108±9, chapters 5±6 Bloody Questions, 111, 113 passim,224 Bodye, John, 112 as expatriates, 108±9, 121 Boleyn, Anne, queen ofEngland, 190, historiography and Catholics, Introduction 216±17, 221±3 passim; Bolt, John, 63 paralleled with Jews, 137±40, 156±62, 174 Bolton, Edmund, 60 recusancy, 14±16, 67, 152, 225 Borgia, Lucretia, 28 Catholic revival, 11 Bossy,John,15,108,224 Catholic seepage, 17±19, chapter 2 passim, Bradbrook, Muriel, 54 esp. 63 Bradshaw, Brendan, 4 Catholic texts, 12±13, 225±6 Breton, Nicholas, 79±80, 84 Cato, 134±6 Breton, Richard de, 211 Cavendish, George, 175 Brewer, Thomas, 185 Cawood, Gabriel, 62±3 Brevis Dialoguismus,183,211 Cecil, Robert, earl ofSalisbury, 116, 131 Briant, Alexander, 221 Cecil, William, Lord Burghley, 210 Brodwin, L.L., 54 censorship, 63, 223 Brooke, Rupert, 41 expurgation, 17 Brooks-Davies, Douglas, 75 Champernoun, Sir Arthur, 116 Broxup, W., 79 Chaney, Edward, 171 Buchanan, George, 121 chapbooks, 64 Buckland,Ralph,142 Chapel Royal, Dean of, 95 Busby, John, 62 Charles I, 141, 143±60, 165 Butler, Martin, 155 Cheney, Patrick, 74 Byrd, William, 96 Church ofEngland, 3, 39, 101, 136±7, 169, Byzantium, 174, 208 195 episcopal visitations, 10 C., I., author of St Mary Magdalen's Conversion, ideologies fostered by Anglicanism, 3, 101 83 Churchyard, Thomas, 87 C., R., author of Palestina, 137±40, 157 Clancy, Thomas, 4, 111 CalderoÂndelaBarca,Pedro,221±3 Clark, Kenneth, 32 California, Huntington Library, 170 Clifford, Margaret, countess of Cumberland, Calvin, John, 145 74 Calvinism, 54, 64, 80 clothes, sinfulness of ®ne, 27±8 Cambridge, Peterhouse, 95 Clotilde, queen ofFrance, 152 Camm, Bede, 4 `Colin Clout', 76±7 Campion, Edmund, 111, 184±5, 221; Collingwood family, 98 Ambrosia,213 comedy, 188±90 canonicity, 24, chapter 2 passim complaint, 87±8, chapter 5 passim Captiva Religio, 187±90, 210 Como, Cardinal, 118 Capucins, 80 Constable,Henry,17,107±8,122±6,150,163, Caraman, Philip, 4 169±70 Carpenter, Richard, 27 Diana,108 Cary, Sir Henry, 1st viscount Falkland, 157±8 Catholic Moderator,123 Cary, Elizabeth, Lady Falkland, 156±9; sonnets, 122±6 Mariam,156±60 conversion, 15, 19, 88±97 Catherine ofAragon, 182, 217 Copley, Anthony, 114, 134±7, 195 Catholic Record Society, 4 Corpus Christi, 11 Catholics: cosmetics, 26±30 `angry' Catholics, 19 Counter-Reformation, Continental and catacomb culture, 16 English, 11, 60, 80, 97, 100, 201, 208 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521580900 - Catholicism, Controversy and the English Literary Imagination, 1558–1660 Alison Shell Index More information Index 305 Cowley, Abraham, 169±70 Fawne, Luke, 16 Cranmer, Thomas, 215±16, 218 Feilding, Susan, Countess ofDenbigh, 96±7 Crashaw, Richard, 2, 15, 19, chapter 2 passim, feminist criticism, 17±18 169 Finson, Mr, 190 Crashaw, William, 16 Firbank, Ronald, 50 Cromwell, Thomas, 215±16 Fisher, John, St, 194; Roffensis,214,216±19 Cuthbert, St, 181 Fitzurse, Reginald, 212 Fletcher, John, 217 Dante, 174, 188 Fletcher, Giles, 59 Davenant, Sir William, 146, 148 Fletcher, Phineas, The Purple Island,34±6 David the Psalmist, 65, 69±70 Foley, Henry, 4 Davies, John, ofHereford,86 Fonseca, Jeronimo Osorio da, 138 Decadents, 30±1, 49±51 Ford, John, 2; The Broken Heart,23;Christ's deceit, chapter 1 passim Bloody Sweat,82 deconstruction, 17 Forrest, William, 10 dedications, 115, 137±8 Foucault, Michel, 103 Dekker, Thomas, 31 Foxe, John, 226 Devereux, Robert, 2nd earl ofEssex, 127±33, free will, 149; see also predestination 201 French Revolution, 50 disputations, public, 89 Dissolution ofthe Monasteries, 181 Gage, George, 171 Dodd, Charles, 4 Gardner, Helen, 101 Dollimore, Jonathan, 49±50, 55 Garlick, Nicholas, 83 Donne,John,2,56,59,100±2 Garnet, Henry, 114, 213 Pseudo-Martyr,135 Gataker, Thomas, 159 Douai, English College at, 173, 181±2 Gautier, TheÂophile, 50 drapery, 40, 206 Gee, John, 53 Drury, William, 181±2 gender-roles, blurring of, 49 du Bartas, Guillaume Salluste, 59, 65±7, 73, Genesis, 66 78, 85, 147±8 Giametti, A. Bartlett, 174 Dudley, Anne, countess ofWarwick, 74 Gill, Roma, 54 Dudley, Robert, earl ofLeicester, 212 Gillow, Joseph, 4 Duffy, Eamon, 4, 7 Godfrey, Sir Edmund Berry, 27 Dyer, Edward, 75 Gotardi, Federico, 190 Greenblatt, Stephen, 201 ecumenism, 150 Grene, Christopher, 4 Edward VI, king ofEngland, 10, 176, Grif®n, Nigel, 192, 206 214±15 Grundy, Joan, 62, 107, 125 Edwards, Francis, 4 Guiney, L. I., 2 Egan, Anthony, 33 Gunpowder Plot, 110, 115, 142 Eisenstein, Elizabeth, 13 elegy, 175±87, 197±8 Habsburgs, 118, 130 Eliot, John, 65 Hackett, Helen, 203 Eliot, T.S., 49, 101 hagiography, 8, 14, 225±7 Elizabeth, mother ofJohn the Baptist, 138 Haigh, Christopher, 5 Elizabeth I, 10±11, 39, 110±12, 116±23, Hall, Joseph, 78, 84±6, 169 128±41,146,163,176,179,184,190, Hall, Richard, 216 203±5, 214±15, 218 Haman, 160 Elizabethan Settlement, 10±11 Hammer, Paul, 127 Ellis, G., 79 Harington, Sir John, 120, 161 emblematics, 19, 44, 127±133, 171, 206±7 Harps®eld, Nicholas, 221 eschatology, 24; see also apocalypse Harsnet, Samuel, 40, 47 Esther, 70, 152, 159±63 Harvey,Gabriel,84 Eve, 138 Healy, Thomas, 97 exemplarity, 14 Heimann, Mary, 5 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 0521580900 - Catholicism, Controversy and the English Literary Imagination, 1558–1660 Alison Shell Index More information 306 Index Helgerson, Richard, 190 Janelle, Pierre, 57 Henri III ofFrance, 121 Jerusalem,177,195;hymnson,173,195±200 Henri IV ofFrance, 125 Jesuits, 9, 109, 113±15, 117±18, 127, 135, 165, Henrietta Maria, queen ofEngland, 19, 80, 172, 192, 206 107, 146±63 Jesuit drama, 19, 109, 173±4, 183, 187±193, Henry II ofEngland, 211±14 chapter 6 passim,226 Henry VIII ofEngland, 176, 180, 190, 214±23 jewels, 29, 34 Heraclitus, 177 Jews: see Catholics, paralleled with Jews Herbert, George, 56, 58±60, 78±9, 100±2 Jollet, Thomas, 12 Herbert, Mary, Countess ofPembroke, 64 John, St, the apostle, 80±1 heresy,34,85,178,182,207 John the Baptist, St, 138 hermeneutics ofsuspicion, 17 Jones, Inigo, 146±7 Herod, 139, 156±60 Jonson,Ben,2,60;Catiline, 142; translation of Heywood, Jasper, 64 Argenis,146 hieroglyphics, see emblematics Joseph ofArimathaea, St, 211±12 Hill,Christopher,8±9,165 Josephus, 157±9 Hodgetts, Michael, 4 Jouvancy, Joseph, 188 Hogarde, Myles, 10 Judas, 79 Hoghton, Thomas, 172 Judith, 65, 70, 161 Holland, Robert, 64 Holofernes, 161 Kingsmell, Sir William, 112 Horace, 177±8 Knight, G. Wilson, 55 Howard, Henry, Earl ofNorthampton, Knightley, Robert, 181±2 114±15 Kroll, Norma, 41±2 Howard, Henry, Earl ofSurrey, 219±20 Howard, Thomas, 2nd earl ofArundel, 171 Lake, Peter, 27, 32 Howell, Thomas, 168, 186±87 lamentation, see complaint Hudson, Thomas, 65 Landau, Jack, 49 Hugo, Hermann, author of Pia Desideria,81 Lassels, Richard, 171±2 Hugo, Victor, 49 Laudianism, 94±6, 165 Huguenots, 145 Le Grys, Robert, 146 Huish, Alexander, 95 Lenton, Francis, 160±3; Queen
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