JOURNAL OF THE Society for Psychical Research VOL. XXVII 1931-1932 For Private Circulation among Members and Associates only THE SOCIETY'S ROOMS 31 TAVISTOCK SQUARE, LONDON, W.C.i All rights reserved CONTENTS PA8E Impression received at the Time of a Friend's Death - 3 A Premonition - -- -- -- --18 Annual Report of the Council for the Year 1930 20 Apparition of a Relative seen at the Time of her Death - 34 Annual General Meeting - - - - - - 52 A Notable Booktest obtained at a Sitting with Mrs Leonard ; by Theodore Besterman ------ 59 A Series of Mediumistic Statements made to Four Sitters - 74 Poltergeists by W. H. Salter - - - - - - 91 ; A Case of apparent Haunting in Moscow by Count ; Perovsky-Petrovo-Solovovo ------ 95 The Medium Frau Silbert by Rudolf Lambert - 112 ; Two Incidents - -- -- -- -- 126 Towards a Theory of Dowsing : I. Introduction by Theodore Besterman - - - 142 ; II. The Art of the Dowser ; by Vicomte Henry de France -------- 143 III. Dowsing as a Physico-Physiological Phenomenon ; by Graf Carl von Klinckowstroem - - - 147 IV. Reply to Graf von Klinckowstroem by Vicomte ; Henry de France ------ 152 V. Reply to Vicomte de France by Graf Carl von ; Klinckowstroem - - - - - -155 VI. The Psychical and Physical Theories of Dowsing ; by Theodore Besterman - - - - - 157 The Lourdes Cures - -- -- -- - 165 Ancient or Unknown Controls by A. W. Trethewy - - 178 ; A Prophecy in Old Moore's Almanack Theodore Bester- ; by man - - - - - - - - - - 182 24851.9 iv Cements PAGE Annual Report of the Council for the Year 1931 195 in Classical by Prof. Supernormal Occurrences' Antiquity ; E. R. Dodds - - 216 Annual General Meeting - - - 234 An Experiment in Long-Distance Telepathy by Theodore ; Besterman - - ------ 235 Sitting with Bert Reese by Dr Walter Franklin Prince - 249 A ; The Relation between Parapsychical and Paraphysical - - 268 Phenomena ; by W. H. Salter The Society's Jubilee 1882-1932 - - 280 More alleged Occurrences of the Rope-Trick by the Hon. ; Everard Feilding - - 281 On a Sitting with Rudi Schneider by Dr William Brown - 286 ; Case of Haunting at Ramsbury, Wilts. - 297 Some Neglected Types of Evidence in Psychical Research by ; Father H. Thurston - - 321 Hallucinatory Impression of a Relative's Death - - 326 Apparition nearly coinciding with a Friend's Death - - 337 Prehminary Notes on the Trance Mediumship of Fru Ingeborg Kober (nee Dahl) by Theodore Besterman - - - ; 338 New Members 33, 50, 90, 106, 162, 194, 232, 249, 266, 296, 320, 336 Meetings of the Council - 1, 17, 33, 50, 90, 106, 162, 194, 232, 249, 266, 296, 320, 336 Meetings of the Society 1, 33, 53, 90, 107, 163, 178, 216, 234, 235, 267, 280, 320, 336 Obituaries - - 74, 322 Correspondence - 4, 37, 97, 109, 130, 167, 184, 205, 222, 236, 254, 275, 290, 304, 327, 345 Reviews 7, 30, 38, 84, 118, 139, 168, 185, 225, 243, 257, 310, 329, 346 Notes on Periodicals - 10, 32, 42, 69, 102, 123, 171, 191, 227, 246, 261, 278, 279, 293, 314, 332, 349 Notices 1, 16, 34, 48, 49, 73, 74, 88, 89, 90, 104, 105, 108, 125, 126, 140, 141, 161, 176, 177, 193, 195, 214, 215, 230, 231, 233, 247, 248, 263, 264, 265, 280, 295, 319, 334, 335 Errata 124, 246, 350 No. 471.—Vol. XXVII. January 1931 JOURNAL OF THE Society for Psychical Research MEETING OF THE COUNCIL. The 276th Meeting of the Council was held at 31 Tavistock Square, London, W.C.I, on Thursday, 11 December 1930, at 5 p.m., Sir Lawrence Jones, Bart., in the chair. There were also present : Mr W. R. Bousfield, K.C., Miss Ina Jephson, Mr W. H. Salter, Mrs W. H. Salter, Dr F. C. S. Schiller and Dr V. J. Woolley ; also Mr Theodore Besterman, Librarian and Editor, and Miss Isabel Newton, Secretary. The Minutes of the last Meeting of the Council were read and signed as correct. It was decided to hold the Annual General Meeting at 3.30 p.m. on Friday, 26 February 1931. GENERAL MEETING. The 177th General Meeting of the Society was held at Friends House, Euston Road, London, N.W.I, on Wednesday, 26 November 1930, at 6 p.m., Sir Lawrence Jones, Bart., in the chair. Miss Ina Jephson read a Report on " Further Experiments in Card-guessing, with a more Evidential Technique." Miss Jephson gave a summary of the experiments recently conducted by Mr Soal, Mr Besterman and herself, reports of which will, it is hoped, appear shortly in Proceedings. An interesting discussion followed. NOTICE. Members will have observed that the Index and Titlepage of the volume of the Journal just completed were issued to all members with the December number, instead of to those only who purchased binding-cases, as heretofore. This departure will, it is hoped, encourage more members to bind and preserve their Journals for future use and reference. Complete sets of the Society's publications are now very difficult to form and this will become more and more 2 Journal of Society for Psychical Research January 1931 difficult as time passes. It is therefore in their own interests that members are advised to preserve their copies. Binding-cases for vols, xxv and xxvi (which are treated for this purpose as a single volume) can be supplied for Is. 6d. Alternatively, members can send in their sets of the Journal for the two years (1929 and 1930) and have them bound by the Society's binders for 4s. 0d., which includes the cost of the binding-case. Missing numbers of the Journal for recent years can be supplied for 9d. each. Orders should be accompanied by remittances, and should be addressed to the Secretary. TRANSACTIONS OF THE ATHENS CONGRESS. The Transactions of the Athens Congress are now published, and can be supplied for 7s. 6d., on application to the Secretary. In addition to a Diary of the Congress, in which are included several addresses by Dr Tanagra, Dr Driesch and Sir Oliver Lodge, the volume contains the following papers : Personne et Suprapersonne, par Hans Driesch, Professeur a l'Universite de Leipsic. Das psychophysische Problem vom parapsychologischen und vom phanomenologischen Standpunkt aus, von T. K. Oesterreich, Professor an der Universitat Tubingen. Das psychophysische Energiefeld als Trager des sinnlichen und ubersinnlichen Erlebens, von Karl Camillo Schneider, Pro- fessor an der Universitat Wien. Le Medium Frieda Weissl, par le docteur Baron von Winterstein, President de la S.R.P. Autrichienne. Le Dessin Mediumnique, par Prosper de Szmurlo, President de la Societe Psycho-Physique de Varsovie. La Telepathie de la Memoire Latente, par le Dr A. Tanagra, President de la S.R.P. Hellenique. La Suggestibilite des Hysteriques en Grece, par le Dr Milt. Vlastos. Parapsychologisches bei Geisteskranken, von Dr K. Konstan- tinides. Some Suggestions for the Improvement of the Conditions of Investigation of Controllable Phenomena, by W. H. Salter, Hon. Treasurer and Joint Hon. Secretary of the Society for Psychical Research. On the Reasons for the non-Recognition of Psychical Research by the Majority of the Scientific World, by Sir Oliver Lodge. The Trance Phenomena of Mrs Ingeborg, by Th. Wereide, Professor at the University of Oslo. January 1931 Transactions of the Athens Congress A Critical Estimate of the Present Status of Psychical Research, by Theodore Besterman, Librarian and Editor of the Society for Psychical Research. The Case of the Abbe Vachere, by the Hon. Everard Feilding. Das verkehrte Bild in der Telepathie, von Sanitatsrat Dr G. Pagenstecher. Das Verhaltnis des Israelitischen Prophetismus zu den Problemen der Bewusstseinsspaltung, von T. K. Oesterreich, Professor an der Universitat Tubingen. TJber Spiritismus, von Dr Johannes Hohlenberg. Eine neue Forschungsmethode in der Parapsychologie, von Pro- fessor Daniel Walter. Zwecksetzung und Zielstrebigkeit in der Biologie und Parabiologie, von Prof. Ing. V. Mikuska. Un Cas de Connaissance Paranormale, par Zoe Comtesse Wassilko- Serecki, Secretaire honoraire de la S.R.P. Autrichienne. Un Cas de Levitation chez les Derviches, par Carl Vett, Secretaire honoraire du Comite international des Congres pour recherches psychiques. Der Kampf um Valiantine, von Dr Walther Kroner. Recent and Current Investigations undertaken by the Society for Psychical Research, by Theodore Besterman, Librarian and Editor of the Society for Psychical Research. Les Mediums Telekinetiques en Grece, par le Dr A. Tanagra, President de la S.R.P. Hellenique. Meine Dreijahrigen Untersuchungen mit dem Breslauer Medium Frau S., von Dr T. Kindborg. Telepathische Experimente zwischen Athen, Paris, Warschau und Wien, von Dr K. Konstaninides. CASE. L. 1294. Impression received at the Time of a Friend's Death. The following case has been contributed by a friend of Mrs Salter, known to readers of the Journal as Miss Ann Jones. Miss Jones has had other apparently supernormal experiences, which will be found recorded in the Journal (1912), xv. 337-9, 339-42 (on which cp. xvi. 14-5) xvi. 51-6 (cp. ; (1913), xvi. 78-9) ; (1914), xvi. 306-10 (cp. xxi. 117-8) 350-2. ; (1924), Several of these cases are discussed by Mrs Sidgwick in her supplementary examination of " Phantasms of the Living/'' Proceedings (1922), xxxiii. 317-8, 330-1, 352-3. 4 Journal of Society for Psychical Research januaey 1931 Miss Jones's, account of her experiences, which is dated 13 July 1930, is as follows : "Death of Camille Vidart. " On the morning of Saturday June 28th I was unable to get to work as usual because of a sense of disturbance and of a death of some importance. It seemed to me that some public person was dying. I knew that the death did not concern my husband who was away in Kent at the time. Towards noon the feeling became so insistent that I called my housemaid Dorothy Holtby out on to the roof where I was trying to write and told her to make a note of the day and of my premonition.
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