IKV’s Trustee Organisations: 19 65 ISSUE: 42 AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2018 www.ikv.org.tr / contact: [email protected] 4TH RAG MEETING REAFFIRMED TURKEY’S COMMITMENT TO EU REFORMS Meeting after a three-year break, the RAG underlined Turkey’s determination to step up political reforms in line with its EU membership perspective. he 4th meeting of the Reform Action Group (RAG) was Theld on 29 August 208, in Ankara under the chairmanship of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Chief Negotiator Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu with the participation of Minister of Justice Abdulhamit Gül, Minister of Treasury and Finance Dr. Berat Albayrak and Minister of Interior Süleyman Soylu. Turkish Grand National Assembly’s Committee on Foreign Affairs Chair Volkan Bozkır and Committee on EU Harmonisation Chair Mehmet Kasım Gülpınar, Chairman of the Turkey- EU Joint Parliamentary Committee İsmail Emrah Karayel and the Chief Ombudsman Şeref Malkoç were also present during the meeting. The group, formerly called “Reform Monitoring Group,” held its first meeting after a three-year break. Moreover, the RAG meeting in Ankara was significant for being the first of its kind following Turkey’s transition to the executive presidency system. RAG meetings have been instrumental in monitoring the implementation of reforms on the way to EU accession on the basis of Turkey’s compliance with emergency rule, Turkey withdrew of the new Judicial Reform Strategy the commitment to the Turkey-EU accession negotiations, chapters the political criteria as well as the its derogations from Article 4 of by the end of 208, the main goal of Statement and the refugee deal. 23 and 24 covering the rule of law developments concerning the the UN Covenant on Civil and which is enhancing the accessibility Lastly, ongoing key negotiation issues were brought to the table. The chapters on judiciary, civil liberties, Political Rights and Article 5 of the and quality of justice. As an integral areas namely; the Turkey-EU RAG called for the opening of those freedoms and security. During the European Convention on Human part of this reform process, the Visa Liberalisation Dialogue, two chapters and as reflected in the previous period, many decisions Rights (ECHR). This step has been competence of the Human Rights modernisation of the Customs Union press release issued by the Ministry in terms of accelerating Turkey-EU welcomed by the EU. The positive Compensation Commission was as well as EU accession negotiations of Foreign Affairs. It was underscored accession negotiations, reforming atmosphere has been reflected on expanded by the legislation that were brought to the agenda. that the opening of those chapters the judicial system, preparing the press conference held by the entered into force on 3 July 208. Regarding visa liberalisation, Minister would facilitate Turkey’s reform proposals for political reforms have four ministers following the RAG And, as agreed upon during the Çavuşoğlu pointed to the fulfilment and alignment efforts. As the final been made just after the so-called meeting. The ministers started their RAG meeting, bold moves targeting of another Visa Liberalisation point, the RAG underlined with RAG meetings. Therefore, it is critical remarks by underlining that utmost sexual harassment of children are Roadmap chapter which has to a tremendous enthusiasm that to take a snapshot of the meeting’s importance would be given to foreseen in the near future. do with the alignment of Turkish Turkey would continue its reform outcomes. bolstering the EU Departments of Regarding the home affairs and passports to EU standards. Currently, efforts with determination in the the Ministries which are experienced internal security arrangements, there remain 6 more criteria to be forthcoming period in line with The RAG, the Reform Agenda in coordinating and conducting the reforms foreseen would fulfilled. And Minister Çavuşoğlu, its EU membership perspective. and Expectations relations with the EU. most probably tackle the issues during the press meeting, called Turkey’s commitment to increase The RAG meeting took place In terms of the justice sector, of mobility and organised crime. for bona fide from the EU side the level of standards in the area just after the termination of the the ministers emphasised their The participants of the RAG concerning the visa liberalisation of political reforms has been state of emergency. By ending expectations towards the updating meeting once again reaffirmed issue. Furthermore, in regard to the highlighted. ISSUE 42 . August-September 208 19 65 1 1965 ISSUE: 42 – AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 208 9 65 2018 IKV AGENDA TURKEY-EU JCC TURKEY WING REPRESENTATIVES WERE RECEIVED BY PRESIDENT ERDOĞAN resident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan received of Public Servants’ Trade Unions (MEMUR- Pthe representatives of the Turkey-EU SEN) President Ali Yalçın, HAK-İŞ Trade Union Joint Consultative Committee (JCC) Turkey Confederation President Mahmut Arslan, wing. The delegation, which was led by Turkey Public Workers Unions Confederation the Union of Chambers and Commodity (KAMU-SEN) President Önder Kahveci Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) President M. Rifat and Turkish Confederation of Employer Hisarcıklıoğlu, was made up of Confederation Associations (TISK) President Kudret Önen. of Turkish Tradesmen and Craftsmen (TESK) The reception was also attended by several President Bendevi Palandöken, Confederation ministers. AYHAN ZEYTİNOĞLU RECONFIRMED AS IKV CHAIRMAN AT IKV GENERAL ASSEMBLY Assembly, TOBB Vice-President Tamer objective of the improvement in and trustee organisations’ and Kıran, ISO President Erdal Bahçıvan the relations is the realisation of full particularly TOBB’s valuable supports, and ITO Vice-President İsrafil Kuralay membership, which is our ultimate as ‘Turkey’s EU expert’, we envisage to representing the founder and trustee objective. Despite the existence continue working hard with respect organisations delivered speeches. of considerable opposition in the to our country’s relations with the They pointed out that the EU EU nowadays, we must remember EU and focusing on international membership perspective has become that perceptions and decisions developments from the perspective increasingly prominent and that IKV could change rapidly. In a world, of the development, democratisation as “Turkey’s EU expert” plays a crucial in which we experience extremely and integration of our country in the role in this process. Representatives of rapid and dramatic changes in global system. We will strive to meet the trustee organisations recalled EU’s international conditions, Turkey’s our challenges and provide benefits significance in Turkey’s foreign trade EU membership may be possible in which are well beyond what is and foreign investment and voiced the medium term, provided that the expected of us.” the business community’s expectation necessary conditions are met and IKV’s new Board of Directors for the revival of the EU accession political will exists. At this point, as is composed of Ayhan Zeytinoğlu, process. representatives of civil society and Prof. Dr. Halûk Kabaalioğlu, Zeynep During his opening speech, the business community, we should Bodur Okyay, Atila Menevşe, Yavuz Chairman Zeytinoğlu welcoming that closely monitor the EU and the Canevi, Zeynel Abidin Erdem, Sedat yhan Zeytinoğlu was reconfirmed as well as supporting organisations Turkey-EU relations are on the course world, examine the impacts of the Zincirkıran, Ali Sami Aydın, Nevzat Aas the Chairman of IKV’s Board and delegates, IKV Chairman Ayhan of normalisation pointed that visa developments in our country, and Seyok, Levent Taş, Mehmet Kaya, of Directors during IKV’s 56th General Zeytinoğlu delivered an opening liberalisation and the modernisation contribute to reaching EU norms and Ömer Gülsoy, Süleyman Uyar, Yavuz Assembly which was held on 30 July speech on the foundation’s activities of the Customs Union could lead to a standards.” Altun, Işınsu Kestelli, Simone Kaslowski 208. During the meeting, which was in the period from July 207 to July revitalisation in the relations. Finally, Chairman Zeytinoğlu and İsmail Gülle, while the Audit attended by representatives of the 208. Chairman Zeytinoğlu continued indicated the following: “First of all, Committee is composed of Hasan founder and trustee organisations At the opening of the General as follows: “Consequently, the essential on behalf of all our dear founder Hüseyin Coşkun and Mustafa İçöz. IKV CHAIRMAN PAID A VISIT TO HEAD OF EU DELEGATION TO TURKEY THE TIM CHAIRMAN AMBASSADOR BERGER VISITED IKV ead of the EU Delegation to Turkey Chairman Zeytinoğlu gave information about Ambassador Christian Berger visited IKV IKV’s research and activities for the upcoming KV Chairman Ayhan Zeytinoğlu and the visit, IKV Chairman Ayhan Zeytinoğlu H on 4 September 208 and came together period. During the visit, Ambassador Berger was Secretary General Assoc. Prof. Çiğdem conveyed his wish of success for İsmail I with IKV Chairman Ayhan Zeytinoğlu. In the accompanied by Head of Unit for Trade Bartosz Nas visited Turkish Exporters Assembly Gülle, who has been elected as the meeting, during which recent developments Przywara and Sector Manager for Internal Market (TIM) and met with Chairman İsmail Gülle chairman at the occasion of the 25th TİM in Turkey-EU relations were discussed, IKV and Industrial Policy Ela Yazıcı İnan. on 4 September 208. In the context of General Assembly. 2 ISSUE 42 . August-September 208 19 65 1965 www.ikv.org.tr 19 65 2018 IKV AGENDA TIMELINE AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2018 “MEETING OF THE REFORM ACTION 1 2 32 GROUP IS PROMISING FOR THE EU 4 IKV Chairman Ayhan 53 Zeytinoğlu issued a statement PROCESS” 6 on the US decision to re- impose sanctions on Iran. led to a rapprochement with the EU. Lastly, Chairman Zeytinoğlu 74 In particular, the cracks in Transatlantic referred to some events that could 8 Alliance under the influence of Trump’s be important for the revival of the EU Treasury and Finance Minister Berat 9 approach have impelled the EU to seek process in the forthcoming days: “Our Albayrak unveiled Turkey’s new 5 common alliance with the countries Foreign Minister will attend the Informal economic model.
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