Transport North East (Tyne and Wear) Sub-Committee Tuesday 24 November 2015 at 2.00 pm Meeting to be held at Durham County Council, County Hall, Durham, DH1 5UQ www.northeastca.gov.uk AGENDA Page No 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Declarations of Interest Please remember to declare any personal interest where appropriate both verbally and by recording it on the relevant form (to be handed to the Democratic Services Officer). Please also remember to leave the meeting where any personal interest requires this. 3. Minutes of the Previous Meeting 1 - 4 4. Metro Services for the 2015 Great North Run 5 - 28 5. Monitoring Nexus's Performance: 1 April to 12 September 2015 29 - 54 6. Tyne and Wear Metro Performance Update 55 - 60 7. Revision to the Metro and Ferry Fares 2016 61 - 76 8. Nexus' Annual Activity and Expenditure Report 2014/15 77 - 114 9. Nexus's Corporate Business Plan 2016/17 to 2018/19 115 - 132 10. Concessionary Travel Policy for Tyne and Wear 133 - 146 11. Draft Transport Budget and Levies 2016/17 147 - 160 12. Date and Time of Next Meeting Thursday, 28 January 2016 at 2pm at Sunderland Civic Centre. 13. Exclusion of Press and Public Under section 100A and Schedule 12A Local Government Act 1972 because exempt information is likely to be disclosed and the public interest test against disclosure is satisfied. 14. Confidential Minutes of the Previous Meeting 161 - 164 15. Tyne Tunnels Update 165 - 216 16. Update on Nexus' Strategic Risks 217 - 230 Contact Officer: Victoria Miller Tel: 0191 211 5118 E-mail: [email protected] To All Members 2 1 North East Combined Authority Transport North East (Tyne and Wear) Sub-Committee 17 September 2015 (2.05 - 3.40 pm) Meeting held: North Tyneside Council, Quadrant, The Silverlink North, Cobalt Business Park, North Tyneside, NE27 0BY Present: Councillor: Harrison (Chair) Councillors: G Hobson, J McCarty, McElroy and M Mordey 17 ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM THE CHAIR - THE TYNE AND WEAR METRO The Chair opened the meeting and explained that Members were concerned about the performance of Metro on the day of the Great North Run. For that reason, and also due to other issues with the performance of Metro, agenda items 6 and 14 would need to be deferred until a thorough investigation of the events had been undertaken and results reported to Members. The Managing Director (Transport Operations) addressed the Sub-Committee with an acknowledgement of poor performance of Metro on the day of the Great North Run, referring to the successful and long-standing blueprint established for Metro to support this event over the years, and noting that an investigation had been launched by Nexus. Members expressed concern about the risks of a potential reputational damage for the region and commented on the need to look at broader issues with the performance of Metro and the importance of a detailed report on the results of the investigation. A representative of a campaigning group addressed the Sub-Committee conveying concerns of the Metro users, which had been posted on the group’s social media page. During his representation the representative commented on the importance of restoring confidence in Metro and asked for a wider review of Metro services, including reliability. Members suggested that the Overview and Scrutiny Committee should be asked to provide a more independent scrutiny of the issues with the performance of Metro. Other comments from Members included references to the contrasting good performance of the Tyne Ferry, the high number of issues with Metro, the 2 importance of understanding these issues and the importance of the Metro services being put right. RESOLVED – That a detailed report be provided to a future meeting on the investigation of the performance of Metro, particularly on the day of the Great North Run. 18 APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE There were no apologies for absence received. 19 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST Councillors Harrison, Hobson and McElroy declared a personal interest in all agenda items relating to Metro due to holding the Metro Gold Card. Councillor Hobson declared a personal interest in agenda item 17 (Tyne Tunnel Update) due to holding a commercially acquired pass for the Tyne Tunnels. 20 MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING HELD ON 9 JULY 2015 The minutes of the previous meeting held on 9 July 2015 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Chair. 21 MONITORING NEXUS'S PERFORMANCE: 1ST APRIL TO 18TH JULY 2015 Submitted: A report of the Managing Director (Transport Operations) (previously circulated and copy attached to Official Minutes). Members considered the report which provided information on Nexus’s performance against its business plan objectives over the period 1 April to 18 July 2015. A discussion took place on the need to publicise and announce information in relation to the 700 “Connect” service, Sunderland, including announcements on trains. Members suggested that consideration should also be given to announcing special arrangements for disabled passengers and passengers using park and ride facilities. Members also suggested that announcements should be made before Durham Station. RESOLVED – That the report be noted. 22 DB REGIO TYNE & WEAR LIMITED (DBTW) PERFORMANCE UPDATE Submitted: A report of the Managing Director (Transport Operations) (previously circulated and copy attached to Official Minutes). Members considered the report which provided information on the recent performance with regard to the operation of the Metro system by Deutsche Bahn Regio Tyne and Wear Ltd (DBTW). Amongst the matters discussed during the ensuing discussion were the following: 3 the contractual obligations of DBTW; the joint working between DBTW and Nexus to address the Metro performance issues; the work to improve the cleanliness and presentation of the Metro trains; the need to liaise with Network Rail with regard to their responsibilities for cleaning the rail tracks, particularly in Sunderland; the expectations of the public with regard to the Metro services and Members’ accountability; and the importance of significant improvements in the performance of Metro. RESOLVED – That the report be noted. 23 EXPIRY OF THE TYNE AND WEAR METRO CONCESSION AND OPTIONS TO EXTEND Submitted: A report of the Managing Director (Transport Operations) (previously circulated and copy attached to Official Minutes) which provided information on the forthcoming expiration of the Metro Concession Agreement and option for Nexus to extend it. RESOLVED – The report be deferred. 24 UPDATE ON NEXUS'S STRATEGIC RISKS 2015/16 Submitted: A report of the Managing Director (Transport Operations) (previously circulated and copy attached to Official Minutes). Members considered the report which provided an update on the Nexus strategic risks 2015/16. Members noted the work undertaken to address risks associated with the recruitment and retention of staff with specialist skills, including work with educational establishments, apprenticeship schemes, in-house training and targeting and attracting high calibre candidates. RESOLVED – That the report and the current status of the nine strategic business risks currently being managed by Nexus be noted. 25 USE OF "GOLD CARD" TRAVEL PASS ON METRO - RESPONSE TO PETITION Submitted: A report of the Managing Director (Transport Operations) (previously circulated and copy attached to Official Minutes). Members considered the report which provided Nexus’ response to a petition that had been received at the 9 July 2015 meeting in relation to the commencement of the period of validity of the Gold Card. During the ensuing discussion, Members welcomed the proposals and thanked officers for their work. Members asked that information on the forthcoming changes should be communicated to users. A representative of a local group addressed the Sub-Committee offering thanks for the proposed changes. 4 RESOLVED – That a modification to the software to allow the Gold Card to be accepted by devices from 09:27hrs be implemented from November 2015. 26 NEXUS PUBLICITY MARKETING AND PROMOTIONS POLICY Submitted: A report of the Managing Director (Transport Operations) (previously circulated and copy attached to Official Minutes) which sought endorsement of a policy for future publicity, marketing and promotions in Tyne and Wear. RESOLVED – That the consideration of the report be deferred pending further information on budget and spend and clarification of commercial entities. 27 DATE AND TIME OF NEXT MEETING Tuesday, 24 November 2015 at 2pm at Durham County Hall. 28 EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC RESOLVED – That by virtue of paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 press and public be excluded from the remainder of the meeting during the consideration of agenda items 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 and 17 because exempt information was likely to be disclosed and the public interest test against the disclosure was satisfied. North East Combined Authority Transport North East (Tyne and Wear) Sub-Committee Date: 24 November 2015 Subject: Metro Services for the 2015 Great North Run Report of: Managing Director (Transport Operations) Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to provide members with an update on Nexus’s review into the delivery problems experienced on the Metro during the 2015 Great North Run. Recommendations It is recommended that the Committee notes within this report: i. the findings contained within Nexus’ review; ii. that the events around the 2015 Great North Run are considered a one off; and iii. the apology Nexus extends in relation to the service levels delivered. North East Combined Authority Transport North East (Tyne and Wear) Sub-Committee 1 Background Information 1.1 The 2015 Metro service aimed at supporting the Great North Run, experienced significant disruption shortly after the start of service and throughout much of the day. 1.2 In response to this a request was made by the NECA’s Managing Director (Transport Operations) to undertake a review of the events leading up to the day of the Great North Run in 2015.
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