Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48157-1 — Judicial Review of Administrative Action Across the Common Law World Edited by Swati Jhaveri , Michael Ramsden Index More Information Index AAA Investments (Pty) Ltd v. Micro Finance Regulatory Affirmation of Faith (Kalimah Shahadah), 246–248 Council, 189 Africa, South African administrative law influence in, Abdul Aziz Mohammad JCA, 243–246 179–181, 354 Aboriginal rights, in Canadian administrative law, 138 Ahmad, Kassim, 249–250 Act of 1706 (Scotland), 84–85 Ahmed, Farrah, 273–288, 356 adjectival law, English judicial review and, 35 Ahmed, Shahabuddin (Justice), 303 adjudication Ahmed and Others v. HM Treasury, 334 Administrative Procedure Act 1946 and, 134–136 Ahrons, Constance, 372 US bureaucracy and role of, 130–131 Airedale N.H.S. Trust v. Bland, 262–263 Administration of Islamic Family Law (Malaysia), Ajay Hasia v. Khalid Mujib Sehravardi, 275–276, 239–240 284–286 Administration of Justice (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act Akech, Migai, 191–211, 354 of 1938 (UK), 206 Alex Malikha Wasubwa & 7 others v. Elias Nambkha Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) (Australia), Wamita & 4 others, 206–207 312–313, 315–318 Ali, Imman (Justice), 304 Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 ambiguity principle (Cth) (ADJR) (Australia), 13–14, 314–315, 317–318, duality in judicial review and, 63, 68 319–320, 357 international human rights law and, 75–76 Administrative Justice and the Supremacy of Law in the New Zealand administrative law abandonment of, United States (Pound), 131–133 332–333 administrative law. See also judicial review; specific Anglo-Boer War of 1899–1902, 173 countries administrative law, e.g., Canadian Anglo-Irish Treaty 1921, 99–100 administrative law Anisminic Ltd v. Foreign Compensation Commission. common law systems, comparative analysis, 4–5, See also Wednesbury principle 350–358, 371–373 Australian jurisdiciational error and, 316 constitutional entrenchment and, 14–16 Bangladesh judicial review and, 297–298, 305–306 constitutional foundations of, 13–14, 362–363 Canadian divergence from, 141–142 defined, 117–118 contested legacy of, 144–145 dualism in, 69–71, 350–351 English law and legacy of, 145 English vs. US jurisprudence, 117–137 Hong Kong judicial review and, 264–266 future research issues, 373 Israeli administrative law and, 164–165 international law and, 66–67, 75–76 judicial error and, 53–56, 58–59, 111–112 multiple legal orders and, 19–20 judicial rewiew and, 46–48 post-colonial evolution of, 360, 367–371 jurisdicational issues and, 134 substance-based judicial review and, 46–59, 350–351 Malaysian religious conversion cases and, 245 temporal aspects of, 361 New Zealand administrative law and, 343–344 trans-Atlantic scholarship concerning, 128–133 Singapore ouster clause enforceability and, transitional development and, 365–367 223–228 typology of systems, 21–23, 358–367 South African administrative law and, 188–189 administrative law judges (ALJs) (US), 126–127 ultra vires doctrine and, 49 Administrative Procedure Act 1946 (US), 22, 125, 130–131, Anwar Hossain Khan v. Speaker Jativa Sangsad 134–136, 352–353 (Parliament Boycott), 301–306 Administrative Review Council (Australia), 319–320 anxious scrutiny review, 64–65, 70–71 Administrator, Transvaal v. Traub, 188–189 Canadian administrative law and, 154 Advocate-General (South Africa), 175–176 Hong Kong judicial review and, 265–266 374 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48157-1 — Judicial Review of Administrative Action Across the Common Law World Edited by Swati Jhaveri , Michael Ramsden Index More Information Index 375 apartheid international instruments and, 267–268, 269–270 South African judicial review and, 175–176, 354 basic structure doctrine South African legal system and, 171–172, 174–177 Bangladesh administrative law and, 299, 304 Union of South Africa formation and, 173–174 Singapore statutory interpretation and, 229–230 arbitrariness doctrine, Indian administrative law and, Bastarache J, 142–144 273–274, 275–281, 283–286, 356 Bato Star Fishing (Pty) Ltd v. Minister of Environmental Asmabi J, 250 Affairs, 184–185 Associated Provincial Picture Houses v. Wednesbury Baxi, Upendra, 274–275, 286–287 Corporation, 141–142, 244–246. See also Wednesbury Baxter, L. G., 48–49, 175–176, 188–189 principle Beetz, Jean, 142 A. Taib v. Minister for Local Government, 202 Beg (Justice), 278 Attorney-General v. Ng Yuen Shiu, 256–258 Beinart, B., 174–177, 180–181 Attorney-General (NSW) v. Quin, 310, 315–318 Bejerano v. Minister of Police, 163 audi alteram partem, 103–104 Ben Gurion, David, 163 Australia Berman v. Minister of Interior, 165 common law in, 10–11 Bhagwati (Justice), 284–286 international-domestic law dualism in, 69–71 Bharat Bank Ltd Delhi v. The Employees of the Bharat jurisdiction in law of, 134 Bank Ltd Delhi, 244–246 ratification theory in legitimate expectations doc- Bhuwania, Anuj, 281–282 trine, 63 Bill of Rights Ordinance (BORO) (Hong Kong), UK public law influence in, 310–311 258–261, 267–268, 270–271 Australian administrative law Bingham (Lord), 18–19, 62, 64–65, 75 constitutional entrenchment and, 13–16, 124, 309–326, Births and Deaths Registration Act (BDRA) (Malaysia), 362–363 251–253 natural justice and legitimate expectation and, Blackstone, William, 121–122, 128–131 321–325 Board of Education v. Rice, 188–189 overview of, 13–14, 357 Boddington v. British Transport Police, 189 public law and, 310–311, 312–313, 357 Boer republics, 173 rise of constitutional review and, 315–318 Bokhary (Justice), 269–270 statutory reform of, 314–315 Bradley, A. W., 89–90 Awami League (AL) (Bangladesh), 298–300 Brennan J, 315–318, 324 AXA General Insurance v. Lord Advocate, 89–90 Bridge (Lord), 63 British Mandate in Palestine, English law influence Baker v. Canada, 66–67, 75–76 during, 159–161 Baker v. Carr, 166–167 Brodie (Lord), 93–94 BALCO Employees Union v. Union of India, 287 Browne-Wilkinson (Lord), 61 Bangalore Priinciples, 63, 68 Bryce, James, 128–131 Bangladesh Bugdaycay v. Secretary of State for the Home judicial review in, 17, 295–298 Department, 63, 358–359 transitional development in, 365–367 Bulk Gas Users Group v. Attorney-General, 343–344 Bangladesh administrative law, 289–306 bureaucracy colonization and, 289–291 in colonial Kenya, 194–198 decolonization and, 300–306 politicisation in US of, 127–128 historical development, 291–295, 302–306, 356–357 US administrative control of, 126–127, 135–136 jurisdictional reach and, 301–302 US scholarship concerning, 131–133 Bangladesh National Party, 298–300 Byrne v. Ireland, 104–105 Bangladesh v. Advocate Asaduzzaman Siddiqui, 299, 304 bankruptcy legislation, English law and, 41–42 Calvin v. Carr, 343 Bankrupts Act of 1603 (UK), 41–42 Canada Barak, Aharon (Justice), 167–168 convergence of English and domestic law in, 147–155 Barak-Erez, Daphne, 159–170, 353–354, 363–365 divergence from English law in, 138–156 Barisan Nasional coalition (Malaysia), 238–240 international human rights law and domestic law in, Barrington J, 112–113 66–67 Barton-Prescott v. Director-General of Social Welfare, judicial reasoning in, 21 331–332 legal change in, 367 Basic Law (Hong Kong) Canadian administrative law Article 39, 258–261 Bangladesh and influence of, 304 Chinese power over, 258–261 convergence with English law in, 150–152, 353 continuity of, 255–261, 355–356 divergence from English law in, 141–142, 353 divergence from English law in, 266–271 evolution of, 138–156, 353 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-1-108-48157-1 — Judicial Review of Administrative Action Across the Common Law World Edited by Swati Jhaveri , Michael Ramsden Index More Information 376 Index Canadian administrative law (cont.) South African legal system and, 171–173 future trends in, 153–155 US legal system in, 120–122 legal community criticism of, 145–147 Commentaries on the Laws of England (Blackstone), New Zealand administrative law and, 343 121–122, 128–131 Parliamentary sovereignty and, 75–76 Commissioner for Religious Affairs v. Tengku Mariam, substantive review in, 140–141, 145–147 248–250 Supreme Court of Canada complexity concerning, Commissioners of Sewers (UK), 41–42 152–153 commissions Canadian International Development Agency, 304 English administrative law and role of, 39–41 Canadian Union of Public Employees v. New Brunswick remedial powers of, 41–42 Liquor Corporation, 142–144 Commissions of Plantation of Kirks and Valuation of Cane, Peter, 9–11, 22, 31–32, 117–137, 312–313, 352–353 Teinds (Scotland), 84–85 caretaker government (Bangladesh), 298–300 common law Carnwath (Lord), 58–59, 155, 184–185 administrative law and framework of, 4–5, 350–358, Cart v. The Upper Tribunal, 53–56, 58, 155 371–373 case law volume, English judicial review and, 33–34, arbitrariness doctrine and, 284–286 35–36 Australian constitution and, 323–325 Centre for Public Law (University of Cambridge), 8 Australian judicial review and, 314–315 Certificate of Renunciation, Malaysian religious Bangladesh administrative law and, 291–295, 306 conversion and, 243–246 Bangladesh judicial review and, 295–298 certiorari, writ of comparative studies of, 5–11, 76–77, 350–358 Australian jurisdictional error and, 318–321 constitutionalised systems of, 21–23, 30–31 Bangladesh administrative law and, 293–295 constraint of public power and, 128–131 Canadian administrative law and, 139 courts vs. executive and, 16–17 case law volume, 33–34 cultures of development and, 365–367 in English law, 33–34, 35, 111–112, 119–120 diversity in, 11–12 in Scottish law, 87–88 dualism in English judicial review and, 65–71 Chairman, All India Railway Recruitment Board executive power and, 16–17 v. K Shyam Kumar, 277–278 future research issues, 373 Charter Holdings Ltd v. Commissioner of Inland government systems and, 10–11 Revenue, 339 Hong Kong colonial law and, 255 Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Canada), 139 Hong Kong judicial review and, 267–268 Cheong Chun Yin v.
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