DOCUM4T RESUMR1 ED 140 313 S 203 425 ="" AUTHOR Dana, Jane; 'Zimmerman, LaNette . TITDE A Resource Unit in Film. Htlletin No. 7087. .INSTITUTION Wisconsin State Dept..of Public Instruction, r Madison. IRONS. AGENCY Office -Of E-adcation (DHEW),, Washington, D.C. RUB tATE [76] NOTE 49p, . EBBS PRICE, MF-$0.83 HC-$2.06 Plus Postage. -DESCRIPTORS Curricjalum GuideS; *Film 'C'xititism; Film Industry; *Film proZuction; *Films; *Fi1m'Study4:Learning Activities; Secondary Education .a \--ABSTRACT The Units ot fils-in this 'curritulu f. guiaemay he used in sequence or as.needed tostrengthen.filmuill'es already, being taught. Since it was designed tc 9ffe4rranges of .4440e for A. variety- cf teachers, this resource guidecontains more-than an..individual teacher is likely to use inapatticular unit or course.i'Topies,of the units, which are arranged inaflogicalordei of prestation, are the nature of film, the tools"of film, thefilmmaking exp ielice, the forms of film, riticism4 and the shape f film to com. Each, - unit contains.% list of instrctional objectiveS,a'cont0 lists of learning activitie"s nd instructional assessment.pr and ieferences. (JM) . Documents acquired by ERIC include many'informalunpublished * materials not available frota-othersodrces.: ERIC makes every effort * to 'obtain the best copyavailable. NeVertVeless, items.of marginal * reproducibilityaroften.encountere'd and this affects the gUality .* of tbe 14crcfiche an hardcopy reprodubtlons ER/C makes available . * 'virahe..fRIC Document ReproductionServiice (EDRS) .EDRS is not * reSponsible for the q ality ofthe origiral document. Reproductions *., '* supplied by EDRS are the best that ca5(be made from the original. *******t*************************************************************** - LI S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCA-110N-11,WiLFARE . NATIONAL INSTITUTE 00 EDUCATION , THIS OOCUMEN.T . HAS BEE REPRO. DUCE?) -,EXACT.LY AS. RECEI ED BROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATI ORIGIN- ATING IT POINTS OF VrEW ORPIN-IONS 4 STATTO DO.NOT NECESSARILY REPRt- .4 SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF . EDUCATION POSITION OR PC1LICY 1441'.;.44 IN FILM - aaf by JarilAna;0, Edgewood High School Madison . and , LaNette Zimmerman Sun Prairie High School ,Sun Prairie 1 ;published. by, , Wistcmsin DePartment of Public Instructioii Barbara Thompson, Ph.D., Sta_te Superintendent . e "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPY- RIGHTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY Wisconsin Dept. of Public'Instruction TO ERIC AND ORGANIZATIONS OPERATING UNDERAGREEMENTSWITh THE NATIONAL IN STITUTE OF EDUCATION. FURTHER REPRO. DUCTION OUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM RE MIRES PERMISSION DF _THE COPYRIGHT * This project was supported in part bY funds under .1/4he nationaldefense &education act of 1958, Title III-A, as amended---P.L. 85-864, the U.S. Officeof Education, and the Department of Health,. Education, and Welfare. However,the opinions ex- pressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policyof the IS.§, Office of Education, and no official endorsement by the U.S. OfficeofEducation should 'be inferred.. ,Bulletin No. 7087 A f=\11 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGE*NTSij FOREWORD ,v INTRODUCTION vii . I--Ar Nature of Film .; 1 , 'UNIT IIThe Tool's of Film: , UNIT IIIThe ,Film.Making.Experience ..16 4 UNIT IVThe Forms of Film 26 UNIT VFi\m Criticism 31 .UNIT yIThe Shap'e of, Film to Come 39 4. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS/ ..,. 'hie Wisconsin, Department of Public Instruction and the Wisamsin Commu- nication AsSociation wish to express appreciation for the timo, support, and assistance of the following in producing pis curriculum unit: ... * * * * * * Ms. Jane Dard and Ms. LaNette Zimmerman, Authorg *sconsin Communication Association _film Resource Committee TOny Goldberg, UniverSity of Wisconsin-SteVens point, Chairpers6n Jane Dana, Edgewood Sigh School, MAison LaNette Zimmerman, Sun iDrairie ,High Schotil, Sun Prairie . * * * * * * Wisconsin .Communication Association Editorial Advisory Committee Richard Barnes, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Chatles Brown, D.C. Everest Iiigh School, Schofield William Davidson; University of,Wisconsin-Stevens Point Shardl Parish, Memorial High School, Madison ' Sharon Sohner, Hamilton High School, Sussex Rbn Allen, University ofWis,consinTkadison, Co-chairperson Mary klein, Department of Public Instruction, Co-chairperson a To4viroli1i \ $eriessecof rots in \This pUblication.on fthb4 IAtreil'eN /41.1 .1sittlenc-Fleeprarrte,msclellliteet of public. the communication arto lAiall) t;,,i. IlY the icons.' o Litdcatlon ation. , histction in cooperaV V ' '` Associ . P \, . foal .inicati il units'in intO'vrs at v Qo d tei 4. and. ,- Ad itional lip 'b7 'r4C1i0' an > Visioll, puilie addreSs are plavfirdIcol ueyears. '. , 1:"Itire\ plin alldlz joignea-to mtet the is' Tust unit of the oeraes on- 14 needs of secondary te0Arslazthe.evtlifounlu4hoil ::-0 whq h4ve resP 1 sibilities for teaching vithi# 4. f . Ofich.ed. 08;306T:tit' so qiiree,ti binder The film resource unit ,i P 1 the thus allowing for adtOgscr0nsekts pr tio4 teacher finds necessary. , ..\ , p any goth the authors andtill6Dtrnbt/0)-71.1b.eInwoctionitQcome athj. t° 'esollree, suggestions or reactioT0 - d INTRODUCTION With' increasing fre-quency, film courses and units Teachers new to the 4lisbipline df may be are finding their way into the currieula or Wis- surprised by the depth and range lof the content consin secondary sChools..The purpose of this re- in this curriculum, liowevei-, a' resource curricu- source curriculum is to pFovide a wealth ofinfor-; him 'shoOki contain more thaa an individual t'each-. rdation from which teachers may. draw as they er is likely .to utilize in a particularUnit or course. devise instructional programs 'in filmfor* their Its.cprnpwheisiveness is designed tit) offer rdnges ,students. 4 - of el-mice fgr- a variety of teachers. The units in this curricultitn are arranged in Although film courses are _increasing in fre what we consider a natural, ad* ofpresents.tian...- quency in the 'stateof Wisconsin, the iridivi ual The first tinit, "The Nature 'of Film," considers film teachbr .is still very xnuch the pioneer. W ile various approaches to-'ilie stUdy of filmas tech-s, this resourç curriculum offers 4 generalhat. of the terrain, teach. teacher must take a path con= nical phenomenon, as industry, ,as art, and as re- . flection and shaper of values.. The. second unit, sistent ocal exigencies. "The Tools of Film," in considering the mechanics When film rmiking equipment is ar a mini- . , of film making equipment,. invites students to ex- mural, teacher will find it necessary to chnose periment with the medium as they develop"hands- .basic film production experiences fromthe cul-- on". familiarity with. technical potentialities and i riculum while Saving, complex experiences for d,'4101 'limitations.The .third unit, `-',The .FilM Making time when,more sophistiCated equipinent can be Experience,' moves from the equipment of the budgeted and purchased. .medium tothe aesthetic employmentI that equipment.The fourth and fifthunit ,"The 'The. acquisition of 'filn'Is for study -nuly also, Forms of Film" and "Film Criticism," provii e for constitUte; a problem for teachers new to the the exploration-,of sp cific form or genre (of film discip,line. The films suggested in the eurriculuen. and for the critical andlysis of filfhs against criteria are generally availablethrough public libraries, of technical and social ignificance. The final unit, at little br no cost, ari'd through_university bureilus 1' "The Shape, of Film to Come," invites the 'student of taudio`VisUal inStruction at nominal fees. HoW- to Araw. on" knowledge of the past,iand,fainiliarity ever, some of thesefilins must be ordered thronglf with the present, in speculating about the skillful rental houses at Commercial. prices.Information and imaginative use of film in the future:,. 'regarding filni.distribution iS-often ayailablefrorn 1 city libraries and nearby university media centers. Sortie teachers 'may wish to lisethis 'Material, Teachers on limited budgets may Wadily substi- in the sequence in which it is presented in the re- . tute available fiims for anY of those suggested in .source curriculuni.- In these cases, theteacher may draw 'frorh the:list of instructionalobjee- the currisculum.. tives, the content outline,.and the list of learning Since Win is a cornPlex Phenomenon in a stage activities.and instructional assessment procedue of rapid iclevlopment, teachers mii.§j seize, every those which seem most useful in adopting he":opportunity to grow knowledge thFough profes- itsof instruction to . particular instructio4. 1 -sional meetings, inserviceor7s-ops, on Campus _Zquirements. ., study, and professional reading. Wehipe that, this 'ilseful for thdse teachers Other teachers May wish to usf these materia 'curriculum will pKove to strengthen units already being taught. who have taken the time and effort to explore this scope of materials offered in this resource cut- exciting medium. 'riculum is such that a range of options are avail- 1 able to the teacher in making decision's about- Jane , course design infilm._ dNette Zi meridan t.C2k UNlrf ONE THE NATUREOP' FILM ' -.- . Film is big busipcss.. From the director to the Introdkictoey 'Statcmcrt local theater projectionist, film involves a vast in- There is an area in the Itynatt mind (or heart) dustry. The student should comc to see film as. which can be reacked only- through ci tmly a mass rm!dium which involves many fieople through that cinema 'which is always aTake, iri production, distribution,
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