THE CHIRONOMIDAE OF OTSEGO LAKE WITH KEYS TO THE IMMATURE STAGES OF THE SUBFAMILIES TANYPODINAE AND DIAMESINAE (DIPTERA) Joseph P. Fagnani Willard N. Harman BIOLOGICAL FIELD STATION COOPERSTOWN, NEW YORK OCCASIONAL PAPER NO. 20 AUGUST, 1987 BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT STATE UNIVERSITY COLLEGE AT ONEONTA THIS MANUSCRIPT IS NOT A FORMAL PUBLICATION. The information contained herein may not be cited or reproduced without permission of the author or the S.U.N.Y. Oneonta Biology Department ABSTRACT The species of Chironomidae inhabiting Otsego Lake, New York, were studied from 1979 through 1982. This report presents the results of a variety of collecting methods used in a diversity of habitats over a considerable temporal period. The principle emphasis was on sound taxonomy and rearing to associate immatures and adults. Over 4,000 individual rearings have provided the basis for description of general morphological stages that occur during the life cycles of these species. Keys to the larvae and pupae of the 4 subfamilies and 10 tribes of Chironomidae collected in Otsego Lake were compiled. Keys are also presented for the immature stages of 12 Tanypodinae and 2 Diamesinae species found in Otsego Lake. Labeled line drawings of the majority of structures and measurements used to identify the immature stages of most species of chironomids were adapted from the literature. Extensive photomicrographs are presented along with larval and pupal characteristics, taxonomic notes, synonymies, recent literature accounts and collection records for 17 species. These include: Chironominae­ Paratendipes albimanus (Meigen) (Chironomini); Ortl10cladiinae ­ Psectrocladius (Psectrocladius) simulans (Johannsen) and I!ydrobaenus johannseni (Sublette); Diamesinae - Protanypus ramosus Saether (Protanypodini) and Potthastia longimana Kieffer (Diamesini); and Tanypodinae - Clinotanypus (Clinotanypus) pinguis (Loew) (Coelotanypodini), Tanypu~ (Tanypus) punctipennis Meigen (Tanypodini), Procladius (Psilotanypus) bellus (Loew); Var. 1 Roback, Procladius i (Holotanypus) johnsoni Roback and Procladius (Holotanypus) denticulatus Sublette (Procladiini), and Labrundinia pilosella (Loew), Ablabesmyia (Ablabesmyia) annulata (Say), Ablabesmyia (Ablabesmyia) basalis (Walley), Ablabesmyia (Ablabesmyia) mallochi (Walley), Pentaneura inconspicua (Malloch), Conchapelopia (Conchapelopia) currani (Walley), and Thienemannimyia (Thienemannimyia) norena Roback (Pentaneurini). Rearings provided as many as eight undescribed new associations of immature stages with the respective adults (Ablabesmyia (Ablabesmyia) basalis (Walley) (Tanypodinae: Pentaneurini)j Cryptochironomus (?) scimitarus (Townes)j Dicrotendipes milleri (Townes), Nilothauma mirabile (Townes) Polypedilum (Polypedilum) crassum Maschwitz, Stictochironomus unguiculatus (Malloch) and Tribelos protextus (Townes) (Chironominae: Chironomini)j and Zalutschia ligulata ligulata Saether (Orthocladiinae». Several unidentifiable and possibly undescribed new species were also associated. One hundred twenty one species of Chironomidae in 4 subfamilies, 10 tribes and 51 genera were recorded from Otsego Lake. One hundred one of the species reported were collected in one or more life stages in this study. Additional records were compiled from the literature. About two-thirds (N=80) of the total species were in the Subfamily Chironominae with about half (61) being in the Tribe Chironomini. Orthocladiinae (22) and Tanypodinae (17) were much less diverse in species, and only 2 species of Diamesinae are represented. ii ADDENDUM Since submission of this manuscript, two journal articles were published which change the names of two species presented here. The species identified as CryPtochironomus fulvus group (sensu Curry 1958, p. 435 and Darby 1962, p.'73) on page 13 was redescribed by Mason (1986, p. 404) as a new species and named Q. curryi Mason. Also, Ablabesmyia (b) basalis (Walley) reported on pages iii, vi, ix,. 12, 23, 28 and 60-63 was designated a synonym of !. (!.) monilis (Linnaeus) by Roback (1985, p. 185). Mason, P. G. 1986. Four new species of the CryPtochironomus fulvus (Johannsen) species complex (Diptera. Chironomidae). Ent. scand. 161399-413. Roback, S. s. 1985. The immature chironomids of the eastern United States, VI. Pentaneurini-Genus Ablabesmyia. Froc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 137(2)s153-212. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Our thanks are extended to Ron Embling and Charles Winters of the SUNY College at Oneonta Graphic Arts Department for information and assistance in photography and graphics and to June Lundon and staff at Milne Library for her help and cooperation in obtaining inter-library loans. We wish to express special appreciation to Dr. Robert C. MacWatters and Thomas Simmons for donation of material and Dr. Selwyn S. Roback for kindly confirming most of the Tanypodinae rearing identifications. We also thank Robert Montione for loaning material for identification. Acknowledgement is gratefully extended to Colleen Driscoll for her patience in typing the many versions of the manuscript and to Faye Hacker, Deborah Jicha and Victoria Lamberton for additional typing. iv TABLE OF CONTENTS page l.~ ABSTRACT ••••.•••••.•••.••••.•••••..•••••••..•.••.•...••...• 0 •• 0 • • • •• ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS. •••••.•••.••••••• ..••••.••••••••••..•.• . • . • • • • • • • i v TABLE OF CONTENTS................................................... v LIST OF TABLES •.••..•••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• vii LIST OF MAPS ••••.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••• , • 0 •••••••••• vii LIST OF PLATES AND FIGURES ••.•.••.•••••••••••••••• , .••... 0 •••••••••• viii INTRODU CTION ••••.•.••••.••.• ..•••..•••••.••••••••••.•..•.•...•.. • • . • 1 MATERIALS AND HETHODS............................................... 1 Collection...................................................... 1 Re a ring ., 0 •• III ••••••• " •••••• " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 4 Slide preparation••••..••.••••••.•••••••••••••••••.••. 0......... 6 Illustrations................................................... 8 Material examined •••••••••••••• , •••.••••••••••••••••...•••••.••• 8 Structures and terminology •••• •..••••.••••••••••... 00 ••••• •••••• 9 Explanation of keys............................................. 10 RESU~1E OF SPECIES ••••••••.•••••..•••••.•••• o. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 KEY TO THE SUBFAMILIES OR TRIBES OF OTSEGO LAKE CHIRONONID LARVAE... 19 KEY TO THE TRIBES AND GENERA OF OTSEGO LAKE DIAMESINAE LARVAE....... 21 KEY TO THE TRIBES AND GENERA OR SUBGENERA AND SPECIES OF OTSEGO LAKE TANYPODINAE LARVAE ••••••••••••••••••.••••••••... 0 •• • •• ••• • • 21 KEY TO THE SUBFAMILIES OR TRIBES OF OTSEGO LAKE CHIRONOHID PUPAE.... 24 KEY TO 1BE TRIBES AND GENERA OF OTSEGO LAKE DIAMESINAE PUPAE •••••••• 26 KEY TO THE TRIBES AND GENERA OR SUBGENERA AND SPECIES OF OTSEGO LAKE TANYPODINAE PUPAE............................................... 26 NOTES ON SPECIES INCLUDED........................................... 29 Subfamily Chironominae (Tribe Chironomini) ••••••••••....•••.•..• 29 v TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) page NOTES ON SPECIES INCLUDED conintued Paratendipes albimanus (Meigen) .....•...................... 29 Subfamily Orthocladiinae........................................ 32 Psectrocladius (Psectrocladius) simulans (Johannsen) ...•... 32 Hydrobaenus johannseni (Sublette) •......................... 34 Subfamily Diamesinae (Tribe Protanypodini) ••.•••.........••••••• 37 Protanypus ramosus Saether ............•.•............•..... 37 Subfamily Diamesinae (Tribe Diamesini) .•...••.•................. 39 Potthastia longimana Kieffer .............•..•............•. 39 Subfamily Tanypodinae (Tribe Coelotanypodini) ...............•.•. 42 Clinotanypus (Clinotanypus) pinguis (Loew) ..•....•..••.•.•. 42 Subf amily Tanypodinae (Tri be Tanypodini)........................ 44 Tanypus (Tanypus) punctipennis Meigen •...................•. 45 Subfamily Tanypodinae (Tribe Procladiini) ..•••••••........•..•.. 47 Procladius (Psilotanypus) bellus (Loew); Var. 1 Roback ..... 47 P. (Holotanypus) johnsoni Roback .....................••.••• 51 P. (!!.) denticulatus Sublet te.............................. 53 Subfamily Tanypodinae (Tribe Pentaneurini)...................... 55 Labrundinia pilosella (Loew) ....•.•.....••.•..•..•.......•. 55 Ablabesmyia (Ablabesmyia) annulata (Say) ••................. 58 A. (~.) basalis (Walley) .....•..•.•.••.•.........•.•....•.• 60 A. (~.) mallochi (Walley).................................. 63 Pentaneura inconspicua (Malloch) ....•..•.••.......•...•.••. 66 Conchapelopia (Conchapelopia) currani (Walley) .....•••••••• 67 Thienemannirnyia (Thienemannirnyia) norena Roback .........••• 69 LITERATURE CITED.................................................... 71 vi LIST OF TABLES page Table 1. A list of chironomids collected in Otsego Lake or believed to be present in or about the lake............... 12 Table 2. Classification of Otsego Lake Chironomidae 18 LIST OF NAPS page Map 1. Relevant landmarks and bathymetric map of Otsego Lake, New york.................................................. 2 LIST OF PLATES AND FIGURES Plate Figure page 1. 1. Life cycle of a chironomid midge. 91 2. 2. Slide mountAd rearing showing arrangement of par ts ...................•.....• . .. 93 3. 3-4. Larval head capsules and cephalic structures .... 95 4. 5-6. Larval head capsules and cephalic structures.... 97 5. 7-8. Larval head capsules and cephalic structures ..•. 99 6. 9-17. Generalized larval Tanypodinae head capsule and cephalic structures..•...............•...•
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