OPINION: GIST OF PEOPLE’S DEMOCRACY P.24 | FEATURES: GREATER IPR PROTECTION P.36 VOL.64 NO.19 MAY 13, 2021 WWW.BJREVIEW.COM SPACE TREK RMB6.00 China on track with its USD1.70 AUD3.00 GBP1.20 extraterrestrial mission CAD2.60 CHF2.60 )/$ЮፑʶѮՁὙڍJPY188 ᥪԦ̼Ձe COVER STORY $127+(5 *,$17/($3 A new chapter in extraterrestrial exploration opens with the launch of the ‘control room’ of China’s space station By Li Qing 12 BEIJING REVIEW MAY 13, 2021 http://www.bjreview.com t 11:23 a.m. on April 29, The second stage was to test key tech- a rocket blasted off from nologies needed for a permanent space the Wenchang Spacecraft station, including extra-vehicular activities Launch Site in Hainan and orbital docking. In 2008, fighter pilot Province, carrying the core Zhai Zhigang ventured out of the Earth- $section of China’s space station. orbiting Shenzhou-7 spacecraft and walked After traveling a little over eight minutes LQVSDFHEHFRPLQJ&KLQD·VÀUVWWDLNRQDXWWR on the domestically developed Long March- leave a “footprint in the universe.” 5B Y2 rocket, the module, named Tianhe, To amass more experience for develop- which means harmony of the heavens, sepa- ing a space station, an experimental space rated from the rocket and entered into orbit. lab, Tiangong-1, was lifted up in 2011 to A key step in the construction of the space test the technologies for rendezvous and station that is expected to be completed next docking between spacecraft. A month later, year, Tianhe will act as the management and Shenzhou-8 entered into orbit and accom- control hub of the station as well as a node plished the first automatic rendezvous and for docking with other spacecraft, up to docking with Tiangong-1. three at a time, including both manned and In 2016, an improved version, cargo spacecraft. Tiangong-2 was launched. It docked with The successful launch marks China’s Tianzhou-1, China’s first cargo spacecraft, space station construction entering the full in April 2017, which also carried out the implementation stage, laying a solid foun- ÀUVWLQRUELWUHIXHOLQJ dation for follow-up tasks, President Xi So far, China has launched 11 manned Jinping said in a congratulatory message. spacecraft, one cargo spacecraft, and The space station, Tiangong or heav- Tiangong-1 and Tiangong-2 into space, as enly palace, will be a crewed space station well as sent 11 astronauts, and completed the independently built with homegrown tech- ÀUVWWZRVWHSVRILWVPDQQHGVSDFHSURJUDP nologies. Besides Tianhe, it will have two “Progressing steadily with systematic other sections, Wentian and Mengtian. and long-term planning—this is an example Expected to be launched next year, these are of how we do things,” Zhou Jianping, chief the space laboratories for conducting experi- designer of the Chinese manned space pro- ments in a wide range of areas including gram, told Xinhua News Agency. China launches the core module space medicine, technology and life science. The third step is to assemble and oper- of its space station from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site “Building a space station and national ate a permanently crewed space station. The in Hainan Province on April 29 space laboratory is an important goal of the successful flight of the new large carrier three-step strategy of China’s manned space rocket Long March-5B in 2020 inaugurated program, and an important leading project to the new stage in the manned space program. boost the country’s strength in science and With work having started on assembling a technology, as well as in space,” Xi said. space station that will be permanently crewed, four more missions have to be completed Three-step plan this year. The Tianzhou-2 cargo spacecraft When China’s manned space program and Shenzhou-12 manned craft will dock started in 1992, the first step was to send with Tianhe. The three astronauts aboard astronauts into space and have them return Shenzhou-12 will enter the module and safely. Shenzhou-1, the country’s first ex- stay in orbit for three months. Then, cargo perimental manned spacecraft, was launched spacecraft Tianzhou-3 and manned space- with no crew in 1999 and four years later, ship Shenzhou-13 will dock with Tianhe, and Shenzhou-5 successfully sent Yang Liwei, another three astronauts will begin their six- China’s first astronaut into space. Yang, a month stay in orbit. So far, the longest stay in military pilot, was 38 at that time. The mile- space by Chinese astronauts has been 33 days. stone feat made China the third country to X Tianhe will also be a platform for sci- I N H V V U A send astronauts into space. entists to verify key technologies, such as http://www.bjreview.com MAY 13, 2021 BEIJING REVIEW 13 ÁH[LEOHVRODUZLQJVWKDWDUHXVHGWR side. It is designed to serve 10 years at the China Academy of Space Technology under provide electricity for spacecraft. “It in low-Earth orbit at an altitude of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp. is bound to enrich our understand- 340 km to 450 km. However, the (CASC), told Xinhua. ing of the universe and promote the lifespan can exceed 15 years with He said the station would be able to support development of science, technology maintenance. maximum six astronauts together. If the Tiangong-1 and applications,” Zhou said. “Every “We will learn how to as- and Tiangong-2 are like one-bedroom apartments, mission is a test for our organiza- semble, operate and maintain large the space station can be regarded as a spacious apart- tion, management, technology and spacecraft in orbit, and we aim to ment with three bedrooms, a living room, a dining support ability.” build Tiangong into a state-level room and a storage, more than six times the area of space lab supporting the long stay Tiangong-2. A home in space of astronauts and large-scale scien- Crewed and cargo spaceships will be launched When completed, the space station tific, technological and application regularly for long-term manned presence to carry out will be T-shaped with Tianhe at the experiments,” Bai Linhou, deputy in-orbit research and services. The station will pro- center and a lab capsule on each chief designer of the space station vide the visitors with a comfortable environment, and zones for work, sleep, sanitation, dining, healthcare V C G and exercise with convenient facilities and advanced technology. Getting to know China’s space station For instance, in Tianhe, the crew will be supported by a new system that recycles urine, exhaled breath condensate and carbon dioxide for different uses, such DVÁXVKLQJWRLOHWVRUH[SHULPHQWV7KLVZLOOUHGXFHWKH Core module load of the spacecraft and cut operating costs. “We will develop the technology step by step, Space laboratory II first recycling water and oxygen in Tiangong, and then planting vegetables and crops in space to gradu- Cargo spaceship DOO\UHDOL]HIRRGVHOIVXIÀFLHQF\µ%DLVDLG Global cooperation After 2024, the International Space Station (ISS), Space laboratory I currently the only space station in orbit, built and op- erated by the space agencies of several countries, is due to retire. If that happens, then Tiangong, about a quarter of the size of the ISS, could be the only space Manned spacecraft station in Earth’s orbit at that time. China is not a partner in the ISS consortium, nor has any Chinese astronaut visited the station. Initially H[FOXGHGDVWKHÁHGJOLQJ&KLQHVHVSDFHDJHQF\ZDV regarded as being too inexperienced to contribute to space programs, China has still not been included despite the rapid development of its domestic space endeavors. However, the Chinese Government has said that it would welcome international participation Long March-5B Y2 rocket in Tiangong. “The station will contribute to the peaceful de- velopment and utilization of space resources through international cooperation,” Bai said. $ZKLWHSDSHUSXEOLVKHGLQFODULÀHV&KLQD·V position on space development, saying it is for peace- ful purposes and opposed to militarization of space. China welcomes UN members to use the space station and has announced nine international projects with 14 BEIJING REVIEW MAY 13, 2021 http://www.bjreview.com X I N H U back samples. It had started in 2004 A and last December, the return cap- sule of the Chang’e-5 lunar probe touched down in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, bringing back samples from Moon. In 2016, the number of space launches reached 22 in China, then to 39 in 2020. In 2021, the CASC alone has over 40 space launches planned, and the total number is likely to be higher with other companies, espe- cially commercial space companies, also planning similar ventures. In the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) period, priority sci- ence and technology projects in aerospace will be promoted and A visitor at an exhibition featuring space science and achievements during the 2021 China aerospace will be boosted as a Space Conference in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, on April 24 strategic emerging industry, Zhang Kejian, head of the China National WKH812IÀFHIRU2XWHU6SDFH$IIDLUV 81226$ in 1975, China for the first time Space Administration, said. China also looks forward to foreign astronauts’ par- launched three satellites on one rock- These will include the lunar ex- ticipation in the space station in the future because et in 1981, another breakthrough in ploration program’s fourth phase, international cooperation will promote understanding space technology. Four years later, in which China plans to build an in- between countries as well as lower costs. it announced its decision to enter ternational lunar research station on 6RIDUFRXQWULHVKDYHFRQÀUPHGWKHLUSDUWLFL- the international commercial launch Moon, interplanetary exploration pation in the nine projects and in the future, China market, making the first foray into such as asteroid reconnaissance, and UNOOSA will continue to explore more coop- the international space industry in heavy-lift carrier rockets, and reus- eration projects.
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