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UvA-DARE (Digital Academic Repository) Is left/right still the ‘super glue’? The role of left/right ideology and issues in electoral politics in Western and East Central Europe Walczak, A. Publication date 2012 Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Walczak, A. (2012). Is left/right still the ‘super glue’? The role of left/right ideology and issues in electoral politics in Western and East Central Europe. General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. 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UvA-DARE is a service provided by the library of the University of Amsterdam (https://dare.uva.nl) Download date:28 Sep 2021 Appendices 113 .3 .3 R² R² .27 .27 .37 .37 .33 .35 .35 .33 .35 .35 .29 .29 n .3 .83 .32 .59 .46 .55 .45 .47 .26 EU 1.04) (-.12, (.14, .5) .5) (.14, (.1, .42) (.41, .76) (.23, .87) (.19, .72) (.21, .73) (.05, .55) (.48, 1.19) Integratio .2 .3 .86 .86 .27 .27 .12 .12 .22 .22 .27 .27 .34 .34 -.06 (.52, 1.2) (.13, .41) (.06, .34) (.06, .53) (.09, .54) (.15, .39) (-.51, .39) (-.09, .77) (-.13, .37) Decrease of Immigration Immigration age regression forvoters .2 of .58 .28 .23 .35 .24 .16 .48 .002 .002 (.2, .96) (.15, .8) (.04, .36) (.07, .49) (.04, .29) (-.41, .41) (-.08, .55) (-.19, .89) (-.46, .94) Immigrants Immigrants ountry were regressed on voters’ voters’ regressed on were ountry s, religion, education and age. 95% and age. education religion, s, (- (- (- .4 .67 .22 .14 .17 .34 .57 .05 .56 (.26, 1.07) (-.1, .4) .13, .23) (-.25, .6) (.09, .71) (.21, .93) (.24, .88) .001, .44) .044, .73) .65 .08 .28 .21 .56 .15 .46 .19 .28 (-.14, .7) (.04, .38) (.14, .78) (.02, .35) (-.09, .25) (-.07, .63) (-.14, .44) (.18, 1.11) (.023, 1.09)(.023, (- (- (- (- 2) 2) 7) 7) 7) 7) 9) 9) .34 .12 .29 .14 .69 .49 .17 .22 .53 .17 -.09 .07 .17 .11 .39 .11 (.35, 1.04) 1.02) (-.05, .14, .8 .03, .2 .18, .4 .05, .4 (.1, .4) (.1, .3) (.2, .9) (- .6 7) 7) .51 .39 .25 .65 .25 .72 .44 .005 (.19, .84) (.13, .65) (.05, .45) .007, .51) .51) .007, (.0004, .8 (-.38, .39) (.36, 1.09) (.26, 1.03) (.15, 1.05) .5 .11 .11 .22 .37 .37 .47 .47 .15 .07 .07 .56 .33 .33 114 (.08, .36) (.11, .62) (.14, .79) (.28, .84) (.15, .84) (-.11, .35) (-.06, .37) (-.08, .21) (-.06, .72) Marriage Abortion Order Order Authority Marriage Abortion Family Adaptation (- .3 on on .39 .39 .17 .17 .47 .21 .21 .53 .35 .35 .36 .43 (.24, .54) .54) (.24, (.14, .79) .79) (.14, .49) (.11, (.18, .51) .51) (.18, .69) (.03, .79) (.28, (.03, .83) .83) (.03, (-.24, .58) .00003, .41) .41) .00003, is analysis, propensities analysis, to vote for c in is political each parties .34 .44 .42 .76 .49 .64 .38 .18 .72 (.1, .58) (.03, .84) (.14, .82) (.33, .96) (-.13, .97) (-.02, .77) (.38, 1.14) (.003, .35) (.19, 1.24) .4 .31 .35 .31 .42 .33 .34 .46 .47 (.02, .6) (.17, .53) (.13, .67) (.07, .55) (.26, .58) (.08, .58) (.15, .53) (.25, .68) (.07, .87) .18 .18 .41 .38 .34 .45 .15 .16 .16 .68 .46 (.11, .71) (.04, .71) (.22, .47) (.12, .79) (.28, .63) (-.14, .51) (-.02, .33) (.015, .31) (.23, 1.12) Enterprise Ownership Intervention Redistributi -.4 -.4 -.37 -.45 -.29 -.46 -.53 -.37 -.46 -.53 .26 .28 .43 -.14 .37 .16 (-.6, -.3) Distance Distance (-.43, -.3) (-.43, -.3) (-.5, -.41) (-.46, -.28) -.28) (-.46, -.23) (-.34, -.39) (-.52, -.47) (-.59, (-.44, -.35) -.35) (-.44, -.34) (-.46, I Full Results andof withHigh the First-Stage Low Level of for Voters Analysis Sophistication 1) (Chapter Country LR PPENDIX distance to political parties in left/right terms and on voters’ attitudes towards 12 issues, attitudes clas controlledon andby voters’ social gender, parties to politicaldistanceterms inleft/right confidence intervals are providedinbrackets. High Sophistication A Austria Belgium Flanders Belgium Wallonia Bulgaria Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Estonia Finland France Tables below show coefficients and distance theunstandardized of left/right 12 issues which have been obtainedthe first-st in th In sophistication. political level of low a high and with a .3 R² R² .35 .35 .35 .35 .34 .34 .37 .26 .22 .22 .27 .32 .29 .29 .35 .33 .33 .23 .23 n (- .21 .33 .53 .89 .23 .63 .29 .62 .74 .49 .46 .41 .57 EU (.3, .95) .9) (.33, (-.11, .7) (.18, .89) (.11, .87) (.19, .74) (.21, .61) (.21, .93) .005, .67) (-.04, .47) (-.03, .49) (.31, 1.17) (.53, 1.24) Integratio .4 .1 .6 .4 5, .27) (-.19, .42) .28 .28 .37 .37 .32 .35 .35 .22 .11 .11 .11 .64 .64 .17 .17 (-.1, .33) (.05, .51) (.15, .65) (.07, .67) (.27, .92) (.23, .57) (-.07, .72) (-.08, .28) (-.05, .75) (-.21, .66) (-.21, .45) (-.17, .52) (.26, 1.02) Decrease of Immigration Immigration of .19 .16 .07 .79 .21 .42 .32 .14 .42 .08 .64 .48 -.11 (-.2, .48) (.01, .62) (.03, .81) (.11, .85) (-.07, .46) (-.21, .54) (-.33, .47) (-.09, .95) (-.13, .31) (-.29, .08) (.45, 1,.13) (-.18, 1.48) 1.48) (-.18, -.0001, .42) Immigrants Immigrants (- (- (- (- (- (- (- (- .25 .18 .36 .31 .13 .41 .67 .02 .29 .36 .15 .63 -.04 (.22, (.27, 1.12) 1.00) .01, .52) .17, .53) .07, .79) .04, .66) .12, .38) .42, .46) .11, .41) .68, .61) (-.11, .7) (.04, .77) (.08, .64) 6) (-.2, .34) (-.05, .27) (-.0 .34) (-.05, 6) (-.2, .6 .14 .11 .22 .22 .55 .68 .68 .51 .13 .23 .34 -.08 (.22, .89) (.3, 1.05) (.19, .83) (.04, .43) (-.19, .42) (-.07, .51) (-.39, .83) (-.29, .13) (-.05, .31) (.35, 1.01) (.-.09, .38) (-.04, 1.23) (-.004, .68) ) (- (- (- (- (- (- (- (- 7) 7) 4) 5) 1) 5) 5) 2) 2) .31 .23 .39 .06 .53 .06 .26 .03 .87 .05 .11 .25 .63 61) 61) 86) 86) 43) 43) (.01, (.29, (.21, 1.45) 1.04) (.19, . .5, .5) (.06, . .02, .4 .05, .8 .33, .4 .27, .4 .1, .62 .28, .3 .09, .3 .5 .4 .1 .49 .34 .42 .54 .44 .31 .38 .47 .23 .36 (.2, .81) .81) (.2, (.03, .7) .7) (.03, (-.39, .6) (.24, .73) (.02, .67) (.09, .75) (.19, .88) (.19, .69) (.11, .51) (.12, .64) (.19, .75) (.06, .39) (-.3, 1.11) .31) (-.49, .2) (-.1, 3) (-.35, .1 (- .15 .15 .38 .38 .22 .22 .24 .24 .28 .23 .57 .57 .36 .23 .23 .24 .28 -.006 -.006 1.007 1.007 (.11, .6) 115 (.41, 1.6) (.05, .41) (.19, .92) (.06, .41) .064, .63) (-.02, .32) (-.24, .23) (-.19, .67) (-.07, .54) (-.08, .65) Marriage Abortion Order Order Authority Marriage Abortion Family Adaptation (.003, .76) (.005, .44) on on .41 .41 .54 .45 .45 .49 .65 .41 .54 .54 .23 .36 .56 .61 .63 .35 (.2, .6) (.16, .92) .92) (.16, (.28, .63) .63) (.28, (.19, .79) .79) (.19, .72) (.09, (.07, .66) .66) (.07, .83) (.29, (.29, .79) .79) (.29, .77) (.48, (.003, .7) (-.12, .59) (.16, 1.13) (.18, 1.03) .78 .32 .65 .13 .41 .65 .37 .24 .41 .49 .65 .52 1.004 1.004 (.03, .8) (-.1, .37) (.32, .97) (.41, 1.6) (.07, .74) (.08, .66) (.06, .91) (-.09, .73) (-.35, .84) (.34, 1.22) (.26, 1.04) (.27, 1.03) (-.11, 1.15) 1.15) (-.11, .4 .33 .31 .31 .33 .28 .21 .26 .56 .22 .48 .27 .48 (.11, .54) (.06, .73) (.03, .59) (.13, .53) (.03, .54) (.21, .75) (.02, .52) (.09, .86) (-.09, .72) (-.12, .54) (-.06, .59) (-.08, .53) (.11, 1.01) (- .5 .5 .39 .39 .31 .06 .25 .52 .36 .24 .46 .42 .48 .18 .18 (.2, .83) (.24, .54) (.02, .59) (.03, .44) (.09, .84) (.18, .67) (.08, .89) (.18, .83) (.16, .84) (-.15, .27) (-.09, .59) (-.18, .92) .0003, .35) Enterprise Ownership Intervention Redistributi -.6 -.43 -.47 -.43 -.46 -.34 -.23 -.56 -.33 -.49 -.27 -.56 -.24 (-.51,-.4) (-.51,-.4) Distance Distance (-.6, -.47) (.08, .44) (.09, .47) (.001, .86) (.19, .55) (.01, (-.34, -.2) (-.34, -.2) (-.62, -.5) (-.4,, -.28) (-.49, -.37) -.37) (-.49, -.43) (-.52, -.36) (-.49, -.17) (-.29, -.51) (-.62, -.23) (-.43, -.44) (-.53, -.16) (-.32, (-.67, -.54) -.54) (-.67, Country LR Germany Germany Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Malta Netherlands Poland Portugal Romania R² R² R² .41 .41 .28 .32 .32 .28 .32 .32 .28 .47 .25 .25 .19 .28 .28 .25 .25 n n .35 .55 .51 .43 .39 .78 .41 .37 .48 .68 .56 EU EU (.79) (.2, .93) (.18, .52) (.25, .85) (.29, .58) (.11, .67) (.15, .67) (.12, .84) (-.04, .78) (.39, 1.18) (.32, 1.04) Integratio Integratio .3 .23 .23 .41 .07 .15 .15 .08 .19 .68 .16 .16 .66 .92 .92 (.21, .6) (.01, .45) (.04, .56) (.37, .98) (-.32, .46) (-.06, .35) (-.08, .25) (-.18, .56) (-.23, .55) (.21, 1.11) (.59, 1.26) Decrease of Decrease of Immigration Immigration Immigration of of .17 .14 .47 .65 .21 .06 .42 .72 .47 .09 .45 (.01, .82) (.05, .89) (.03, .88) (-.11, .45) (-.03, .31) (-.05, .47) (-.12, .26) (-.48, .66) (.001, .95) (.35, 1.09) (.29, 1.007) Immigrants Immigrants Immigrants (- .4 .41 .34 .26 .36 .59 .59 .39 .39 .51 .04 .46 .46 -.04 .29, .21) (.15, .66) (.05, .63) (.08, .44) (.04, .68) (.05, .76) (.05, (.07, 1.1) (.03, .76) (.03, .98) (.05, (.08, .83) (.08, (-.42, .51) .21 .09 .45 .17 .18 .41 .53 .43 .34 .06 .72 (.05, .85) (.06, .76) (.08, .98) (.08, .77) (-.05, .47) (-.11, .29) (-.07, .41) (-.02, .38) (-.31, .44) (.003, .68) (.42, 1.03) (- (- (- (- (- 2) 2) 6) 6) 7) 9) 9) .32 .25 .08 .35 .37 .56 .27 .11 .25 .84 51) 51) 45) 96) 46) 46) 1.08 1.08 (.48, (.33, 1.67) 1.35) (.13, .

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