УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ–92 Б59 Аудиоприложение доступно на сайте росучебник.рф/audio Учебно-методический комплект Enjoy English / «Английский с удовольствием» для 11 класса состоит из следующих компонентов: • учебника • книги для учителя • рабочей тетради • аудиоприложения Биболетова, М. З. Б59 Английский язык : базовый уровень : 11 класс : учебник для об- щеобразовательных организаций / М. З. Биболетова, Е. Е. Бабушис, Н. Д. Снежко. — 5-е изд., стереотип. — М. : Дрофа, 2020. — 214, [2] с. : ил. — (Российский учебник : Enjoy English /«Английский с удоволь- ствием»). ISBN 978-5-358-23134-4 Учебно-методический комплект Enjoy English / «Английский с удовольствием» (11 класс) является частью учебного курса Enjoy English / «Английский с удоволь- ствием» для 2—11 классов общеобразовательных организаций. Учебник состоит из четырех разделов, каждый из которых рассчитан на одну учебную четверть. Разделы завершаются проверочными заданиями (Progress Check), позволяющими оценить достигнутый школьниками уровень овладения языком. Учебник обеспечивает подготовку к итоговой аттестации по английскому языку, предусмотренной для выпускников средней школы. Учебник соответствует Федеральному государственному образовательному стандарту среднего общего образования. УДК 373.167.1:811.111 ББК 81.2Англ–92 © Биболетова М. З., Бабушис Е. Е., Снежко Н. Д., 2015 © ООО «ДРОФА», 2016 ISBN 978-5-358-23134-4 © ООО «ДРОФА», 2019, с изменениями CONTENTS UNIT 1 Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary Young People 1 Varieties Irregular plural Expressing opinion The names in Society of the English forms Making comparisons of countries Language Borrowings Doing research and languages Page 8 Common suffixes Describing a photo Words and phrases for adjectives Giving reasons related to speaking / Articles with the Sharing ideas learning languages names of countries Discussing problems Borrowings and languages Completing a text Linking words Passive voice Writing to an Internet forum (revision) Giving a title to the text Making comments on a statement 2 Globalisation Revision of tenses Expressing opinion Words used Is on Practising reading aloud to describe change the March Completing a text Words used Giving arguments for and against to support or oppose sth an idea Stating facts Words used Doing research to describe origins Presenting the results of research 3 Rights and Modal verbs: Interviewing Words and phrases Respon- obligation, Discussing problems related to rights sibilities necessity, Expressing personal opinion and responsibilities permission Practising reading aloud Linking devices Doing a questionnaire Writing using a plan 4 Society Expressing personal opinion Words and phrases and You Giving reasons related to Discussing questions in pairs contributing Reporting ideas to society Ranking criteria Doing research Writing a composition 5 Crimes Against Use of articles Describing pictures Words related to the Planet (revision) Discussing and reporting the results antisocial behaviour of a discussion Progress Check Ranking reasons UNIT 2 1 Finding Tenses (revision) Writing captions Personal qualities / Your Way Word formation Expressing personal opinion skills Your Dream Job Writing a description Adjectives describing Discussing questions jobs Page 48 Categorising Verbs related Talking about jobs to professions / Describing pictures applying for jobs Reporting the results of a discussion Writing comments Completing a text Arranging a text in a chronological order Role-playing 4 Contents UNIT 2 Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary 2 What Are You Future perfect Expressing personal opinion Words related Going to Do (active and passive) Stating facts to higher education after School? Doing Internet research Vocational education Writing a short description terms Completing a text Discussing pros and cons Discussing expectations Writing a letter 3 Exams Are Reported speech Giving reasons Types of students Coming (revision) Making up a story Clauses Expressing personal opinion of consequence so / Writing a description such (that) Doing a quiz Giving a title to the text Presenting photos 4 Are There Any Present perfect Discussing alternatives Words related Alternatives to simple / present Expressing personal opinion to e-learning and Traditional perfect continuous / Interviewing distance learning Classes? past simple / past Writing a description perfect Discussing future plans (revision) Categorising Giving a talk Doing research Reporting the results of research Progress check UNIT 3 1 Modern Comparing past and Expressing personal opinion Abbreviations Technolo- present (revision) Discussing alternatives of electronic / digital New gies: Pros and Future simple for Stating facts devices Technological Cons making predictions Describing things / photos Multi-word verbs World Suffixes (revision) (following a plan) Giving a title to the text Page 84 Completing a text Making predictions Giving reasons (in written form) Asking comprehensive questions Making comments Doing Internet research Writing a paragraph 2 Wonderful Past perfect passive Making guesses Biographical Minds Tenses (revision) Stating facts information Discussing information / problems Phrases with the Doing Internet research word “problem” Writing a composition Linguistic and Completing a mind map numerical puzzles Giving arguments for and against sth Giving advice Interpreting proverbs Solving linguistic and numeral puzzles Reporting the results of a group discussion 5 Contents Section Grammar focus Function Vocabulary 3 Scientific Word categories Expressing personal opinion Words and Hypothesis (revision): articles, Giving a gist (in written form) expressions related prepositions, relative Giving reasons to science pronouns / question Stating facts words, linking Discussing in groups words, comparatives, Reconstructing an article indefinite and personal pronouns, expressions of quantity 4 The Ethics Word building Expressing opinion Words and phrases of Cloning Analysing facts used to express Sorting out opinions attitude to ethical Describing a picture issues Answering / discussing comprehensive questions Expressing attitude to ethical issues Writing an opinion essay 5 The Future Discourse Making predictions on medical issues Phrases with the of Healthcare Giving arguments word “health” Discussing health and food Words related to food problems and healthy eating; Categorising “health words” to health and Writing a recipe for home remedy medicine Role-playing Words often confused Reporting the results of a discussion 6 Eco-friendly Word building Expressing opinion Words and Technology Stating facts expressions related Writing a paragraph to environment Making comments on pictures Arranging events in the correct order Talking on an issue Describing a photo 7 The World Numerals Making comments on a cartoon Words and Online Completing a text by putting its expressions related missing parts to digital Creating and discussing technologies explanations of words relating to the and the Internet Internet Discussing pros and cons of the Internet Interpreting bar chart data Writing a text for a bar chart Progress Check UNIT 4 1 In Categorising words and expressions Words and the Country Describing a picture expressions related What Are Your or in the City Expressing opinion to life in the city Whereabouts? Writing an opinion essay and in the country Interviewing Page 130 Reporting on the results of a discussion Describing photos in comparison Completing a text by putting its missing parts Giving a talk (following a plan) Doing research and reporting its results Preparing a brief summary 6 Contents 2 Unusual Expressing personal opinion Expressions with Hobbies to Discussing pros and cons of hobbies the word “time” Take Up Giving a title to a text Words and phrases Comparing pastimes related to hobbies Stating facts and pastimes Writing an informal letter Doing dictionary research Giving a talk (following a plan) Giving arguments for and against sth Making comments on a statement (in written form) 3 My Circle Describing pictures / people Personality adjectives of Friends Making comments on quotations Words and phrases Sorting out issues related to friendship Discussing rules Writing “a friendship recipe” Stating facts Giving a summary of a text Expressing personal opinion Doing research and reporting its results Writing brief summary Making notes Describing relationships 4 Cultural Combining words Describing lifestyles Words and phrases Boundaries Stating facts related to lifestyles Categorizing Words and phrases Discussing lifestyles and reporting related to the results dependency Writing an informal letter on technologies Summarising the idea of a text Describing photos 5 Keeping Talking on traditions / regional Multimeaning words: Traditions festivals tradition Doing Internet research Congratulating Writing short messages Progress Check Writing a letter to the future APPENDIXES УСЛОВНЫЕ ОБОЗНАЧЕНИЯ — текст для аудирования Appendix 1. Activity File ...................... 164 — работа в парах Appendix 2. School English .................... 174 — работа в группах Appendix 3. Learning Strategies ................185 — задание повышенной сложности Appendix 4. Cultural Guide ....................195 — работа с Интернетом Appendix 5. Grammar Reference ...............197 — State Exam Appendix 6. List of Irregular Verbs ..............204 Appendix 7. Dialogue Vocabulary ...............207 Key Vocabulary .............................209 7 1 YOUNG PEOPLE IN SOCIETY SECTION 1 Varieties of the English Language
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