July 5, 1971:Our4OthYear:$1.00 NEWSPAPER Broadcasting THE BUSINESSWEEKLY OF TELEVISION AND RADIO NCTA goes to Washington hopeful about future, cautious about present Closing the ring on CBS, Stanton: Staggers committee cites for contempt Broadcasting's election analysis: You can't buy an honest vote these days New wrinkle in broadcast regulation: FCC's helping hand for challengers 30 motion pictures ...all first -run off- network ...22 in color Assault on a Queen The Millionairess' The Bobo Nine Hours to Rama A Boy Ten Feet Tall None But the Brave Can -Can Not With My Wife, You Don't The Chapman Report Pirates of Tortuga The Cool Ones Promise Her Anything The Defector Seven Days in May sg Fate Is the Hunter She 55 Days at Peking The Shuttered Room Flaming Star The Stripper God's Little Acre Take Her, She's Mine Goodbye Charlie Ten Little Indians Guns at Batasi Up the Down Staircase The Innocents The Visit Inside Daisy Clover You're a Big Boy Now Warner Bros. Television a Kinney Services company ',Burbank New York Chicago COMSAT's domestic system would offer an economical TV distribution service The COMSAT -managed global satellite sys- distribution and marketing. COMSAT has pro- tem has brought many benefits to people posed a nationwide studio -to- studio TV program around the world. Now COMSAT proposes a distribution service which could meet the needs multipurpose domestic system which would of the major TV networks, as well as serve and bring the benefits of satellite technology to the provide an economical means of CATV inter- public for communications within the United connection. States. The COMSAT system would open the door An initial complex of 132 earth stations would to new communications techniques for CATV, _work with three high capacity satellites to pro - computer data exchange, the news media, pub- vide.'service throughout the 48 contiguous lishing and personal information retrieval and states, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico. Addi- display services. tional earth stations would be constructed to ,.COMSAT is a privately -owned meet developing needs of various users. corporation. The COMSAT system would enable commer- Its proposed domestic satellite system offers cial and educational broadcasters to establish a unique opportunity to bring a new com- versatile and economical television and radio munications advance to the people of the networks with an unprecedented flexibility: United States: - The multidestination capability of the satel- lite system is of special importance to broad- Visit the COMSAT exhibit at the National casters because it also. provides the oppor- Cable Television Association Convention July tunity to evolve new- patterns in broadcast 6 -9, Sheraton Park Hotet, Washington, D. C. C M SAT COMMUNICATIONS SATELLITE CORPORATION / WASHINGTON, O.C. BOSTON BROADCASTERS INC. the permittee of WCYB TV* Channel 5 in Boston announces the appointment of Harrington, Righter & Parsons, Inc. as national representative. 11IT) Effective immediately *CALL LETTERS REQUESTED WITH OUR FAR -AHEAD TCG -1425. WE CAN FILL THE SCREEN WITH 14 LINES OF 25 CHARACTERS EACH.. TeleMation's new TCG -1425 Character Generator Our versatile TCG -1425 puts more edit -ability at your teenth line for composition preview -and an internal fingertips than any other character generator. Designed memory for a one -line, 560 -character crawl. Characters specifically for use in broadcast and teleproduction, it are more legible because of our high -resolution 11x12 gives you a choice of two keyboard -selectable sources line matrix format. (output is automatically synchronous), as well as partial If you want extra memory capacity, we offer as an acces- and full -page alphanumeric display, and the industry's sory a true random -access disc unit with 1000 -line stor- two biggest handfuls of editing and control features. age and instantaneous retrieval. It's more reliable than The easy -to -use keyboard encourages you to become an magnetic loop memories, and, because there's no head - overnight virtuoso. Display editing functions include to -disc contact, you never have to worry about wear, copy up /copy down, hop left /hop right, snake up /snake clogging or information loss. down, automatic line and page centering, and open line/ You'll find new ideas, convenience and production values close line (for making corrections without resetting full every day in the TCG- 1425 -and the cost is less than you lines). For control flexibility, the TCG -1425 gives you one - might think. line horizontal crawl, line -by -line horizontal wipe, vertical Write today for complete technical and price information. wipe, vertical roll and flash. Edging, shadowing and mat- ting are also available. The display itself is a clear improvement. You command TELEMATION up to 14 lines of 25 characters each -plus a handy fif- P.O. Box 15068, Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 0' Phone: 801 -487 -5399 WeekIßiief As National Cable Television Association convention meets Now that FCC's license renewal policy has been declared in Washington this week, CATV stands on the verge of that illegal, the commission fears that further appeals would long- awaited breakthrough. Special report explores the sit- only worsen the situation. It therefore leans toward evolv- uation and industry how leaders view it. See ... ing new policy on case -by -case basis. See ... On the brink with cable TV ... 16 No more appeal on renewal policy ... 44 This month's 'Telestatus' shows that nearly 80% of U.S. Although none of the FCC commissioners was overwhelmed homes now receive UHF. Based on American Research by the idea, a proposal by the commission's procedure- Bureau data, total number now exceeds 47.9 million. Tables review panel to create an internal citizen -counseling office provide market -by- market view. See ... was not rejected and is being reworked. See .. Where the UHF- equipped homes are ... 32 At FCC: more aid to challengers? ... 47 Analysis of FCC political- spending report reveals that in- Past licensee of dark Dallas UHF, claiming a concerted cumbency, rather than heavy broadcast spending, is the effort by multimedia owners there and in Beaumont, Tex., best route to elective office. But, as breakdown for 1970 to exclude UHF and CATV, files petitions to deny license shows, spending definitely matters. See ... renewals against seven newspaper -owned stations. See... Radio -TV no sure way to get elected ... 34 Loser in Dallas charges conspiracy ... 48 False- advertising complaints by Federal Trade Commission Move to obtain contempt -of- Congress citation against CBS hit seven targets: Easy -Off window cleaner, Easy -On speed and its president, Dr. Frank Stanton, sails through House starch, Black Flag ant and roach killer, Aerowax floor wax, Investigations Subcommittee and parent Commerce Com- Vivarin, H &R Block, Beneficial Corp. See .. mittee; issue now goes to full House. See ... FTC on the march again ... 39 Stanton contempt now up to House ... 50 Delightful location (Honolulu) provides background for Arriving in Chicago from Japan was a standout of the 1971 what advertising people consider dismaying topics (con- Consumer Electronics Show: an Akai I/4 -inch video -tape re- sumerism and its offshoots). That, in a nutshell, was the corder- player. And in the background but more prominent American Advertising Federation convention. See ... than ever were the cartridge- cassette tapes. See ... The dark side of blue Hawaii ... 40 Consumer electronic products 1971 ... 56 lepstmeats Broadcasting AT DEADLINE 8 WEEK'S HEADLINERS 9 July 5, 1971;VoI.81,No.1 BROADCAST ADVERTISING 34 WEEK'S PROFILE 75 Published 51 Mondays a year (com- CHANGING HANDS 46 bined issue at year end), by Broadcast- CLOSED CIRCUIT 7 ing Publications Inc., 1735 DeSales Street, N.W., Washington 20036. Sec- DATEBOOK 12 ond -class postage paid at Washington. EDITORIALS 76 Subscription prices: one year $14, EQUIPMENT & ENGINEERING 56 two years $27, three years $35. Add $4 FATES AND FORTUNES 62 a year for Canada and $6 a year for FOCUS ON FINANCE 59 all other countries. Subscriber's occupa- tion required. Regular issues $1 a copy. FOR THE RECORD 64 BROADCASTING YEARBOOK published LEAD STORY 16 each January, $13.50 a copy; CATV THE MEDIA 44 SOURCEBOOK annually, $8.50 a copy. MONDAY MEMO 14 Subscription orders and address o changes: Send to BROADCASTING Circu- OPEN MIKE 10 z lation Department. On changes include PROGRAMING 50 both old and new address plus address TELESTATUS 32 label from front cover of magazine. BROADCASTING, July 5, 1971 5 PUBLIC AFFAIRS SERIES AFRO -AMERICAN CULTURE O Welt .._ ..._. WGAL -TV local program titled . .;..,a.1 .. ,,.. A recent "YOUNG, GIFTED AND BLACK" - pre- sented talents in great diversity, ranging NITSVeil from Africa to the Broadway stage. This program was part of a continuing public affairs series designed by Channel 8 to HARRISBURG the people of its communi- .OLIN, _...__,. serve all ties. WGAL -TV has telecast programs on IMSPINNSelleelle ° "'~m 'LANCASTER L + planned parenthood, libraries and narcotics. YQIr1tlIM WGAL -TV Channel 8 Lancaster, Pa. 2B Representative: The MEEKER Company, Inc. New York Chicago Los Angeles San Francisco TELEVISION STATIONS Clair McCollough, Pres. STEINMAN Providence. R. I. /New Bedford -Fall River. Mass WGALTV LancatsterHarrisbttrR- York - Lebanon, Pat. WTEV CloseilLYicuit® Bleak prospect nical standards, will readily fall into Commission has, theoretically at place. is Straws in wind all point to House vote Staff expected to have docu- least, been considering higher
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