aa Sra VISTA UTfepeayzOT | M s Tel: 0141-2292049 ; ; - 0141-2292054 . = ees aaa Warera ) ihe /Fax :0141-2292049 2 ona ighways Authority of India Sac /Eail : [email protected] (Ministry of Road Transport & Highways) aodita arate (zereurt) /Regional Office (Rajasthan) WH-120, WAT, TAH TR, WAG-302019 F-120, Janpath, Shyam Nagar, Jaipur-302019 No: NHAI/18013/1/2020-ROJ/Permission-OverheadCrossing-220KV /84/NH-11, km 298+215/76 Date: 09.04,2021 INVITATION O FP U B LC IO CMM ENTS Sub.; P r o p of s o a rgl ra nt of permissionf o ro v e r hh e i a gd h wcr aos ysin g of 2200KV OHL from M S P L2 ’ 0 s 0M W ( A CS )ol ar PV P o w ePl ran t at Km 3 0 + 7( 2 N0 H - 1[K 5m. ) 298+215 of New NH-11] of Bikaner-Phalodi, Village-Khari C h a r n(Gajner), a n Tehsil-Kolayat,Distt-Bikaner in the s t a to ef R a j a s tb hy aM n / s . M a h i nS d u r s a t P e v n t .L t d- . r e g . Ref: 1. M/s. Mahindra Susten P v t .Lt d. l e t t eno. r MSPL/NHAI/200MW-SECLRJ/ 2020/ 11/ 0 3 /0 1 dated 03.11.2020. 2. P D ,PIU-Bikaner letter n o . 13018/1/2015/NOC-Other(B-P) / 8 0 5dated 7 24.03.2021. Sir, It is to inform all concern t h a tM / s .Ma hindra Susten Pvt. L t d .vi de l e t t eunder r reference ( 1 )h a s submitted a proposal to P D ,P IU-Bikaner f o rt h esubjected work a n dPD , NHAL, P I UB ,i kaner has forwarded t h ea bove proposal to t h i sof fice v i d el e t t eu r n d ereference r (2) f o ra pproval of the C o m p eAuthority, t e n t Highway Administrator. 2. The proposal is regarding permission for overhead h i g h wcr aos ysin g of 220KV OHL from MSPL’s 200 MW ( A C )Solar P V Power P l a nat K m3 0+720 (NH-15) [Km. 298+215 of New N H - 1 1of ]Bikaner-Phalodi, Village-Khari C h a r n(Gajner), a n Tehsil-Kolayat, Distt-Bikaner in the state of Rajasthan by M/s. M a h i n d r a S u s tPvt. e n L t d . 33 As p e rP ara-4 of Ministry's Circular N o .R W/NH-33044/29/2015S&R(R) dated 22.11.2016, the H i g h wAd ami yni stration shall be put o u tin the public domain for 3 0 d a yf s o rs eeking claims and objections (on g r o u nof dp s u b li n co nvenience, safety and general p u b linterest). i c 4 . In view of the above, b e f o ra e p p r o vof athe l competent authority,the comments / objections of a f f e c tpublic e d is h e r ei b n y v i tw eit dh r e f e r et n o cthe e Ministry'scircular dated 22.11 . 2 0 1d 6 u eto o v e r h e a d h i g h wc a ry o s s iof n2 g2 0 KO VHL f r o mMS PL’s 2 0 0M W (AC) Solar P VP ower Plant at Km 30+-720 (NH-15) [Km. 2 9 8 + 2o 1f 5New N H - 1 1of ]Bikaner-Phalodi, Village-Khari Charnan ( G a j n eT reh )si ,l -Kolayat, Distt- B i k a nin e rth e state of Rajasthan by M/s. M a h i n dSusten r a Pvt. Ltd.. The objections/ comments m a ybe addressed to the below m e n t i oa n d e d dr eup sto s 08.05.2021, beyond due date, n oc o m m e nobj tec stio /ns w i lbe l accepted. The Regional Officer, Regional O f f i- c J e a i p u r National Highways Authority of I n d i a , F-120, J a n p aS th hya ,m Nagar, J a i p(Raj.)-302019, u r Tel : 0141-2292049, 2292054 Email : [email protected] This is i s s uw e i d t t hhe a p p r oo vf athe l Regional Officer, NHAI, RO, J a i p(Rajasthan). u r Yours faithfully, we ON o4 04] > af (Kuldeep Songara) Dy. General Manager (T) Copy to: (i) Web Admn., NHAI, H Q ,New D e l h- ifor uploading i nN HAI's w e b s i[ twe eb- [email protected]] (ii) Director, NIC, New D e l- h ifor uploading i nMinistry's website. [[email protected]] (ii) P D ,PI U-Bikaner: for information. (iv) M / sM .a hindra Susten P v t .L t d .f : o ri nformation. ape: Gi-5 w d 6 , A a e z — - 1 0 , great, AE eel - 1 1 0 0 7 5 , F A T T : 011-25074100, 25074200 ee : 0 1 1 - 2 5 0 9 3 5 0 7 / 2 5 0 9 3 5 1 4 Corporate Office: G - 5 & 6 , S e c t o r - 1 0 , Dwarka, New D e l h i - 1 1 0 0 7 5 , Phone: 011-25074100, 25074200 Fax : 014-25093507/25093514 AAT UST TSTAT THT eeet oooaory waa / Fax :0151-2224077 (as oRaet eit wsrirt Hare) aja / E-mail [email protected] National Highways Authority of India [email protected] (Ministry of Road Transport & Highways) Project Implementation Unit, Bikaner i-3s, Ugerrat, share (eroreara)- 334002 C-38, Sadul Ganj, Bikaner (Raj.) - 334002 OWNW No.13018/1/2015/NOC-Other(B-Py/ OFS ; : Yan oChiefy General Manager (T)/ RO . So % National Highways Authority of India a Regional Office, Jaipur F-120, Janpath, Shyam Nagar r- aa Jaipur Raj.) — 302019 ; Sub: Widening & strengthening of existing Bikaner-Phalodi section to Four lane from Km. 44200 to Km. 55+250 and Two Lane with PS from Km. 55+250 to km. 163+500 of NH-1I5 on BOT (Toll) basis in the State of Rajasthan: Proposal for grant of approval for highway crossing (NH-11) by 220 KV OHL from MSPL’s 200 MW (AC) Solar PV Power Plant at Village Khari Charman (Gajner), Kolayat Tehsil, Bikaner _ district of Rajasthan -reg. Ref: [1] Mahindra Susten Private Limited, letter no. MSPL/NHAI/200MW-SECI- RJ/2020 /11/03/01 dated 03.11.2020. [2] This office letter no. 13018/1/2015/NOC-Other(B-P)/7600 dated 29.12.2020 [3] IE M/s. CEG Limited Bikaner letter no, CEG/BIK/NHAI/202 1/2668 dated 18.02.2021 Sir, Kindly refer the letter under reference (1) vide which Mahindra Susten Private Limited, Mumbai has submitted the proposal for grant of approval for highway crossing (NH-11) by 220 KV OHL from MSPL’s 200 MW (AC) Solar PV Power Plant at Village Khari Charnan (Gajner), Kolayat Tehsil, Bikaner district of Rajasthan. This office vide reference [2] has sent the proposal to Independent Engineer of the project M/s. CEG LTD. Bikaner to examine the proposal as per Ministry Guidelines & site condition and to submit their comments/recommendations. The Independent Engineer of the project M/s. CEG LTD. Bikaner vide reference [3] has examined the proposal and stated that: “With reference to your letter under ‘ref 1’, we have examined the proposal as per the guidelines of MoRTH vide circular no. RW/JAI/RIPS/2017/ UTILITY/GENL/I161-1189 dated 16.03.2017 & RW/NH-33044/29/2015/S&R (R) dated 22.11.2016 for grant of approval for highway Overhead crossing (NH-11) by 220 KV OHL from MSPL’s 200 MW (AC) Solar PV Power Plant at Village Khari Charnan (Gajner), Kolayat Tehsil, Bikaner district of Rajasthan, The proposal is found in order as per prescribed MoRTH guidelines. Proposal as received is being submitted for further necessary action at your end.” The Mahindra Susten Private Limited Mumbai vide letter no. MSPL/NHAI/200MW-SECI- RL/2021/03/05/01 dated 05.03.2021 has submitted the BG of amounting to Rs. 78,750/- issued by AXIS Bank CBB, Mumbai. The BG has been got verified by this office, Accordingly, the proposal is forwarded/recommended to your office for necessary approval at your end, Yours Faithfully, Encl.: As above. (3 files) FRO TTS, AA / NAA, PU, Bane Tees: sit-5 Wa 6, Maet- 10, rca, Ae farsi - 110075 FTATG 01125074100/200 Wee 01 1-25093507 Web: www.nhai.org Head Office: G-5 & 6, Sector-10, Dwarka, New Delhi-110075, Phone: 011-25074100, 25074200 Fax: 011-25093507 Transaction : eae 984189 Instance Type and Transmission Priori Norrnat Message Output Reference CofrespondentReference inpeue XXKXXXXXKXHXHXXK Received Date&Time 05 Mar 2024 15-46 Message Header Message Output 760COV Guarantee: Format Specifications ener Sender UTIB0001394 DYEING MILL [AXIS BANK, GROUND FLOOR, AXIS HO LISE,BOMBAY 400 025] COMPOUND,PANDURANG BUDHKAR MARG,i va st MUMBAI - Receiver CNRBO002138 - [CANARA BANK, PHAD BAZAR, NEAR RAILWAY CROSSING, BIKANER 334001] Message Text 7020 Transaction Reference Number 13940100014291 7024 Type of Bank Guarentee PERFORMANCE 7025}Currency Code INR Amount 78750 Guarantee From Date 20210304 7026) vy YMMDD) Guarantee To Date 20220304 (YYYYMMDD) 7027 Guarantee Effective Date (YYYYMMDD) 20210304 7029 End date for iodgement of claim (YYYYMMDD) 20230304 703 1{Ilssuing Branch IFSC UTIBQ0071394 CBB MUMBAI issuing branch name and A WING.
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