BASTERIA, 67:115-126, 2004 Polytypic Carinigera buresi in NE Greece (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae) E. Gittenberger& D.R. uit de Weerd National Museum ofNatural History Naturalis / Institute of Biology, Leiden University, c/o PO. Box 9517, NL 2300 RA Leiden, The Netherlands; [email protected] The diagnosable,geographically localized forms ofCarinigera buresi that are known from NE Greece, are dealt with systematically as subspecies. Two subspecies are described as new to science, viz. C. b. nordsiecki and C. b. polimilitis. The structure of the lamellainserta, hitherto neglected in this species, turned out to be partially diagnostic. words: Key Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Clausiliidae, Carinigera, clausilial apparatus, lamella inserta taxonomy, Greece. INTRODUCTION During malacological fieldwork in NE Greece, the authors, searching for clausiliids in particular, came across some geographically localized forms of Carinigera buresi (A.J. Wagner, 1927). Nearly all these vicariant forms are mentioned already in the literature but of them still have valid (Nordsieck, 1977), some no names. They proved to be more differentiated be clearly than could concluded from the published data. Here we cha- illustrate and these of which racterize, name taxa as subspecies, two as new to science. Greece Only the taxa represented in are included. The only subspecies reported from outside Greece, i.e. C. b. damjanovi Likharev, 1972,from adjoining Bulgaria, couldnot be dealt with in a comparable way because oflack of sufficient research material. Carinigera buresi can be recognized by its medium-sized (height 10.4-19.3 mm), dark- to with less white sutural line greyish-brown shell, a more or prominent, narrow, and some white sutural papillae onthe initial teleoconchwhorls. The lunellais situated dorsally. The initialwhorls are convex, the lower ones are increasingly more flattened.Both the lamel- la and the suturalis less discernible fine parallela plica are usually more or clearly as very lines. Their structure is not clearly diagnostic for any of the subspecies. The same applies to the presence versus absence ofboth a fold and a whitish, oblique, more or less broaden- ed below the patch plica principalis in the aperture. In all but one subspecies at least the middle whorls are smooth; rather coarse radial riblets be on the initial tele- may present oconch whorls and on the final half to quarter of the body whorl. The apertural hp is reflected and be may strongly to extremely thickened, characterizing an entire popula- individual tion, or as only an character. The shell measurements (based on over 50 speci- for all with between the sub- mens subspecies) may vary considerably, large overlaps even species that differ most for this character, i.e. C. b. dramaensis with a shell height varying between and and C. b. conciliatrix 10.4 16.5 mm measuring between 14.2 and 19.3 mm. To differentiatebetween the subspecies the following conchological characters are con- sidered useful: the ofthe the most (1) shape aperture, (2) position and prominence of a dorsal crest on the body whorl, (3) the sculpture of the middle whorls, (4) the shape of the lamellacolumellaris, (5) the forward extension ofthe lamella subcolumellaris, (6) the lamella inserta and its relation to the spiralis, (7) the plica principalis and its relation to the lunella, the and ofthe basalis. (8) presence prominence plica 116 BASTERIA, Vol. 67, No. 4-6, 2004 CarinigeraIt turned out that the structure ofthe lamella inserta, hitherto neglected in buresi, can be used as an additional character to differentiatebetween some of its sub- species. It is a short lamella (figs 1-2), that may be present, running obliquely between the ends of the lamellae columellaris and It the distal inner spiralis. supports most part of the clausilialstalk, where the clausilial blade begins. Whenever developed, the lamel- hole that shouldbe made the wall ofthe la inserta is visible only through a in body whorl, behind the lunella. In C. the inserta is either lamella buresi, developed as a separate (fig. 1), or it is more or less smoothly connected to the spiralis (fig. 2). In the latter case, the its it lamella spiralis may seem to have an irregular course near innerend, where smooth- less after ly changes into the inserta. It may also continue regularly, but more or obsolete, the inserta. The lamellainserta described Schmidt only contacting was clearly already by (1868: 6-7), who indicated that its character states cansometimes be used to characterize low level taxa. The illustrated specimens are in the National Museum of Natural History, Leiden (= RMNH). For additional collections the following abbreviations are used: MAA, WJ.M. H.EM.G. Maassen, Duivendrecht; MEN, Menkhorst, Krimpen aan de IJssel; SUB, E Subai, Aachen. The reference 'Nordsieck, 1977' is abbreviated as 'N'. To show distribu- UTM 1-kilometre for locali- tional patterns most clearly, square codes are indicated the and used For the RMNH localities these based ties are in figure 3. only are on primary GPS measurements. For the other localities the codes are less precise since they had to be determined the basis and distances indicated in km, measured on op maps usually along the road. IDENTIFICATION KEY la. Last whorl with a basal and an asymmetrical, prominently swollen, dorsal crest: C. b. buresi lb. Basal and dorsal crests approximately symmetrical, or dorsal crest obsolete or lacking completely: 2 2a. Apertural lip continuous and protruding in most specimens: 3 2b. Apertural lip partly attached across the parietal side, not protruding: 6 3a. Lamella columellarisrelatively low, running obliquely upwards:. C. b. cavallaensis 3b. Lamellacolumellaris nearly horizontally flaring as far as about halfway into the aper- ture: 4 4a. Plica principalis reaching much further than the lunella inside (fig. 7b): C. b. concilia- trix 4b. Plica principalis reaching not or hardly further than the upper part of the curved lunella inside (fig. 8b): 5 connected the of which 5a. Lamella inserta smoothly to spiralis, the innermost part discernible whitish line C. b. dramaensis sometimes as a or lacking completely: 5b. Lamella inserta as prominent as the innermost part ofthe spiralis and reaching equal- ly far or somewhat furtherinside: C. b. nordsiecki 6a. The entire teleoconchwith radial riblets: C. b. militis 6b. At least the middle whorls smooth: 7 7a. Lamellainserta running next to the innermostpart of the spiralis and reaching equal- ly far or somewhat further inside: C. b. insularis 7b. Lamellainserta smoothly connected with the spiralis, the innermost part of which is obsolete or missing completely: C. b. polimilitis Gittenberger & Uit de Weerd:Polytypic Carinigera buresi inNE Greece 117 SYSTEMATIC PART Carinigera buresi buresi (A.J. Wagner, 1927) (figs 3-5) Delima (Carinigera) buresi A.J. Wagner, 1927: 330, pi. 16 figs 125-127. UrbaPski, 1960: 83, pi. 2 fig. 2a-b. Carinigera (Carinigera) delimaeformis buresi; Brandt, 1962: 137, pi. 5 fig. 9. Carinigera (Carinigera) delimaeformis delimaeformis; Brandt, 1962: 137, pi. 5 fig. 8. Not O. Boettger, 1879 (see Nordsieck, 1977: 81). - 4 km N Records. Makedonia. Drama: km N of Prossotsani, 200 m alt., GL4967 (RMNH); 6 of 300 8 km N 500 Prossotsani, m alt., GL4969 (SUB 14386); of Prossotsani, m alt., GL4970 (SUB 16658);from 9 GL4970 18 25 400 GL4970 Granitis km towards Prossotsani, (N: 82); km (= rkm) WNW ofDrama, m alt., (RMNH); 0.4 km along by-road to Volakas, GL4975 (SUB 14385); 1 km E of Mikroklisoura, road to Potami, KF5486 1.3 km road 380 (SUB16990); SE of Agora, to Peristeria, m alt., KF7455 (SUB16676); Nikiforos, KF7462 (N: 82); 1 km W ofPeristeria, road to Adriani, 400 m alt., KF7955 (SUB 17243). Figs 1-2. The lamella inserta (i) in relation to both the lamellae columellaris (c) and spiralis (s) in (1) Carinigera buresi cavallaensis Brandt, 1962, from Kavala and (2) C. b. conciliatrix (Fuchs & Kaufel, 1936) from lamellae other in ancient Philippi. In C. b. conciliatrix the three run next to each inside, whereas C. b. caval- laensis the is fused with the inserta in such a that a lamella with bend spiralis way only single a slight seems be the columellaris final of the still be visible whitish In to present next to (the part spiralis may as a line). fig. 1 the clausilium (m) is still in situ; it has been removed in the other specimen. SEM photographsJ. Goud, Leiden. 118 BASTERIA, Vol. 67, No. 4-6, 2004 Kavala: Pondolivado, KF9638 (N: 83); S ofKechrokambos [see the notes] nearby-road to Skopos, LF0153 0.4 km of 350 (SUB 16989); S Kechrokambos, m alt., LF0258 (SUB 14392); Hrissoupoli (= Chrysopolis), LF0639 (RMNH); W-side Nestos river, W of Stavroupoli, LF0663 (SUB 12045, 16487). Thraki. Xanthi: Nestos LF1251 SUB 16720; N: gorge near Paradisos, (MAA; RMNH; 83); Xanthi, type LF2258 north of Xanthi, LF2258 RMNH; locality, (N: 81); gorge (MAA; SUB12028; Zilch, 1981: 123); 2.0-2.1 km along by-road to Echinos north of Xanthi, LF2368 (SUB 14387, 16735). Fig. 3. Records of Carinigera buresi subspecies in Greece and Bulgaria: C. b. buresi, 5-rayed stars pointing downwards; C. b. C. b. conciliatrix, 5-rayed stars pointing upwards; cavallaensis, oblique squares; C. b. damja- C. b. C. novi, square; dramaensis, dots; b. insularis, 10-rayed stars; C. b. militis, triangles pointing downwards; C. b. nordsiecki, triangles pointing upwards; C. b. polimilitis, oblique triangles. Gittenberger & Uit de Weerd: Polytypic Carinigera buresi in JVE Greece 119 Shell. - Aperture pear-shaped; apertural lip continuous, protruding. Body whorl with moderatebasal crest and swollen dorsal The a an asymmetrical, prominently crest. plica runs somewhat furtherinside thanthe of the lunellaand principalis uppermostpart may be lower fold, accompanied by a very prominent ending in frontwith a broadened, white patch; basalis relatively long and very prominent. Lamella columellaris nearly horizon- far tally flaring as as halfway or even further into the aperture; in frontal view the sub- columellaris is not visible (but see the notes).
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