Indian J Physiol Ph~rmacol 2001; 45 (I): 7-21 REVIEW ARTICLE RESEARCH IN REPRODUCTION: THE INDIAN SCENARIO IN THE LAST DECADE [II]* JAYASREE SENGUPTA Department of Physiology, All India Institute o.f Medical Sciences, New Delhi - 110 029 (Received OD August 10, 2000 ) Abstract: Developing new, improved and totally safe, effective and acceptable contraceptives based on the recent advances in cellular and molecular biology of reproduction is a new challenge to biomedical scientists involved in research in reproductive biology. The present article reviews some of the major contributions made during the last decade by scientists working in lndia in developing new strategies and technologies for better human reproductive health and fertility regulation. Key words: antHmplantation contraception fertility regulation hormonal antagonists hormonal contraceptives immuno-contraception natural contraceptives reproductive health INTRODUCTION to unprotected sexual intercourse and which will decrease the resort to abortion; In a UNICEF report it has been expanded male contraceptive choices, stated, "Family planning could bring more participation and responsibility (3). Now the benefits to more people than any other challenge for scientists in the related single technology now available to the areas is to translate this concept into human race" (1). The necessity of developing developing new, improved and totally safe, a strategy for woman centred agenda effective and acceptable contraceptives had been highlighted at the Cairo b~sed on the recent advances in cellular International Conference on Population and molecular biology of reproduction. and Development (2) and it emphasized on In this review 1 have attempted to tell the three specific needs which were previously story of the contributions made during unmet by the currently available methods: the last decade by scientists working women~controlled methods that provide in India in developing new strategies additional protection against sexual and technologies for better human transmitted infections; methods which a reproductive health and fertility woman can use as a back-up when exposed regulation. -For part I of the article, see Indian Jour/lal of PhysiQla/JY and Pharmacalagy 2000; 44(3); 237-254 SeOIUpu lodiao J Pbysiol Pbarmacol 2001: 45(1) Phy..ieo·chemica' met-hod. for fert.i1ity replaUoo suggest that exfoliation of epithelium due ia the male to vu occlusion by SMA is reversed after 150 days of noninvasive reversal (8). while At. the Centre for Biomedical necrospermic status of the spermatozoa Engineering of the All Indian Instit.ut.e of during initial ejaculations have been Medical Sciences, Guha and colleagues suggested to offer instant: sterility after vas developed an injectable method for inducing occlusion with SMA (9). vas deferens occlusion using maleic anhydride with dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSOl UR or plaat produeu ror the developme.at- of Dove.l as its solvent (4). A special feature of this contraceptive .t-rat-e.rie. treatment was that of spontaneous re· establishment of sperm passage with time, As an alternate approach to vasectomy. and the restoration period could be long-term contraception in the male was regulated from three months to five years. tested at the National Institute of Phase I clinical trials on male volunteers Immunology, New Delhi, by injecting a showed that the treatment was well single dose of oil extract.ed from a traditional tolerated with only minimal side effects and Indian plant, Neem (Azodirachta indica) with no long·term adverse effects (5). These into the vos deferens of the rat (0). The results paved the way for the phase 11 authors reported an antifertility response clinical trials and the drug, styrene maleic throughout the 8 month observation period anhydride (SMA) in DMSO (now named as without any inOammatory or obstructive R,sug) was successfully administered to changes in epididymis and vas deferens, and sexually active healthy male volunteers with no change in testosterone levels, whose wives were without any form of however spermatogenic block was observed contraceptive support. The results obtained which was presumably mediated by from this study were encouraging as one local immune mechanism. though anti· year treatment led to azoospermia and sperm antibody could not be detected. provided pregnancy protection (6). At the Subsequently, polyherbal neem as a cream University of Rajasthan, Jaipur., Lohiya and preparation was developed by this group and colleagues examined the feasibility of a was tested in rabbits and monkeys; it spacing method for contraception using SMA showed contraceptive efficacy after 8S a vas occlusive agent in male langur intravaginal application and was found to monkeys (7). The results suggest that the be safe in subacute toxicity st.udies SMA·based spacing technique for mole performed in monkeys (1). The spermicidal contraception could be extrapolated to the activity of neem oil was first report.ed by human by use of no·scalpel injection and Riar and colleagues of the Defense Institute non·invasive reversal. Ultrastructural of Physiology and Allied Scienees, Delhi (l2). studies revealed that after non-invasive Subsequent studies revealed that the reversal, the vos epithelium regained a state spermicidal action with loss of motility of normalcy as evidenced by prominent was due Lo the formation of pores and plasma membrane, nucleus, cytoplasmic vesicles on sperm head indieating damage organelles, and stereocilia. The results to cell membrane; supplementation of lIldian J Ph,..iol PharmacoI2001; 45(1) Re!leart.b in ReproductIon in India 9 pentoxifyJline which i9 known to enhance attachment. and proliferation and loss of motilit.y could not reverse the spermicidal fertility (20). At the Indian Institute of action of neem oil (13). In addition, the use Chemical Biology, Calcutta, Pakrashi and of neem as a spermicidal agent would coUeagues investigated the anti-ovulatory provide protect.ion to women against. a (21l and anti-spermatogenic (22) potential variety of microorganisms and sexually of Molviscus conzotti nower in the rat. transmitted diseases (14). Lohiya and colleagues at the University The long-term contraceptive potential of of Rajasthan, Jaipur have performed neem for women was proposed by Upadhyay experiments with several plant products et a!. 05), using an intraut.erine mode of using small laboratory animrds and non­ delivery The numbers of MHC II antigen human primate species. Using purified positive cells were found to be high in gossypol acetic acid Blone and in uterine endometrium of bonnet monkeys combination with potassium chloride, the following such neem treatment. Oral antifertility action and possible administrat.ion of purified neem extract, hypokalcmia were tested in adult male Pronl!l!m, to pregnant rats led to resorption Iangurs fOT 120 days. The treatment of embryos with elevated levels of interferon resulted in severe oligospermia, with gamma (IFN-y) and tumour necrosis factor­ impairment of sperm motilit.y. The functions alpha (TNF-a) (16). A post.-implantation of accessory glands and libido, however, aoortifecient response to orally administered remained unimpaired. Complete reversal of Deem was similarly reported for the rabbit these changes were noted after 90 to lOS and the baboon, and the effect was shown days of withdrawnl of treatment leading the to be reversible (17). The partially investigators to suggest that, while fractionated active principle of neem has oligospermia achieved was reversible, the been suggested to function as an hypokalemic response of langun~ is similar immunomodulator in causing pregnancy to human and not related to impurit.y of failure with decline in chorionic gossypol (23, 24). Monkey'" rcceiving gonadotropin (CG) and progcsterone levels gossypol plus potassium salt showed normal in thc bllboon, and increasc in CD4+ and serum potassium level. Scanning electron CDB+ cells in spleen and mcsenteric lymph microscopy of spermato2.oa rcvealed nodes ClB). The active principal in neem deleterious abnormalities in hend and responsible for reversible anti-fertility midpieccj testicular morphology following response in rodent, lagomorph and primate gossypol exposure resulted in a decrease in species was shown to be a mixture of six seminiferous tubule diameter nnd arrest of components which include saturated mono­ spermatogenesis (2Sl. The contraceptive and di-uDsnturated free fatty acids and their efficacy of a chloroform extract. of papaya methyl esters (9). A post-coital action of seeds was investigated. and It was shown Deem oil has been suggested based on the to induce a defect which was reversible and ob ervation that. in utl.ro exposure of two was observed to be mamly post-testicular cell mouse embryo.9 to neem oil led to failure in nature without IDnu(>ncing toxicologic:lJ of blastocyst development. trophoblast profile and libido in rats :lnd rabbits 10 Senguptn Indian J Physiol Pharmacol 200J; 45(1) (26-28). Reversible sterility could also be Hormoual contraception for tbe male induced in male rats by using an aqueous extract of papaya seeds without any adverse There is a need for more participation effects on libido and on toxicological profile by men in fertility regulation, however, a (29). significant degree of gap exists between the need and the demand for novel male The fields of family planning and the contraceptives and the state of prevention and cure of sexually transmitted understanding of the basic knowledge of the disease (STDs), including
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