First Sunday of Advent November 29, 2020 ADVENT EVENING OF REFLECTION Sunday, December 6 7 pm @ St. Francis- St. Maximilian Advent comes from the Lan word meaning "coming." Jesus is coming, and Advent is intended to be a season of preparaon for His arrival. While we typically regard Advent as a joyous sea- son, it is also intended to be a period of preparaon. Feast of the Immaculate Concepon of Mary Tuesday, December 8 Holy Day of Obligaon Masses at St. FrancisRSt. Maximilian 9:00 am and 7:00 pm (Bilingual) Mass at St. Mary Myscal Rose 7:00 pm La Inmaculada Concepción Martes 8 de diciembre Our food pantry is need of a working upright freezer. If you have one that you are no longer using and would like to donate please call the office 586.598.3314. Advent Wreaths & Candles Stewardship Thought WHY DO WE DO THAT? R CATHOLIC LIFE EXPLAINED Advent wreaths for families to place in In our First Reading today, the prophet their homes are available in the gather- Ezekiel uses the imagery of a shepherd Queson: When we say the Penitenal ing space. They are on the glass cabinet rescuing his sheep to illustrate how our Act at Mass, why do we strike our across from the bathrooms. A complete Lord God reaches out to those in need. chest three mes? set of a wreath and box of candles is In St. Mahew’s Gospel, Jesus clearly $15. A box of candles is $5. teaches that His followers must serve Answer: others with acts of Chrisan mercy and Our rituals and liturgical celebraons Advent means “coming”, we prepare love to enter the Kingdom of God. He are filled with a variety of symbols, for Jesus’ coming. The candles on the proclaims: Whatever you did for one of some of which also relate to our ges- wreath symbolize hope, love, joy and the least brothers of mine, you did for tures and physical postures (e.g. kneel- peace. me. These Gospel instrucons are the ing, sing, processing, making the Sign foundaon of the Catholic Church’s of the Cross). The custom of striking our Spiritual and Corporal Works of Mercy, breast three mes during the “I Con- on which St. Teresa modeled her life fess” of the Penitenal Act of the Mass North Macomb Vicariate and ministry to the “poorest of the is one of those gestures that is loaded Advent Penance Schedule poor” in the streets of Calcua. Like St. with symbolism. Teresa, we, as Paschal stewards, accept The tradion of Chrisan’s striking the Tuesday, Dec 15 @ 7 pm, St. Kieran God’s call to proclaim Jesus to all we breast (above the heart) is rooted in the meet on our own journey toward holi- image of Sacred Scripture, especially ness. May her model of love, charity, Wednesday, Dec 16 @ 7 pm, St. texts like Psalm 51 which speak of a and mercy encourage us to open our Lawrence “humbled contrite heart” or how God hearts and minds in service of the poor, heals broken hearts, binding up our sick, and strangers in our midst and to Saturday, Dec 19 @ 1 pm, St. wounds (see Psalm 147:3). Early Chris- return a generous poron of our bless- an writers like Saint Augusne of Hip- Therese of Lisieux ings. In this upcoming Advent po and Saint Jerome also refer to this season, adopt a family in need, visit a custom in their wrings. Monday, Dec 21 @ 7 pm, St. Isidore relave or friend in a nursing home or Ulmately, this pracce is an expression assisted living facility, or sponsor a refu- of our sorrow for those mes when we gee family. have been guilty of faults and a sign that we are willing to take responsibility What is the RCIA? for our sins and failings. That we all per- The RCIA (Rite of Chrisan form this gesture together is also an act Iniaon of Adults) is a of solidarity, recognizing that none of journey for adults who are us, regardless of where we are on our interested in learning journey of faith, is without fault and the about the Catholic faith and or becom- need for grace and forgiveness. ing Catholic. RCIA weekly formaon ©LPi sessions offer the opportunity to study sacred scripture, discern the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church, and ex- perience a personal encounter with Jesus Christ through prayer. RCIA is de- Buried in Christ signed for those adults who are: In need of Bapsm The faith community of St. FrancisRSt. Bapzed in another Chrisan tradi- Maximilian extends sympathy and pray- on who desire to become Catholic ers to the family of Albert J. Kralik, Jr., Bapzed Catholic, and in need of 68. Born into Eternal Life November 12, the recepon of the sacraments of 2020. Eucharist and Confirmaon RCIA formaon sessions will begin soon, call the office 586.598.3314 or see Fr. Chris or Fr. Art. May he rest in the hands of the Lord. 1st Sunday of Advent these now mes, we have to be ready. As always, our church We have to want to be there. We have will be beaufully You are at the eye doctor and it’s me to believe. And, we have to have the decorated with poin- for the peripheral vision test. You know desire to soak in as much as we can in sea’s. Over the past the one. It’s where you put your head the me we have before us. few years and again up to a contrapon and have to click a this year we are offering you an oppor- switch every me you see a squiggly ©LPi tunity to purchase a flower in memory line. If you don’t concentrate and main- of your loved ones. Simply fill out the tain opmal focus, you will miss them coupon below Or an envelope which is and skew the outcome of the test. You in the gathering space and return it can easily find yourself with a diagnosis with your donaon of $20.00 to the that really isn’t accurate! Concentraon parish office by December 13th. and focus are key to succeeding with this evaluaon. They are also key to Vamos a decorar la Iglesia con POINSE- developing a healthy, vibrant spiritual TIAS. Ahora podremos comprar las flo- life. If we do not bring our full con- res en memoria de algún ser querido. sciousness to the task, concentrate with Simplemente llene el cupón de abajo y all our might, be watchful and vigilant, entréguelo con un donavo de $20.00 a we are not going to see God’s loving la Oficina Parroquial, antes del 13 de presence flashing before our eyes! diciembre. That’s why we need Advent. Let’s face In Memory of:/En la Memoria de: it. We can easily get distracted, focus on Live the Liturgy nonessenal and superficial things and lose touch with what really maers. Our Be watchful! Be alert! The core message _____________________________ aenons wander. We daydream and of Advent cannot be more direct or sim- even become a bit overwhelmed and ple. As those who are postured in a spir- red. All of the stresses and demands of it of readiness and ancipaon, we ________________________________ life consume us and we find ourselves must always be aenve and vigilant. constantly trying to play catch up rather We have to be ready not only for the From:/ than relishing the moment of the now. ancipated arrival of our Lord, but De:_____________________________ “Now” moments are so fleeng. They watchful and aenve to the unex- flash before us like those squiggly lines pected visit as well. While we know that on a screen. Present moments go as the Christ is coming, we also do not quickly as they come but it is important know the exact me. Culvang this to discover them and rest in them as expectant atude is the purpose of this o en as we can. Though gone in a flash, season. It is easy to grow slack, inaen- these now moments of encounter with ve, and too selfRassured. We can easily God teach powerful lessons and offer a deaden ourselves to the wonder and grounding in truth that can be found surprise of God’s presence. We get so nowhere else. It’s the grace of Advent to absorbed in so many other distracons become watchful and aenve because that it can seem like Christ’s second we are never sure when God will sur- coming, and even Christ’s coming in prise us. me are of lesser importance. When it FREE FLU VACCINATION CLINIC finally dawns on us that we have wan- Sunday, Nov 29 God loves surprises and love thrives on dered far away from where we need to 11:30V12:30 be, and lost our aenveness and focus, them! God’s now moments of surprises Or come as tender instants of inmate con- we will wonder how this all happened. necon where I find profound peace, We may even try to put the onus on 1:30V2:30 experience joy, and rest in love. These God and blame God for a lack of in- St. FrancisRSt. Maximilian are Advent mes reflecve of the now volvement or presence. We are the Catholic Community moments when Christ first was born, ones, who through our own choice, put Sponsored by: when God surprises us during every the distance in our relaonship and lost Alana’s Foundaon in partner- me we care to watch and when the touch.
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