Chapter: 4: Women in TG Panchayats: The State of Political Empowerment 4.1. Introduction: 4.2. Political Empowerment of Women in India: A Brief Overview Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats 157 157 157 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats 158 158 158 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats 4.3. Empowerment of Women in the Panchayats of Jalpaiguri District: 6,227 sq. km 34, 01,173 (Toto, Rava, Mech etc) “Clouded Leopard” 188 158 159 159 159 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats Table: 4.1: Brief Description of the Jalpaiguri District Description .1. Comparison between 2011 & 2001 Basic Statistics 2011 2001 Actual Population 3,869,675 3,401,173 Male 1,980,068 1,751,145 Female 1,889,607 1,650,028 Population Growth 13.77% 21.45% Area Sq. Km 6,227 6,227 Density/km2 621 546 Proportion to West Bengal Population 4.24% 4.24% Description . 2 Comparison between Rural & Urban Population, 2011 Rural Urban Population (%) 73.00 % 27.00 % Total Population 2,825,001 1,044,674 Male Population 1,445,791 534,277 Female Population 1,379,210 510,397 Sex Ratio 954 955 Child Sex Ratio (0-6) 950 943 Child Population (0-6) 340,662 104,363 Male Child(0-6) 174,677 53,704 Female Child(0-6) 165,985 50,659 Child Percentage (0-6) 12.06 % 9.99 % Male Child Percentage 12.08 % 10.05 % Female Child Percentage 12.03 % 9.93 % Literates 1,752,822 774,196 Male Literates 995,436 416,629 Female Literates 757,386 357,567 Average Literacy 70.55 % 82.33 % Male Literacy 78.31 % 86.69 % Female Literacy 62.43 % 77.78 % Source: http://www.census2011.co.in/census/district/2-jalpaiguri.html 160 160 160 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats 1 http://censusindia.gov.in/2011-prov-results/prov_data_products_wb.html accessed 12th May, 2011 161 161 161 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats Table: 4.2. Block wise Reservation of GP seats in Jalpaiguri, 2008 Sl BLOCK Total No. SC ST WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN No. of Seats SC ST GENERAL 1 Alipurduar-I 130 36 15 25 9 15 2 Alipurduar-II 139 39 16 21 9 22 3 Dhupguri 245 75 40 50 14 20 4 Falakata 176 46 17 26 12 26 5 Jalpaiguri 190 74 7 47 3 18 (sadar) 6 Kalchini 165 17 47 7 30 21 7 Kumargram 122 32 21 17 15 10 8 Madarihat- 124 13 35 13 15 18 Birpara 9 Mal 168 31 40 18 25 18 10 Matiali 70 9 24 3 13 8 11 Maynaguri 200 89 1 54 1 17 12 Nagrakata 74 5 28 6 11 9 13 Rajgang 173 62 4 37 2 23 Total 1976 528 295 324 159 225 Source: Handbook on Administrative Arrangements in 7th Panchayat General Election, 2008 162 162 162 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats Table 4.3. Block wise Reservation of Panchayat Samity Seats in Jalpaiguri, 2008 Sl BLOCK Total No. SC ST WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN No. of Seats SC ST GENERAL 1 Alipurduar-I 30 8 4 6 1 3 2 Alipurduar-II 29 9 3 2 1 7 3 Dhupguri 46 16 6 8 4 4 4 Falakata 34 9 3 5 2 5 5 Jalpaiguri (sadar) 38 15 0 7 2 4 6 Kalchini 31 3 9 1 5 5 7 Kumargram 27 8 4 2 4 3 8 Madarihat-Birpara 26 3 7 2 4 3 9 Mal 31 7 7 2 5 4 10 Matiali 15 2 5 1 2 2 11 Maynaguri 42 18 0 10 0 4 12 Nagrakata 13 0 6 1 0 4 13 Rajgang 34 12 2 7 0 5 Total 396 110 56 54 30 53 Source: Handbook on Administrative Arrangements in 7th Panchayat General Election, 2008 Table 4.4. Reservation of Zilla Parishad Seats in Jalpaiguri, 2008 Sl No. Name of Total No. SC ST WOMEN WOMEN WOMEN Zilla of Seats SC ST GENERAL Parishad 1 Jalpaiguri 34 10 4 4 3 5 Source: Handbook on Administrative Arrangements in 7th Panchayat General Election, 2008 Table 4.5. Reservation of Gram Panchayat Pradhan/Upa-Pradhan, 2008 Name of Total SC SC ST ST Women Total No. of GP District No. of (Including Women (Including Women General Prodhan GP Women) Women) Reserved for Women Jalpaiguri 146 60 21 32 10 18 49 Name of Total SC SC ST ST Women Total No. of GP District No. of (Including Women (Including Women General UpaProdhan GP Women) Women) Reserved forWomen Jalpaiguri 146 13 3 22 8 0 11 Source: Handbook on Administrative Arrangements in 7th Panchayat General Election, 2008 163 163 163 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats 4.4. Introduction of Panchayats in Tea Gardens: • • • 164 164 164 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats 2 Memorandam No. 207/PN/O/I dated 21st January, 1999, issued by Department of Panchayat and Rural Development, Government of West Bengal, Calcutta 165 165 165 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats 166 166 166 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats 4.5. A Brief Profile of Tea Garden Panchayats in Jalpaiguri power over power within power with to 167 167 167 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats 168 168 168 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats Table: 4.6. Brief Profile of Tea Garden Panchayats in Jalpaiguri District Block Panchayat Male Female SC ST Others Total 1 Kalchini Malangi (T.G) 16082 16517 3105 17963 11531 32599 2 Kalchini Chuapara (T.G) 12390 12579 3656 9643 11670 24969 3 Kalchini Kalchini (T.G) 14072 13810 4678 12180 11024 27882 4 Kalchini Garopara (T.G) 14194 14268 3512 13609 11341 28462 5 Madarihat-Birpara Bandapani (T.G) 5590 5502 541 5762 4789 11092 6 Madarihat-Birpara Birpara-II (T.G) 6645 6685 1965 3327 8038 13330 7 Madarihat-Birpara Hantapara (T.G) 9298 9591 2632 6817 9440 18889 8 Madarihat-Birpara Sishujhumra (T.G) 14217 13671 1398 18887 7603 27888 9 Kumargram Raidak (TG) 8207 7908 414 11980 3721 16115 Newland-Kumargram- 10 Kumargram Sankosh (TG) 9896 9674 2081 1204 16285 19570 11 Alipurduar-I Mathura (T.G) 4797 4752 159 8013 1377 9549 12 Alipurduar-II Kohinoor (T.G) 2789 5036 3964 11789 3964 11789 13 Nagrakata Looksan (T.G) 16868 16134 5034 18412 9556 33002 14 Nagrakata Champaguri (T.G) 16127 16203 4718 17501 10111 32330 15 Malbazar Bagarakote (T.G) 12864 12744 2149 12190 11269 25608 16 Malbazar Rangamatee (T.G) 15915 15903 2199 19856 9763 31818 17 Malbazar Damdim(T.G) 15578 15439 820 10983 19214 31017 18 Matiali Indong Matiali (T.G) 12274 12113 1707 13169 9511 24387 19 Matiali Matiali-Hat (T.G) 9778 10062 2381 6349 11110 19840 20 Dhupguri Banarhat-I (T.G) 18918 18601 2857 15513 19149 37519 21 Dhupguri Banarhat-II (T.G) 13104 13317 2402 10868 13151 26421 22 Dhupguri Chamurchi (T.G) 16595 16365 4083 15134 13743 32960 23 Dhupguri Binnaguri (T.G) 14930 14625 2652 17935 8968 29555 Source: Data Provided by the District Panchayat & Rural Development Officer, 2010 169 169 169 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats (See Table 4.6). (See Table 4.7) 170 170 170 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats Table. 4.7. List of Exclusively & Predominantly Tea Garden Panchayats in the Jalpaiguri District. Sl. Block Name Gram Panchayats Remarks 1 KALCHINI GAROPARA* EXCLUSIVELY TG SANSAD 17 2 KALCHINI KALCHINI* EXCLUSIVELY TG SANSAD 19 3 KALCHINI MALANGI EXCLUSIVELY T G SANSAD 19 4 KALCHINI CHUAPARA EXCLUSIVELY T G SANSAD 14 5 MADARIHAT-BIRPARA BIRPARA-II* EXCLUSIVELY TG SANSAD 9 6 MADARIHAT-BIRPARA HANTAPARA* EXCLUSIVELY TG SANSAD 13 7 MADARIHAT-BIRPARA BANDAPANI* EXCLUSIVELY TG SANSAD 7 8 MADARIHAT-BIRPARA SISHUJHUMRA EXCLUSIVELY T G SANSAD 19 9 KUMARGRAM RAYDAK* EXCLUSIVELY TG SANSAD 10 10 KUMARGRAM NKS EXCLUSIVELY T G SANSAD 12 11 ALIPURDUAR-I MATHURA FV SANSAD 1, T G SANSAD 6 12 ALIPURDUAR-II KOHINOOR REV SANSAD 4, T G SANSAD 3 13 NAGRAKATA LOOKSAN REV SANSAD 6, T G SANSAD 15 14 NAGRAKATA CHAMPAGURI REV. SANSAD - 3, TG SANSAD - 24 15 MAL BAGRAKOTE REV. SANSAD - 2, TG SANSAD - 19 16 MAL DAMDIM REV. SANSAD - 4, TG SANSAD - 18 17 MAL RANGAMATTEE REV. SANSAD - 1, TG SANSAD - 21 18 MATIALI MATIALI-HAT REV. SANSAD - 2, TG SANSAD - 14 19 MATIALI INDONG MATIALI REV. SANSAD - 4, TG SANSAD - 14 20 DHUPGURI BANARHAT-II REV. SANSAD - 1, TG SANSAD - 14 21 DHUPGURI BINNAGURI REV. SANSAD - 4, TG SANSAD - 13 22 DHUPGURI CHAMURCHI REV. SANSAD - 4, TG SANSAD - 13 23 DHUPGURI BANARHAT-I REV. SANSAD - 7, TG SANSAD 12 * Gram Panchayats taken under this study Source: District Panchayat & Rural Development Officer, Jalpaiguri, 2010 171 171 171 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats Table. 4.8. Women Pradhan’s of Tea Garden Areas of Jalpaiguri District Kabita Kerketta Garopara Roshni Baghwar Chuapara Kamala Oraon Birpara II Maya Lama Hantapara Smt. Nilam Mandal Kohinoor Source: Data Provided by the District Panchayat & Rural Development Officer, 2010 Table 4.9: Sex Pattern of Gram Pradhan in the selected GPs Sl. No Block Name Gram Panchayat Name Sex of the Pradhan Source: Constructed from the Field study 172 172 172 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats 4.6. Profile of the Women Panchayat Members under the Study: 173 173 173 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats Table: 4.10. Block & GP Wise Break Up of EWR in the Study Area Sl Block GP Total Total Seat Reserved for No. Seat EWR Women (33%) Source: Data collected from the field 174 174 174 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats 4.6.1: Social Status: Table: 4.11: Age Group of EWRs 175 175 175 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats Table: 4.12: Marital Status of EWRs 176 176 176 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats Caste Table 4.15: Caste of EWRs Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent 1 General 2 5.3 5.3 5.3 2 SC 7 18.4 18.4 23.7 3 ST 28 73.7 73.7 97.4 Community 4 OBC 1 2.6 2.6 100.0 Total 38 100.0 100.0 Source: Field Study Table 4.16: Community of EWRs Cumulative Frequency Percent Valid Percent Percent 1 Nepali 18 47.4 47.4 47.4 2 Adivasi 20 52.6 52.6 100.0 3 Total 38 100.0 100.0 Source: Field Study 177 177 177 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats Source: Field Study Source: Field Study 178 178 178 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats 4.6.2: Livelihood Status: Table 4.19: Poverty Level of EWRs Valid Cumulative Poverty Level Frequency Percent Percent Percent 1 BPL 24 63.2 63.2 63.2 2 APL 14 36.8 36.8 100.0 3 Total 38 100.0 100.0 Source: Field Study Table 4.20: Average Monthly Income of EWRs Monthly Income Valid Cumulative Frequency Percent Percent Percent 1 Nil 9 23.7 23.7 23.7 2 Upto 1000 9 23.7 23.7 47.4 3 1001-3000 15 39.5 39.5 86.8 4 3001-6000 4 10.5 10.5 97.4 5 10000 above 1 2.6 2.6 100.0 Total 38 100.0 100.0 Source: Field Study 179 179 179 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats Table 4.21: House Ownership and Electricity Distribution Variables House Ownership Electricity Frequency Percent Frequency Percent 1 Yes 2 No Total Source: Field Study 180 180 180 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats Table 4.22: Sanitation Type Source: Field Study Table 4.23: Drinking Water Facility Source: Field Study 181 181 181 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats 4.6.3: Political Background of EWR’s 182 182 182 Chapter-4: Women in TG Panchayats Table 4.24: Frequency of Contested and Elected EWRs Sl No.
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