Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84153-5 - Ritual in Early Modern Europe, Second Edition Edward Muir Index More information Index Absalon, Anna Pedersdotter, 245 Aumont, Duke of, 136 adolescence, 33; see also youth-abbeys Austin, J. L., 272 Advent: liturgical season of, 65, 67–68; auto de fe, 228–30 ceremonial entry form of, 262, Avignon, 9, 55 265–66 Aztec rituals, 6, 191–92 Agatha’s day, St., 70 Aiguillette, 46–47 Bacon, Francis, 275 Alba, 231 Bakhtin, Mikhail, 98–99, 115 Albania, 105, 113 Balandier, Georges, 253 Albertus Magnus, 46 Balkans, 24, 217 Alcal`a,University of, 177–78 Bamberg, 72 Alenquer, 104 banquets, wedding, 42–45 Alexander III, Pope, 258 baptism, 24–27, 163, 178; sacramental Aleksei, Tsar, 148, 221 debates about, 185–86, 204 Alfonso, King of Naples, 269 Barcelona, 95 All Fool’s day. See Feast of Fools Bari, 257 All Saints’ day, 78 Bartholomew’s day, St., 103 All Souls’ day, 52, 57, 78 Bavaria, 147, 244 Ambrose, St., 82, 256–57 Becker, Carl, 11 Amsterdam, 117 Behn, Aphra, 46 Anabaptists, 22, 186, 223 Benandanti, 28 Angelico, Fra, 109 Benedict of Nursia, St., 85; order of, 64; animals in rituals, 95, 113–15, 117–18, rule of, 85 135, 145 Benedict XIV, Pope, 196 anointment, 273–74, 295 Bergen, 245 Aquinas, Thomas, St., 156, 209 Bernard of Clairvaux, St., 127 Arianism, 223 Bernardino of Siena, St., 28, 81–82 Ari`es,Philippe, 51 Bertran de Born, 144 Arles, 34 Bible and sacraments, 167–68, 177–78, art of dying (ars moriendi ), 52–55, 57 186 Asag, 142 Bielski, Joachim, 275 Ascension day, 65, 72–74, 204–5, birth, rituals associated with, 22–28 258–60 bishops: authority over ritual practice, 188; Asciesi, Gabriele d’, 119 during Catholic Reformation, 230–33 Asciesi, Guglielemo d’, 119 Black Death, 51, 76 Ash Wednesday, 70, 89, 95 Blasius’s day, St., 70 Assumption of the Virgin, feast of the, 204 bleeding hosts, 155–58 Asti, 231 blood libel, 234–36 Augsburg: marriage ceremonies in, 42–45; Bodin, Jean, 46 Reformation in, 204–5 body: in rituals, 10; lower, 93–121; politic, Augustine, St., 25, 210–11 161–62, 271, 281; of God, 166–70, Augustinian Order, 174 254–55; of saints, upper, 125–51 312 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84153-5 - Ritual in Early Modern Europe, Second Edition Edward Muir Index More information Index 313 Bohemia, heresies in, 157. See also Hus, ceremony: books, 263–64; Jan; Utraquists sixteenth-century definitions of, 175. Bologna, 103, 269, 284, 285 See also rite, ritual Bolsena, 155–58, 173 Cervantes, Miguel de, 100 Bonaventura of Bagnoregio, St., 156 Cesena, 117 Boniface VIII, Pope, 64 charivari, 106–11, 143–44 Borgia, Cesare, 117 Charles VII, King of France, 279 Borgia, Lucrezia, 107 Charles VIII, King of France, 260 Bossy, John, 23, 74 Charles the Bold, Duke of Burgundy, 265, Bourdieu, Pierre, 6 268 Braga, 188 Chartier, Roger, 296 Brazil, 24 Chaumont, France, 102 Brown, Patricia Fortini, 264 Chester, 77 Brueghel, Pieter (the Elder), 89, 96, 126 children, ritual sacrifice of, 193, 234–35, Bryant, Larry, 266 243–44. See also infants, baptism of Bucer, Martin, 180 China, 193–97 Buchholz, 105 Chinese Rites Controversy, 195–97 Burgundy, 265, 266–69, 286 Christ: dual nature of, 126; life of, in the burial, places of, 55–56 liturgy, 67–79. See also Advent, Burke, Peter, 97, 126, 134, 148, 282 Ascension day, Christmas, Corpus Bynam, Caroline Walker, 94, 166 Christi, Easter, Epiphany, Eucharist, Holy Week, host, incarnation calendars, Aztec and Maya, 191; Christian III, King of Denmark, 283 Christian, 62–86; Hebrew, 64; reform Christmas, 65–68, 202 of, 81; revolutionary, 299 circumcision, 22–23, 234 Calvin, John, 119; on baptism, 186; on civic rituals, 255–62 images, 211–12, 215; on the civilizing process, 125 Eucharist, 183–85 class, manners define, 125 Calvinism: and manners, 126; in Clement VIII, Pope, 271 Lithuania, 223; in Orthodox lands, Clendinnen, Inga, 6 218–19 clocks, 86 Cambridge, 84, 185 Cockaigne, land of, 97. See also carnival, Cameron, Euan, 178 carnivalesque Candlemas, 29–30, 65, 68–70, 93, 164 Cologne, 188 cannibalism, ritual, 93–94, 119–20, 243 Columbus, Christopher, 161, 190–91 Canterbury, 38 Commedia dell’arte, 96, 144 Cantilene, 109–10 communion, 82, 163. See also Eucharist, Capua, 269 host, mass carnival, 70, 89–92, 93–106, 126; violence confirmation, 163 in, 113–15, 135 confraternities, defined, 76; of the carnivalesque festivity, 101–6, 134, discipline, 193–94, 230–33; of the 148 Holy Sacrament, 226 Carolingians, 274 Confucian rites, 194–97 Carpentras, 97 Congregation of Rites, 189 Carroll, Linda, 96 Connerton, Paul, 127 Cassirer, Ernst, 2 Constantine, Roman Emperor, 67, 80 Castiglione, Baldesar, 128–29, 131 C´ordoba, 228 castration magic, 46–47 Cornwall, 213 Catherine of Siena, St., 166–67 coronations, 273–75, 278–80 Catholic church, attitudes toward Corpus Christi, feast of, 74–77, 156–57, marriage, 37, 42; see also Reformation, 172, 261 Catholic Corsica, 113 caul, powers of the, 27–28 Cort´es,Hern´an,191, 193 Cellini, Benvenuto, 242 Council of Trent. See Trent, Council of centennials, 215–16 courtly manners, 125–34. See also manners © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84153-5 - Ritual in Early Modern Europe, Second Edition Edward Muir Index More information 314 Index courtship between the sexes, 140–44 Elias, Norbert, 125, 128, 145, 281 Coventry, 65, 67, 77, 82, 261 Elizabeth I, Queen of England, 213, 271, Cracow, 133 284 Cranmer, Thomas, 295 Ely, 38, 207 crosses and crossing, 193, 205–6, 221, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, 185 237 emotions and ritual, 2, 15–17, 129–30 Cuenca, 226 Endingen, 118 Enlightenment and ritual, 294–99 Dalmatia, 28 England: beliefs about caul in, 28; dance of death, 57–58. See also morris carnivalesque festivity in, 101–4; dance communion in, 170–72; coronations Dante Alighieri, 55 in, 274–75, 283–84; Corpus Christi Dati, Goro, 62–63 in, 76–77; death rituals in, 79; Datini, Margherita, 16–18, 39 elimination of feast days in, 83–84; Davis, Natalie Zemon, 99–100, 107, fertility rituals in, 46; manners in, 203 133–34, 148; Protestant Reformation day, liturgical significance of the, 62–64, in, 212–16; youth-abbeys in, 33 81–85 entries, ceremonial, 252, 262–71 dead and dying, rituals for the, 26–27, Epiphany, 65, 68 50–59, 163 Erasmus, Desiderius: on manners, 127–28, Della Casa, Giovanni, 38, 129–30, 135, 135–36, 143; satire on ritual, 54, 100, 175, 295 158, 175–77, 187 Della Torre, Alvise, 114 Essen, 72 Delumeau, Jean, 17 Esslingen, 207 Denmark, 274, 283 Este family, 284–85 Devon, 213 Este, Alfonso d’, 107 diabolism, 240 Estonia, 102, 220 Dijon, 34 Eucharist, 165; Catholic Reformation and dining rituals, 134–40. See also food, the, 226–27; Corpus Christi manners processions and the, 74–77; theories divorce, rituals of, 48–50 about, 166–85; see also communion, Dominicans, 167, 196, 232 host, mass Dorothea, Queen of Denmark, 283 exorcism, baptism as an, 23 Dorothea’s day, St., 70 extreme unction, 163 drama and ritual, 71–72, 74–76, 94, 96, 100–1, 131, 144 Fabian and Sebatian, Sts., 69 dreams, 129–30 Farel, Guillaume, 205 Du Cange, Charles Du Fresne, 36 Fat Tuesday. See carnival Duccio di Boninsegna, 257 Feast of Fools, 103–4 dueling, 149–51 Feast of Holy Innocents. See Epiphany Duffy, Eamon, 67, 169, 214 Feast of Lights, 69 Durkheim, Emile, 3, 18, 80 Felix and Regula, martyrs, 257 Ferrara, 265, 271 Easter, 65, 67, 70–73, 89 fertility rites, 17–18, 45–46, 68–70, Eastern Europe: Reformation in, style of 101 manners in, 134, 216–24 Festival of the Twelve Marys, 69–70 Eastern Orthodoxy. See Orthodox feuding. See vendetta churches flagellation, 71, 193–94, 226–30, 232 Edict of Thessaloniki, 66 Flanders, 266–69 Edward VI, King of England, 213–14, Flandrin, Jean-Louis, 97, 137 216, 284, 295 Florence, baptism in, 25, 256; bigamy case effigies in rituals, 276–78 in, 38; ceremony book of, 263–64; Egidio da Viterbo, 174 concepts of time in, 81–83; funerals Ehem, Marx, 204–5 in, 55; marriage ceremonies in, 39–40, Eliade, Mircea, 80 42; violence in 284 © Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84153-5 - Ritual in Early Modern Europe, Second Edition Edward Muir Index More information Index 315 Flynn, Maureen, 71, 227 Gluckman, Max, 4, 98 food: rituals of consuming, 134–40; the God. See communion, Eucharist, host, host as, 170. See also meat mass France: baptism in, 24–25; Catholic godparents, 24 Reformation in, 224–27; charivari in, Goffman, Erving, 272 106–11; coronations in, 274–75, gold, ritual for finding, 190 278–80; Corpus Christi processions Golden Legend,68 in, 76; courtship in, 140–44; death Good Friday, 71, 81 rituals in, 78; decline of ritual system grace, 164, 178 in, 295–99; divine kingship in, 266; Great Schism, 9 dueling in, 150–51; godparents in, 24; Greene, Thomas, 175 manners in, 131–32, 137; prayer Gregory XIII, Pope, 81 books in, 172; revolution in, 298–99; Guazzo, Stefano, 139 royal rituals in, 272–82; Wars of Guelders, 265 Religion in, 46, 151, 173, 270; Guerre, Martin, 107 youth-abbeys in, 33–35 guilds, 76 Francis I, King of France, 150, 225, 276, Guinefort, St., 27 282 Francis of Assisi, St., 68 Halloween, 78 Franciscans, 192–94 Hamburg, 146 Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor, Hammer of Witches (Malleus Maleficarum), 269 241–42 Frederick III, Holy Roman Emperor, Handelman, Don, 4 265 hands, in rituals, 36–37 Friuli, 26–27, 28, 113–15, 240 handshake, 133–36 Fugger family, 204 Harvard, John, 185 funerals, 50–59; of French kings, 276–79 hats, 132–33, 139 Henry II, King of France, 47, 151 Galateo, 129–30, 135, 139 Henry III, King of France, 113, 282 gangs.
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