Index GENERAL INDEX General Index Akumal Dive Shop, 182 Area codes, 356 Akumal Vacations, 182 Art and architecture, 31–35 A Allende, Ignacio, 26 books about, 39 Academic trips and language All-inclusive resorts Ash Wednesday, 51 classes, 59–60 Cozumel, 135 Assumption of the Virgin Acanceh, 260 Riviera Maya, 173 Mary, 52 Accommodations, 354–356. Alltournative, 58, 74, 175, 198 ATC Travel and Tours, 60, 338 Akumal, 183–184 Alma Libre (Puerto Morelos), Atlantis Submarines, Cozumel, Campeche, 283–285 158–159 140 Cancún, 104–113 Alma Mexicana (Mérida), 244 ATMs (automated teller Celestún, 256 Almost Heaven Adventures machines), 361–362, 365 Chetumal, 211 (Puerto Morelos), 158 Auto insurance, 348, 351 Chiapa de Corzo, 344 Amate Books (Mérida), 243 Ay Caray (Mérida), 246 Chichén Itzá, 292–293 Amatenango del Valle, 331–332 Ayuntamiento (Mérida), 234 Cobá, 197–198 Amber, 334 Azul Picante (Mérida), 246 condo, home, and villa rentals, Anexo Este (Chichén Itzá), 292 355–356 Angeles Verdes/Green Angels, B Cancún, 104 350 Bahía de Mujeres, 123 Cozumel, 148 Animal-rights issues, 59 Balamkú, 220 Isla Mujeres, 130 Año Nuevo, 51 Ball Court (juego de pelota), 23 Cozumel, 148–151 Aquanuts (Puerto Morelos), 158 Chichén Itzá, 289 hotel rating system, 354 Aqua Safari (Cozumel), 138 Cobá, 197 Isla Mujeres, 129–132 Aquaworld (Cancún), 89–91 Palenque, 316 Izamal, 254–255 Arcadio Poveda Ricalde Uxmal, 266 Laguna Bacalar, 208 Planetarium (Mérida), 234 Baluarte San Juan (Campeche), Mahahual, 205 Archaeological sites and ruins, 3 277 Mayapán, 261 Acanceh, 260 Banderas reef, 122 Mérida, 247–252 Balamkú, 220 Banks, 361 Palenque, 318–320 Becán, 216–217 Bazaar de Artesanías (Mérida), Playa del Carmen, 173–175 Bonampak, 320, 338 243 Puerto Morelos and vicinity, Calakmul, 217–220, 285 Bazaar García Rejón (Mérida), 161–165 Chicanná, 217 243 San Cristóbal, 336–337 Chichén Itzá, 287–292 Bazar Artesanal (Campeche), Ticul, 262 Chincultic, 338 283 Tulum, 192–195 Cobá, 195–197 Bazar Municipal (Valladolid), Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 342–343 near Cozumel, 151 294–295, 298 Uxmal/Santa Elena, 267–268 Dzibanché (Tzibanché), 214 Beach Club Garrafón de Castilla Valladolid, 299–300 Dzibilchaltún (near Mérida), (Isla Mujeres), 121 Villahermosa, 311–312 237–238 Beaches. See also specifi c Xcalak, 206–207 Edzná, 279–281 beaches Adventure trips, 60 Isla Mujeres, 125 best, 9–11 Agua Azul, 321 Izamal, 254 Cancún, 9–10, 88 Aguacatenango, 324, 332 Kabah, 268–269 Cozumel, 10, 142 Ah Cacao (Playa del Carmen), Kinichná, 215 Isla Mujeres, 10 172 Labná, 270–271 Playa del Carmen, 10, 168 Air travel, 346, 349–350 Loltún, 271–272 Tulum, 189 Campeche, 274 Mayapán, 260–261 Becán, 216–217 Cancún, 82–83 Muyil, 202 Beer, 8, 49 Cozumel, 134, 136 Palenque, 313–317 Biking, Isla Mujeres, 120 Mérida, 225COPYRIGHTEDPuuc Maya Route, 268–272 MATERIALBiosphere reserves. See Nature Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 339 Río Bec region, 212 and biosphere reserves Villahermosa, 308 San Gervasio, 143 Biouniverzoo (Chetumal), 209 websites, 369 Sayil, 269–270 Bird-watching, 13, 57 Akab Dzib (Temple of Obscure Toniná, 321–322 Annual Yucatán Bird Festival Writing; Chichén Itzá), 292 Tulum, 11, 189–190 (Mérida), 53 Aktun Chen (near Akumal), Uxmal, 263–266 Celestún National Wildlife 184–185 Xcambó, 258 Refuge, 255–256 Akumal, 182–184 Xlapak, 270 endemic birds of the Akumal Bay, 183 Xpujil, 216 Yucatán, 54 Akumal Dive Adventures, 182 Yaxchilán, 320 Huitepec Cloud Forest, 332 381 114_9781118287583-bindex.indd4_9781118287583-bindex.indd 381381 66/19/12/19/12 66:04:04 PMPM Blue Parrot (Playa del Carmen), newspapers and magazines, 87 Cave of Balankanché (near 172 nightlife, 15, 82 Chichén Itzá), 293 Blue Ray (Cancún), 91 post offi ce, 87 Caves of the Sleeping Sharks, Boats and ferries restaurants, 6, 7, 82, 93–100 118, 122 Cancún, 91–92 shopping, 14, 81, 100–101 Celestún National Wildlife Cozumel, 134, 140 visitor information, 84 Refuge, 64, 255–256 Isla Mujeres, 118 weather, 87 Cellphones, 360 Playa del Carmen, 166 websites, 84 Cenote Azul, 178 Boca de Puma (near Puerto Cancún Golf Club at Cenote Dive Center (Tulum), Morelos), 159 Pok-Ta-Pok, 93 179 Bonampak, 13–14, 320, 338 Cancún Hideaways, 104 Cenote Dzitnup (Cenote Books, recommended, 38–39 Cancún Jazz Festival, 52 Xkekén; near Valladolid), GENERAL INDEX Botanical Garden (Campeche), Cancún Mermaid, 90–91 297–298 277 Cancún Municipal Tourism Cenote Las Mojarras, 159 Boutique lodgings, 355 Offi ce, 84 Cenotes and cenote diving, Bribes and scams, 365 Candlemas (Día de la 13, 54–55, 140 Buho’s (Isla Mujeres), 129 Candelaria), 51 Cenote Dzitnup (Cenote Bullfi ghting, 59 Canyon of El Sumidero, Xkekén; near Valladolid), Business hours , 356 343–344 297–298 Bus travel, 349, 351–352 Capt. Rick’s Sportfi shing Center Cenote Zací (Valladolid), 296 (Puerto Aventuras), 180 Hidden Worlds Cenotes (near C Captain Hook Lobster Dinner Xel-Ha), 185 Café Bar Revolución (San Cruise (Cancún), 94 Ik-Kil, 293 Cristóbal), 335 Caracol (Playa del Carmen), 171 Progreso area, 258 Calakmul, 11, 217–220, 285 Car breakdowns, 350 between Puerto Morelos and Calakmul Biosphere Reserve, Cárdenas, Lázaro, 28 Central Vallarta, 159–160 64, 219–220 Car documents, 347–348 Riviera Maya, 178–179 Calendar, Maya, 36 Carey Dive Center (Isla Tankah Bay, 186 Calendar of events, 51–54 Mujeres), 122 Cenote Xtoloc (Chichén Itzá), Calle 60 (Mérida), 235–236 Caribbean Village (Isla Mujeres), 291 Calzada de los Frailes 125 Cenote Zací (Valladolid), 296 (Valladolid), 296 Carlos ‘n’ Charlie’s (Cozumel), Central Group (Dzibilchaltún), Campeche, 9, 272–285 148 238 accommodations, 283–285 Carnaval, 51 Centro Cultural y Artesanal arriving and departing, 274–275 Cozumel, 137 (Izamal), 253–254 beaches near, 279 Carnavalito City Tour Bus Centro de Investigaciones exploring, 276–279 (Mérida), 230 Pesqueras (Isla Mujeres), getting around, 276 Car rentals, 351 124 layout, 275–276 Car travel, 347–351 Centro Ecológico Akumal, 183 restaurants, 281–283 Riviera Maya, 156 Centro Ecológico Sian Ka’an shopping, 283 Casa de Artesanías Tukulná (near Tulum), 200 side trips from, 285–293 (Campeche), 283 Chamula, 330–331 tours, 281 Casa del Alguacil (Mérida), 234 Chankanaab National Park, visitor information, 275 Casa de las Artesanías (Mérida), 64, 141 Cancún, 80–113 244 Chen Río (Cozumel), 142 accommodations, 104–113 Casa de los Metates (Chichén Chetumal, 209–211 rates, 109 Itzá), 290 side trips to Maya ruins from, arriving in, 82–84 Casa de los Venados 212–220 ATMs and banks, 86 (Valladolid), 295–296 Chewing gum, 30 average temperatures, 51 Casa de Montejo (Mérida), 234 Chiapa de Corzo, 343 beaches, 9–10, 88 Casa Na-Bolom (San Cristóbal), Chiapas, 3, 55–56, 63 best experiences in, 81–82 327–328 Chiapas Tourism Secretariat, 59 brief history of, 81 Casa 6 Centro Cultural Chicanná, 217 consulates, 86–87 (Campeche), 277 Chichanchob (Little Holes; crime, 87 Casa Tequila (Playa del Carmen), Chichén Itzá), 291 drugstores, 87 172 Chichén Itzá, 12, 31, ecological problems, 57 Castillo 151, 285–293 emergencies, 87 Chichén Itzá, 31, 287–288 accommodations and entertainment and nightlife, Cobá, 197 restaurants, 292–293 101–103 Tulum, 189 area layout, 287 exploring, 88–92 Catedral de San Cristóbal, 328 arriving and departing, 286–287 fi nding an address, 85 Catedral de San Ildefonso exploring the ruins, 287–292 getting around, 85–86 (Mérida), 233 Chichén Viejo (Old Chichén), hospital, 87 Catedral de San Marcos (Tuxtla 292 Internet access, 87 Gutiérrez), 340 Chicxulub, 257–258 layout of, 85 382 114_9781118287583-bindex.indd4_9781118287583-bindex.indd 382382 66/19/12/19/12 66:04:04 PMPM Children, families with, 359 Internet access, 137 Tulum, 190 best experiences for, 9 layout, 136 Tuxtla Gutiérrez, 340, 342 Cancún, 81 nightlife, 148 Valladolid, 298 suggested itinerary, 73–75 post offi ce, 137 Villahermosa, 310–311 GENERAL INDEX traveling with minors, 368 recompression chamber, 137 Disabled travelers, 357 Chiles, 45, 46 restaurants, 144–147 Dive In Puerto Morelos, 158 Chinchorro Reef Underwater scuba diving, 56 Dive Paradise (Cozumel), 138 National Park, 204 shopping, 147 Diving. See Cenotes and cenote Chincultic, 338 side trips from, 151 diving; Scuba diving Chocolate, 45 U.S. consulate, 137 Doctors, 357 Mérida, 244 visitor information, 137 Dolphins, swimming with, 59 Christmas, 54 websites, 118 Cozumel, 141 Christmas Posadas, 54 Cozumel Country Club, Isla Mujeres, 92–93, 123–124 Cielo y Tierra Tours (San 143–144 Puerto Aventuras, 180 Cristóbal), 330 Cozumel Island Museum, 143 Drinking laws, 357 Cigars, 30 Cozumel Vacation Villas and Dry season, 50 Cinco de Mayo, 52 Condos, 148 Dulcería y Sorbetería Colón Cinépolis (Cozumel), 148 Crime, 364 (Mérida), 234 Ciudad Cancún. See Cancún CrocoCun (near Puerto Dzibanché (Tzibanché), 213–214 Classic Period (A.D. 300-900), 24 Morelos), 154, 156 Dzibilchaltún (near Mérida), Cliff of the Dawn, 125 Cruise lines, 349 64, 237–238 Cobá, 151, 195–198, 301 Cuevas de los Tiburones (Caves Dzilam de Bravo, 258 CoCo Bongo of the Sleeping Sharks), Dzul Ha cenote (near Mérida), Cancún, 102–103 118, 122 238 Playa del Carmen, 172 Cuisine, 7, 43–49. See also Coffee, 49 Restaurants E Chiapas, 334 cooking schools, 8, 159 Eating and drinking, 7, 43–49. Columbus Day, 53 Culinary Adventures, 60 See also Restaurants Columbus Lobster Dinner Cruise Currency and currency cooking schools, 8, 159 (Cancún), 93–94 exchange, 360–361 Ecochiapas, 59 Comitán, 338 Customs regulations, 356–357 Ecomuseo del Cacao (between Community Tours Sian Ka’an Labná and Xlapak), 271 (Tulum), 200–201 D Ecotours and adventure trips, Condo, home, and villa rentals, Dady’O (Cancún), 103
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