LIFE–Nature projekts “PIEKRASTES BIOTOPU AIZSARDZÈBA UN APSAIMNIEKOÍANA LATVIJÅ” LIFE–Nature project “PROTECTION AND MANAGEMENT OF COASTAL HABITATS IN LATVIA” Projekta pårskats Layman’s Report LIFE02 NAT/LV/008498 LIFE02 NAT/LV/008498 2002. – 2006. gads Year 2002–2006 Latvijas Universitåtes Biolo©ijas fakultåte Faculty of Biology, University of Latvia Teksta autori Vija Znotiña, Brigita Laime, Rita Birziña, Kårlis Kalvißkis, Marita Nikmane, Ineta Plikßa, Mårtiñß Pétersons, Didzis Tjarve Ang¬u valodas redakcija Inguna Jansone Zîméjumi Gundega Gulbe Korektore Anitra Pårupe Fotoattélu autori Latvija Andris Soms, Rita Birziña, Ineta Plikßa, Marita Nikmane, Roberts Bérziñß, Brigita Laime, Valdis Krastiñß, Didzis Tjarve, Vija Znotiña, Dina Dombrovska, Iréna Berga, Valda Baroniña, Juris Prikulis Kartes veidojis Kårlis Kalvißkis Maketéjußi Artürs Gailis, Verners Ívarcs Iespiests tipogråfijå McÅbols Izdevums sagatavots projekta “Piekrastes biotopu aizsardzîba un apsaimniekoßana Latvijå” ietvaros © Latvijas Universitåte, 2006 ISBN 9984–802–00–0 AinaΩi Carnikava Jürmala LapmeΩciems Påvilosta Rîga Medzes pagasta padome Roja Rucava Salacgrîva Saulkrasti Projekta mér˚is, teritorija un galvenie pasåkumi Background information on the project Eiropas Komisijas atbalstîtais LIFE–Nature projekts LIFE–Nature project “Protection and management of “Piekrastes biotopu aizsardzîba un apsaimniekoßana coastal habitats in Latvia” (The Coastal Project) lasted Latvijå” (Piekrastes projekts) ilga no 2002. lîdz from 2002 to 2006. Project beneficiary: Faculty of 2006. gadam. To vadîja Latvijas Universitåtes Biolo©ijas Biology, University of Latvia. Partners: North Vidzeme fakultåte sadarbîbå ar diviem partneriem — Liepåjas Biosphere Reserve and Liepåja Regional Environmental re©ionålo vides pårvaldi un Zieme¬vidzemes biosféras Board. Co–financiers: European Commission (75%), rezervåtu. Environmental Protection Fund of Latvia, and 11 coastal municipalities: Rucava, Medze, Påvilosta, Projekta lîdzfinansétåji — Eiropas Komisija (75% no Roja, LapmeΩciems, Jürmala, Rîga, Carnikava, projekta finanséjuma), Latvijas Vides aizsardzîbas fonds Saulkrasti, Salacgrîva, AinaΩi. un 11 piekrastes paßvaldîbas — Rucava, Medze, Påvilosta, Roja, LapmeΩciems, Jürmala, Rîga, The aim of the project was conservation, restoration and Carnikava, Saulkrasti, Salacgrîva, AinaΩi. sustainable management of coastal habitats and species of Community importance. (Starting the project, there Projekta mér˚is — Eiropas Savienîbå aizsargåjamo were estimated 23 habitat types (7 of them EU priority) Latvijas piekrastes biotopu aizsardzîba, atjaunoßana un and 4 plant species listed in the Habitats Directive, apsaimniekoßana. Uzsåkot projektu, bija zinåms, ka 9 habitat types according to the Bern Convention, and Latvijå jüras piekrasté sastopami 23 Eiropå aizsargåjami 16 species listed in Birds Directive.) biotopi (no tiem 7 prioritåri aizsargåjami), 9 biotopi, kas aizsargåjami saskañå ar Bernes konvenciju, 4 Biotopu Project area was the entire Baltic Sea coast — approx. direktîvå minétas augu sugas un 16 Putnu direktîvå 300 m wide coastal zone, beginning with the waterline minétas sugas. in the terrestrial direction. In Latvia, this territory is tra- Eesti a ditionally protected as the Baltic Sea coastal protection c ala Projekta teritorija Ainaži S Project area Salacgrīva belt. In areas where nature conservation plans were Rīgas a r līcis ūj Limbaži elaborated for the protected nature areas, project actions s VENTSPILS ja lit Valdemārpils a B Engures V Piltene e extend to cover the entire areas of the habitats. The Talsi ez. Saulkrasti n t a Usmas ez. Stende uja Ga Sabile RĪGA Vangaži Abava Kandava Ķīšezers length of the Baltic Sea Coast in Latvia is 496 km and Kuldīga Tukums JŪRMALA Pāvilosta Babītes ez. Ikšķile L Baloži Ogre Latvija i approx. 45% of the Latvian Sea coast is included in Kalnciems e Da lu Olaine ug p ava Aizpute e Baldone Brocēni Saldus JELGAVA Natura 2000 Durbe Dobele network. LIEPĀJA Grobiņa V e Liepājas n ta ez. Priekule Auce Bauska Lietuva Socioeconomic context 0 20 40 km Between 1945 and 1990, access to the seashore in Latvia Projekta teritorija — Baltijas jüras un Rîgas lîça krasta was restricted, because the western boundary of Latvia kåpu aizsargjosla — apméram 300 metrus plata josla was also the border of the USSR. Controlled access was jüras piekrastes sauszemes da¬å, un pludmale. Projekta allowed only in particular locations. While this system teritorija bija plaßåka vairåkås Natura 2000 vietås. degraded the traditional economical and cultural envi- Jüras krasta kopgarums Latvijå ir aptuveni 496 kilo- ronment, it ensured that natural habitats were protected metri. Apméram 45% no Latvijas piekrastes ir ietverti and that building was restricted in the largest part of the daΩådås îpaßi aizsargåjamajås dabas teritorijås. Tipiskåkie coast, in contrast with most of the European countries. Latvijå sastopamie Eiropas Savienîbå aizsargåjamie These restrictions were removed after renewal of inde- biotopi ir embrionålås kåpas, priekßkåpas jeb baltås pendence in 1991. Now, the number of visitors in the kåpas, pelékås kåpas, meΩainås jürmalas kåpas, dabiski sea coast is growing exponentially. Natural habitats suf- attîstîjußies veci skujkoku meΩi, mitras starpkåpu fer both from the activities of tourists and from the 1 ieplakas, jürmalas p¬avas. inappropriate management. Latvijas piekrastei ir neparasta vésture. No 1945. lîdz Main threats to the coastal habitats in Latvia (as defined 1990. gadam pieeja jüras krastam Latvijå tika daudzviet in project application) are: degradation of coastal natu- ierobeΩota, jo Latvijas piekraste bija Padomju Savienîbas ral habitats by recreation and activities of tourism; dete- robeΩa. Kaut arî ßî sistéma degradéja tradicionålo rioration of coastal ecosystem by motorised vehicles; ekonomisko un kultüras vidi, tå Latvijå atß˚irîbå no destroying of indigenous flora and vegetation by aggres- daudzåm citåm Eiropas valstîm nodroßinåja dabisko sive alien species; the reduction of the area of grey dunes; piekrastes biotopu aizsardzîbu, kå arî apbüves decreasing area of semi–natural meadows; the decrease ierobeΩojumus piekrastes lielåkajå da¬å. Kopß Latvijas of the biological diversity of forests resulting from neatkarîbas atgüßanas beidzot cilvéki var ßeit brîvi inappropriate management; decrease in area of endan- pårvietoties, atpüsties un saimniekot. Taçu dabiskos gered habitats due to building and due to inappropriate biotopus apdraud gan apmeklétåju rîcîba, gan coastal management; deterioration of endangered habi- nepiemérota apsaimniekoßana. tats in protected nature areas due to lack of nature con- servation plans; deterioration of natural habitats due to Kas apdraud Eiropå aizsargåjamos biotopus Latvijas low public awareness. piekrasté? Jüras piekraste ir ¬oti jutîga teritorija. Main actions of the project were • Dabiskos biotopus degradé türisma neorganizéta • Mapping and evaluation of coastal habitats of attîstîba. Community importance in the whole coastal protec- • Kåpas un pludmale tiek izbraukåtas ar maßînåm. tion belt. • Biolo©iski vértîgås p¬avas aizaug, jo netiek p¬autas vai • Planning of the appropriate protection and manage- noganîtas. ment measures in protected nature areas where there • Pelékås kåpas ir tikußas apmeΩotas, un to aizaugßana ar currently are no nature conservation plans. meΩu turpinås. • Implementation of management measures in the • Aizsargåjamos biotopos izplatås sveßås sugas (krokainå coastal zone in areas with large and increasing visitor roze, vårpainå korinte un citas), pårmainot un activity. aizståjot vietéjo augåju. • Restoration and maintenance of coastal meadows and • Nepiemérotas apsaimniekoßanas dé¬ samazinås aizsargå- grey dunes in areas where immediate protection jamo biotopu platîba, jo tos apbüvé vai pårveido. actions are required (cutting of trees and bushes, • Neizstrådåti vai novecojußi dabas aizsardzîbas plåni mowing, grazing); removal of aggressive alien plant îpaßi aizsargåjamajåm dabas teritorijåm. species (in some areas where they are rapidly expand- • Sabiedrîba ir nepietiekami informéta. ing in distribution and destroying indigenous flora). • Preparation and dissemination of information about Projektå ietvertie galvenie pasåkumi the Coastal project and about threatened coastal habi- • Piekrastes aizsargåjamo biotopu kartéßana un tats of Community importance and their protection. novértéßana. • Dabas aizsardzîbas plånu izstråde 4 îpaßi aizsargåjama- jåm dabas teritorijåm. • Apsaimniekoßanas pasåkumi vietås, kur apmeklétåji apdraud aizsargåjamos piekrastes biotopus. • Jürmalas p¬avu un peléko kåpu atjaunoßana un uzturéßana vietås, kur nepiecießami tülîtéji aizsardzîbas pasåkumi (koku un krümu cirßana, p¬außana, ganîßana). • Iedzîvotåju iepazîstinåßana ar projektu un izglîtoßana 2 par apdraudétajiem piekrastes biotopiem un to aizsardzîbu. Smiltåja ne¬˚e Dianthus arenarius subsp. arenarius Sand pink Parastais ßñibîtis Calidris alpina Vecs, dabisks prieΩu meΩs Dunlin Old, naturally developed pine forest Daudzgadîgs augåjs akmeñainå pludmalé Perennial vegetation of stony bank Tumßsarkanå dzeguzene Epipactis atrorubens Pelékå kåpa 3 Dark red helleborine Grey dune Kas dzîvo Latvijas piekrasté? Who lives at the sea coast of Latvia? Piekrastes projekta ietvaros 2003. gadå tika organizéta There are approx. 7000 landowners in the coastal pro- zemes îpaßnieku aptauja. Tajå aktîvi piedalîjås 1581 cil- tection belt in Latvia (data of State Land Service, 2003). véks no 31 paßvaldîbas. Latvijas piekrasté ir
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