Affordable Quality * SECURITY DOORS * INSECT SCREENS * SHOWER DOORS * BLINDS * AWNINGS * WARDROBE SYSTEMS Regular Bream Bay Service 1967 Phone/Fax (09)432 0209. email [email protected] PH: 438 9452 Mobile 027432 0070 7 August 2014 34 Albert St Whangarei Postal address - RD 2, Waipu 0582 Div. Shadelite Industry Something drastically wrong Mud running when roads cut up so quickly in the wet Despite a long period of delays for anyone driving into Whangarei last autumn while construction teams rebuilt the stretch of State Highway One along the Ruakaka straights, some big potholes appeared in sections of this eight month old road surface during the heavy rainfall experienced in the two big storms of last month. A section alongside Flyger Road and another on the northern approach to the Ruakaka roundabout were the worst affected. The potholes have been patched up EXWWKHVRIWPL[XVHGIRUWKHLQÀOOVLQNVXQGHUWKHKHDY\ORDGRIWUDIÀFDQGGULYHUV travelling this route need to be watchful and ready for a bumpy ride. Councillor Phil Halse, whose farm lies alongside this stretch of highway and who ,as a former Chairman of the Whangarei District Council’s works committee, has some experience in road maintenance said, “Over the last summer we experienced a long dry autumn that should have been ideal for road construction and road repairs. There is something drastically wrong when roads cut up as quickly as they did during the wet over three weeks. “In lots of ways I believe we need better overseeing of the construction and a lot more accountability of NZTA contractors. “ I was truly amazed at the size of potholes that were created overnight on most passing lanes and closing them down only created more troubles. I feel for the motorists who had damage done to their tyres and vehicles, but I must praise the mighty efforts of the repair crews who did their upmost to patch up potholes as quickly as they could in very unpleasant weather.” The transport agency’s Regional Journey Manager, Jacqui Hori-Hoult said in reply, “The maintenance programme for the state highway network in Northland follows well established practices to ensure that the work is completed to a high standard. Those practices applied to previous work on SH1 in the Ruakaka area.” +RZHYHU&RXQFLOORU+DOVHVD\VWKHKLJKZD\LVQRWVWDQGLQJXSWRKHDY\WUDIÀFDQG Howard Morgan of Waipu wades waist deep through a cold,muddy dam as he the construction needs to be to a log higher standard. DSSURDGKHVWKH¿QLVKOLQHRIWKH:DLSX0XG5XQ+HZLWKRWKHUVFRPSOHW- Ms.Hori–Hoult said, “Northland was affected by two extreme weather events ed a four kilometres circuit of running, sliding, swimming, crawling under nets during July. The amount of rain we had is no friend of any road and it caused a huge DQGZDGLQJWKURXJKTXDQWLWLHVRIPXG More Mud Run pictures on page 14. Continued on page 7. A SPECIAL KIND OF MAGIC. AMAZING VIEWS FROM EVERY ROOM - SEE IT TO BELIEVE IT Langs Beach - 81 The Ridge "If a picture paints a thousand words, why can´t I paint you?" a wise song writer once penned. The same is true for this property. Nestled into the mature native bush on a quiet laneway, there are amazing views from every room of this brand new house. The onyx honed architectural block theme front entrance hints at the quality on offer. Your very own boatshed is located in the 1 2 shared recreational area, where there is also tennis court, a fish-smokehouse, large bbqs etc in a large natural amphitheatre of bush. 4 MegaPixels 4 MegaPixels Words are not enough - come and experience 2272x1704 2272x1704 For Sale www.bayleys.co.nz/189465 Christine Birss M 027 235 4323 B 09 431 5415 MACKYS REAL ESTATE LTD, BAYLEYS, LICENSED UNDER THE REA ACT 2008. Bream Bay News Page 2 7 August 2014 .. EDITORIAL This Issue 3DJHV /HWWHUV In support of Ruakaka’s racing industry 3DJH6OHHSOHVVQLJKWVIRU&RYH5G Margaret Hicks is not the only person with an opinion Donna and Dean Logan have worked for 27 years UHVLGHQWVZKLOHGLYHUVLRQLQSODFH living in Ruakaka. However, if you listen to the building their business and their reputation as trainers. 3DJH)RFXV3DUW\DVNHGWRUHPRYHVLJQ National Radio and if you watched the TV1 news last They are experts at what they do. We should celebrate 3DJH6RPHWKLQJGUDVWLFDOO\ZURQJZKHQ Saturday night (2 August) you might think this was the them and the contribution they make to our community. case. The Whangarei District Council allows racehorse URDGVFXWXSLQWKHZHWContinued from Pg 1 No matter what the topic under discussion, whether it training on a stretch of beach in front of the Ruakaka 3DJH5XDNDND'RJ5HVFXHDLPLQJWR be the Queensland Fruit Fly, the collapse of a road in village from daylight until 9.30am each morning. The VWRSF\FOHRIXQZDQWHGGRJVDQGSXSSLHV the Marsden City subdivision, the Patuharakeke claim trainers have a concession from the Department of 3DJH%UHDP%D\&ROOHJHSDJH on the Mighty River Power Marsden power station Conservation to cross the sand dunes at a designated 3DJH.HLWK1HZH\UHXQLWHGZLWKKLV¿UVW land, Margaret B. Hicks is the expert voicing her access point. As far as I am aware the trainers keep to opinion over the microphone. these restrictions. ELJWUXFN On Saturday night on TV1 it was racehorses training Horses galloping on the wet sand possibly do damage 3DJH5LWD¶VZDOOKDQJLQJVEULJKWHQWKH on Ruakaka Beach. The introduction to this mis- some of the biota living underneath and disturb oyster 5XDNDND/,EUDU\ informed item stated that Ruakaka residents are “trying catchers and other seabirds that might be resting there 3DJH:KDW¶VRQLQ%UHDP%D\ desperately” to have racehorses banned from the beach. but so do people walking, running and exercising their Earlier this year I attended a public meeting in the 3DJH%LJZLQSXWV%UHDP%D\8QLWHG dogs. Are we about to close the beach to everyone? Ruakaka Recreation Centre on making the beach in 7KHUHQHHGVWREHYHU\FOHDUFRQÁLFWVRILQWHUHVWZLWK XQGHUVLQUXQQLQJIRUFRPSHWLWLRQWLWOH front of the Ruakaka Village a safer place for children public safety and environmental protection before 3DJH6SRUWV5HVXOWV to play. The big meeting room upstairs at the rec. centre you threaten the livelihood of 50 local families and 3DJHV 7UDGHVDQG6HUYLFHV was full with some people standing at the back. Only to destroy a local industry that has taken so much 3DJHV &ODVVL¿HG$GYHUWV two of all those present, Mrs. Hicks and David Lourie, dedicated effort to build. I have not seen any evidence voiced opposition to the racehorses. Other people WKDWWKHVHFRQÁLFWVH[LVW said they liked watching horses on the beach and in Hoof prints on the beach are a problem for walkers their experiences the riders were always considerate, claims Mr. Lourie. In all the years horses have been keeping clear of children playing and people relaxing training on Ruakaka beach has anyone every broken an on the sand and not using that stretch of beach at all ankle by falling into a hoof print? during busy summer periods. When it came to a show Any damage horses might do is minimal compared to THE BREAM BAY NEWS of hands only the two individuals named above raised the damage that vehicles wreak by driving over the is published by Bream Bay News Ltd. theirs against the racehorse trainers. dunes and up and down the wet sand. The racehorse industry provides approximately 50 jobs Address : RD 2, Waipu There is strong support for a ban on vehicles between for local people. It also brings colour and vibrancy to the Ruakaka river mouth and the northern limit of the Phone :(09) 432 0209 our lives. I enjoy going down to the racetrack on race Ruakaka village. It seems ridiculous to me that this Mobile : 027 432 0070 days and watching the stewards in their red livery and vehicle free zone has not been put into place yet, but here Editor: Marilyn Cox the prancing racehorses. is one reason why this hasn’t happened. Some people Accounts: Susan McRae Last year the Auckland Derby winner, Habibi was are intent on complicating the situation and driving a Production: Geoff Spencer trained in the Logan stable on Ruakaka beach. With wedge between people in the Ruakaka community by Advertising design Megan Lea drought affecting most of the rest of the country, the bringing up this racehorse non-issue. Printed by Horton Media beach gave her a training advantage. Racehorse owners send their horses to Ruakaka because of the beach. Marilyn Your local tyre shop We supply a wide range of the most SELF STORAGE AT RUAKAKA ,99 Marsden Point Rd. INSIDE/OUTSIDE storage at 50 Cove Rd., Waipu popular brand tyres. Free 0508 273262 Free phone. 0800 432 135 Come and talk prices with us. phone 0508 BREAMB [email protected] [email protected] SH1 next to G.A.S. Phone 432 7421 www.breambaystorage.co.nz www.breambaystorage.co.nz ROLY BROWN CONTRACTING The next Grant McLean publication date of the Stock Agent for Bream Bay Bream Bay News will be Thursday 21 August All aspects of stock sales including: Agricultural Residential Security Deadline for all Retaining Walls Pole Driving copy is Sub Division Cattle Yards Rotary Wednesday 13 August Slashing Ph 021 7758 48 mbl. 432 8373 Hm. Phone : ROLY 4320109 or 0274 984385 432 0454 Fax MARK 0274 984386 Email: [email protected] 7 August 2014 Bream Bay News Page 3 Northport’s new work boat built Plans to cut back with local expertise on refuse station opening hours The Whangarei District Council is planning to cut back the opening hours at each of its eight rubbish transfer stations but wants to hear from transfer station users about the days and times they would like the station to remain open. Andrew Carvell, the WDC’s Waste and Drainage Manager, said the council is looking to save $200,000 from the costs of running its rural transfer stations by customizing the operating hours to suit the needs of the various communities.
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