AACHEN (Prussia), 936 Aalborg (Denmark), 834 Aalen

AACHEN (Prussia), 936 Aalborg (Denmark), 834 Aalen

INDEX THIS Index contains no reference to the Introductory Tables, nor to the Additions and Corrections. {For index for these, see pages xiii., xiv.) AAC ADE AACHEN (Prussia), 936 Abyssinia, books of reference, 661 Aalborg (Denmark), 834 - boundary, 270, 657,~1089 Aalen (\Viirttemberg), 1027 - coffee, 659 Aalesund (Norway), 1193 - commerce, 659 Aargau (canton), 1387, 1389, 1396 - diplomatic representatives, 661 Aarhus (Denmark), 834 - education, 659 Abaco Island (Bahamas), 330 - gold, 659 Abaian Island (Pacific), 426 - government, 658 Abancay (Peru), 1234 - justice, 659 Abangarez mines (Costa Rica), 822 - minerals, 659 Abdul Hamid Halimshah, Sultan, - money and credit, 660 . Kedah, 180 - population, 658 Abdul Jalil Nasruddin Makhtaram - province, 657 Shah (Perak), 176 - reigning king, 657 Abercorn (Rhodesia), 210 - religion, 256, 658 Aberdare forest (B. E. Af.), 186 - roads, railways, 659, 660 A.berdeen, 22; university, 32 - rubber, 659 Aberdeen (South Dakota), 608 - towns, 668 Aberdeen (Washington, U.S.A), 627 - trade routes, 659 Abemana Island (Pacific), 426 - weights and measures, 660 Aberystwith College, 30 Acandi (Colombia), 818 Abeshr (Wadai), 905 Acajutla (Salvador), port, 1326 Abijean (French West Africa), 915 Acarnania (Greece), ] 032 Abo (Finland), 1286, 1314 Acchele Gazzi (Eritrea), 1088 Aboisso (French 'Vest Africa), 915 Accra (Gold Coast), 247 Abomey, 916 Achaia (Greece), 1032 Abruzzi e Molise (Italy), 1063, 1081 Acklin's Island (Bahamas), 380 Abu (India), 128 Aconcagua (Chile), prov., 776 Abuna (Coptic bishop), 658 Acre Territory (Brazil), 758 Aburi (Gold Coast), 247 Adatn's Bridge (Ceylon), wks, at, 158 Abyssinia, agriculture, 659 Adana (Turkey), 1405 - area, 657 Adelaide, 385 ; port, 361 ; univ., 386 - army, 658 Aden, 104, 126, boundary, 104 -- bank, 660 - wireless station, 204 1443 4 Z 2 1444 THE STATESMAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1916 ADI ALA Adi Caieh (Eritrea), 1088 Africa., West (British), 240, Adi QuaIs. (Eritrea), 1088 -- (French), 889, 890, 891, 912 Adis Ababa (Abyssinia), 658 -- (German), 967, 968, 969 Adjame (Ivory Coast), 915 -- (Portuguese), 1245, 1252, 1253 Admiralty Is. (Ger. Pacific), 974 -- (Spanish), 1353, 1358, 1366 Adolf.Prince (Schaumb.-Lippe), 1023 Afrikya, see Tunis Adolf Friedrich VI., Grand-duke Agadir (Morocco), 1142. (Mecklenburg-Btrelita), 1000 Agana (Ouam.), 652 Adra.r (SpanishSahara), 1366 Agdenes (Norway), fort, 1196 Adrianople (Turkey), 1405, 1406; Agege (Nigeria), 243 fort, 1410 Agordat (Eritrea), 1088 Adua (Abyssinia), 658 Agra (prov.), see United Provinces lEgean Islands, 1032,1035,1037,1041, - (town), 132 1404 Agram, see Zagrab ~tolia. (Greece), 1032 Aguacate mines (Costa Rica), 822 Afghanistan, Amir, 662 Agua Dulce (Panama), port, 1207 - area and population, 662, 663 Aguascalientes (Mexico), 1127 ; 1128 - army, 664 Agusan (Philippine Islands), 648 - books of reference, 666 Ahmedabad, 132 _. boundaries, 662 Ahmad Shah (Persia), 1219 - commerce; 665 Ahmadi, El, mosque, 256 - currency, 665 Aidin, see Smyrna - gold, 665 Aigun (China), port, 799 - government, 663 Aimak race (Afghanistan), 663 - justice, 664 Ain Galaka (Kanem), 905 -land cultivation, 664 Ain Sefra (Algeria), 898 - manufactures, 665 Ainu race (Russia), 1275 - minerals, 653 Aitutaki Island (Cook Islands), 420 - origin of the Afghans, 662 Aix (France), faculties, 862 - posts, 666 Ajmer, town (India), 132 - production, 664 Ajmar.Merwara1 agric., 144, 145 - reigning sovereign, 662 - area and pop., 124, 126,144 - revenue, 664 - births and deaths, 131 - trade and trade routes, 665, 666 - education, 135 Africa, Central, Protectorate, see - forests, 146 Nyassaland Protectorate - government, 124 - Colonies in, British, 99, 183 - land tenure, 144 -- French, 889, 890, 897 - religion, 133 -- German, 967 Akershlis (Norway), 119] -- Italian, 108i, 1089 - fort, 1196 -- Portuguese, 1245, 1247, 1252 Akhmim (Egypt), 256 -- Spanish, 1353~ 1358, 1366 Akhtyrka (Russia), 1286 - East (British), 184 Akita (Japan), 1099 -- (German), 967, 971 Akkerman (Russia), 1286 -- (Italian), 204, 1089 Akmolinsk (Russian Asia), ] 283 -- (Port.), 1245, 1247, 1252, 1254 Akron (Ohio), 448, 588 - Equatorial (French), 889, 890, 904 Aksu (China), 807 - North (French), 888, 889,897,919 Aksum (Abyssinia), 658 -- (Italian), 1076 Akhtamar, Catholicos of, 1406 - South (British), 205 Akuse (Gold Coast), 247 - -,troops in, 218 Alabanla, agriculture, 484 -- Union of, 214 - area and pop., 439, 456, 482 - South-West (German), 967, 970 - banks, 484 INDEX 14~5 AI.JA ALE Alabama, books of reference, 485 Albania, government, 667 - charity, 483 - justice, 668 - coal, 484 - production and industry, 668 - constitution and government, 482 - religion, 668 - cotton crop, 458, 484 - towns, 667 - debt, 484 Albany (New York), 443, 576, 577 - defence, 484 Albany ('V . .Australia), 361, 3Pl - education, 483 Albay (Philippines), 648 - finance, 483 Albert, ICing(Belgium), 726,741 -- live stock, 484 Albert, Prince (Monaco), 1134 - maize, 484 Alberta (Canada), agric., 288, 301 - mining, 484 - area and population, 281, 300 - production and industry, 484 - births, deaths, marriages, 282,300 - public lands, 456 - books of reference, 302 - religion, 483 - coal, 301 - representation, 435, 482 - commerce, 302 - rice crop, 458 - constit, & gov., 278, 279, 280, 299 - tobacco, 484 - debt, 301 - universities, 483 - education, 283, 284, 300 - wheat, 484 - exports, 302 Alafi Island (French Pacific), 926 - finance, 286, 301 Alagilas (Brazil), province, 758 - fisheries, 289 Alajuela (Costa Rica), 820, 821 - forests, 288 Alaska, area and pop., 440, 456 - holdings; 288 - books of reference, 641 - justice and crime, 300 - commerce, 641 - live stock, 301, 302 - communications, 641 - local government, 300 - copper, 641 - manufactures, 290, 302 - education, 639 - mining, 289, 301 - finance, 640 - ministry, 299 - fisheries, 640 - natural gas, 301 - forests and timber, 460, 461, 640 - political parties, 299 - gold, 463, 641 - production and industry, 288, 301 - government, 437, 639 - railways, 294 - justice, 640 - religion, 283 2~8, - mining, 463, 640 - representation, 279J 280, 299 - petroleum, 641 - towns, 300 -- production, &0., 640 - university, 300 - public land, 456, 457, 639 - wheat, 288,301 - railways, 641 Albuquerque (New Mexico). 573 - reindeer, 640 Albury (New South Wales), 357 - religion, 639 Alcoy (Spain), 1354 - representation, 639 Aldabra Islands (Seychelles), 202 - shipping, 474 Alderney, government, 93 ; pop., 25 Als-udin Suleimanshah, Sultan (St;- Alemtejo (Portugal), province, 1244 langor), 176 Aleppo (Syria). 1405 ; town, 1406 Alava (Spain), province, 1353 Alessandria (Italy), 1062, 1081; Albacete (Spain), province, 1353 town, 1066 ; fort, 1074 Albania, 1404 Aleut race (Alaska), 639 - area and population, 667 Alexandria, 254, 255, 256 ; shipping, - books of reference, 668 265 - boundaries, 667 - Patriarch of, 256, 659, ] 287 - education, 668 Alexandria (Virginia.), 623 1446 THE STATE~MAN'S YEAR-BOOK, 1916 ALE AME Alexandropol (Russia), 1286 Alost (Belgium), 730 Alexandrovsk (Yek) (Russia), 1286 Alphonse Island (Seychelles), 202 Alexandrovsk Grushevsk; 1286 Alphonso XIII. (Spain), 3, 1350 Algarve (Portugal), prov., 1244 Alsace-Lorraine, agriculture, 980 Algeria, 888 - area and population, 931, 979 - agriculture, 900 - births, deaths, marriages, 985, 979 - area and pop., 889, 898 - books of reference, 980 - army, 870, 871, 900 - brewing, 955 - bank, 902 - constitution & govemt., 932, 978 - births, deaths marriages, 899 - debt, 979 - books of reference, 903 - education, 938, 979 - commerce, 901 - emigration, 936 - copper, 901 - finance, 979 - defence, 870, 871, 873, 900 - foreigners in, 979 - delegations) 898 - .iustice and crime, 979 - divisions, 898 - live stock, 953 - education, 862, 863, 899 - manufactures, 955, 980 - faculties, 862, 863 - mining, 954,980 - finance, 899 - matricular contribution, 944 - fisheries. 878, 901 - political parties, 979 - forests, 901 - production and industry, 980 - government, 854, 897 - railways, 962 - industry, 901 - religion, 979 - iron, 901 - representation, 931; local, 978 - justice and crime, 899 - Statthalter, 979 - live stock, 901 - towns, 979 - ruining, 901 - university, 939, 979 - monoy, weights, measures, 903 - wine, 980 - petroleum, 901 Altenburg (Germany), 1015 - postsand telegraphs, 902 Alton (Illinois), 515 - railways, 902 A.ltona (Gernlally), 936, 961 - religion, 899 Altoona (Pa.), 443, 597 - roads, 902 Al vsborg (Sweden), 1372 - shipping, 902 Alwar (India), 128 ; town, 132 - torpedo stations, 878 Ambala (India), 132 -·towns, 899 Arnapala (Honduras), 1054, 1057 - wine, 901 Amazonas (Brazil), province, 758 Algiers (Alger), 869, 898, 899, 900 Amazonas (Venezuela), ter., 1432 - coaling station, 902 AUlazonas (Peru), department, 1234 - torpedo station, 873 Ambado (French Somali Coast), 911 - schools, 862 Ambans, Tibetan officials, 804 Alhucema Islands (Span. Af.), 1353 A.mbato (Ecuador), 846 Alicante (Spain), 1353; town, 1354 Ambeno (Portuguese Timor), 1253 Aligarh (India), 132 Amberg (Bavaria), 987 Ali Usuf, Obbia, 1089 Amboina (Dutch East Indies), 1171 Alkmaar (Netherlands), 1155 Ambositra (Madagascar), 906 Allahabad, 132; university, 134 Ambriz (Portuguese W. Africa),1254 Allentown (Pa.), 443, 597 America, British colonies and posses- Almeria (Spain), 1353; minerals, sions in (see Bermuda, Canada, 1861; town, 1354; wireless West Indies, &:c.), 99, 276 station, 1359 - Danish possessions in, 843 Almiranta (Panama), port, 1209 - French colonies in, 889, 890, 922 Alor Star (Kedah), 180 Amersfoort (Holland), 1155 INDEX 1447 AMH APO Amhara (Abyssinia), 657

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