COPENHAGEN HAMBURG PUTTGARDEN MOSS LAHOLM LUND FALKENBERG FREDRIKSTAD TROLLHÄTTAN HALDEN ÖXNERED THE SCANDINAVIAN 8 MILLION CITY FINAL REPORT 2014 ÄNGELHOLM SARPSBORG LÜBECK SKI KUNGSBACKA OSLO LANDSKRONA COPENHAGEN AIRPORT ED HELSINGBORG ØRESTAD OLDENBURG VARBERG RYGGE HØJE TAASTRUP MALMÖ NÆSTVED NYKØBING VORDINGBORG HALMSTAD GOTHENBURG THE SCANDINAVIAN 8 MILLION CITY FINAL REPORT 2014 THE SCANDINAVIAN 8 MILLION CITY – A MULTI-FACETED PROJECT ‘The Scandinavian 8 million city’ is an EU project which There is no doubt of the need for large-scale, step-by-step was carried out in the framework of the Scandinavian Arena. expansion of both existing and new rail infrastructure in The purpose was to make the most of the unique potential the corridor. Nor is there any doubt of the urgency of this which the Oslo–Gothenburg–Copenhagen corridor offers need. When the Fehmarn Belt connection opens in 2021, Scandinavia. The task of the project was to evaluate the the Scandinavian countries will have the possibility of a possibilities of linking together the regions along the Oslo– fast, direct link with railways in the rest of Europe and the Gothenburg–Copenhagen route into a cohesive, functional prioritised TEN-T network. employment market by modernising and expanding the A modern cross-border infrastructure plays a decisive role railway infrastructure. for growth and competitiveness, in both the short and the The background to this is that the Scandinavian cities long term. Today, each country plans its own infrastructure, and regions are each, in themselves, too small to be able which means that rail traffic in the corridor cannot be fully to compete in the global market. Today, new jobs and exploited as a reliable, efficient and sustainable transport economic growth are created primarily in the world’s system. Any delay in the necessary investment will hinder major conurbations. Access to expertise and a qualified growth and social development in the Scandinavian workforce requires a large population. corridor. The project analyses point to the need for a joint cross- border plan for railway investment in Scandinavia, and show that it is possible to create a new Scandinavian transport system for both freight and passenger traffic. What is needed is political cooperation and joint invest- ment. It is feasible to create a cohesive labour market in the Oslo–Gothenburg–Copenhagen corridor. But this is subject to the following requirements: Joint cross-border planning of the rail network between Norway, Sweden and Denmark, along with harmonisation of regulations. The railway network should be used as far as possible for freight transport. Reliable, environment-friendly transport contributes to the global competitiveness of industry, and is necessary in order for national environmental targets to be achieved. A new InterCity concept, linking intermediate regions to the large labour markets. This will give everyone, regardless of where they live, access to everything the corridor has to offer in respect of jobs, higher education, culture, countryside and more besides. An efficient high-speed train connecting the major labour markets of Oslo, Gothenburg and Copenhagen by reducing Oslo–Copenhagen journey times to less than three hours. THE SCANDINAVIAN 8 MILLION CITY 5 A potential European metropolis b ehind. The future, it is said, belongs to func- The concept of the ’Scandinavian 8 million city’ tional, creative conurbations – metropolises. captures the potential which exists for using high-quality investments in infrastructure and The future is in functional regions the rail network to link Scandinavia together For small export-driven economies such as as a cohesive functional region. The Öresund the Scandinavian countries, this will bring region, with its population size and density – great challenges in the future. With increasing just under 4 million – is Scandinavia’s largest i nternational competition, in everything from region, but it is nevertheless small on an inter- access to a qualified workforce and company national scale. There is no European conur- set-ups to expert research and innovation bation among the world’s 20 largest; the EU’s clusters, there is a need for a considerably largest regions, London and Paris, occupy 24th larger population than Scandinavia’s capital and 26th positions. cities have today. In many important areas, the Öresund reg ion 75 per cent of global economic growth is c ur- is already considered to have the potential to r ently taking place in countries very distant from mobilise sufficient strength to function as a Scandinavia. While the new economies con- European conurbation. Linking the Öresund tinue to climb in the World Economic Forum’s region together with the Gothenburg and Oslo ranking, the European countries are lagging regions achieves further dynamic effects, since DTHE SCANDINAVIAN 8 MILLION CITY 7 8 THE SCANDINAVIAN 8 MILLION CITY it entails the bonding of regions which are belt of knowledge and competence. This a lready, today, notably strong in terms of labour s tatus will be further enhanced in the coming markets, education, research and industry. years, as the globally unique research facilities European Spallation Source (ESS) and MAX IV Potential for expertise (Microtron Accelarator for X-rays) come into The region is characterised by vigorous pop ula- operation in Lund, Sweden, with an office for tion growth and significant economic activity. In data processing in Copenhagen. These set-ups recent decades, this has become increasingly will, it is thought, have broad spin-off effects concentrated around the cities in the corridor. in terms of a strong climate of innovation and It now consists of a number of broad labour increased competitiveness for investments, markets, together employing around 3.5 million industrial initiatives and the development of a people. The labour force has, collectively, an dynamic research community. increasing level of education, in parallel with the structural transformation which industry A new rail traffic system in the corridor is undergoing. There is a con- – a smart way forwards tinuous and significant switch from traditional The demand for both passenger and freight (simpler) manufacturing industry and agricul- transport by rail is estimated to double ture to knowledge-intensive economic activity. b etween now and 2030. Joint planning of Industry in the corridor is distinguished by a infrastructure across borders enables the high degree of specialisation among service a chievement of results which are not p ossible companies and advanced industry. Examples if the three countries continue to work of specialisation include pharmaceutical pro- i ndividually. The inter-regional EU project duction, the food industry, information and ’The Scandinavian 8 million city’ shows how communication, architecture and engineering. the introduction of the InterCity system can In this context it is, nevertheless, important halve the current journey time between Oslo to emphasise that manufacturing industry and Copenhagen, from around 8 hours to still accounts for the largest net Swedish around 4 hours. By investing in a high-speed e xports. Industrial production in the corridor train running on its own tracks parallel to the is extremely important. Mapping of industrial existing railway, the end-to-end journey time production over time also shows that this pro- can be reduced even further – to around 2.5 duction is taking place increasingly outside the hours. At the same time, this frees up capacit y capital cities; industrial growth is taking place for freight transport and regional trains. increasingly in the regions. M oreover, when freight transport is transferred from road to r ail, road congestion is eased, Science for society traffic safety is improved, and only then can In the geographical area along the Oslo– the countries’ national environmental and Gothenburg–Copenhagen route there are c limate targets be achieved. c urrently 29 universities with around 260,000 Thus, both railway systems are needed in students and 14,000 researchers. With its 22 o rder to enable both short journey times for research parks and incubators, the corridor passenger traffic and sufficient capacity for already stands out as a cohesive Scandinavian freight traffic. DTHE SCANDINAVIAN 8 MILLION CITY 9 TODAY’S RAIL NETWORK – A HINDRANCE TO GROWTH TRANS-EUROPEAN TRANSPORT NETWORK TEN-T CORE NETWORK CORRIDORS In order for the ’Scandinavian 8 million city’ t o become a reality, various investments are required in a number of areas: From road to rail – a boost for both trade and the environment Industry needs improved capacity and greater reliability in the rail network in order to increase the proportion of transport by rail. Bottlenecks along the route, especially on single-track sections and around the cities, must be eliminated. Investment in rail is needed immediately to enable more rail transport and relieve the pressure on main roads. Regulations governing cross-border freight traffic by rail must be harmonised and simplified. BASED ON THE OUTCOME OF THE INFORMAL TRILOGUE OF 27th JUNE 2013 Railway technical standards must be BALTIC – ADRIATIC ORIENT – EAST MED ATLANTIC NORTH SEA – BALTIC SCANDINAVIAN NORTH SEA–MEDITERRANEAN harmonised. The weakest link puts a limit on –MEDITERRANEAN MEDITERRANEAN RHINE–ALPINE RHINE–DANUBE what transport can be effected along the whole length of the route. After investments in PRIORITY TRANSPORT CORRIDOR. The Oslo–Gothenburg- double track,
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