YEAR: 3 NO:35 BULLETIN:NOVEMBER - DECEMBER,2010 CONTENT : PAGE 1 - Samdech Hun Sen Received Samdech Hun Sen Received by King-Father by King-Father and Queen- and Queen-Mother Mother. Page 1 - China, Cambodia Pledge to Phnom Penh, 13, Chinese December 15, Premier Wen Further Enhance Ties. Page 1 2010 AKP — Jiabao an- Prime Minis- nounced to - National Assembly President ter Samdech consider Cam- Backs Home from Cuba. Akka Moha b o d i a a s Page 2 Sena Padei Te- China’s and cho Hun Sen the Chinese was received in people’s best - ADB Supports Cambodian a royal audience friend and to Financial Sector Reform. by His Majesty enhance the Page 2 K i n g - F a t h e r ties of coopera- Norodom Siha- tion between nouk and Her the two coun- - Cambodia-Thailand Visa Ex- Majesty Queen- nd tries, from emption Agreement Comes Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen (2 Mother Norodom Left) pays a courtesy visit to retired King Norodom Sihanouk and Queen reliable part- into Force. Page 3 Monineath Siha- Monineath Sihanouk in Beijing . ners to highest nouk on Dec. 14 -level strategic - Cambodia Holds Meeting on in Beijing, on the sec- Samdech Techo Hun lot of benefits to the partners, Samdech ond day of the pre- Sen informed the for- country and the Cam- Techo Hun Sen Reintegration of Victims of mier’s five-day offi- mer monarchs of his bodian people. said… Human Trafficking. Page 3 cial visit to China. visit in China, which During the bilat- On the occasion, he said has brought a eral meeting on Dec. To be continued to page 6 - Film Expo 2012 To Be Held at Angkor Land. Page 4 - Japan-Mekong Forum Fo- China, Cambodia Pledge to Further Enhance Ties cuses on Infrastructure. Page 4 Phnom Penh, “The establishment December 16, of this strategic part- 2010 AKP — nership brings new - Cambodia Rejects Thai ASTV Chinese and opportunities for the Manger Online’s Assertion. C a m b o d i a n development of bilat- Page 5 leaders on eral ties,” Chinese W e d n e s d a y President Hu Jintao - 200,000 Tones of Rice To Be pledged to fur- was quoted as saying ther enhance by Chinese News Exported from Cambodia to bilateral ties, Agency Xinhua when China. Page 6 two days after meeting with Cambo- the two coun- dian Prime Minister - Siem Reap Travel Guide. tries agreed to Hun Sen Wednesday Page 7 establish a com- afternoon in the Great Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei prehensive stra- Hall of the People in Techo Hun Sen (Right) is warmly greeted by China’s Prime Minister Wen Jiabao during the Official Reception Ceremony. tegic partnership Beijing… of cooperation. To be continued to page 6 P A G E 2 National Assembly President Backs Home from Cuba Samdech Heng Samrin Saphon, chairwoman of and his high-level parlia- NA Commission for Public mentary delegation were Works, Posts, Industry, welcomed on the return at Commerce and Land Man- Phnom Penh International agement, at a press confer- Airport by NA first Vice- ence at the airport follow- President Nguon Nhel, and ing the delegation’s arrival. NA second Vice-President During an audience granted Say Chhum, and a number to National Assembly Presi- of the Members of the Na- dent Samdech Heng Samrin, tional Assembly. ANPP President Ricado Cuban ambassador to Alarcon De Quesada ex- Cambodia was also present pressed warm welcome to Cambodian National Assembly President Samdech Akka Moha Pon- to welcome the delegation Cambodian high-level par- hea Chakrei Heng Samrin backs home this morning after concluding on the return. liamentary delegation. He a week-long official and friendship visit to the Republic of Cuba. The visit was made at also shared his condolences the invitation of Ricado with the victims and families Phnom Penh, December 15, Heng Samrin returned Alarcon De Quesada, Presi- of victims in the Nov. 22 2010 AKP — home Tuesday after a week dent of the National As- incident… National Assembly -long official friendship sembly of People's Power President Samdech Akka visit (Dec 5-13) to the Re- of Cuba (ANPP) and ended Moha Ponhea Chakrei public of Cuba. on Dec. 13, said H.E. Ngin To be continued to page 4 ADB Supports Cambodian Financial Sector Reform Phnom Penh, December 6, Key actions of the pro- “Finance sector devel- institutions throughout 2010 AKP — gram include steps to im- opment helps reduce pov- Cambodia. The Asian Development prove check clearance and erty by cutting transaction The loan of US$10 mil- Bank (ADB) Board of Di- settlement amongst com- costs for economic activi- lion from ADB's conces- rectors last week approved mercial banks and the gov- ties and expanding the sional Asian Development a loan and grant of US$15 ernment, regulations to reach of the formal finance Fund has a 24-year term, million to promote the de- guide inter-bank transac- sector to lower income including an 8-year grace velopment of Cambodian tions, the promotion of groups, including rural mi- period with an interest rate financial sector, said an deposit-taking by microfi- cro-enterprises,” said of 1 percent during the ADB news release. nance institutions in com- Samiuela Tukuafu, Princi- grace period and 1.5 per- The loan and grant will pliance with new prudential pal Financial Sector Spe- cent for the balance of the finance the final subpro- requirements, and im- cialist in ADB's Southeast term. The grant of US$5 gram of the Second Finan- proved prudential supervi- Asia Department. million also comes from cial Sector Cluster Pro- sion of banks and microfi- The immediate gains the Asian Development gram, which incorporates nance institutions. It also generated by the program, Fund. The National Bank reform actions designed to promotes greater transpar- which began in 2007, in- of Cambodia is the execut- improve public confidence ency in the insurance in- clude new and increased ing agency for the overall and financial intermedia- dustry, measures to combat loans of US$1.52 billion, program, with the Ministry tion, strengthen sector resil- money laundering, and a the creation of over 12,000 of Economy and Finance ience, promote good gov- new integrated accounting jobs, and the opening of and Ministry of Commerce ernance, and enhance sys- system at the National over 980 new branches of the implementing agencies. tem efficiency. Bank of Cambodia. banks and microfinance —AKP P A G E 3 Cambodia-Thailand Visa Exemption Agreement Comes into Force Phnom Penh, Decem- Sa Kaew province, months of 2010, the ports under the presi- ber 17, 2010 AKP — Sanit Naksuksi. number of foreign dency of Cambodian The Agreement on On the occasion, tourists who came to Prime Minister Sam- visa exemption for both governors said Cambodia from Thai- dech Akka Moha Sena holders of normal pass- with this visa exemp- land through Poipet Padei Techo Hun Sen ports between Cambo- tion, the peoples of the border gate reached and his Thai counter- dia and Thailand has two countries can over 300,000, an in- part H.E. Abhisit Ve- come into force from travel to and stay for crease by 2.83 percent jjajiva upon their close Dec. 16, 2010. 14 days in the host as compared to the -door bilateral meeting A ceremony to cele- country without apply- same period of 2009. on the sidelines of the brate this event was ing for visas. On Nov. 17, the 4th ACMECS Summit. held in Poipet City, Governor Ung Cambodian and Thai Cambodia has Cambodia’s Banteay Oeun praised for the foreign ministers signed visa exemption Meanchey province in good relationship be- signed here the Agree- agreements with the the presence of Ung tween the peoples of ment between the two ASEAN member coun- Oeun, governor of Banteay Meanchey and neighboring countries tries, except Brunei Banteay Meanchey and Sa Kaew provinces. on visa exemption for and Myanmar. —AKP his Thai counterpart of In the first 11 holders of normal pass- Cambodia Holds Meeting on Reintegration of Victims of Human Trafficking Phnom Penh, December 8, to better understand the turn; and to prioritize prac- COMMIT comprises six 2010 AKP — needs of victims of traffick- tical challenges and issues countries in the Mekong Cambodia opened a two ing for their effective rein- involved in effective volun- Sub-region: Cambodia, -day meeting on Tuesday to tegration into society. tary return and reintegra- China, Myanmar, Lao discuss on reintegration of Many government agen- tion. PDR, Thailand and Viet- victims of human traffick- cies, international and na- The forum will review nam. ing in the Greater Mekong tional non-governmental the application of minimum The National Practitio- Sub-region. organizations (NGOs) and standards and guidelines in ner Forums seek to provide Chinese News Agency community groups have integration and gather les- a platform for practitioners Xinhua quoted a statement worked on the issue of vic- sons learnt from different in the frontlines working released Tuesday at the tim reintegration in Cambo- stakeholders in their appli- directly with victims of meeting by World Vision dia for over a decade. cation in both formal and trafficking to reflect and Cambodia (WVC) and the Recognizing that now is informal policies and pro- share their experiences on United Nations Inter- an appropriate time to as- cedures. providing reintegration Agency Project on Human sess the effectiveness of The meeting will help to assistance. Trafficking (UNIAP), as reintegration assistance that fill the existing gaps in A regional report com- saying “The successful has been provided by to terms of victim identifica- bining the outcomes of the reintegration of victims of date, these organizations tion, protection, recovery national forums will be human trafficking into soci- have come together at this and reintegration assistance prepared for submission to ety is a critical issue in vic- week’s forum to review and under the current regional COMMIT Task Force tim protection work.” document reintegration plan of the Coordinated members in January 2011.
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