THemher o f "Audit Bureau o f Circulations Msgr. Wolohan Will Be Buried in Pueblo Cathedral Contents Copyrighted by, the Cstholie Press Society, Inc. 1946— Permission to reproduce. Except on , Articles Otherwise Marked, given After 12 M. Fridsy Following Issue New Home of Sterling K. of C Anteroom in Rear DENVER Om iOLIC Of Building Being Prepared for Vault Archbishop Vehr and Denver Priests Attend REGISTER Solemn Funeral Services; Prelate Lauded The National Catholic Welfare Conference News Service Supplies The Denver Catholic Register. We Have Also the International News Service (Wire and Mail), a Large Special Service, Seven Smaller For Devoted Religious, Civic Work Services, Photo Features, and Wide World Photos. (3 cents per copy) Funeral services for Monsignor Thomas J. Wolohan, a VOL. XLU. No. 3. DENVER, COLO., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1946. $1 PER YEAR, Pueblo pastor for more than 36 years, took place in the Sacred Heart Cathedral, one of the two churches he built in his life time, Wednesday morning, Sept. 11, with Solemn Pontifical Mass being celebrated by Bishop Joseph C. Willging in the presence of Archbishop Urban J. Vehr of Denver and the Rt. Sterling K. of C. Buy Rev. Leonard Schwinn, O.S.B., Abbot of Holy Cross abbey, Canon City. Monsignori and priests from all over the state of Colorado were in the sanctuary, and a large number of religious sisters and lay people crowded the Father Kelly Home for Club Rooms nave of the church. In the funeral sermon. Bishop sterling.—The Knights of Columbus have purchased Willging praised Monsignor Wolo­ Secretary to a beautiful home at 226 South Third street to serve as a han as a “ fearless promoter of club house. The council has been seekii'g a new club home Father Curran every good movement” in the civic for several years. The immediate purchase was made neces­ as well as religious life of Pueblo, Regis Proxy sary by the recent fire that destroyed the council rooms and To Talk Before The beautiful residence purchased by the Ster­ has a full basement and is ■well equipped for club and for his untiring efforts in or­ properties in the downtown district. ling council, K. of C. to replace the propertiei re­ and parish functions. The lot is large and is well ganizing Catholic life in that city. cently destroyed by fire. The three-story building landscaped. The Very Rev. John J. Flana­ The beautiful new home, with landscaped surroundings The remains of the prelate, gan, S.J., president of Regis col­ and huge lots, is ideally located for council and parish Denver Groups Reds Violent in Attack on Theatine Priest, Lay Director who was created a Monsignor lege, this week announced the ad­ --------------------------------------------------functions. in May of this year and who dition of another pric.st to an al­ The residence is a three-story The Rev. Edward Lodge Curran, began his 43rd year as a priest ready greatly expanded staff. The latest addition to the Jesuit fac­ and full basement structure of Ph.D., long recognized as one of in July, will rest in the Cathe­ Five Girls brick and ornamental trim, and the most able and fearless op­ Communists Denied Faciiities ulty is the Rev. Thomas E. Kelly, dral that he built 33 years has adequate space for club rooms ponents of Communism in this S.J., who Ls to take over duties and council activities. The club country, will be in Denver next ago. An anteroom in the rear as executive secretary to the pres­ “ home” atmosphere is apparent all week to lecture before several of the church is now being ident. This newly established of­ Enter Life through the house. There are two Denver groups. The noted Brook­ fice will take over alumni orgawi- Of Littie Flower Center, Denver remodeled into a cement zation and direction of the Regis fireplaces, one located on the first lyn priest will have a busy sched­ vault, in which his body will floor and one in the basement. ule on his three-day visit to Den­ Men’s club, along with public rela­ The lot is 100x140 feet. It is ver. He is slated to speak before Denver Communists are still The efforts of the Communists ers of the Sodedad that they could rest underground. tions. Of Religion chafing over the rebuff received to win Denver’s large Spanish­ no longer use the center for politi­ landscaped with hedge and artistic­ a general meeting of the Ozanam Assistant Officers F'ather Kelly entered the So­ ally arranged shrubbery, watered club, before the regular council last month when the facilities of speaking population have been in­ cs purposes. The facilities of the ciety of Jpsu.s at St. Stanislaus* automatically with a unique the Little Flower community cen­ tensified in recent months. These center, which is supported by the seminary, Florissant, Mo., in 1926. Calls to the religious life were meeting of the Knights of Colum­ Of Mass Listed sprinkling system. An oil furnace, bus, and to the members of the ter were denied to the Sodedad people have been bombarded with Denver Community Chest, are, as From 1927 to 1031 he tvas at answered by five young women of water softener, and shower are Denver deanery of the Archdioc­ Mutualista Mexico, their so-called Communist propaganda at every McNeive pointed out open to all, ’The officers assisting Bishop Milford novitiate in Ohio. He re­ the Denver archdiocese, who en­ added equipment to make it a esan Cquncil of Catholic Women. “progressive Spanish-speak­ turn, even to the extent of having Protestant, Catholic, or , Jew; Willging in the funeral rites were ceived his Bachelor’s and Master’s comfortable and inviting place for ing people’s fraternal organiza­ the old “ party line” shqved down Black, White, or Yellow, as long Monsignor A. J. Miller, V.G., as­ tered September clas.ses of novices Father Curran, who is making the members. In its new home tion.” their throats when they open their as those who use them abide by sistant priest; the Very Rev. How­ his Denver visit at the invitation in three different sisterhoods. Sterling council 1559 looks for­ doors to the representatives and American principle.s. These facili­ ard L. Delaney of Walsenburg, of James P. McNeive, president of From Denver Miss Mary Banigan ward to a healthy growth and in­ salesmen of commercial firms. ties must be denied to those who deacon of the Mass; the Rev. John the Ozanam club, is the president le ft to Join the Sisters of Charity teresting activities for the years The true extent of the discom­ insidiously attempt to undermine F. Bergin, S.J., subdeacon of the of the International Catholic of Cincinnati, 0 .; Miss Constance to come. New Studies fiture of the Communists over the American principles. Mass; the Rev. H. A. Delaney, S.J., Ekler and Mi.ss Betty Sedlmayer The newly elected officers for Truth society, with headquarters “ defeat” they suffered at the Lit­ Using their usual technique, the subdeacon of the cross; the Very in Brooklyn. This organization is entered the Sisters of Mercy in the coming year are; Grand knight, tle Flower center is evidenced in Reds attempted to becloud the real Rev. Patrick Conway of Rocky active in the publication of Cath­ Council Bluffs, la.; Miss Rita Norbert Hoffman; deputy grand the bleating headlines in the Chal­ issue by reintroducing the old bug Ford and the Very Rev. J. B. olic literature and in sponsoring Thompson of Greeley accompanied knight, John Burke; recording To Be Given lenge, local mouthpiece for the aboo of Franco Spain. Father Or Liciotti of Pueblo, chaplains to lecture engagements by Catholic the latter two postulants to Coun­ secretary, George Mudd; financial CPA, which strives to bring the dinas was characterized as “ pro- Archbishop Vehr; the Rev. Albert speakers. He is the pastor of St. cil Bluffs; and Mi.ss Florence secretary, Raymond Kamm; chap­ Daily Worker technique to Den­ Franco,” in a tone suggesting that Schaller, O.S.B., and the Rev. Joseph’s church, one of the large French of Brush became an aspi- lain, the Rev. E. J. Verschraeghen; ver readers. the zealous priest would also Le Daniel Gnidica, O.S.B., chaplains Brooklyn parishes. Saturdays to Abbot Schwinn; the Rev. Fran­ chancellor, John Scalva; warden, Red Sheet Vilifies Priest “pro-polio.” McNeive was casti­ Probably few other individuals Ray Immel; advocate, Harold Har­ “ Pro-Franco Priest, Social gated for the statement that he cis G. Faistl of Walsenburg, mitre- ley; treasurer, Eugene Folladori; have been more vilified by Amer Two new feature courses will Agency Gang up on Society” was “ against Franco Spain,” but bear'er; the Rev. Peter Maas, book- inside guard, Alex Weingardt; out­ ican Communists than Father be offered in the regular Saturday screams a feature headline in the if he were to choose between bearer; the Rev Francis Pettit of Curran, w h o was outspoken side guards, Pete Breiner and Ed­ class program at Loretto Heights Challenge. And the accompanying Franco and Stalin, he would be Denver, bugia-bearer; and the Rev. against them long before it.y m ward Kelsch^ trustees, Roy Luc- article proceeds to vJliiy. the Vary “100 per cent for Franco.” Joseph P. McCormack, germial- faahimai^ia.(tiuag io S o .' D a n v ^ tha.com- key, Mark Scott, and LawrMiu* If^Solasflli'yCTT;' Miss AadFey Rev. John R. OWinflis, u.R., pastor OpposUioa to R^.'Coa^eitined bearer. is always in great demand in the Koehler. Reiter, former editor of the Cath­ of SL Oajetan’s church, and Another recent issue of the ChdU The Rev.
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