Long \Va,'e 5 Short\Va,-e l:ents N en-s Spots tbe l:opy & Pictures 81.50 Year ;Volume III, o. 27 WEEK ENDING JULY r3· r934 • Published Weekly • This and That Expansion of Radio Seen ByMorria Baatinga SO~fE TIME ago the noted Under New Federal Commission baritone, REINALD \'qERREN· RATH, stated in an interview with iThe MICROPHONE his opinion lhat sponsors of radio programs Survey Shows Jazz 1- Director New Methods haye very little sense of propor­ lion. Something for to Be Invoked Here I am Favored At Studios- put into a fine, "'>----------- exalted mood, Every Taste By the Board Mr, WERREN­ l\'Iusic on Air "" !'II III ill 11:11' "'I '"''''111I1 RATH said in Revealed· by By The lIl/CROPlIONL'S Special effect, by a IVashington CorreJpondenJ goo d musical for Majority program, And Latest NBC Radio, America's_ fastest-cleve! ... w hat follows oping industry, is undergoing a. it? J 0 H N N Y Summaries Says Fiedler "New Deal" at the hands of tbe ROOSF.I [LT administration. JONES and his A musical program on the With the new FederaJ Com­ hot-eha band, Dance music is the favorite radio should be addressed to the munications Commission swing­ sponsored by type of radio program if the pref. great majority of Jisteners, not ing into action, a shakeup in the the makers of ecence of visitors to the ational to the relatively small groups of ~tudios system of Ft"deral regulation was Drink· ]t - Up Broadcasting Company in listeners who like jazz to the ex- foreshadowed. ':Mr. HASTINGS Syrup. Radio City, ew York, can be elusion of classics, or classics to This sam e k . f 'h . f . Judge EUGENE O. SYKES, whom ta en as a cross·section 0 opm- t e exclUSion 0 Jazz. President ROOSEVELT designated as almost brutal contrast is apparent in ion. This is the considered opinion on individual program, During the past few months the chairman Qf the new Communica­ For example. \VIALTER HAMp· r BC has been considering a survey off ARTHL'R FIEDLER,didconductor tions Commission for a seven-year DE .. ' was recently featured on a among its guests and a tabulation '0 the Pops an Esp ana e con· term, thus becomes an overlord of (erts in Boston. sponsored program. HAMPDEN, of more than 14°,000 que~tjons, the telephone, telegraph and cabJe a scIII10 ar y, dlstJngUis" . he dac tor, asked of 17,659 men and women, "J believe thar the success- business as weJl as rae!io. broadcast a scene from "Riche- has just been complctet.l. ful music program for the To The MICROPHONE'S special Jleu,' "fa amous I"lIstoncaI d rama. Of these people, 27 per (tnt radio it. one that combines Washington correspondent, Judge 'YKI-S ~aid: H e was surrounded by JAM E5 voted for dance mu!)ic as radio en- the rather hackneyedf pupu- ME. LTON' singing sud.l inappro- Itntainment. .Eight per cent Jar cJ~5ics wi31 reshcr, less "J am pleased to serve on pnate (orft hc occasIOn ) songs wanted comedians and comtJv familiar material as well as the new Commission. Ques­ tions of policy must be de­ as ··Hills of Home" and '·\'('ith skits' seven N r cent desired jazz," ,Mr. Fiedler declared in ARTHL"R fJroLER, ond"r:OT of lilt' 'E 'd 0 " , r- an exclusive intenic:w with cided immediateJy. One of ",fy res W, e pen. drama and mystery plays', approx- POP! and Lfplal1.1de ,Ol1rerls /11 our first su:ps will be di"j· Spare time \\"as used in advcr- imatdy another seven per cent The MICROPHO, E. 130 lOll. t.ion of the Commission into tising the: proJuct the sponsors wanted symphoniC music; news "It's all very well [0 pre- units for jurisdiction over ",'ishcd to sell by means of ad\·u- broadcasts were ntxt with about scm noyel music on [he air; movement from a Bt:ethoven rhe fields encrusted to the tising plugs, l1eaven save the six per cent and variety shows but unit.!!.!! it is surrounded symphony or a ,Mozart o\er­ Commission by law." mark, read with an irritating unc· were sixth with fi\'e per cent. by more familiar composi­ ture for [he others. Other members of tl1e commis­ classification~ tions i[ \viII auract the a[- tuousness. These six ac. "In that way, people of sion are: wa~ I~e. teadon of only 3 few peo- Here, if ever, t oppor- counted for 59 per c<.:nt of the I the former tasres will liMen THAD H. DROWN. transferred tunity to present a dlgntfKd pro· broadcast schedule. The remain. p e. to the other SOrt of music from the FederaJ Radio Comrnis­ gram that would be all of a der was made up of a wide va- "The wise program-maker and learn to like it; while ~ion. six-year term; PAl L W ..UKFR, piece.. riefy of other material including: will include something for the others will find [he less Oklahoma, nve years; NORMAN S. ~1[LTON, who can ~lOg better military bands, operettas, Hawaiian every taste. He should play classic music no[ dista!J[e~ CASE, Rhode lslanJ, four ytars; musIC. acc<.:pla bl y, might I'lave music, gr.anJ opera, choruses and the .l\fedit3tion from 'Thais' or [he 'Carioca' for those fuJ because it wiJ! be w<IJ IRVIN STUART, State Department" (Conlil/I/ed 01/ Page 7) (COl/IiI/fled on Page 15) who like that mu.ic and a (ConlmlJed on Page 15) (Conlinlled on Page '5) ---, 0>---- _ All-StElrBall 1 -ens .'Iaslaes Contents Balbo Talks Pictures GEnue on Air A.M. -.15 \'L 'AC 0'. July 15tl. \\-~L\S NelliJ FlaJhes Box P,'ge 1 Both NBC networks will 8.00 \VAAR W£A.,.'J \\-ORC broadcast the second annual all- 10.45U"7FEAWBZ\'C\'BH General JTA' 0 BALBO will JOY HODGES, a drawillg by Radio ,xpaled 10 make rapid \"(fOOD Frou/ COt'et star baseball game, with stars of 10.30 ~EAF r-;ft~ork (Tu~., Thurs. speak to an American audit·nce \VILLIAM /ndeJ Imdtr neUl Federd 10.45) ~cntiock from Rome during an interna- .ARTHUR FIEDLER, fonduc/or of ConmlllllicaJlo'/J Co'mminiol1 the 1 ational and American Leagues 10.15 'WjZ Participating, on Tuesday, July ro, P.M. tional broadcast to be relared I Ih, POPI and EIplanade rOil- Page I beginning at r,r5 P, M, o\'er the NBC-\XIJZ network on reril Page I :ARTHL'R FJI:OI.ER diJ(IJJJeJ 1lI1l­ Sunday, July 15, beginning at DEANE JANIS, CBS ,'oraliIl Among the stars expected to 12.01 w8Z JicaJ programs for the rad,o 12.20 \\-~AC j,W~M, I ~2 Itake part are \XfllLlAM TERRY, 1.30 WEA.." W'ICC \'('frA WORC Page 1 I WUlZ U"NBH WMMl The date marks the first anni- GEORGE BcR..."'lS and GRAOE Thil and Thai fR.'tNK FRISCH, PIE TRAYNOR. ~.4S \'( AAB \·usar}' of the arrival in Chic3.go ALLEN, comediaus Page 3 CHl:CK KLEIN, MEl OTT, GABBY 6.00 \\.NAC \'nec 'WfEA WORC b) • fORRIS HASTINGS Page r I WMA \\"LBZ of the 20 Halian airplanes" hich ARTHUR GODfREY, CBS HARTNETT, CARL HUBBElL. GUY 6.30 U EA." 'X"NBH "'JAG How J -Be engmurJ "u'ale lip" 7.00 \\AAH \\-LBZ Pa,~e Bus H, Lou GEHf\:G, JIMMY General BALBO led across the At. aml0rl11Cef 4 the llelu r1.J P.1) e 3 9."5 \\"AJ*. B I. DENNIS KJNG, ador Page 5 DYKfS, JOSEPH CRONIN, AL SIM­ 11.00 ~AC WEA." 'X ICC W"FIA GEORGE Bl:Rl'<S and GRAUE WORC \"( MAS '\\LBZ \'\-rxBH antic. RI(.IIARD HIMBER, orrhestra MONS, DABE Rt;TH, MICKEY WTAG . ,General BALBO wllJ recall the leader Pltge 5 ALLEN prepdre for a Luro- COCI-IRANE and LEFTI' GOMEZ. 11.00 WBZ I peall Irip Page 3 11.15 WEAF N('nti'ock: WABC Nti­ hlstonc event durmg hiS speech THORN'-O>l FISHER, Jports The teams will be chos<n by "'-()fk EdT/caJlonal Box Page 4 \'\')2 ;"o.;cr"ock <""cd. J 1.-45, Su. which opens the broadcast. ,dilor. Page 6 popular Yote of bastball fans .11 11.30) Radio Lalle At the conclu~ion of his ad- E\"ERf.TT J. IAR~HALL and over the country. ' I' Ch' EUZABLTH LL"NOX, Iingerl b) JIMMY J, LIONARD Page 5 SUNDAYS dress, tea h Jt IIan consu 10 • 1- P Slud/oJily by LES TROY Page 5 WILLlAM TERRY, manager of ,. age 7 cago will present to that CIty In GEORGE G1VOT, (omediall Edilorial; Page 5 the New York Giants, will pilot A.M. the National League team, while 8A5 WNAC WEAN \"(ICC 'X'FF.A behalf of the Halian go\'ernment Page 8 E\TRHT MARSHAU. and Ihe \l:MAS \'( L8Z \X.'N811 CBS "Vall/lin" program! JOSEPH CRONIN, manager of the 11.00 WHZ Uf.A,F.WjZ Ntlwock a column of stone recently exca- ROBERTO :MAYA, Sp:mish Page 7 Washington Senators, will direct vated from the ruins of ancient nJIIJirial1 Page 10 the American League entrants. - P.M. WEE! Page Page 11 Rome. DEEMS TAYLOR, fomposer Page 12 EDIl'IN FRANKO GOLDMAN alld GRAHAM McNA EF., FOR D G.OO WNAC WEAN W'ICC ''\:'FrA EDWIN FRANKO GOLDMAN, WLDZ 'XMAS WORe WN8J I The presentation ceremonies bandmaster Page 13 Band JIVlIir Page '3 BOND and TOM MANNING, NBC 6," WAAH ReflerliollI announcers, WI'II deSCfJ'be the ac- 10.459.45 WHZWA.AR occurrin8 in this country will be JOHNNY GREEN, romposer Page 14 Pa~e t,'on of the game.
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