CANADIO-BYZANTINA A Newsletter published by the Canadian Committee of Byzantinists No. 19 - February 2008 (alcareous ridge above River Raut, Orheiul Vechi, Moldova (Photograph by AR. Litilewood) 2007 was a notable yearfor Canadian Byzantinists sincefor on/v the second time a Canadian university (Toronto) hosted the annual Byzantine Studies Conference. Glen Peers chaired a largely Canadian Programme Committee and Linda Safran was an excellent local organizer. Linda, furthermore, is now the president ofthe Byzantine Studies Association ofNorth America; and I am grate/it! to her/or describing this to those of us still not properly cognizant with our neii’ “umbrella “. She has also promised to make “Canadio— Bvzantina “ available ‘‘on line “, a/though antediluvian members of the Canadian Comm i/lee (like mvse//i can relax since we shall continue to receive a real copy on genuine old-fashioned paper. Canadian Byzantinists have recently been able to welcome two new and exciting recruits. Full biographical details of Anne- Laurence Caudano and Dimitri Krallis, who have joined the University of Winnipeg and Simon Fraser University respectively, may befound under “Activities ofMembers ‘ It is always pleasant to record members ‘personal distinctions; and this year we are happily able to congratulate, in addition to Linda, three more of our peers. John Osborne has been elected an Honorary Fellow at the British School at Rome; Jim Payton was elected president of CAREE (Christians Associatedfor Relationships with Eastern Europe) in November 2006; and subsequently received a personal invitationfrom the the 1-lonourable Nicolas Gruevski, Prime Minister of Macedonia, to participate in the World Conference on Dialogue among Religions and Civilizations, held in Ohri4 Macedonia, on October 27, 2007, and was also invited by the Dean of the Orthodox Theological Faculty of Skopje, Macedonia, and by the executive assistant of the Metropolitan of the Macedonian Orthodox Church to return to Skopje and present another paper at the Orthodoxy Theological Faculty; and Glenn Peers was made a Member of the Institute of Advance Studies at Princeton for 2007- 2008 and was elected to the Advisory Board of the Mediterranean Centrefor Arts and Sciences at Siracus, Italyfrom 2007. Finally I wish to thank Dimitri Krallis for his report on the conference in Toronto, Martin Dimnilc and Volodvrnvr Mezentsevfor their annual report on excavations at Baturyn and Erica ruikshank Dodd for information on Byzantine activities at the University of Victoria (I should welcome such iiformation from other universities forfhture inclusion in our newsletter). Antony Littlewood ACTIVITIES OF MEMBERS E.C. BOURBOUHAKIS: Publications: “Byzantium”, in R. Bjork (ed.), The Oxford Dictionary of The Middle Ages, Oxford, 2007 (in press). “Byzantine Narrative Literature”, in L. James (ed.), The Blackwell Companion to Byzantine Culture, Oxford, 2007/8 (with I. Nilsson; in press). “Exchanging the devices of Ares for the delights of the Brows: Erotic Misadventures and the Historical Narrative of Niketas Choniates”, in 9 I. Nilsson and T. Hagg (edd.), Loving Reading. Narrative, Poetics, and Eros, Copenhagen, 2007/8 (in press). “Rhetoric and Performance in Byzantine Literature”, in P. Stephenson (ed.), The Byzantine World, London and New York, 2008 (forthcoming). Reviews: A. Kaldellis (ed.), The Byzantine Family of Michael Psellos, University of Notre Dame Press, 2006 in Speculum 82:4. F. Kolovou, Die Briefe des Eustathios von Thessalonike: Einleitung, Regesten, Text, Indizes, Munchen-Leipzig, 2006, in BMCR/The Medieval Review (forthcoming). Lectures: “Exchanging the devices of Ares for the delights of the Erotes: Erotic Misadventures and the Historical Narrative of Niketas Choniates”, at “Loving Reading”, an interdisciplinary symposium on erotic narrative at Uppsala University, May 11-12, 2006. “Replotting the Axis: Byzantine Literature and the Three Levels of Style”, at colloquium on Byzantine Literature: New Voices and Current Approaches: Byzantine Studies, November 9, 2007. Monastic caves, Orheiul Vechi, Moldova (Photograph by A. R. Littlewood) 3 D. BUCK: Publication: “Sozomen on Julian the Apostate”, Byzantion 86 (2006), pp. 53-73. He spent an interesting sabbatical term discovering how little Socrates knows about Theodosius the Great, and is now exploring Sozomen’s knowledge of the same emperor. A-.L. CAUDANO: Anne-Laurence has kindly sent the following Curriculum Vitae for inclusion in Canadio-Byzantina: Current position: Since July 2006: Assistant Professor at the Department of History (University of Winnipeg) Field: Medieval Studies Courses: 2006-2007: HIST 1010/6: Medieval world HIST 2211/3: Europe in the Middle Ages (c. 350- 1350) HIST 2212/3: Europe between the medieval and modern worlds (c. 1350-1650. Currently: HIST 10 10/6: Medieval world HIST 3208/3: Crusades and Crusaders in the Middle Ages HIST 3903/3: Classical and medieval sciences (winter 2008) Current research projects: Cosmological discussions in the Comnenoi period; Transmission of sciences from the Byzantines to the Slays Committee work: 2006-2007: Visiting lectures Committee Curriculum Committee Honours Committee. Currently: Department Personnel Committee Library. Education and academic experience: July 1996: “Candidature” (Bachelor’s) in History (in French), Facultés Universitaires Notre-Darne de la Paix, Namur (Belgium); grade: Great Distinction. September 1998: “Licence” (Honours) in History (in French), 4 Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium); grade: the Highest Distinction; Dissertation title: “The Calculation of the Solar Eclipse of 15 April 1409 by John Chortasmenos, Scholar of Byzantium” (in French). July 1999: Complementary Degree in International Relations (in Dutch), Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium); grade: Distinction. November 2000: Master of Arts, Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta (Canada); Research project: “The Zodiac, an Assessment of Astronomical Knowledge in Kievan Rus (10th — 13th Centuries)”. May 2005: Ph.D., Department of Slavonic studies, University of Cambridge (U.K.); Supervisor: Dr Simon Franklin (Clare College, Cambridge); College: Trinity; Dissertation title: “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven: Cosmological depictions in Early Rus (10th - 13th centuries)”. October 2005: Licentiate in Mediaeval Studies (Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies). 2005-2006: Research associate at the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies: Post-doctoral project: Cosmological discussions and scientific education in the middle Byzantine period. Scholarships, distinctions and awards: September 1998: “Highest distinction with the congratulations of the Jury” for the “Licence” in History (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium). July 2007: University of Winnipeg, Discretionary Grant tbr research at the Library of the Université Catholique de Louvain (Belgium). August 2001: Honorary Cambridge European Trust Scholarship. September 2001: Award from the Royal Belgian Benevolent Society in London. October 200 1-2004: Trinity External Research Studentship. June 2004: Fellow of the Cambridge European Society. September 2004: Post-doctoral fellowship from the Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. Work and teaching experience: Sept. 1999 — April 2000: Research assistant in Early Modern Ukrainian history for Prof John-Paul Himka (Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta); Teaching Assistant in Medieval and Early Modern History (Department of History and Classics, University of Alberta). Sept. 2000— August 2001: Voluntary French teacher for Ukrainian and Kazak refugees (Dinant, Belgium); Voluntary guide at the local museum of Wépion (Musée de Ia fraise et du terroir wépionnais, situated in Namur, Belgium). — 1 Oct. 2000 30 June 2001: Coordinator at the “Academic du Droit”, Dinant (organisation of seminars on social legislation, in the Francophone Community of B ci g i urn). Oct. 2002 Dec 2003: In charge of Trinity College Chapel’s C h an ties. Lent and Easter terms 2004: Supervision of students in “Russian literature, history, and culture, before 1 300” (Selwyn College, Cambridge). Language skills: French (mother language); English and Dutch (fluent); Russian (good); Ukrainian, German and Italian (read); Classical Greek, Old Church Slavonic, Latin, Medieval French. Publications: Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven: Cosmological depictions in Earl).’ Rus (/0th - 13th centuries), Palaeoslavica 14. Supplementum 2 (Cambridge Mass, 2006). “Le calcul de l!éclipse de Soleil du 15 avril 1409 a Constantinople par Jean Chortasmenos”, B}’zantion 73/1 (2003), pp. 211-245. “Of Dogs, Mousetraps and Magical Plants: How (not) to Dig up a Mandrake”, in P. Boner & C. Eagleton (edd.), Instruments of Mystery, The Whipple Museum: Cambridge, 2004, pp. 27-41 (with L. Totelin, K. Tybjerg & C. Eagleton). “Cycle des astres et calendriers dans la Rus médiévale du onzième au treizième siècle”, Slavica Gandensia 31(2004), pp. 23-45. “Following the Star of Bethlehem. Portrayals of the Magi as Astrologers in Kievan Rus”, Byzantinoslavica 62 (2004), pp. 161-172. 6 (10th1 — 131h “Sun, Moon, and Stars on Kievan Rus Jewellery centuries)”, in The Inspiration of Astronomical Phenomena: Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on the Inspiration qf Astronomical Phenomena, Magdalen College, Oxford,England, 3 — 9 August 2003, special issue of Culture and Cosmos 8 (Trowbridge, 2004), pp. 33-44. “Pamvo Berynda’s Poems on the Nativity of Christ. Between Western Education
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