GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA AN EVALUATION OF ‘ CARE’ ASSISTED POSHAK PROGRAMME EVALUATION UNIT PLANNING DEPARTMENT KARNATAKA GOVERNMENT SECRETARIAT BANGALORE-560001 1980 ;s 'f ‘S ‘i' Vj* ■'> 7> * f # GOV^RIJII-SNT OF KARNACAKA I 7)* 'if if 'fi .<■ iv m mLOATIOiJ OF »CA- A3 .ISrED P0STT4K PROG’lAjnni] '{) t j} ■if Evaliiation Unit, Planning Department, Vs Karnataka Governneni: ueoretariat ■l BAITGALORE. ' 1980 I ¥ i;- NIEPA DC I I D03265 A I' /' .»■ /V 'X «' > 0 ■«>” ‘<V 0 "/O'rv* ■»»“ /v“ '<v ' /C ■- '■ 3 V - 7 l C i>ub. National Systems Unit, National Institute of Educational Plnnnin^ and Aministration 17-B.SfiAurbit)^'M|^tg.NevvDelbi-11001f D O C .N o j P K F A C PoshdK is one of the three nutrition oriented jjrogrdiiuii® f or pre school children, introduced uti­ lising the fooa suj^jjlement proviued Dy the Co-opera­ tive tor Aniericcin Relief iCvery-where (CakE ) . This progrdiiuae cominenced in the year 1 9 7 b/ was for Child­ ren of the econoiitically weaKer sections in rural areas and »vas impieiiiented through priiiiciry health centres. The evaluation of this progranune was coitiiiienced, aiong with that of Balahar ond duraksha prograiunes, re^jorts of which have oeen firougnt out earlier, b>-i S .Alfred Samuel, r\ssistant Director, coiladoratea with me in tfiis stuay. Sri V.Shankara keddy, benior Investigator, assisteo in the com­ pilation and taDulation of tlie information collected, 1 wish to acknowledge the guidance of Dr ,D . w.i\lanjundappa. Secretary, Planning Departaient. D r .isi .s .P .kiirfu; LiliO Bangalore, Director of valuation, 3 0 th i-iay IJSO . Planning Department. CONTENTS Chapter Page Title Number Number I Summary and recommendations 1 II Introduction o III The Programme 11 IV Distribution of Food Supplement 21 V Beneficiary survey 62 Td^ie Page T itle nuirioer nuiiiOer ] . Populcitxon cina priiudry hedittn centres in 11 KdrnatdKd - 1977- Popuidtion dnci pocentiai nuuioer of children 13 unaer PostidK Progrdniine - 197 7, 3 . Eiigioie children in che progrdiniiie drea (0 0 0 's) 14 - 1977. 4 . iiiJiigibie ciniidren in ttie prograiume drea - 1977 * 15 Potential ana target for the nuuioer of oene- 5 . 18 fic ia r ie s in the progra.nme area - 1977. uuanti ty of fooa supj_^leuient delivered r>y C a k E 6 . 21 and nuuioer of oenef iciarie^ . 7. The ratio of tne nuinoer of oeneficlaries and quantity of food supplement supplied ana devia­ 24 tion from normal. 8 . iMuifioer of oenef 1C lanes collecting food during 26 a week. 9. The average targettea and actual nuiiioer of 27 oenef 1Claries . 10. Average nuuiuer of oeneficiaries collecting food in 29 the distrii. utlon centres - 1977 . 11. Actual nuirioer of weeks when distriDution was done 35 in 1977. 12. Co-efficient of range. 40 13. bujjpiy of food supplement tiy Cpd-^si and quantity" 51 collected oy oenef iclaries . 14. Hontliiy diotriDution of food supplement y 1977 . 53 15. Total requirenients of food supplement for the state..55 16. Total requirement and supply in the area covered 56 oy the programme - 1977* 17. j^ge ana sex composition of the Oenef iciaries. 62 18. bize of the houserioid of the oeneficiary. 63 19. /-ige of the parents of b e n e fic ia r ie s . 64 20. Occupation pattern of tne pdients of Pene- f i c l a n e s . 65 C o n td , TaDie Poige n cie nuiiioer nuiiiuer 21. Averaye income of parenLs of oeneficiaries . 66 . Average inooiue of the househoxd of tne oene- 67 f i c i a r i e s . 23 . ijevex or educcition of trie pcirents of tne 68 Denef iciaries . 24. isiuiiioer of txmes xn a aay ttiat the suppiement 69 was consumea. 25. i\Iuiiioer of aays ^^er weeK the food suppleirient 70 idS teia. 26. Participatxon in hedxtn care activities. 72 27. Index of response Figure.. ' to 3 . -oOo- A:>pendix Title Page number number I Population in the selected centres-1977 74 II Monthly quantity of food supoletnent supp­ lied by CARE during 1976 and 1977 in the programme area of Karnataka 83 III Index of response - Figure 1 to 16 92 IV Index of :;esDonse - Index numbers 108 V Quantity of food supplement distributed during 1977 at selected Primary Health Centres (in kgs.) in Belgaum District. 131 VI Quantity of food supplement distributed during 1977 at selected Primary Health Centres (in kgs.) in Dakshina Kannada District. 132 VII Quantity of food supplement distributed during 1977 at solected Priinarv Health Centres (in kgs.) Gulbarga District 133 VIII Quantity of food suonlement distributed during 1977 at selected Primary tiealth Centres (in kgs.) in Mysore District. 134 IX Quantity of fcor’ supplement distributed during 1977 in selected districts in the St ate 135 Details of equipment and otliei facilities sunolied by CARE to Primary Health Centres. 136 Oi'J_Oi]_LAKxi! /-iw>bXo TxiiD P OS HA K PR JGR AlnMc] J;..JTER-1 b iJi“iMARY j-vNiJ RjiiC iNiDAJ 1 OmS Providing good aiet contdining proteins and vitamins is of prime necessity for the growth and airound deveiopinent of the children, specidiiy, in the age group of U-b years and in rural areas. The assistance was extended oy CARi^ (co-opera­ tive for American Relief Everywhere) in this oehalf, through the 'Poshak' progranuiie, which was launched in the state during the yecir 1^15, in consultation with Government of India. The progranuue covered children upto six years of age, in areas coverea ay selected primary health centres in the state. ^n Rvaluation of this prograifune Weis taken up with the following objectives. i) The numoer of chilaren actually receivea food suppleiuent anu the regularity of supply and dis triDut.ion „ ii) Ttie exten+'- to which the food supplement reached the target population. ill) whether c.iie food supplement was properly utilised Dy the recipients and the manner in which it was consumed. iv) The effect of the programaie on the selected popu­ la t io n . v) Usefulness of the programme. VI) The problems involved in the distribution and uti­ lisation of the food supplement and possiole s o l u t i o n s . The information requirea for the scudy was collected tirough schecules, questionnaires and interviews of the officials ana oeneficiaries. The Poshak programtie v/as in operation in 32 primary health centres spread out in eight districts of the state. ndineiy, beigaurn, riiciar, B i jd p u r , c hickiricigaxur, D ^k sh in a Kanndda, GuiiDarga/ Hassan and Mysore. For detailed study, 16 priiuary health centres, in four districts, namely, Belga-um, Dakshina Kannada, GulJoarga and Mysore were selected and 74 Deneficiaries covered. The analysis of the information coliectea indicateu the following. CaRh; food supplement was to oe supplied, at the rate of 80 Grams per day per oeneficiary, for all the 365 days in a year to children upto six years and from families whose income was t\d.3U0 per month or less. There were 48.68 iajchs of children, in age group of 0-6 years, in rural areas of the state. The total nunioer of such children in the eight districts covered toy the programme constituted 46 perceat of the aDove. The nuu\Der ot children targetted to C>e covereo oy the progra/niiie was 6 0 ,0 u u . This was oniy o. .e percent of the to al numoer of e_,igitile children in the state. The nmmjer of children eligible in the progra- inme area (eight districts) was 1.01 lakhs, of which 49 percent weie covereo under the progranune. mnong the districts selectea for the study, as against the targetted nuiiioer of 2 5 ,8 0 0 denef iciaries, the actual numoer of oeneficiaries, who collected food supplement during each week was 22,110, it Peing maxiritum in Belgaum district (93%) and minimum in Dakshina Kannada district (7 9 % ), as against the overall average of 86 ^jercent. The distriDution of the food supplejnent was done through 180 suD-centres, covering on an average 274 oeneficiaries per centre. in the study area, the average per week was 3 00, a . 3 • . - : 3 in the suD“centres, tine aidxiii.uiii was 1,110 is in Hagax'gundi of GuiDcirgd d is t r ic t and the minimum was 137 in Urhagaon of delgaum district. Though the foou was to be distrijjutec during aii the 52 weeks in a calendar year, the actual numoer of weeks during which was done varied froni 17 to 52. The fJ.uctucitions j.n the nuinoer of Deneficiaries coxlecting food supplement was high in 20 centres, out of 74 selected for the study ania tiie co-effj.cient of range (measure of dispersion) var.ieo .letween .51 to .81.,. The response was yeneraily low durint) seasona.! -.or: cu.i.tural operations. totaJ quantity oi ,.ou.ney of fooa supplement was suppliea ny uar.ina 1976 ana 1977, of which 17 pe.rcent was i n the area se.i.t-c, i.e,, f .jr stndy , Tut aev.-'av.ion of the ’supply from norui-.i revii.ireu'ent Wt s - Ij. ^e'cent in che study cirea. On an avc;ray.3 ‘i'tO '.ta .3 ef food supplement was dis- triDuteo per month. The oe.-oent-ige d is tr ir u tio n was more than 90 percent in .-.nLx the diST..rlccs selected foi the s tu d y . The total requiremeiiu of the food supplement for the state,, of ail eligible chi Loren were to re covered, was estimated to oe l„42J.akhs tonnes per year (as at the end of ly77).
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