t.tsi> GUIDE-BOOK OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD AND ITS SEVERAL BRANCHES AND CONNECTIONS; WITH AN ACCOUNT, DESCRIPTIVE AND HISTORICAL, OF THE PLACES ALONG THEIR ROUTE; INCLUDING ALSO A HISTORY OF THE COMPANY FROM ITS FIRST ORGANIZA- TION. AND INTERESTING FACTS CONCERNING THE ORIGIN AND GROWTH OF THE COAL AND IRON TRADE IN THE LEHIGH AND WYOMING REGIONS. HANDSOMELY ILLISTEATED FROM RECENT SKETCHES, PREFIXED TO WHICH IS A MAP OF THE ROAD AND ITS CONNECTIONS. PHILADELPHIA: A J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO. 1873. flS^ Cn Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1872, by WILLIAM H. SAYRE, In the OfBce of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1873, by WILLIAM H. SAYRE, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. RELIABLE CONNECTIONS FREIGHT. QUICK TIME Tlic facilities of the Lehigh Valley Double Track Uailroad LAST HXPRLSS TRAINS, for the prompt dispatch of all kinds iif Merchandise Krciglils are iHU'i|ualed. NEW YORK, Fast PHILADKLlMllA, DOUBLE TRACK SHORT LINE, Frhigi IT Trains BALTIMUKK, WIN n.Ml.V liKTWKKN AND RUNNING TO ANU FROM ALL POINTS IN TlIK New WASHINGTON, York, Mahanoy City, Philadelphia, Wilkes-Marrc, DAILY (Suiidi y» ox.,o,)U)cJ) for Belhlohein, Pittslon, Allcntown, Auburn, .MIdUowii, Maiich CliunU, Rodu-St.T, MAHAIOY,BEAyER MEADOW, HAZLETON &WYOMING I'iiiilra, Glen Onoko, and tlu Buffalo, Mauch Clumk, Ithaca, Switch-back, Niagara Falls, Hazleton, Owego, Catawissa, The Canadas, COAL FIELDS, Catawissa, Auburn, Sunbui^, Dunkirk, Danville, Rochester, Wilkcs-Ban-e, Erie, . Pittston, Oil Regions, AND THROUGH THE .Sunbury, Buffalo, Hazleton, Cleveland, Danville, Toledo, ,\Ni) Al.l, I'OIN-IS IN Till'; Mahanoy City, 1 )etroit. MAHANOY, BEAVER MEADOW, HAZLETON, Kcadiny;, LEHIGH AND WYOMING VALLEYS, AND WYOMING Watkins Cileii, Harrisburu', Ithaca, Pittsburs;, Owego, Chicago, COAL FIELDS, THE GREAT NORTH-WEST. AND UP THE NORTH BRANCH OF THE SUSQUEHANNA, MAKIN(; DIHKCT CONNECTIONS KOK FORMINa ,nilLAl)ELPllI,\TOBUFF;\l,(), 15 I3:OX7E.S, Points With but one change, arriving in Buffalo and Niagara Direct Connections for all in CENTRAL and WESTERN NEW YORK, the CANADAS, THE WEST the same evening. MERCHANTS AND TOURISTS RATES OF FREIGHT A/wars as linv as li\i any "III"' roiilc. ., but nflbrds lo the 'I'mvoler viows of tlu- The West and North-West. WYOMING VALLEY SCENERY That arc proaounccd lo be uniiv.il,,! This Uno offera tllc I'l-omivnn IiKhucimuK i„ Philadelphia, Fifth St., cor. Delaware Avenue /"V"riT1T/^ind 1^" at 732 Chestnut St., Mann's Baggage and Express Office, 105 South N. W. and IN NEW YORK, TOURISTS AND TRAVELERS, TO>JT;^T^f-|-^ ' York, at foot of Liberty Walnut .street, and at the Depot, corner Berks^and American Sts. In New Depot C. R. R. N J., St., ; I V r J I ( I H r I J r jN R. R. Street, '^^^^ • ^'A J- i-Vy-LJ^^:». C. of N. J., foot of Uwa.li m Lot Exwiiioii Faits. Qimk Time. Misiil/Uml Srriun .^nd Morris & Esse.x R. R. Depots, foot of Barclay Streets. North River. I and Christopher Morris and Essex R. R., foot of Babcuiv and foot of Clarkson Sts., North River; To Enjoy Sinmncr Tnwcl, Secmt Seals in llie for Baltimore, sold from all Principal Stations. PALACE DRAWING-ROOM CAR. THROUGH TICKETS Washington, and Points South, are niftn-cls of elegnncc; free from dust a IN PIIILADKLPHIA. rd an uniiHemipted view of the scenery, render tnwcUng thoroughly cnjoyivblc. Henna. R.R, Cor. Front and Willow Srs., North ; , ' _,= =^ — I — ; r^ i.JtM/,ia,l- , lA >e .w jB 'G ® ?\^ Ml h ieSioh^auiyRai L IpflJ, I Palmyra -^ •4 tt _ yniulii Peuim & KYJ iOTaU Kail Road yRACliSE •J;.;,' O -lY ,D .i\ BiSN ''"'^•^'^^ M/f/w//-/> ^'^^n^K' ' ^ «• f> It 3' a: jR }!\n'^'''"^ ™» A f/fe& ! tfwA^;, r/-; z;///i. I K K N ;) /.'iiKI.M'lM "^ ^ fttni/wrt.Hmt'n JaV/.w. I/fa. ScmIo of Miles hi-iliiiu Vi'U,,,/, COMPILED BY G,A,ASCHBACH,CIVIt. ENG, 150 CANAL ST NEWYOF ^WffiiZ\ . 'o/ ,>^a Ji* r II JOiYAljIDH I 5?3SSC"' afMv, is _^' ..\U,nT,llp\ /,V„/ /.',„«/, .V V. rj iM 11 'I''. p^>iF (•;.„/,/,-/,.,mv KoTulob l|) 111 X, A/ W ,\ .1* K "-^6V.vtW f.W,./.,,,,/, lJ->'"l>" m^^ r,;i,'ik 11,,,/ ll,„i,/.. H, L COAfilNEu wdjs/'Vi wlf'''' 'Zri^ \ " Joimgynfle 'l\ < tlj-'' iir'7. ./i-.^, ,.. HONDOU y<itf"^'"%ih Jt. a. ST 31.:, JIS /fe 1^ -l---;^/,*,«<7*^ llV_Av/,fl«£, .- -..^..--i^ifr \ :. • ; iSta'' i-i ; . ^ iiMni'ii'jiii(HiS toj IK. A n n A V, A Y" \ / , / r( rtT'3«/l'-il.r4\^^ HM..,r.,„ji, ; V/>vM'' „i;S^Vv.."'.",.y JNil^^f : Yum, ''ff/M'-,//" /^X^** Ai-iJiiucAiiiWA j 1 '' 1 .-( P'(D "if I'J II', 1 T j[.l/,v,^/l. //<• ^W''//l'-v'//A' ^ ^-.^ p\Vj J- »1)|.J Atl'OAL..L (V/ ftCWBURGHB, ^ ^%i':!^*"-,cL '"" i\~^ ^i' />„J,a Coo'i'' ' « ;' sj^""-^ \^^ : i ] i' : « : y[ :b I f i4 s "^ f^rc//)///,-^"'*^'>iM£^i , A 'i \ ^"^^^'^SLii- ir«ilfl£K!(?'inTlNi^ IP ji jjj;-; :v( ,v ;i, Y V m I \/'- :esbarrE""\ ^j/\Ji<pjmTAGJli; ;r/-^\/^l \ fifOtl%ii/ ;'il :i ?i\ » ; "^^.K'- - .iJ-.r/jflSfti' r AK w ""Si4- , ^, ?/:-,*, ; l ; ,7KPik:kds&«^ M AM/ID i-f;iw«! y/..,.,v„,,'./„„;/" ;''-\ nf„ii:,ici „ , ; ^"*'"' '"""''' (' ' ;"? i i-ka:k>VX-|.« 'I' iN- I 11 .-.",,„„„/iL,„„„\ I ; V'/w'/i,^'" ' ^— , 1.; 'K - """"'"*"'''\'s(;iff,',r, :| T :l ;k lis \ ,- ^^ /^ -_ /: Vl.,,,,,!.,,,; )MIl(Knill /u,ii,i„,i,iu/\ _£0 II W ,\\ * ',\' A I ii,„„:,i.!i,^ ; I'i iv \ >fi^r \i K :t -r ;iji jK 313 /' .' T',- *</^-^ V X\7 '''/t'&Viv I || T ,Y U!) 1[A iYA •i /^ i CAHHOLLTON \ \\.//ou- iIj iiil A I. ,. 5^1 PITTSBURg ^llr'f^'^^Y^^^r^'"* \ ^^S?»n V""""'" li''''''"/^^^^''^T^ ^v^„.„.,//,./„i ftri.. >, 'jil AlRlltt l/lKI-; P K I-; K V i/,1. (jiifiU'Kti.'iiw; i^^WfrfWHEELING 'VorrwmT. , ^/u„lrr. ."i i>;vi I'} i;,--; |.; ,1; K IJ K 11 i;iv . >^LAtiCASJ£fi .. ,„ .,. „.„ J ,^... , J A OFFICERS OF THS Lehigh Valley Railroad Company, JANUARY 21st, 1873. President, Vice-President, ASA PACKER, CHARLES HARTSHORNE, MAUCH CHUNK. PHILADELPHIA. Treasurer, Secretary, LLOYD CHAMBERLAIN, JOHN R. FANSHAWE, PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA. General Superintendent and Chief Engineer, ROBERT H. SAYRE, BETHLEHEM. D IRECTORS. CHARLES HARTSHORNE, ASHBEL WELCH, WILLIAM W. LONGSTRETH, ARIO PARDEE, J. GILLINGHAM FELL, WILLIAM L. CONYNGHAM, JOHN TAYLOR JOHNSTON, WILLIAM A. INGHAM, WILLIAM H. GATZMER, JOSEPH WHARTON, DAVID THOMAS, GEORGE B. MARKLE. President's Assist and Gen. Agi., WM. H. SAYRE, Bethlehem. Assistant General Superintendent, H. STANLEY Q,OOT>^l^. Bethlehem. Supt. Beaver Meadow Divisioit., A. G. BRODHEAD, Mauch Chzttik. " " Mahajtoy JAS. I. BLAKSLEE, Mauch Chunk. " " Wyomi7tg A. MITCHELL, Wilkes-Barre. Getteral Freight Agent, JOHN TAYl^OK, Mauch Ch747ik. Cashier, WM. C. MORRIS; Jr., Mauch Chunk. Purchasing Agent, L. CHAMBERLAIN, Philadelphia. JOHN I. KINSEY, ^«j/o«. DAVID CLARK, Hazleton. Master Mechanics, JOHN CAMPBELL, Delano. (.PHILIP HOFECKER, Weatherly. 3 OFFICERS OF THE PENNSYLVANIA AND NEW YORK CANAL AND RAILROAD COMPANY. President. ROBERT H. SAYRE. Treasurei\ CHARLES HARTSHORNE. General Superintendent. ROBERT A. PACKER, Directors. Asa Packer, Wm. W, Longstreth, Chas. Hartshorns, Robert A. Packer, Victor E. Piollet, Garrett B. Linderman, J. Henry Swoyer, John J. Taylor, Robert Lockhart, Jno. W. Hollenback, Wm. H. Sayre, Joseph Wharton. (4) PREFACE. This Guide-Book has been prepared with great care and fidelity, as well from past historical documents as from recent and reliable information. In doing so, the writer has freely availed himself of the aid given by other publications, while very much of the matter is wholly original, and has been obtained directly from the places and establishments described. He desires to acknowledge gratefully his obligations to the officials of the Company and other residents along its road for the valuable help so kindly rendered him. He would be still further thankful if those readers who may dis- cover errors in what is here printed will inform him of the same. Such communications may be addressed to the President's Assistant at Bethlehem. L. C. June ist, 1873. (5) HISTORY OF THE LEHIGH VALLEY RAILROAD CO FROM ITS ORGANIZATION TO THE PRESENT DATE. As preliminary to an account of the different towns on the route of the Lehigh Valley Railroad and its various branches, it may be interesting to give a brief sketch of its history. This railroad was originally incorporated under the name of the Delaware, Lehigh, Schuylkill and Susque- hanna Railroad Company, by an Act of Assembly passed April 2ist, 1846. The bill was prepared at the sugges- tion and through the agency of a few enterprising and far-seeing citizens of Northampton and Lehigh Counties. There was strong opposition to it, and it was carried through the Legislature mainly by the exertions of Dr. Jesse Samuel, a Representative from Lehigh County. There seemed to be but little faith in the project on the part of capitalists ; for, although the commissioners named in the act promptly advertised for subscriptions to the stock, it was not until the 2d of August, 1847, that a sufficient amount for a commencement could be secured. On that day 5002 shares had been taken, on (7) 8 HISTOR V. each of which an installment of five dollars had been paid. After considerable trouble, the letters patent were issued, and on the 21st day of October, 1847, the first election for officers was held, resulting as follows : Pres- ident, James M. Porter; Managers, Dudley S. Gregory, John S. Dorsey, John P. Jackson, Daniel Mclntyre, Ed- ward R. Biddle, and John N. Hutchinson; Secretary, John N. Hutchinson. These officers were re-elected for the years 1847, 1848, 1849, ^^^ 1850.
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