Service for The Lord’s Day knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. January 5, 2020 2nd Sunday of Christmas 9:30 Know in Christ you are forgiven. -based on 2 Corinthians 4:6 a.m. P: Thanks be to God. Rev. Anni Thorn *Gloria Patri PH #579 + + + + + + WE LISTEN AND SHARE GOD’S WORD WE APPROACH GOD IN WORSHIP Scripture Reading: 2nd Chronicles 20:1-30 NRSV Diane Fisher Prelude L: This is the Word of the Lord. The Ringing of the Bell and The Lighting of the Candles P: Thanks be to God. Welcome and Announcements Moment for Children *Call to Worship L: Listen! Do you hear the sounds of joy? Have you heard the Sermon messenger’s good news? P: The Word was with God from the beginning. In Jesus, *Hymn of Response: “We Three Kings of Orient Are” PH #66 the Word has come to dwell among us. L: Break forth into singing! Your comfort and salvation are at WE RESPOND WITH THE GIFT OF OUR LIVES hand. P: In Christ, we are empowered as God’s children. We are *Apostles' Creed Front of PH p.14 gifted with grace and truth. Sharing of Joys and Concerns L: Sing a new song and marvel at God’s ways. Make a joyful Response: Lord, hear our prayer. noise through all the earth. P: We celebrate the true light that enlightens us. We rejoice Prayers of Intercession in the gift of new life. The Offering of our Tithes and Offerings to the Lord *Opening Prayer (unison) Offertory Speak to us again, God of glory, for we are slow to hear. *The Doxology PH #592 Remind us of the good news, for we are prone to forget. *Prayer of Dedication Give us eyes to see Jesus, for we continually lose our way. We are weary and worn. We cry out for the truth that is Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper eternal. O God, grant us the joy of your presence and the Invitation to the Lord's Table assurance of your steadfast love. Amen. Great Prayer of Thanksgiving/Lord's Prayer L: The Lord be with you. *Opening Hymn: "As with Gladness Men of Old" PH #63 P: And also with you. Confession and Assurance L: Lift up your hearts! Prayer of Confession (unison) P: We lift them up to the Lord. Generous God, you give us the greatest gift of all, L: Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. yourself, but often we find it hard to take notice; we are P: It is right for us to give thanks and praise. caught up with our own gifts, given and received. Forgive L: With joy we praise you.....to proclaim the glory of your us, generous God, for the casual way we treat your gift of name saying: love. Cast out our sin and enter in, be born in us today. P: Holy, Holy, Holy Lord. Amen. L: O God, in the sending of your Son.....as signed and sealed in this sacrament: Silent Prayers of Confession P: Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again. L: Creator God.....at the coming of the kingdom. Amen. Words of Assurance L: God has caused light to shine in our hearts, the light that is All: Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors; and 902 Marengo Avenue, Marengo, IA 52301 lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Rev. Anni Thorn, Pastor For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, forever. Amen Words of Institution Holy Communion (As a church of the Presbyterian Church U.S.A., we celebrate an open table, welcoming all baptized Christians as Christ does. We will serve one another communion as we remain seated in the pews. An elder will serve the first person in each pew, saying: “The body of Christ, broken for you.” and “The blood of Christ, shed for you.” When we each have been served, and have partaken of the elements, we each turn and serve our neighbor, saying the above words of distribution. Please note the arrangement of the elements: All of the inner ring and ½ of the middle ring contains cups of white wine.The other ½ of the middle ring and all of the outer ring contains purple grape juice. Gluten intolerant: For those who are gluten intolerant, gluten free wafers are available. Please raise your hand and the pastor will serve you at your pew. Communion Prayer (unison) Lord God, in gratitude, in deep gratitude for this moment, this meal, these people, we give ourselves to you. Take us out to Pastor: 319-361-5978 Church Office: 319-642-3635 live as changed people because we have shared the living E-mail: [email protected] bread and cannot remain the same. Ask much of us, expect First Presbyterian Church website: www.fpcmarengoiowa.org much from us, enable much by us, encourage many through us. So Lord, may we live to your glory. Amen. Deacons: Sari Hacker, Dayle Jensen, Peter Beatteay, Peggy Gerst, Mary Kay Bolger, Char Kinzenbaw, Charlene Lawwill, Judy Thorn Dismissal of Sunday School Youth and Teachers Session: Jim Jensen, Dale Kinzenbaw, Jennifer Olson, Bob Young, Duane Bolger, Judy Huxford, Lesa Waddell, Bonita Burnham, Morrie *Closing Hymn: “O Come, O Come, Emmanuel” PH #9 Denson, Becky Loffer, Larry Thorn, Bev Wagner, and Faythe Roberts, *Benediction Clerk of Session Staff: Valerie Wiley (treasurer), Karen Moline (music coordinator), *Closing Choral Response: "Amen" (Sing through twice. Clap along Myra Taylor (organist) Heath & Ashley Long (christian ed directors), if you wish.) Crystal Benscoter (secretary), Joel Keim (custodian) *Postlude + + + + + + TODAY AT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN LOOKING AHEAD AT FIRST PRESBYTERIAN Organist: Myra Taylor Monday, January 6 - Epiphany of the Lord Usher Captain: Al Fenneman Wednesday, January 8 Candle Lighting: Robert & Gabe Olson 4:00 p.m. Worship & Music Committee 6:30 p.m. Jr/Sr High Youth Group 9:30 a.m. Worship with Communion, Thursday, January 9 10:30 a.m. Sunday School, Coffee Hour, 6:00 p.m. MEM Committee New Officer Training in basement adult Saturday, January 11 Sunday school room 8:00 a.m. Men's Fellowship- All men invited! 10:45 a.m. Deacons in library, Building & Grounds Sunday, January 13 - Baptism of the Lord Committee in sanctuary 9:30 a.m. Worship REMINDER to ALL COMMITTEES & OFFICERS: Your year end 10:30 a.m. Sunday School, Coffee Hour reports are due to the church office today! Every committee 10:45 a.m. Corporate Affairs Committee chairperson should turn in a report summarizing their committee's 1:15 p.m. Rose Haven (Pastor Anni, J.Huxford, P.Gerst, Myra activities for the year 2019, and also be prepared to verbally give a Taylor) highlight of their report at the annual congregational meeting on January 19, 2020. Reports are needed from the following: ANNOUNCEMENTS Clerk of Session, Church Treasurer, Financial Secretary, Deacons, Pastor, P.W. (secretary, treasurer & quilters); And Chairpersons MEALS ON WHEELS: Our church is responsible for Meals on of these Committees: Nominating, Personnel, Audit, Building & Wheels delivery during the month of February. The delivery will Grounds, Christian Ed, MEM, Corporate Affairs, and Worship & be February 3rd through 28th . The sign up sheet to volunteer to Music deliver meals is on the fellowship hall bulletin board. Please take a moment to see where you might be able to help out. Thank you POINSETTIAS: If you provided a poinsettia for the church during for giving of yourself and your time to help provide this mission of the Christmas season and would like to take it home, please do so our church. today. We would appreciate help carrying them to fellowship hall after the service today. Thanks! 2020 OFFERING ENVELOPES: Don't forget to pick up your 2020 offering envelopes from the foyer table. There should be an CALL TO THE ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING envelope packet for every giving unit. If you don't find yours, let The Session extends a call for the annual meeting of the Crystal know. It is appreciated that you use these envelopes, as congregation of First Presbyterian Church. The meeting will be on your givings are recorded by your envelope number. Sunday, January 19, 2020, in the fellowship hall immediately after the worship service. The purpose of this annual meeting is for the WINTER WARM-UP FUNDRAISER: Mark your calendars to congregation to hear the session’s and other officers’ reports and attend PW's Winter Warm-Up soup lunch fundraiser on Thursday, review of the year 2019. February 13. Watch for more details to come in your church bulletins. QUILT TICKETS: The Presbyterian Quilters are working on a beautiful quilt and tickets are ready for you to sell, and buy! The quilt drawing will be held at P.W.'s Winter Warm-Up fundraiser on February 13, 2020. Your help in selling tickets is appreciated. FROM THE STEWARDSHIP COMMITTEE: The Stewardship Committee would like to remind you to please prayerfully consider how you will be able to help support the church this year. If you have not already done so, they ask that you return your pledge cards as soon as possible. Reminder-your per capita is a separate giving from your pledge and should be paid with a separate check. Per Capita is $38 per member, including each Confirmed youth. Thank you.
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