EBDEBD associatedassociated withwith inadequateinadequate housinghousing Environmental burden of disease associated with inadequate housing ThisThis guideguide describesdescribes howhow toto estimateestimate thethe diseasedisease burdenburden EnvironmentalEnvironmental burdenburden ofof diseasedisease EBDcausedcaused associated atat nationalnational with andand inadequate subregionalsubregional levelslevelshousing byby inadequateinadequate Thishousinghousing guide conditionsconditions describes typicallyhowtypically to estimate encounteredencountered the disease inin thethe WHOburdenWHO Environmentalassociatedassociated withwith burden inadequateinadequate of disease housinghousing causedEuropeanEuropean at national region.region. ItandIt contributescontributes subregional toto thelevelsthe WHOWHO by inadequate seriesseries ofof housingguidesguides thatthatconditions describedescribe typically howhow toto encountered estimateestimate thethe in burdenburden the WHO ofof diseasedisease causedcaused byby environmentalenvironmental andand occupationaloccupational riskrisk AA methodmethod guideguide toto thethe quantificationquantification ofof healthhealth effectseffects EBD associatedEBD withassociated inadequate with inadequate housing housing European region. It contributes to the WHO series of associated with inadequate housing guidesfactors.factors. that AnAn describe introductoryintroductory how volumetovolume estimate toto thethe the seriesseries burden outlinesoutlines of ofof selectedselected housinghousing risksrisks inin thethe WHOWHO EuropeanEuropean RegionRegion This guide describes how to estimate the disease burden diseasethethe generalgeneral caused methodology.methodology. by environmental and occupational risk A method guide to the quantification of health effects This guide describes how to estimate the disease burden Environmental burdenEdited by of disease factors.Environmental An introductory volume to the series outlines burdenMatthiasMatthias BraubachBraubach of disease InIn thisthis context,context, thethe WHOWHO RegionalRegional OfficeOffice forfor EuropeEurope of selected housing risks in the WHO European Region caused at national and subregional levels by inadequate DavidDavid E.E. JacobsJacobs caused at national and subregional levels by inadequate thetooktook general upup thethe methodology. challengechallenge toto quantifyquantify thethe healthhealth effectseffects ofof DavidDavid OrmandyOrmandy housing conditions typically encountered in the WHO Ininadequateinadequate this context, housinghousing the WHO andand Regional convenedconvened Office anan internationalinternational for Europe Matthias Braubach housing conditions typically encountered in the WHO David E. Jacobs tookworkingworking up the groupgroup challenge toto quantifyquantify to quantify thethe healthhealth the health impactsimpacts effects ofof of David Ormandy European region. It contributes to the WHO series of inadequateselectedselectedassociated housinghousing housing riskrisk and factors,factors, convenedassociated applyingapplying an international inin particularparticular thethe with with inadequate inadequate housing housing European region. It contributes to the WHO series of environmentalenvironmental burdenburden ofof diseasedisease (EBD)(EBD) approach.approach. guides that describe how to estimate the burden of working group to quantify the health impacts of guides that describe how to estimate the burden of selected TheThe guideguide housing outlines,outlines, risk usingfactors,using EuropeanEuropean applying data,data, in particular thethe evidenceevidence the environmental burden of disease (EBD) associated approach. with inadequate housing disease caused by environmental and occupational risk linkinglinking housinghousing conditionsconditionsEBD toAto health,health, method andand thethe methodsmethods guide to the quantification of health effects disease caused by environmental and occupational risk Theforfor assessingassessingguideA outlines,method housinghousing using impactsimpacts European onon a a populationguide populationdata, the evidence basis.basis. ThistoThis the quantification of health effects factors. An introductory volume to the series outlines linkingisis donedone housing forfor twelvetwelve conditions housinghousing to riskrisk health, factorsfactors and inin athea practicalpractical methods step-by-stepstep-by-step approachapproach This thatthat of cancan bebe adaptedselectedadaptedguide toto locallocal describes housing risks how in tothe estimate WHO European the disease Region burden factors. An introductory volume to the series outlines for assessingof housingselected impacts on a population housing basis. This risks in the WHO European Region the general methodology. iscircumstancescircumstances done for twelve andand housing knowledge.knowledge. risk factors ThisThis guideguide in a alsopracticalalso Environmental burden of disease the general methodology. step-by-stepsummarizessummarizes approach thethe recentrecent that evidenceevidence can be onon adapted thethe healthhealth to local circumstancesimplicationsimplications of ofand housinghousing knowledge.caused renewal,renewal, This andand guide providesprovides also at aa national and subregional levels by inadequate nationalnational exampleexample onon assessingassessingMatthias thethe economiceconomic Braubach In this context, the WHO Regional Office for Europe summarizesMatthias the recent evidenceBraubach on the health In this context, the WHO Regional Office for Europe implicationsimplicationsimplications of ofof housing inadequateinadequatehousing renewal, David housing.housing. and provides E. Jacobs a conditions typically encountered in the WHO took up the challenge to quantify the health effects of nationalTheThe findingsfindingsDavid example confirmconfirm E.on assessing thatJacobsthat housinghousing the economic isis aa significantsignificant publicpublic took up the challenge to quantify the health effects of implications of inadequate housing.David Ormandy inadequate housing and convened an international healthhealthDavid issue.issue. However,However, Ormandy toto realizerealize thethe largelarge healthhealth Thepotentialpotential findings associatedassociated confirm withthatwith housing adequate,adequate, is a safesafe significant andand healthyhealthy public associated with inadequate housing inadequate housing and convened an international European region. It contributes to the WHO series of working group to quantify the health impacts of healthhomes,homes, issue. jointjoint However, actionaction ofof to healthhealth realize andand the non-healthnon-health large health sectorssectors isis working group to quantify the health impacts of potentialrequired.required. associated with adequate, safe and healthy selected housing risk factors, applying in particular the homes,QuantitativeQuantitative joint action assessmentassessment of healthguides ofof thethe and sizesize non-health andand distributiondistribution that sectors is ofof describe how to estimate the burden of selected housing risk factors, applying in particular the required.healthhealth risksrisks cancan bebe anan importantimportant tooltool inin identifyingidentifying environmental burden of disease (EBD) approach. Quantitativewhichwhich actionsactions assessment willwill bebe mostmost of the effectiveeffective size and toto reducereducedistribution diseasedisease of environmental burden of disease (EBD) approach. healthandand injury.injury. risks can be an importantdisease tool in identifying caused by environmental and occupational risk A method guide to the quantification of health effects The guide outlines, using European data, the evidence whichTheThe webweb actions sitesite www.who.int/phewillwww.who.int/phe be most effective providesprovides to reduce additionaladditional disease The guide outlines, using European data, the evidence andinformationinformation injury. onon thethe environmentalenvironmentalfactors. burdenburden ofof diseasediseaseAn introductory volume to the series outlines linking housing conditions to health, and the methods Theandand web thethe guidessiteguides www.who.int/phe alreadyalready published.published. provides ForFor furtherfurther additional of selected housing risks in the WHO European Region linking housing conditions to health, and the methods informationinformation:information: on [email protected]@who.int the environmental burden of disease for assessing housing impacts on a population basis. This and the guides already theEBDpublished. Forgeneral furtherassociated methodology. with inadequate housing for assessing housing impacts on a population basis. This information: [email protected] is done for twelve housing risk factors in a practical is done for twelve housing risk factors in a practical This guide describes how to estimate the disease burden step-by-step approach that can be adapted to local Environmental burden of disease step-by-step approach that can be adapted to local In this context, the WHO Regional Office for Europe Matthias Braubach circumstances and knowledge. This guide also caused at national and subregional levels by inadequate circumstances and knowledge. This guide also David E. Jacobs summarizes the recent evidence on the health took up the challenge to quantify the health effects of summarizes the recent evidence on the health housing conditions typically encountered in the WHO implications of housing renewal, and provides a David Ormandy implications of housing renewal,
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