"Goklla7~ Institute of Politics & Economlc1 Bul!etjg 5~ June, 1949 ---~ .. e.... ~e of Melolonthinae With Keys to Tribes, Genera, and Species (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) By P. 0. Ritcher Kent~ ~ky Agriculr~ral Experiment Station University of Kentucky l-exington Fig. 1.-Third-stage larva of Phyllophaga hirticula (Knoch), left lateral view. Much enlarged. CONTENTS Page PagG Subfamily Melolonthinae 4 Tribe Macrodactylini . 15 Key to Tribes of the Tribe Pachydemini . ........ : l6 Subfamily Melolonthinae . 4 Tribe Plectrini . 17 Tribe Sericini . 5 Tribe Melolonthini . 18 Tribe Dippltaxini . 11 Bibliography . 26 Tribe Hopliini . 12 Plates, with lists of Tribe Dichelonycini . 13 symbols used ..... ...... i . · 30 1949] .,. LARVAF. OF 1\.fEI.OI.ONTHINAF. •' BIBLIOGRAPHY BOVING, A. G. 1936 Description of the larva of Plectris aliena Chapin and explanation of new terms applied to the epipharynx and raster. Proc. Ent. 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Maxillary stridulatory teeth of right maxilla. Fig. 10. Phyllophaga hirticula (Knoch). · Maxillary stridulatory teeth of right maxilla. Fig. I I. A mph~mallon majalis (Razoum.). Head. l;1g. 12. Auloserica castanea Arrow. Left maxilla. dorsal view. Fig. IS. Serica ligulata Dawson. Left maxilla, dorsal view. Fig. 14. Phyllophaga horni (Sm.). Le£t mandible, dorsal view. Fig. 15. Phyllophaga horni (Sm.) Left mandible. ventral view. SYMBOLS USED ON PLATE I' SO-Maxillary stridulatory area GD-Uncus of galea A-Antenna L-Labrum AA-Seta of anterior frontal angle LA-Lacinia AC-Acia LU-Unci of lacinhl AFS-Anterior frontal setae M-Mandible BLR-Baso-lateral region MP-Maxillary palpus CAR-Cardo MAS-Maxillary articulating skin DER-Dorso-exterior region MO-Molar region DES-Dorsa-epicranial setae PC-Preclypeus DMS-Dorso-molar setae PSC-Postclypeus DSS-Dorsal sensory spot PA-Preartis E-Epicranium PTA-Postartis EFS-Exterior frontal seta SA-Scissorial area ES-Epicranial suture SCR-Scrohis F-Frons SD-Maxillary stridulatory area · FS-Frontal suture ST-Stipes G-Galea VP-Ventral process 19491 LARVAE OF MELOLONTHINAt 31 PHOI. COYATUS ... A Pl.. ALit:NA A. C:ASTAN[A P. bltCitUI.IHIEATA ,. 4 A, CASTANtA S. LIGULATA PH. HOII'•II PLATE I S2 .BullETIN No. 581 (june PLATE II Fig. 16. Plcclris aliena Chapin. Epipharynx. Fig. 17. Polyphyl/a decemlineata (Say). Epipharynx. Fig. 18. Phobetus comalus sloopi Barrett. Epipharynx. Fig. 19. Macrodactylus subspinosus (F.). Epipharynx. Fig. 20. Hoplia equina Lee. Epipharynx. Fig. 21. Coenonycha pa.scuensis Potts. Epipharynx. Fig. 22. Dichelonvx robusta Fall. Epipharynx. Fig. 23. Phylloph"aga (usca (Froel.). Proplegmatia. Fig. 24. Phyllophaga crenulata (Froel.). Proplcgmatia. Fig. 25. A.mphlmallon rnajalis (Razoum.). Venter of tenth abdominal segment. Fig. 26. Phyllophaga (usca (Froe1.). Proplegmatia. Fig. 27. Phyllophaga micans (Knoch). Proplegmatia. Fig. 28. Diplotaxis sp. Ephipharynx. Fig. 29. Phyllophaga (eroida (F.). Proplegmatia. Fig. 30. Phyllophaga homi (Sm.). Prop1egmatia. SYMBOLS USED ON PLATE II CPA-Chactoparia MIS-Microsensilla CR-Crepis MSS-Macrosensilla DP-Dexiophoba PE-Pedium DX-Dexiotorma PL-Piegrnatium EZ-Epizygnm PRL-Prop1egmatium H-Helus PTL-Pternotorma HM-Haptomerum SC-Seose cone LP-Laeopboba SP-Sclerotized plate L T -Laeotorma 19491 LAR\'AE OF MEI.OLONTHIN..\E 16 P.
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