f- r n r:l I h. l_ i U ll tl L L. I I l--.- a I "bt" transeau t I : 'q a I I l ? kl I \ € 7 I \ 0 T a I I F II I , L r ^ I \ l t XI ?ortv 9rgrou / F BT expra6s... I \ .a 12 I ! ! I ./ J L. I tl I n I I I a 1 / T / t f I , t I I - \ \ \ ,/ 7 ll 7 / E t / / WWW.EIEH'I, ,1LL.EtrIM TICHTO RAP HOUSE REGGAE ROCK DAIiCEHATL ACIO IUI{GLE AMBIEI{T II{OUSTRIAI- BHAIiGRA FREESTYI"E SOUI. fUI{K R&B LATIII IiI,tR o 'AZZ o alternativelndusttiol . bhongro . blues . dub. freestyle . hi-nry / house. iozzvibes . jungle.latin. rop. reggoe/dancehall remix poradiso . rock . techno music & business: take o ride on the bt express... prem um music zine: print * web I tl v f! t) \ I ) , I t a , ) 1 1 I' ! t I I --l t I E l = ti _) http : / /www.streetso u n d.co m Eorror.rn.orrrr richdmrnrlil*'t^Ll'^fl-t##fhHffiJt**nurr,*r.ro* o,,,"oo, t)ag (IuExTED,ToRS: lonnld.msrAP.&ltLry.s !g'f.mll:rin ($htiff) S P.lnnrle BoG TECtltO. r Todd "Lrh" BlGe T!(H. L.dh tdno.& *O(t. b f!t|rlc! Ht.tPG. ocrnc. rd tDtlOa-AI-tARGE. trtrl.t flodtE SoUL flJ N( R&B.Syu.li Houde aLrtRNATlVt. B.mrd io6lit G FREESIYLE . Rody lrp..t xtE jU . SEwTCES ?.d E. top.E JAZZ VIEES . Ri.l Edl.i NGIE Cl.rl.s lftGlyrn REGGAE Dlrc & T.ry D.hopo los HOUSE lnita E( vldta BHANGRA Iln Frhry / lcI sn€graour{D u( .woorba ( coxla rS um$ | M.td and uiai 6olg. r&.od., &havi.i t has.. l.rkl. hinir, lohnny 'tnud€d.|." Daira, 0.!. sam lft Emn, il.lson " Th BqaDiaz, Ot O6dC.,lndk O!t.,Iopt t6n3. fEddy fr6h lob.n d. h 6.urhar, fi.yruld G.Mlrs Bob Gou,U Iodd cl6houa. Dthhi H.d! ftnr 8aEhm.n, nn H!$l!|, lFn fl-li DdEi l!, chni war.6, ftds Bbdsld. Drvld -srln3sn" wierl AD iiI5rnATMECOORDINATOR lrlc.rd.t . EorTOilAtCOORoll{ATORfliddi.nnh ' IRANSCRIBERTo.IPltl , ADV€RIISING USA/ INTERNAIIONAL 212.397.6201 . CANADA 416.7o3.oo7o . ENGTAND +273.23.592 EMAIL: [email protected] STREETSOUND WEBZINE: hftp://www.streetsound,com 5IRIETSOUND / SlRtEl^/|EDIAVENTURES UsA: tow.rlh5l,,12rhfli, NewYork, Nvloox rel.2t?,)37.14!7 hr212.337,1418 5TaEETMEDIAVENTURESCANAO&i74spadinaAv€.,sLrite506,Ioronlo,onlano,rr5r2(2 tel 416,703,@70 fat:4t6.tor.t7o2 STREETSOUND UK: P.O. Bd t7r6 Bndton, 8n14BA t l.+L2?1.7?1,592 Lt+L273.2a8.76 (rurs!6bvedit dhhiuEr^Ller!te6..3rhlldLFdkH rF.fude Ismt s.tsri,i.Bi oE irr, (u rsc, t€ us / t 2(:&/tDto rr,ius.t llLos.liadF.b.'-! [-fudaF{F'rdd &i.' .ddj5.h46lo9'd9d,'pl& dl4cddadi6'itr.rt- .iprh.od6k5rRir.di.\hrq t7.sp:rid&.,i['e..']ddro, tuudjr6l.!rd-0riii.'0rl&rt'.+E3.-.':.4 [email protected]'. 'n | .t The Underground - an interna- estabLishing more oflhe fresh musica L connedion5 with artisls thal have charac I terlz€d I\4uslcNow! operalion to dale. tionaI community of artists, "We do progresslve acld trance," says IlusicNowloLrnder Kurosh Nasserl. "A4y pa rer Levln Veceyndt and lioklngLy (ame Lrp with the lerm when wewere tabels and Drs iuggting creative tryins to describe the tvpe of musk we do, N€ver mind that the term d dnlexisl I r lil. expression painful with the "From tho label's oerspe.tive ll becomes reallv imponanl lo Jo.us ln on reatity of having to pay the whatworks, Ourphilosophy is to try to squeeze in belween calegories," says (urosh. "\r!et€ tryingto avoid belng pigeonhoLed a5 either a houre labeL, or bilts. Shake'em up attitude and Its rhis kind ofideologythar has sel l$usicNowapart from many of th€ I pure freedom of expression aIe other streer.levellabels out rhere by leading it down irs own distinclive path the real hard currency in this tonically,lhis has stillevenrually put some limit5 on shal they can do. "lthink itl rcallypositive thatwelesorl ol found our sound. bul al lhe exctusive club, But rvhat happens when members of same rime it5 rcallydiffi.ultto maintain it blcauseoften times ir's nol a perle( this esteemed collective begin to break out ofthe Before,oiningthe ranks ofAmerkan indie dance labels, Nasse.iwat of al thin$aconrra.r lawyerata bigDC lirm.ln 34hed traduated Geortetown Lan. underground? When once-underground artists seep in'37 finished his MasterS. and a vear larerlool a t p to NeB into the mainstlea.n and cold cash begins to beck- Yo'k with a buddy, Kp taven&r (a 0land. until.ecenrlx production managerat Eighlball). li was on ihar rr p on, classic battle lines are usualty drawn: the ow thal Nasse d d is.ove red house. tr e G "lstayed up allnlght. we.r ro three indie spirit and a fiercely possessive original clubs, and lwas floored bv lhe music, was si excited to llnaLly find a form of m!si( Ihar fan base on one side, the more conserva- had a vibEnt ene.Ey and innovation. rl was tive. take-tess-chances demands of a iresh aid new. On lhe whole d.i!e back ro t,r DC, I kept flipping through ihedialro nv "commercial" caleer on the other, and the to find that.irusk. bLrl there was absoluteLy no way itwas on lhe Gdio ' breakout artist smack in the middle. The newfound lnle.est in dance must penetraled his legal miid and.€sul!ed " Case in point, Brian Transeau, alias l<urosh reprcsenung Dls and a4lsis lik€ BT, not so long ago wiltingto "remix for o Kelly Hand. 0l Dlsclple. Ca Clalt, oeep Dlsh. and BT. food", now staring as a big-time UK dance That was phaie one, Phase two, ano I ., poqreesive a.id kan.ewas lo be rhe sound sensation. BT's trip from cool Washington, DC T forMusicNow' Bria. BT"Transeau was the io adsl toprcduce it. Hewas somebody who cam€ ow, to superDJ Paul Oakenfold's indie, Music alongatlhe.ight timewith the thr abilities,srilL, i UK-based, maior label-owned Perfecto tabet (who wain lsomethint that"just happened",Iheir first pro. ject. 'ioumey Into Cyh€6pac€', set tnem back t4.ooo. whi(!. now have the fun iob of trying to sell him back tc was preny much all they had tospend ar the rime. Srill, rhit was rhe rracl rh.r would gain lhem a,i,st taste ofi.ternationala.claim. yrctor America) illustrates fairty typicat fi]st steps in the "We eere almost ouI ofmoney when lnbres lone halfolAlcatrazl escape from tt" iourney from th€ underground to the land of large- cane into l€vln5 re.ord shoplalso caLled r',lu5icNowl $i ith a demo oi"Embra.lnt (urosh. scate commercial success. At this crucial crossing, The Future'on it," saVs "ltwa5like our do ordi€ shol. and lt turned out Streetsound inviles you to hop on board the BT No kidding..-With BT's conlracteventually bo!ghl oul by PautOakenfold'5 Perfecto label. a slewofsu.cessfuLreleases and remixes under his bell. cove6 express and meet the crew...! onU(magazines,andadowningTopOf The Pops appearan.e.BThascomea long way since his days ofeating (rah oinner in LA, and lo a large degree Musi(tio ha5quielly !e.om.thefocal poiit for WashinStoi, DC! bo.geo.ing MusicNowhas been the forqotten plaver in the BT storv. underground nosi. s(en€, {hich h.s sefo.e lhe hype. aT did a couple ofhouse lracks wilh oeep 0i5h {hich produ.ed the likes of Dep Ditt, at achieved medioc.e response- loni.ally, 'Embra.ing lhe Fulurc" was sonelhing and now Alok ., in th. protes5 rhar rhe Deep Dish guys didn t reallylike.ln hindrighl.lhit(ould have been lhe MusicNow chaEcterized . whole new sound srarr olrhe poblems that were to.ome belween BTand oeep Dishand the heard on dan(efloors around the souceofalllhe muc,< flyingabout in lhe Britdance prcss. planet. Stre.t oirrd gets the qclusive lowd n frM Musi. ow fouider When (rrosh hea.d the track he instantlyfellin love wilh it. rl was Seprember'91, and with promos in had.newent to ManrhesterS h The Ciry music conf€rene,and stopped by Eastem Bloc Reco.de tosee hisfriend Guy Youte at a rave or a club. in the middle olthe dancenoo., Oldham. "Hewas rhe nrstoneio hea.the rc.ord and he ended !p p{ayingii ove. already going stark menlal. Suddenly, againstalLoddr, the Di a dozen tises in lhe shop and people staded to ask whafethie?!l ' mixes in a track tha! manages lo brlngaLlnew meaning to Thir waswhen the buzzstarted. catchingthe attenlioi ofa lot ofU( Dls, being "off your tu.e, f this is 1196, then it E a fa r bel l\4orc imponantlv, "EmbracinsThe Fut!rc".aught lhe atlention of Sasha,lhe thatThatTrack has either.ome trom or been dlredly biggest thing on the UK s.eneat the time and a€uabLvstilLso today, ForSasha inflLrenced by lhe work ofth€ [ us]cNow famiLy. ro like a track waslik€ haviigGod thinkyoute a swellgly at lhe tal€s ofheav 1 The 0C based labeLhas rcached a mileslone, €n,The nexl Logicalstep was to asksasha to do sonre mixes on t.Thh woLrld :* n galning the props and iespe.l ollhe lnterna(ional req!ire a loan-afteralLthey were broke. "Sasha was aduallyve.y.oolaboul club music fraternlty. Hard work and carefu Ly.alcu ir," (urosh says casually. t) -l (re.nanred \- Lated gambLes have paid ofl, and wth the su.cess The 56sha remixes werc reteased as "EmblacintThe Sunshlne' ofthen slgnature artist, BT (signed away lo ait€r the tilLe oflhe fLip side,'A Deeper sunshine") and would ma{ the nexl Easrlresr Uk! Perfecto label), ir's now back to chapt€rln the rapidLy deve oping BTstory,and it was where (u.osh's skllrwouLd rea Ly startto come lnto play.
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