.ril State Urban Development Agency Government of Uttar Pradesh Letter No.- 6OLcl /0ll29tHFN20l9-20 971s41_ | tl /03/2020 Minutes of Meeting of 75tn Slate Level Appraisal Committee (SLAC) for Ilousing for All held on 19.03.2020. Detail Project Report under "Housjrg for All" has been appraised by the State Level Appraisal Cornmittee (SLAC). After discussion, SLAC has appraised the DPR put up by the State Level Nodal Agency and recommends the approval with following suggesL.ions: Mandatory ofAadhar Card NBC Norms to be ensured 1. Sumrnarv of 300 ULBs comorising 1.43.351 Beneficiaries under Beneficiary Led Construction - New. where consent letter and land documents was received are qiven below: This lot of DPR contains total number of 300 ULBs spreading across the state. These ULBs have been segregated in two groups as per their location falling under the earth quake prone Zone III and Zone IV. Th€ cost oftbe construction may be reduced ofthose ULBs which falls under zone III. The safety measures can b€ taken in Zone IV considering the lature of the soil falling under respective seismic zones. As explained in PMAY HFA guidelines (Chapter 9), that different layout designs will be prepared to construct the building with innovative tecblologies and materials, green buildings using natural resources. The table below shows the breakup ofthe DUs accordins to the seismrs zone. (Amount in Lakh) Summary Erath Quake Zone Proposed DUs Central Share State Share Beneliciary Total Cost Classification under BLC N (1.sL) (1L) Share Zone 3 65,185 9'7,7't7.50 65,185.00 5s,948.55 2,18,911.05 Zooe 4 78,166 t,t1,249.00 78,166.00 t,01,766.65 2,97,181.65 Total 1,43,351 2,1s,026.s0 1,43ts1.00 7,57,715.20 5,16,092.70 The total project cost of300 DPRS is Rs. 5,16,092.70 Lakh, Central Share is Rs.2,15,026.50 Lakh, State Share is Rs. 1,43,351.00 Lakh and Beneficiary Share is Rs. 1,57,715.20 Lakh. 1.1 Summary of 132 ULBs fallins under earth ouake nrone Zone III are eiven below: DU considered for earth quake prone Zone III is based on load bearing design and total cost ofDU is Rs. 3.36 Lakh, Cenftal Share is Rs. 1.50 Lakh, State Share 1.00 Lakh and Beneficiary Share is Rs. 0.86 Lakh. (Amount in Lakh) s. District ULB Name Proposed Central State Ben€ficiary Total No. DUs under Share Share Share Cost BLC(N) (1.s0 L) (1.00 L) I Aga Fatehpur Sikd NPP 774 I i61.00 77 4.00 665.64 2600.64 2 Aga Agra NN 5221 7831.50 5221.00 4490.06 17542.56 3 AgIa Achhrera NPP 340 510.00 340.00 292.40 1t42.40 4 A$a Fatehabad NP 681 1021.50 681.00 585.66 .2288.16 5 A$a Pinahat NP 557 835.50 557.00 479.02 18'71.52 6 AgIa Bah NPP 335 502.50 335.00 288.10 1125.60 7 Agra Kiraoali NP 505 7 57 .50 505.00 434.30 1696.80 S. District Proposed Central Beneficiary Total No. DUs under Share Share Cost BLC(N) (1.s0 L) 8 Agra Shamsabad NPP 446 669.00 446.00 383.56 1498.56 9 Allahabad Bharatganj NP 1 193 1789.50 1193.00 1022.38 4004.88 10 Allahabad Lalgopalganj NP 110 165.00 110.00 94.26 369.26 11 Allahabad Jhusi NP 219 328.50 2r9.00 187.68 7i 5.18 12 Allahabad Sirsa NP 315 472.50 315.00 269.9s 1057.45 13 Allahabad Phulpur NP i60 210.00 160.00 137.11 537.11 14 Allahabad Allahabad NN 297 445.50 297.00 254.52 997 .02 15 Allahabad Handia NP 164 246.00 164.00 t40.54 550.54 16 Allahabad Mau Aima NP 4',19 718.50 479.00 410.49 1607.99 17 Allahabad Sharkargarh NP 93 139.50 93.00 79.70 312.20 18 Ambedkar Nagar Akbarpur NPP 3008 4512.00 3008.00 2577.79 1009'7.79 1,9 Ambedkar Nagar Talda NPP 471 706.50 471.00 403.64 1581.14 20 Ambedkar Nagar Asbrafpur Kichlauchha NP r97 29s.s0 197.00 168.82 66t.32 21 Ambedkar Nagar Jalalpur NPP 194 291.00 194.00 166.25 651.25 22 Ambedkar Nagar Iltifatganj Bazar NP 105 157.50 105.00 89.98 352.48 Amethi Jais NPP 428 642.00 428.00 366.79 1436.79 24 Amethi Gauriganj NPP 335 502.50 335.00 287.09 1t24.59 25 Amethi Musafirkhana NP 30 45.00 30.00 25.71 100.71 26 Amethi Amethi NP 126 189.00 126.00 107.98 422.98 27 Ayodhya Ayodhya NN 3848 5772.00 3848.00 3297.65 12917.65 28 Ayodhya Bhadarsa NP 100 150.00 100.00 8s.70 335.70 29 Ayodhya Gosaiganj NP 79 I18.50 79.00 67.70 265.20 30 Ayodhya Bikapur NP 494 741.00 494.00 423.35 1658.35 31 Azamgarh Mahul Khas NP 43 64.50 43.00 36.98 tM.48 32 Azamgarh Nizamabad NP 47 70.50 47.00 40.42 157.92 33 Azamgarh Azmatgarh NP 264 396.00 264.00 22',7 .04 887.04 34 Azamgarh - Sarai Mir NP 149 223.50 149.00 128.14 500.64 35 Azamgarh Phulpur NP 37 5 5.50 37.00 37.82 \24.32 Azamgarh Bilariaganj NP 87 13 0.50 87.00 74.82 292.32 37 Azarngath Jiyanpur NP 139 208.50 139.00 t19.54 467.04 38 Azamgarh Katghar Lalganj NP 26 39.00 26.00 22.36 87 .36 39 Azamgarh Mubarakpur NPP 56i 841.50 561.00 482.46 1884.96 40 Azamgaxh Mehnagar NP 83 124.50 83.00 71.38 278.88 41 Barabanki Zaidpur NP 486 729.00 486.00 416.50 1631.50 42 Barabanki sarrikh NP 349 523.50 349.00 299.09 1 171.59 43 Barabanki Haidergarh NP 443 664.50 443.00 3'79.64 1487.14 44 Barabanki Tikait Nagar NP 269 403.50 269.00 230.53 903.03 Barabanki Dariyabad NP 124 186.00 124.00 106.27 416.27 46 Barabanki Dewa NP 82 r 23.00 82.00 70.27 215.27 47 Bambanki Subeha NP 260 390.00 260.00 222.8r 872.81 48 Barabanki Ramnagar NP tt4 171.00 114.00 97.70 382.70 49 Barabanki Belhara NP 56'1 850.50 s67.00 485.90 1903.40 ULB Name Proposed State DUs under Share BLC(N} (1.00 L) 50 Baraba.nki Nawabganj NPP 561 841.50 561.00 480;77 1883.27 51 Barabanki Fatehpur NP 760 1140.00 760.00 651.30 2551.30 52 Bambanki Siddhaur NP 200 300.00 200.00 771.40 67 |.40 53 Barabanki Banki NP 78 I17.00 78.00 66.84 261.84 54 Chandauli Saiyad Raza NP 89 133.50 89_00 76-54 299.04 55 Chitrakoot Manikpur NP 26r 391.50 261.00 224.46 876.96 56 Chitrakoot Rajapur NP 403 604.50 403.00 346.58 1354.08 )l Etawah Lakhna NP 328 492.00 328.00 281.09 1 101.09 58 Farrukhabad Mohammadabad NP 83 124.50 83.00 71.13 278.63 59 Farruklnbad Fam.Lkhabad NPP 1,112 1668.00 1112.00 952.96 3732.96 60 Farrukhabad Kamalgaqi NP 62 93.00 62.00 53.13 208.13 61 Fatehpur Hathgram NP r1t 166.50 111.00 95.12 372.62 Fatehpur Bindki NPP 334 501.00 334.00 286.23 1121.23 63 Fatehpur Kora Jahanabad NP 31'1 47 5.50 317.00 27t-66 1064.16 64 Fatehpur Khaga NP 170 255.00 170.00 r45.69 570.69 65 Fatehpur Kishunpur NP r22 183.00 122.00 104.55 409.55 66 Firozabad Shikohabad NPP 568 852.00 568.00 488.48 1908.48 Firozabad TmdlaNPP 343 514.50 343.00 294.98 1I52.48 68 Firozabad Firozabad NN l58J 2374.50 1583.00 1361.38 5318.88 69 Firozabad Jasrana NP 144 216.00 144.00 123.84 483.84 70 Firozabad Sirsaganj NPP 335 502.50 335.00 288.r0 1t25.60 7l Firozabad Eka NP 1603 2404.50 1603.00 1378.58 5386.08 72 Haxdoi Shahabad NPP 227 340.50 227.00 194.53 762.03 73 Hardoi Hardoi NPP JI 46.50 31.00 26.57 104.07 Hardoi Sa.ndila NPP 261 391.50 261.00 223.66 876.16 75 Hardoi Pali NP 351.00 234.00 200.53 785_53 76 Hardoi Pihani NPP l3l 196.50 lt 1.00 tl2.26 439.76 77 Jaunpur Shahganj NPP 559 838.50 559.00 480.74 1878-24 78 Jaunpur Jaunpur NPP 47 57 7i35.50 4757.00 4091.02 15983.52 79 Jaunpur Gaura Badshahpur NP 957 1435.50 957.00 823.02 321s.s2 80 Jaunpur Rampur NP 772 1158.00 772.00 663.92 2593.92 81 Jaunpur Kajgaon NP 495 742.50 495.00 425.70 1663.20 82 Jaunpur Badlapur NP 1729 2593.50 1129.00 1486.94 5809.44 83 Jaunpur Jafarabad NP 96 144.00 96.00 82.56 322.56 84 Jaupur Mariahu NP 29r 436.50 291.00 250.26 97'7.76 85 Jaunpur Mogra Badshahpur NPP 370.50 247.00 212.42 829.92 86 Jauapur Kheta Sarai NP 643 964.50 643.00 552.98 2160.48 87 Jaunpur Kerakat NP 177 265.50 t:77 "00 152.22 594.72 88 Jaunpur Machhlishah NP 310 465.00 310.00 266.60 1041.60 89 Kannauj Chhibramau NPP 259 3 88.50 259-00 221.96 869.46 90 Kanpur Dehat ShivliNP 209 I13.50 209.00 t79.11 70t.61 91 Kanpur Dehat Jhi4,hak NP 583 874.s0 583.00 499.62 t957 -12 s.
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