September 11, 2016 The Twenty-Forth Sunday in Ordinary Time Parish Office: 773.486.4300 Masses: Parish Fax: 773.252.5346 Monday-Thursday: 7:00 a.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. School Office: 773.486.1334 Saturday (Vigil): 5:00 p.m. School Fax: 773.486.1782 Sunday: 8:15 a.m., 9:45 a.m., www.stjohnberchmans.org 11:30 a.m. (Spanish), & 6:30 p.m. 2517 Logan Boulevard Chicago, IL 60647 Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Weekdays: by Appointment P R A Y E R F U L LY R E M E M B E RI NG AL L VIC TIM S O F SEP TEM BE R 11TH Twenty-Forth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 11, 2016 Wayne’s World “I Believe in You!” Dear Friends, and actions. He humbly served the Lord and worked for peace I begin by prayerfully remembering those who during a troubled time. If he spent his energy focusing only on the lost their lives on September 11th fifteen years misdeeds of others he would never have been able to bring the ago. Join me in praying for them and for their Good News to the Gentile lands. Certainly Paul recognized that families. whole societies needed to change their ways, but he approached each situation with an eye on Jesus and an awareness of his own In case you have forgotten, we continue the weakness. Year of Mercy. If you have been following our local and international news you might The self-righteousness of the older brother in today’s wonder where the mercy is. As I write this, Chicago still reels Prodigal Son story tempts us. We often want to be the winners, from a weekend of scores of shootings and over a dozen homicides in small and large matters. We long for the other guys to be wrong within our city limits. Our mayor is under fire; the chief of police so we can smugly point out their faults. When we do this we build is pointing fingers at society and families; meanwhile people walls that prevent relationships from growing. Even in his words continue shooting each other. The Church needs to do something; to his loving, generous, merciful father, the son avoids relational and when I say Church, I mean you and me. We need to bring words. He says, “When this son of yours…” instead of, “When mercy and love into the world. my brother…” When we point fingers at others, harshly judging them, we forget that those others are our brothers and sisters, As I imagine the Scribes and Pharisees gossiping about Jesus and that the thing that binds us most closely is our common need and his relationship with those who they consider to be unworthy, for the Mercy of God. And God is always watching for all of us, I think of the violence that results from self-righteousness. When even when we are a long way off. Together let us rise and go to the people refuse to recognize their own sinfulness and need for Father. mercy, they spend a lot of energy pointing out the faults and sins of others. When we focus on the sins of others rather than Speaking of together… Together with Archbishop Cupich, our own sins, we become easily annoyed with their behavior and I announce Saint John Berchmans’ To Teach Who Christ Is desire to strike out at them with our tongues, fists, or, in the case Campaign. This $350 Million campaign, instituted by Cardinal of our city, firearms. George, in its final parish wave, helps the Archdiocese of Chicago and Saint John Berchmans. Every parish in the archdiocese must So what can we do, to prevent violence and build harmony? participate in this campaign. I invite you to read the flyer inserted I suggest first and foremost turning to the Scriptures and learning in the bulletin this weekend. To those who say we’re always asking from the lessons the God’s Word offers us. Saint Paul, known to for money, I assure you I wish we were not! It would be great the world as the Apostle to the Gentiles, humbly recognizes his if the money just appeared at our doorstep without my asking. own onetime sinfulness and expresses gratitude for God’s mercy Please know, too, that whenever I ask you for money, I have and God’s call. As he heard the call to conversion after being a already made a sacrificial gift myself, in the Sunday collections violent persecutor of Christians, he did as the Lord commanded. and in each of our campaigns to date. Last week I committed a With gratitude Paul describes his call and his conversion, and with major gift to this campaign because I believe in the campaign and humility he describes the mercy with which he has been treated. I believe in you, the people who make Saint John Berchmans the When we recognize our need for God’s mercy, when we great parish it is. admit that we sin and when we seek forgiveness, God opens the Peace, door of his heart to us and desires to touch and change our hearts. When we allow all that to happen, great things will happen, as did in the days and life of Saint Paul. When he stopped persecuting the followers of Jesus, Saint Paul recognized a need for his own conversion and allowed the Spirit of God to guide his words Our Mission: Rooted in Christ, touched by His love and mercy, the Saint John Berchmans community finds unity in its diversity, proclaims by Word, Sacrament, and service, that the Kingdom of God is at hand, and declares that all are welcome in this place. 2 September 11, 2016 Twenty-Forth Sunday in Ordinary Time A YEAR OFMERCY ENDURE We live in an often unstable Parish Announcements world. Things do not last. God’s mercy is different; it endures THINKING ABOUT BECOMING A CATHOLIC? forever. God’s mercy offers us the kind of reliability that we Is God calling you to a deeper relationship? Looking for long for but rarely find. We can answers to questions you can’t quite name? Consider joining rest in this stable and enduring our RCIA program. The Rite of Christian Initiation of merciful love. O give thanks to Adults (RCIA) is for anyone 18 and older who would like the Lord, for he is good, /for his to learn more about the Catholic faith and for those who steadfast love endures for ever. seek to be baptized, receive First Holy Communion and be (Psalm 136:1) confirmed in the Catholic Church. The RCIA can also help you complete the necessary steps to become a member of the Catholic Church if you were baptized in another Christian denomination. RCIA meets on Thursday evenings, three times per month from September to April. If you are interested in learning more, if you know of anyone who might be a candidate for this journey, or if you are willing to help as a catechist or sponsor, please contact Shelagh TODAY: Children’s Liturgy of the Word Donoghue in the parish office. THE CUP OF OUR LIFE Our Children’s Liturgy of the Word program is on summer vacation for the months of July and August. Are you thirsting for a more disciplined prayer life? This new This child-centered celebration of the Word takes six week program will focus on group study and prayer using place at the 9:45 a.m. Mass once a month. It will Joyce Rupp’s book, “The Cup of Our Life.” Open your eyes resume on Sunday, Sept. 11, and take place on the second Sunday of the month. After the Introductory to see how the ordinary cups we use each day can become Rites of Mass, children age 3 to 2nd grade are sacred vessels that connect us with life and draw us closer to invited forward to receive a blessing from the priest. God. This program will meet Thursdays, Sept. 22-Oct. 27, from 9-11 a.m. in the St. John Berchmans School Chapel. Materials will be provided. There is a suggested donation of $5 per session. For more information contact Kathy Wetstein at [email protected] or call/text 720-291-8904. YOUTH GROUP: Will be held Maplewood and Altgeld. MINISTRY OF CARE VISITS TO THE SICK AND The next Youth Night is on Sunday Sept 25th at 4:30 HOMEBOUND in the gym! There will be food/pizza, games, and Ministers of Care are available to bring communion to open gym. We will finish and head to 6:30pm Mass. parishioners who are unable to attend Mass due to illness Mark your calendars for the 2016-2017 or infirmity. A communion visit includes time to listen Youth Ministry Meetings Dates: and pray, as well as sharing the Eucharist, with those who are homebound, in nursing homes or in the hospital. This Oct. 9, 2016 ministry is provided by trained and certified lay people, Nov. 13, 2016 members of religious communities, and ordained deacons Dec. 11, 2016 and priests. To request a visit from a Minister of Care, for Jan. 8, 2017 yourself or a loved one, please call the parish office in the Feb. 12, 2017 rectory at 773-486-4300 and ask for Shelagh Donoghue. March 12, 2017 3 Twenty-Forth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 11, 2016 Wayne’s World “¡Creo en Ti!” Queridos Amigos, reconoció una necesidad de su propia conversión y permitió que el Comienzo recordando devotamente a aquellos Espíritu de Dios guiara sus palabras y acciones.
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