!, ,2!:- mR$?- 0- (J/- 0R- ;%- 92- .!R/- 3(R$- ,A- :.?- GA- =?- L%- .R/- $?=- HJ<- 2.J<- 21A$?- 0- =?- #R=- .- K%- 2- 28$?- ?R, ,, Within is a clear, precise selection taken from the most profound [1 Dzogchen text,‘The Embodiment of the Jewels’ (Kunchog Chidu). !, ,29%-. ,;%- 3=- <A$- :6B/- (J/- 0R- :):- 5S/- ~A%- , ,2..- :.=- \A%- 0- [R%- $?=- ~A%- 0R:A- 82?, ,2.J- (J/- \A%- 0- 5K- ZANG YANGTRUL RIGDZIN CHENPO JATSON NYING DUDUL LINGPA LONGSEL NYINGPOI SHAB DECHEN LINGPA TSE further-emanation the great the venerated Dudul Lingpa the glorious A ? $* vidyadhara Jatson Nyingpo, and Longsel Nyingpo, Dechen Lingpa 3 .2%- /R<- 2:A- .0=, ,UA/- =?- >A%- g- ,$?- GA- hR- eJ- l=, ,0E- *A/- LJ.- $;%- S%-\A%- 0:A- 82?, ,3#:- H2- hR- eJ- 0E- .2%- Two [ WANG NORBUI PAL TRINLEH SHINGTA TUGCHI DORJE TSAL PEMA NYINJEH YUNG DRUNG LINGPAI SHAB KHACHAB DORJE PEMA WANG and Tsewang Norbu, Trinley Shingta who realized the honourable Pema Nyinje (9th Situpa), Khachab Dorje (15th Karmapa), the potential of the vajra-mind, Yungdrung Lingpa, (1st Jamgon Kontrul), Pema Wangchuk (11th Situpa), .!/- 3(R$-, A- :.? 3(R$- o=, ,3HJ/- 2lJ:A- :R.- 9J<- <A$- 0:A- hR- eJ- ?R$?, ,.R/- $*A?- 3,<- KA/- l- 2o.- ]- 3- =, ,$?R=- 2- :.J2?- ?R- LA/- IA?- CHOG JAL CHENTSEI OZER RIGPAI DORJE SOG DUN NYI TARCHIN TSAJU LAMA LA SOLWA DEBSO JINJI the vic- Khyentse Ozer, (2nd Jamgon Kongtrul), Accomplishers of the Two Objectives grant your blessings th the root and lineage lamas, torious, Rigpai Dorje, (16 Karmapa), and so on. [4 2_2- +- $?R=, ,!- .$- z/- P2- $8A- ,R$- 1J2?- 0- .%- , ,OJ$?- (R.- ,R.- c=- =3- =- l=- :L%?- /?, ,{- .%- ;J- >J?- .LJ<- LABTU SOL KADAG LHUNDRUB SHITOG PEBPA DANG TREGCHO TOGAL LAMLA TSELJUNG NEH KU DANG YESHE YER Kunchog Chidu Kunchog I pray. May the spontaneous presence may the potential of the path may the kayas of the primordial purity arise, of Tregcho and Thogal arise, and wisdom !, ,$?R=- :.J2?- /A, <-=>; ,,R$- 3:A- ?%?- o?- !/- 29%- $%- 3,:- ;?, ,$%?- &/- 3$R/- OM AH TOGMAI SANG JEH KUNZANG NANG TAH YEH GANGCHEN GON The supplication: HUNG Primordial buddha Boundless Light, (Amitabha), lord of the A $ $& Kuntuzangpo, 2 One [ 0R- #- ?v- EA- .%- , , :):- =?- $%- YA.- .2%- #.- 0E- :L%- , ,;J- >J?- 35S- o=- *%- .2 J/- +A%- :6B/- PO KHASARPANI DANG JAHLU NANGSI WANGDU PEMA JUNG YESHE TSOJAL NYANG WEN TING DZIN Land of Snow rainbow body, having the the Lotus Born, Yeshe Tsogyal, Chenrezig, power over cyclic existence, (Guru Rinpoche) Nyangwen Tingdzin Zangpo, Homage to Guru Rinpoche !, ,3J.- 3%R/- I<- +J, ,3,:- ;?- :PR- !/- 3=- 0?- :SJ/- 0<- >R$ ,!- ;- 7- !- 4BX- ?A:A- >, 8J?- .2%- =J/- &A%- ]- 3:A- z- 5S$?- <%- =- 2!A3, ,.%- MEH NGON JUR TEH TAHYEH DROKUN TRULPAE DRENPAR SHOG KAYA WAHKA TSITTA inseparable, may limitless beings be drawn SIDDHI HUNG the assembly of Lama and deities melt into become manifest, along the path by your emanations. oneself; thus receive the empowerment. $?3 0R- *2?- ?J3?- /A, <- =>; *2?- $/?- .3- 0- i3?- =- *2?- ?- 3(A; o.- S$- :#R<- 2<- :H3?- 0:A- 1- 3- i3?; 29R.- 3J.- $.%- 2?- ?%?- OM AH CHABNEH DAMPA NAMLA CHABSU CHI JUDRUG KHORWA CHAMPAI PAMA NAM ZOHMEH DUNGWAE SANG First, refuge HUNG To the true sources of refuge Our parents wander the six experiencing unendurable [5 Three and bodhicitta: we take refuge. realms of cyclic existence suffering; may I achieve o?- ,R2- L:A- KA<; !/- G%- L%- (2- 3(R$- +- ?J3?- 2*J.- .R; =/- $?3, $*A?- 0- .%R?- $8A- =, <- =>; :.A- v<- $%- YA.- $*A?- 2#?- (R?- JEH TOBJAI CHIR KUNCHANG JANGCHUB CHOGTU SEM CHEH DO OM AH DITAR NANGSI NYIDUR CHUH buddhahood and lead them all to perfect enlightenment; three Secondly, the HUNG All cyclic existence whether in this way generate a pure motivation. times. main practice: animate or inanimate throughout !, ,:R.- GA- .GA=- :#R<- 36K?; 3*3- *A.- 2.J- (J/- :HA=- 2:A- *A=- N%- 28$?; :R.- GA- =?- =- ;J- >J?- ~A%- 0R-&/; $?=- !R%- ,$?- eJ:A- U-CHI CHILKHOR DZEH NYAM NYI DECHEN CHILWAI CHILTRUNG SHUG U-CHI LULA YESHE NYINGPO CHEN SELTONG TUGJEI encircled by a beautiful seated in vajra position, showing your being body luminous with the this light of aura of light, wreathed in equality (emptiness) and great bliss, very essence of wisdom, compassion, :.- 9<- !/- =- ~3? 3#:- :P- :):- 3/- i3- 3%- :O$?- 0:- .2? {- ;- =- 0?- 8%- #3?- ;%?- =- H2 /3- 3#:- =?- &/- $<- ;%- 28A R J R ; R A A A : A3 A R ; A OZER KUNLA NYOM KHANDRO JAHTRIN NAM MANG TRIGPAI U KUYI TRULPAE SHING KHAM YONGLA CHAB NAMKHAI LUCHEN GAR YANG 7 clarity and emptiness seated at the centre of rainbow-clouds emanating bodies that completely filling space without Four [ shining equally on all, of dakinis of many appearances pervade the field of experience, ,R$?- 0- 3J.; 2.J- $>J$?- !/- IA- 2!R.- 0- {- =- mR$?; !/- G%- o=- 2:A- .GA=- :#R<- 9%- ,=- =; 2$J$?- .%- 2<- (.- 8J?- L:A- 3A%- ;%- TOGPA MEH DESHEG KUNJI KUHPA KULA DZOG KUNCHANG JALWAI CHILKHOR ZANGTAL LA GEG DANG BARCHEH SHEJAI MING YANG impediment, all of the sugatas arrayed all of the mandalas of the even the words ‘hindrance’ complete (perfect) in form, victorious ones, unimpeded, and ‘obstacle’ do not exist, 3J.; $%- !R%- +- 3- 43- .- $?=- 2<- 2*J.; .J- v<- .- $?=- 2:A- ,A- 2R<- <; 3PA/- 0<- = ,$?- !<- >; .J- =?- :R.- 9J<- :UR?- 0?- 9%?- MEH NANG TONG JUMA TSAMDU SELWAR CHEH DE TARDU SELWAI CHIWO OM DRINPAR AH TUGKAR HUNG DELEH OZER TRUHPAE ZANG from the illusions of appearance-emptiness In that way, at ones forehead at ones throat at ones heart from them light streams out .!/- 3(R$-, A- :.? clarity is born. clearly appears the syllable Om, an Ah, a Hung, to the immeasurable 3.R$- .0=- IA- <A- 2R- 0E- :R.- GA- $8=- ;?- /?; AR- o/- IA- $- <- 0E- :L%- $/?- =- :#R<- o=- 2- <2- : L3?- GA?- 2{R<- 2- +A=- IA- $R%- 2- #- DOG PALJI RIWO PEMA OCHI SHEL YEH NEH ORJEN JI GURU PEMA JUNGNEH LA KHOR JALWA RABJAM CHI KORWA TILJI GONGBU KHA Lotus Light Palace atop the invoking the Guru of Orgyen, Padmasambhava encircled by his [8 glorious Copper Coloured Mountain entourage, an unfathomable number of victorious ones, L- 2- v<- .0$- +- 3.- 0- /- S%? ,/- S%?- 0- /A, }/- I- 2{=- 0:- .%- 0- = A- o/- ;=- I- /2- L%- 353? 0E- $- ?<- %- 0- = Chidu Kunchog J J , ; ZA; R A A R ; R A ; J #R R ; JEHWA TAR PAGTU MEHPA CHEN DRANG HRI NGONJI KALPAI DANGPO LA ORJEN YULJI NUBJANG TSAM PEMA GESAR DONGPO LA appearing (instantly) like sesame seeds The invitation: In the previous on the North-Western upon the stalk and anther bursting out of a sack. first age, (kalpa), border of Orgyen, of a lotus flower, i3?- !/; ;J- /?- !R%- 8A%- /3- 3#:- v- 2- =; $9%- :6B/- %%- ]%- L- LJ.- 3,:- =?- :.?; 0E- ?)- S- 2.$- /A- .J- v<- 5; Kk- K- +- JS- 7- = NAM KUN YENEH TONG SHING NAMKHA TABU LA ZUNG DZIN PANGLANG JAJEH TALEH DEH PEMA SAMBHA DAGNI DEHTAR MA DHARMA DHATU all known is primordially beyond the extremes of subject or object, I, Padmasambhava, thus declare. SOBHAWA aH .!/- 3(R$-, A- :.? existence, empty like space, accepting or rejecting, doer or doing, >; ZA; 2.$- *A.- ,- 3 =- <%- ?J3?- 29R- 3J.- :.A; .!R/- 3(R$- ,A- :.?- 0E- :R.- :2<- {; .!<- $?=- 3.%?- w/- 36K?- :63- o/- IA?- HUNG HRI DAGNYI TAMAL RANGSEM ZOMEH DI KUNCHOG CHINDU PEMA UBAR KU KARSEL DANGDEN DZE DZUM JENJI [6 My ordinary unfabricated mind is the embodiment of the jewels, Padma having a brilliant white lustre, a Blaizing Light’s (Padmasambhava), form, beautiful smile, bedecked with ornaments, 3?; hR- eJ- ,R.- 0- 5K- 23- <A/- (J/- 2o/; 0.- E- cR.- wJ3- #- >)- $;R/- /?- :OA=; 1R.- !- (R?- $R?- 9- :R$- 2J<- K3- &/; 35/- .0J?- <2- 2o/- Chidu Kunchog TREH DORJE TUPA TSEBUM RINCHEN JEN PEHSHA GUDEM KHATANG YUNNEH TRIL PHUH KA CHOGUH ZA OG BERCHAM CHEN TSENPEH RABJEN holding a vajra and a skull-cup wearing a lotus crown with a plume of dressed in a wide-sleeved vestment, dharma adorned with the with a jewelled long-life vase, vulture feathers, and a khatanga on the left, robes, a great multi-coloured brocade cloak, major and minor marks, !, ,;- 35/- 3(R$- $A- .%R?- P2- 2fJ?; 0E- :L%- $/?- 8J?- ?- P$?; :#R<- .- 3#:- :PR- 3%- 0R?- 2{R<; HJ.- GA- eJ?- ?- 2.$- 12- GA; YATSEN CHOG GI NGODRUB NYEH PEMA JUNGNEH SHEHSU DRAG KHORDU KHANDRO MANGPO KOR CHEHCHI JEHSU DAG DRUB CHI wondrous, supremely famed as the Lotus Born, encircled by your entourage that we may accomplish accomplished one, (Padmasambhava), of countless dakinis, such as you, LA/- IA?- 2_2- KA<- $>J$?- ?- $?R=; $/?- 3(R$- :.A- <- LA/- 1R2- =; 12- 3(R$- 2.$- =- .2%- 28A- 2{<; 2$J$?- .%- =R$- :SJ/- 2<- (.- s JINJI LAB CHIR SHEGSU SOL NEHCHOG DIRU JINPOB LA DRUBCHOG DAGLA WANGSHI KUR GEGDANG LOG DREN BARCHEH please come here and shower your blessings bestow the four empowerments that I may eliminate obstructions, Five [9 grant your blessing, on this excellent place, achieve the greatest accomplishment, confusion and obstacles, ?= 3($- .%- ,/- 3%- .%?- P2- = - - 2 - $- <- 0E- ,.- U%- l=- 2 - ?- 3- ;- 6 ?:- 1- =- - K$- :5=- 2- /A, /- 3 - :$$- R ; R R R )R ; <=> # R J # : A A >= R: *J SOL CHOG DANG TUNMONG NGODRUB TSOL OM AH HUNG BENDZA GURU PEMA TU SIDDHI PALA NAMO CHEGAG bestow the supreme and TRENG TSAL BENDZA SAMAYA DZA HUNG AH To pay Unchanging, ordinary accomplishments. homage: !, ,,3?- &.- ;J- >J?- [R%- .- $&A$; (R?- *A.- .R/- =- (- =$?- 3A- 3%:- ;%; ,2?- 3#?- $%- :.=- ?R- ?R:A- {<- !R/- 0; ,$?- TAMCHE YESHE LONGDU CHIG CHONYI DUNLA CHALUG MI NGAH YANG TABKHEH GANGDUL SOSOI KUR TUNPA TUG Within the sphere of wisdom, and the true nature itself does but, reveals to each whichever all Buddhas are one, not have any attributes, skillful means needed to tame beings, e?- =- 2 <- :I.- =- K$- :5=- 2!.
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