Accredited Standards Committee Doc. No.: X3L2/SD-3 X3, Information Processing Systems* Date: 4 Feb., 1994 X3L2, Codes and Character Sets Project: ADMIN Reply to: John H. Jenkins Taligent, Inc. 10201 N. DeAnza Boulevard Cupertino, CA 95014 Voice: +1 408 862-3241 FAX: +1 408 257-9681 E-mail: [email protected] X3L2, Codes and Character Sets Document Register for 1993 Table 1. X3 Standing Documents Number Title Author Date Project X3/SD-0 Information Brochure X3 8901 ADMIN X3/SD-1A Master Plan (Overview) X3 9001 ADMIN X3/SD-1B Master Plan (operational) X3 9001 ADMIN X3/SD-1C Master Plan (Strategic) X3 9102 ADMIN X3/SD-2 Organization, Rules and X3 9301 ADMIN Procedures of X3 X3/SD-3 Project Proposal Guide X3 9108 ADMIN X3/SD-4 Projects Manual X3 9212 ADMIN X3/SD-5 Standards Evaluation Criteria X3 9212 ADMIN X3/SD-6 Membership and Officers X3 9208 ADMIN X3/SD-7 Meeting Schedule and Calendar X3 9111 ADMIN X3/SD-8 Officers' Reference Manual X3 9111 ADMIN X3/SD-9 Policy and Guidelines X3 9112 ADMIN X3/SD-10 X3 Subgroup Annual Report Format X3 9212 ADMIN Table 2. X3L2 Standing Documents Number Title Author Date Project X3L2/SD-1 Membership and Mailing List Jenkins 930804 ADMIN X3L2/SD-2 Action List Jenkins 930611 ADMIN X3L2/SD- Document Register for 1993 Jenkins 030204 ADMIN 3:1993 X3L2/SD-4 Technical Committee Summary Jenkins 930804 ADMIN X3L2/SD-5 List of Members in Jeopardy with Meeting Jenkins 930804 ADMIN Attendance and Ballot Records X3L2/SD-6 X3L2 Projects List Jenkins 921215 ADMIN X3L2/SD-7 ANSI Style Manual ANSI 91-03-01 ADMIN X3L2/SD-8 IEC/ISO Directives, Part 1, Proecedures for ISO/IEC 93 ADMIN the technical work * Operating under the procedures of The American National Standards Institute X3 Secretariat, Computer and Business Equipment Manufacturers Association, 1250 Eye Street, N.W., Suite 200, Washington, DC 20005 (Telephone: 202.737.8888 FAX: 202.638.4922) Table 3. X3L2 Documents for 1993 Number Title Author Date Project X3L2/93-001 ISO 10646 speaker needed for NASA Bajis 921223 ADMIN Conference in September X3L2/93-002 Announcement of X3 Subgroup Officers Touchet 921209 ADMIN Training - Feb. 24, 1993 in San Diego, CA X3/92-2862 X3L2/93-003 X3 Announces the Organizational Meeting of Arnold 921202 ADMIN a New Advisory Committee, X3 Long Range JT/92-1453 Planning Committee (LRPC) X3/92-2715R X3L2/93-004 X3 Announces the Organizational Meeting of McMillan 921203 ADMIN a New Advisory Committee, X3 Operational Management Committee (OMC) X3L2/93-005 Letter to Converse, X3L2 Problems Part 2 Anderson 930105 ADMIN 396-D X3L2/93-006 Processing of Character Codes and Glyph X3V1 921211 Liaison Identifiers 396-D X3L2/93-007 Results of X3L2 Letter Ballot X3L2/92-191 Jenkins 930118 ADMIN X3L2/93-008 Canadian SC2 Comments on Procedure to V.S. 930114 396-D Add Characters/Scripts to ISO/IEC 10646-1 Umamaheswaran X3L2/93-009 Need for Joint X3L2 and X3V1 Meeting Hart 930114 ADMIN X3L2/93-010 Response to Anderson’s Formal Complaint Jean-Paul Emard 930115 ADMIN (X3L2/92-097) X3L2/93-011 Future Code Allocations in Unicode and the McGowan 921006 396-D Base Multilingual Plane of ISO10646: An analysis of needs and available space X3L2/93-012 Proposed Revision to the Unification Rules Jenkins 920912 396-D X3L2/93-013 A Preliminary Examination of a Possible Jenkins 921008 396-D Composition Method for Han Characters X3L2/93-014 Explanatory Notes for the URO v. 1.0 CJK-JRG 911129 396-D X3L2/93-015 Draft Character-glyph Model X3L2/93-016 Proposal for Extended UCS-2 Becker 930121 396-D X3L2/93-017 Concern about future allocations McGowan, Becker 930411 396-D X3L2/93-018 Chairman’s response to James Converse, Hart 930209 ADMIN X3L2 problems X3L2/93-019 Unicode Technical Report #1: Draft UTC 123192 396-D Proposals X3L2/93-020 Unicode Technical Report #2: Preliminary UTC 123192 396-D Draft Proposals X3L2/93-021 Unicode Technical Report #3: Exploratory UTC 123192 396-D Proposals X3L2/93-022 ISO 6936: 1988: Information processing - ISO 930224 ISO 6936 Conversion between the two coded character sets of ISO 646 and ISO 6937-2 and the CCITT international telegraph alphabet No. 2 (ITA 2) X3L2/93-023 Ballot: Confirmation of ISO 6936:1988 Winkler 930308 ISO 6936 X3L2/93-024 ISO 8859-3:1988: Information processing - ISO 930224 ISO 8859-3 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets Part 3: Latin alphabet No. 3 X3L2/93-025 Ballot: Confirmation of ISO 8859-3:1988 Winkler 930308 ISO 8859-3 X3L2/93-026 ISO 8859-4:1988: Information processing - ISO 930224 ISO 8859-4 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets Part 4: Latin alphabet No. 4 X3L2/93-027 Ballot: Confirmation of ISO 8859-4:1988 Winkler 930308 ISO 8859-4 2 X3L2/93-028 ISO 8859-5:1988: Information processing - ISO 930224 ISO 8859-5 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets Part 5: Latin/Cyrillic alphabet X3L2/93-029 Ballot: Confirmation of ISO 8859-5:1988 Winkler 930308 ISO 8859-5 X3L2/93-030 ISO 8859-8:1988: Information processing - ISO 930224 ISO 8859-8 8-bit single-byte coded graphic character sets Part 8: Latin alphabet No. 8 X3L2/93-031 Ballot: Confirmation of ISO 8859-8:1988 Winkler 930308 ISO 8859-8 X3L2/93-032 ISO 9282-1:1988: Information processing - ISO 930224 ISO 9282-1 Coded representation of pictures - Part 1: Encoding principles for picture presentation in a 7-bit or 8-bit environment X3L2/93-033 Ballot: Confirmation of ISO 9282-1:1988 Winkler 930308 ISO 9282-1 X3L2/93-034 Summary of Voting: X3L2 Document Jenkins 930305 ADMIN Distribution by X3 Secretariat X3L2/93-035 First call for nominations—1993 X3 Awards X3 930204 ADMIN Program X3L2/93-036 ISO 2033:1983: Information processing— ISO ISO 2033 Coding of machine readable characters (MICR and OCR) X3L2/93-037 Ballot: Confirmation of ISO 2033:1983 Winkler 930310 ADMIN X3L2/93-038 Encoding the World’s Characters: Hart 930301 396-D Characteristics of the Universal Coded Character Set, ISO/IEC 10646-1 X3L2/93-039 Disposition of Comments on DIS ISO/IEC Bohn 920915 SC2 TAG 6429 (SC2 N2370, SC2/WG2 N164) X3L2/93-040 Liaison Statement from SC2 to SC2 Secretariat 9302 SC2 TAG JTC1/SC21/WG8/RPC (SC2 N2408) X3L2/93-041 Technical Corrigendum to ISO/IEC SC2 Secretariat 9302 SC2 TAG 4873:1991 (SC2 N2409) X3L2/93-042 Subsets of control functions of ISO/IEC SC2 Secretariat 9302 SC2 TAG 6429:1992 for use by printing devices (SC2 N2412) X3L2/93-043 Possible amendment of ISO/IEC 10538 (SC2 SC2 Secretariat 9302 SC2 TAG N2413) X3L2/93-044 Venue SC2/WG3 meeting on 26th May 1993 SC2 Secretariat 9302 SC2 TAG in Athens (SC2 N2417) X3L2/93-045 Greece's feedback on DIS 10646-1.2 WG2 N815 920528 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-046 Thailand's comments on DIS 10646-1.2 WG2 N816 920612 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-047 Tunisia's comments on DIS 10646-1.2 WG2 N817 920609 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-048 A Simple Method to Reverse the UK Negative WG2 N818 920619 SC2 TAG Vote on DIS 10646-1.2, and also Satisfy Some Other National Body Comments X3L2/93-049 Instructions from SC2 Secretariat (AFNOR) to WG2 N819 920624 SC2 TAG WG2 regarding DIS 10646-1.2 X3L2/93-050 Ballot Summary - part 2, Greece, Thailand and WG2 N820 920625 SC2 TAG Tunisia X3L2/93-051 On Disposition of Comments WG2 N821 920626 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-052 Additional Unified Ideographic CJK WG2 N822 920629 SC2 TAG Characters (HCS-B) X3L2/93-053 A Minor Change with one Kanji Glyph in WG2 N823 920627 SC2 TAG Unified CJK Ideograph X3L2/93-054 CJK Ideographic Radicals WG2 N824 920626 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-055 A Proposal for Adding Characters WG2 N825 920605 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-056 Modified Tibetan Code Table WG2 N826 920629 SC2 TAG 3 X3L2/93-057 Letter from Information Processing WG2 N827 901204 SC2 TAG Association of Turkey X3L2/93-058 Comments of Republic of Korea on 10646 WG2 N828 920628 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-059 Comments on Netherlands Proposed Cyrillic WG2 N829 920624 SC2 TAG Deletions X3L2/93-060 Sources of "CJK Auxiliary" Characters WG2 N830 920624 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-061 Comment on Yugoslav Proposed Cyrillic WG2 N831 920624 SC2 TAG Additions X3L2/93-062 Recommendation of work for Short IDs to WG2 N832 920205 SC2 TAG SC22 X3L2/93-063 Proposal for Disposition of German WG2 N833 920627 SC2 TAG Comments regarding Indo-European Characters in 10646 X3L2/93-064 Proposal for Disposition of U.K. Comments WG2 N834 920627 SC2 TAG regarding ISCII LINK Character in DIS 10646-1.2 X3L2/93-065 Proposal of Disposition of U.K. Comments WG2 N835 920627 SC2 TAG regarding Tibetan characters X3L2/93-066 Proposal for Disposition of Chinese WG2 N836 920627 SC2 TAG Comments on Mongolian in 10646 X3L2/93-067 Comments on Tibetan Characters in 10646 WG2 N837 920626 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-068 Additional information to Danish comments WG2 N838 920629 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-069 Proposal for disposition of Belgian comment WG2 N839 920627 SC2 TAG #1 X3L2/93-070 Proposal for disposition of Korean comments WG2 N840 920627 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-071 AFII information requirements for printing IS WG2 N841 920625 SC2 TAG 10646 X3L2/93-072 ATM.3 and Compaction WG2 N842 9201 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-073 Correction to Arabic Names in 10646 WG2 N843 920630 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-074 Proposal for disposition of comments on WG2 N844 920627 SC2 TAG Greek X3L2/93-075 Tibetan script in 10646 WG2 N845 920630 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-076 Subsetting lists WG2 N846 920701 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-077 Additional explanations to Japanese national WG2 N847 920701 SC2 TAG feedback plus missing page 8 X3L2/93-078 Modified Korean position WG2 N848 920702 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-079 Proposal to add missing Pinyin letters and WG2 N849 920701 SC2 TAG vertical punctuation X3L2/93-080 Completing the PinYin character set WG2 N850 920702 SC2 TAG X3L2/93-081 Addenda on the Tibetan paper
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