Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 59 (4), 387-396, 2007 DOI:10.2298/ABS0704387N NOMENCLATURAL AND TAXONOMIC NOTES ON THE FLORA OF SERBIA AND THE BALKAN PENINSULA. I. CARYOPHYLLACEAE M. NIKETIĆ1, V. STEVANOVIĆ2, and Gordana Tomović2 1Natural History Museum, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia 2Institute of Botany and Jevremovac Botanical Garden, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia Abstract — The nomenclatural analysis included 12 autochthonous and mostly endemic species from the genera Atocion Adans., Cerastium L., Heliosperma (Rchb.) Rchb., and Silene L. (Caryophyllaceae). In conformity with ICBN, 12 new infra- specific taxa are described with locus classicus on the territory of Serbia. Also presented are 24 new nomenclatural combi- nations, including several for endemic taxa not present in Serbia. The nomenclature of certain taxa is supplemented by a short taxonomic-chorological review. Results of these studies will be incorporated in the next volume of “Flora of Serbia”. Key words: Nomenclature, plant taxonomy, Caryophyllaceae, Serbia, Balkan Peninsula Udc 582.661.51(497.11):57.06 581.9 INTRODUCTION conditions are now suitable for starting a new edi- tion of Flora of Serbia, and the Committee for Flora The ten volume edition “Flora of Serbia” (Jo s i f o v i ć , and Vegetation of SASA accepted this challenge. The 1970-1976; 1977; S a r i ć and D i k l i ć , 1986) is a main intent of the new edition is to remove the defi- capital-value work of Serbian botany, filling a void ciencies of the first edition (non-uniform taxonomic that existed for almost more than a century in stud- principles in taxon studies, incomplete and/or false ies on the flora of this part of Balkan Peninsula, data on taxon distribution, failure to utilize relevant more precisely since the publishing of Pančić’s “Flora modern taxonomic literature, failure to check her- of the Principality of Serbia” and its “Addendum” barium material, etc.). The first volume of the new (Pančić, 1874; 1884). “Flora of Serbia” was finished in an unusually short time for this type of large-scale edition of Flora of Serbia was published in 1992, and synthetic work. It united mostly fresh knowledge on the second one is planned, after a long break, for taxonomy, distribution and ecological preferences of 2008. It will include the orders Ranales (continuing taxa that were known since Pančić’s time, as well as with fam. Berberidaceae), Papaverales, Urticales, the many new ones recorded within the boundaries Fagales, Betulales, Juglandales, and Caryophyllales. of modern Serbia. “Flora of Serbia” initiated inten- The manuscript of the second volume of the new sive floristic and chorological studies of the vascular edition was prepared ten years ago, but unfortunately flora in Serbia during the last 30 years. Since 1986, the publishing procedure was never initiated. More immense quantities of fresh material have been col- than 15 years have passed since the first edition, lected on distribution, taxonomy and ecology of and numerous papers have appeared in the mean- plant taxa; new monographs on genera have been time in the European botanical literature, including published; new regional floras have been issued for new nomenclatural and taxonomic principles which the Balkan countries; and new nomenclatural prin- should be incorporated in the new, expanded manu- ciples have been accepted in European plant taxon- script of the second volume. The main goal of this omy, elucidating in a new way the validity and taxo- paper was to, through new interpretation of certain nomic position of species and genera. Altogether, taxonomic challenges, facilitate the use of synonyms 387 388 M. NIKETIĆ and V. STEVANOVIĆ in the next volume of the second edition of Flora (1999), are continued here, with the accent on sepa- of Serbia. Certain new taxa and nomenclatural rating subspecies within the species C. decalvans combinations are here mentioned for the first time, Schlosser & Vuk. (subsp. glutinosum and subsp. and in the mentioned publication they will be indi- leontopodium). vidually presented within the completely processed genera and species of the family Caryophyllaceae. MATERIAL AND METHODS This paper deals with certain representatives of the genera Atocion Adans., Cerastium L., Heliosperma The study of 12 investigated species is based (Rchb.) Rchb. and Silene L., which were presented on the examination of available herbarium mate- in the previous edition of Flora of Serbia by G a j i ć rial (BEO, BEOU, LJU, SARA, UPA, SO, SOM). (1970: 156-176) and S l a v n i ć (1970: 204-240). In A������������������������������������������cronyms follow Index Herbariorum (Holmgren order to fully present the infraspecific variability of et al., 1990; and http://sciweb.nybg.org/science2/ certain species, we have included new combinations IndexHerbariorum.asp). ������������������Synonymization and for some endemic subspecies that do not appear on description of new taxa were done in conformity the territory of Serbia but are closely related to taxa with ICBN (McNeill et al., 2006) and are based on analyzed in Flora of Serbia. Basic data on distribu- surveyed herbarium material and published data. tion are included for newly described taxa. Abbreviations — Cro Croatia, BiH Bosnia and During the last decade, there has been a great Herzegovina, Mtg Montenegro, Ser Serbia, Al improvement in understanding of the phylogeny Albania, Ma Macedonia, Bu Bulgaria, Gr Greece. and classification of taxa within the tribe Sileneae RESULTS AND DISCUSSION (Caryophyllaceae) (O x e l m a n and L i d e n , 1995; O x e l m a n et al., 1997; O x e l m a n et al., 2001; Atocion Adans. F r a j m a n and O x e l m a n , 2004, 2007; Ni k e t i ć and S t e v a n o v i ć , 2007). There are clear defini- Atocion armeria (L.) Raf. var. lithuanicum (Zapal.) tions of monophyletic lines that are genetically Niketić & Stevanović, comb. nova; S. lithuanica and morphologically distinct from other genera, Zapal., Consp. Fl. Galic. Crit. 3: 181 (1911) [basion.]; primarily from the genus Silene (although until Silene armeria var. lithuanica (Zapal.) Graebner recently they were considered an integral part of & Graebner fil. in Ascherson & Graebner, Syn. that genus). This is particularly true of the genera Mitteleur. Fl. 5(2): 154 (1920). Atocion, Heliosperma, Eudianthe (Rchb.) Rchb. and Viscaria Bernh. On the other hand, certain taxa Atocion armeria (L.) Raf. var. sparsiflorum (Schur) which were considered as belonging to separate gen- Niketić & Stevanović, comb. nova; Silene armeria era are now added to the genus Silene – for example var. sparsiflora Schur, Enum. Pl. Transs.: 105 (1866) Silene baccifera (L.) Roth, which used to be known [basion.]. as Cucubalus baccifer L. It was therefore necessary Atocion lerchenfeldianum (Baumg.) M. Popp var. to assign new combinations to certain infraspecific macedonicum (Form.) Niketić & Stevanović comb. taxa within the genera Atocion and Heliosperma, but nova; Silene macedonica Form. in Verh. Naturf. Ver. also within the genus Silene, if they were previously Brünn 31: 183 (1894) [basion.]; Silene lerchenfeldi- absent. This was not done only for formal reasons, ana var. macedonica (Form.) Bornm. in Bot. Jahrb. but also due to the need to, as much as possible, 59: 409 (1924). elucidate numerous taxonomic and chorological problems. Several new taxa are therefore described Cerastium L. on this occasion. Cerastium banaticum (Rochel) Steudel f. adenotri- Additionally, activities of describing and inter- chum (Čelak.) Niketić, stat. nov.; C. adenotrichum preting the very complicated infraspecific variability Čelak in Österr. Bot. Zeitschr. 37: 338 (1887) [basi- within the genus Cerastium, started by Ni k e t i ć on.]; C. banaticum var. adenotrichum (Čelak.) Borza NOTES ON THE FLORA OF SERBIA AND THE BALKAN PENINSULA. I. CARYOPHYLLACEAE 389 in Bot. Közl. 12: 63 (1913). (Holotypus: 160 BEOU). - Formae robusto valde simile sed inflorescentia eglandulosa.BiH, Mtg, Ser, Cerastium banaticum (Rochel) Steudel f. glan- Ma. duliusculum Niketić, f. nova - Typus: Flora ser- bica: Homoljske Planine Mts.: Ms Vukan, in saxosis, f. bogdanovicii Niketić, f. nova - Typus: Flora ser- alt. ca. 2000-2200 m, leg. V. Nikolić 12-Jul-1956 bica: Užice: in fauce ad rivam Djetina, in rupestribus (Holotypus: 116 BEO). - Bracteae et calyces hirsuti, calcareis, leg. N. Diklić, M. Bogdanović, 20-May- glandulis sparsis, brevibus obsiti. Ser, Bu, Gr. 1974 (Holotypus: 111 BEO). - Formae baldaccio valde simile, etiam folia glanduloso-pilosa. BiH, Cerastium decalvans Schlosser & Vuk. subsp. decal- Ser. vans Cerastium decalvans Schlosser & Vuk. subsp. glu- f. pauciflorum (G. Beck) Niketić, comb. in stat. tinosum (Strid) Niketić, comb. nova; C. moesiacum nov.; C. lanigerum f. pauciflorum G. Beck in Glasn. f. halacsyi Borza in Bot. Közl. 12: 57 (1913); C. Muz. Bosn. Herceg. 18: 483 (1906) [basion.]; Hayek moesiacum var. halacsyi (Borza) Graebner & Corr. in Feddes Repert. (Beih.) 30(1): 206 (1924); C. lani- in Aschers. & Graebner, Syn. Mitteleur. Fl. 5(1): 588 gerum subsp. minutum Georgiev in God. Sof. Univ. (1917); C. moesiacum f. thasium Hayek in Feddes 13: 421 (1935); C. decalvans f. minutum (Georgiev) Repert. (Beih.) 30(1): 207 (1924) [nom. illeg.]; C. Niketić in Glasn. Prir. Muz., Ser. B 49-50: 43 (1999); arvense var. bornmuellerianum Stoj. & Kitanov in C. decalvans var. pauciflorum (G. Beck) Niketić op. God. Sof. Univ. 41(3): 358 (1945-1946); C. moe- c.: 46 (1999). siacum subsp. glutinosum Strid in Strid & Tan, Fl. Hellen. 1: 202 (1997) [basion.]; C. decalvans var. f. rudskii Niketić, f. nova - Typus: Flora serbica: halacsyi (Borza) Niketić in Glasn. Prir. Muz., Ser. B Prokletije Mt. (Mt. Visitor), in pratis, alt. ca. 2000- 49-50: 44 (1999); „C. alpinum var. glutinosum“ sensu 2200 m, leg. P. Černjavski, I. Rudski, 26-Jul-1933, Halácsy in Österr. Bot. Z. 42(12): 414 (1892), non sub “C. decalvans”, rev.
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