JANUARY- MARCH 2020 Cal-Liope Join CWC MESSAGE FROM THE CALIFORNIA PRESIDENT The Professional WORKFORCE CONNECTION Association By Denise Dobine, President for a changing 21st century workforce. The coming year For Workforce Using the power of decision will be one of positive change Professionals gives you the capacity to get and improvement. I hope you past any excuse to change any will join us by participating in and every part of your life your local chapter’s activities, in an instant. as well as the informative con- CWC – Tony Robbins ferences. CONFERENCE To kick start the New Year PRESIDENT DENISE DOBINE Happy New Year California CWC has some great upcom- CANCELED Workforce Connection ing events for you to attend. weight, improve finances, get By Denise Dobine Members! The CWC Book Club is a new job, stop procrastinat- Dear California Workforce 2019 was a year of change open to all – you don’t have to ing, manage stress better, set Connection (CWC) and transition for the Cali- be a member of the CWC. It is aside time for yourself, begin members, fornia Workforce Connection free – all you do is purchase the exercising, and to eat health- Due to the rapidly chang- (CWC). The major changes book and call in to participate ier. Resolutions are made to ing COVID-19 coronavirus include a new name and new in the discussions. The cur- stop settling for less and create situation facing our state logo, extra funding to our local rent book is: Leader Shift by a life of self-improvement and and nation, the California Chapters for their membership John Maxwell The 11 Essential personal growth. In order to Chapter Board of Directors functions, CWC conferences at Changes Every Leader Must make a better life for yourself has decided to cancel the a lower cost to our members, Embrace. you must work at change, one upcoming CWC Education- and most importantly new The most popular New day at a time. al Conference/Convention goals to prepare our members Year’s resolutions are to lose Be ready for change. scheduled for April 17, 2020. This was the right and neces- sary step, as our nation tries Unprecedented Demand for Unemployment to slow the spread of the vi- rus. Benefits Triggered by COVID-19 These are uncharted By Mary Navarro-Aldana processed a revised 57,606 UI flexibility in how the EDD de- waters and we will have to Los Tres Condados Chapter claims. termines a worker’s eligibility take a different approach for benefits. On March 26, 2020, Loree California leaders have tak- CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 EDD has begun a historic Levy at the Employment Devel- en steps to address COVID-19’s combination of tactics to pro- opment sent out a news release impact on the UI system. Earli- cess the immense claim de- with the most recent informa- er this month, California Gov- INSIDE THIS ISSUE mand by: tion on Unemployment Insur- ernor Gavin Newsom waived • Staffing claims processing ance Claims filed due to the the normal one-week waiting around the clock. novel coronavirus COVID-19. period, allowing Californians Page 2 • Redirecting hundreds of Some quick highlights from to be paid for their first week Bylaws Change staff from across the de- the release: of unemployment or reduced Page 5 partment and state gov- The demand for Unemploy- hours, as long as they are found Plan for Retirement ernment, including some ment Insurance (UI) benefits eligible. Page 7 recent retirees with unem- has skyrocketed as the Coro- To ensure workers receive ployment processing expe- Book Club Invitation navirus impacts hard working these benefits as quickly as rience. Page 8 Californians and their families. possible, California Labor Sec- • Hiring more staff whenev- US-China Trade War For the week ending March 21, retary Julie A. Su directed the er possible. Page 9-15 the EDD processed 186,809 UI EDD to streamline the UI Around the State claims. In the prior week, EDD Claims process by exercising CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 CWC WEBSITE: www.californiaworkforceconnection.org Cal-Liope | January-March 2020 | 1 CWC CONFERENCE CANCELED CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 tions for the next CWC State site – CaliforniaWorkforce board positions should be sent Connection.org and in the with the CWC State Board CALIFORNIA to James Thomas, CWC Im- Cal-Liope. elections for the 2020/2021 CHAPTER mediate Past President, at zel- term. The past elections were I want to thank you for [email protected]. President conducted during our CWC your understanding and DENISE DOBINE Educational Conference/ The deadline for all nomi- patience as we work to- [email protected] Convention, but due to the nations will be April 24, 2020. gether navigating this fast- seriousness of this health Voting will be conducted from moving and ever-changing First Vice President issue, the voting will take May 4-May 15, 2020. The re- community-wide issue that MELISSA LAURITZEN place online through our sults of the election will be has turned into a global pan- [email protected] CWC website. All nomina- announced on the CWC web- demic. Second Vice President JENNIFER LUCY [email protected] CWC Bylaws Change Announcement UNEMPLOYMENT By Verletta Moeller, Bylaws and BENEFITS: FROM PAGE 1 Treasurer The other change is for Sec- PHIL DWYER OP Chair tion 4 – Education Fund Funding [email protected] When we need to make The EDD is closely moni- $1 per member as of June 30, changes to our bylaws, we an- toring developments with the Past President shall be set aside for the Educa- nounce this to our members federal government and any JAMES THOMAS tion Fund. for your consideration. We will additional unemployment [email protected] Purpose of Fund vote on these changes later this assistance that may become The Education Fund is es- Secretary year: available. Any further details tablished to provide education- NANETTE BOWMAN Three changes are proposed and guidance for workers will al materials and programs for [email protected] to Article XI – Educational be posted to the EDD Corona- the benefits of the membership. Funds. virus 2019 webpage. Membership Coordinator Change all references in The first change affects -Sec Starting Friday, March 27, LUCELY TUT Section 4 from Education tion 1. Establishment workers applying for unem- [email protected] Fund to: Patricia M. Thornton There shall be two educa- ployment benefits will be asked Education Fund. to check the options on the ap- Cal-Liope Editor tional funds: the Karl E. Bybee MARY NAVARRO-ALDANA Education Foundation Fund plication’s drop-down menu All changes are only name [email protected] and the Education Fund. that indicate the Coronavirus changes of the Education Fund Change to: There shall be is the reason for your unem- to honor long time member District I Director two educational funds: the Karl ployment or reduced wages. TANYA DAVIDSON Patricia M. Thornton who was E. Bybee Education Founda- If you are recently retired [email protected] an advocate for education. Pa- tion Fund and the Patricia M. from EDD Unemployment In- tricia was an active member Thornton Education Fund. surance and want to help, offer District II Director for almost 40 years, served as a FRED RUIBAL The second change affects your services as a retired annu- State Chapter President for two [email protected] Section 2 – Purpose and Ob- itant. Everyone can help. If you terms, and her last position was jectives – b. are bilingual, EDD needs you. Executive Office Manager. District III Director b. Presently reads - The Ed- DADISI ELLIOTT ucation Fund is established to [email protected] provide educational materials How To Recruit New District IV Director and programs for the benefit of RAY CABRERA the membership. Members To CWC: [email protected] Change to: The Patricia M. Thornton Education Fund is Organize a luncheon or other fun activity as District IV Director-Elect established to provide educa- a recruitment event. Invite as many prospective FABIAN VALENCIA tional materials and programs [email protected] members and their spouses or significant others for the benefit of the member- ship. The rules of the Patricia as possible. While having fun and socializing M. Thornton Education Fund at the get together, include some educational are subject to review by the benefits and invite them to join your chapter of California Chapter Board of Directors and California Chap- CWC. ter members in Convention. 2 | January-March 2020 | Cal-Liope | www.californiaworkforceconnection.org MEMBERSHIP CORNER VETERANS CORNER BENEFIT OF CWC MEMBERSHIP: A New Decade looking to new beginnings as Becoming An Agent of we evolve and grow into a new By Dimetrios Vandiegriff entity. I am excited about the Change Through Training Vice President Los Angeles Chapter changes and looking forward and Development DEEDRA DECOSTER to assisting more employers SGV CHAPTER MEMBER As we usher in a new begin- with the hiring of our nation’s By Deedra DeCoster a Next Level critical thinker ning of the new decade, 2020, veterans as well as other qual- SGV Chapter Member, let’s make sure that we leave no ified jobseekers. It is great to San Gabriel Valley Chapter (SGV) working among the ranks is indeed a huge benefit to front- man or woman behind. As I know that we will continue the The old adage that you line supervisors because the think about my objectives and mission of assisting the people can fake it until you make future of working really focus- goals for this year and beyond, of California and giving them it, is certainly a figment of ing on information streaming, I am committed to helping as our best to get them connected past employment times these social media, and emerging many people with the most with the resources they need days.
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