UTTARA KANNADA COVID-19 HANDBOOK OFFICE OF THE DEPUTY COMMISSIONER UTTARA KANNADA DISTRICT, KARWAR This booklet contains the following information Bed availability Testing centers Ambulance services Oxygen supply Injections and Medicines Covid care Centers HOW TO GET A BED UNDER GOVERNMENT QUOTA? (Government and Private Hospitals) EnsurethepatientistestedthroughRT-PCR Ifsymptomsaresevere/areaprimarycontactensurebothRATandRT- PCRtestsaretaken (Since RT-PCRresultstake longer) RT-PCRgeneratesSRFIDandifyouarepositiveyou will getamessage or call to your registered mobile number If you are yet to get tested, take your test at the private or government test centers immediately (List Enclosed) HAVE THE BELOW INFO READY BEFORE GOING TO THE HOSPITAL Patient Details (Sample Format) Patient Name General Ward/HDU/ICU/ICU-V Age Attender Name Gender Attender Mobile # SRF ID Patient Mobile # SPO2 Level Other Symptoms Residence Address &Pincode Positive Since Days Residence Ward Name & # Reference Doctors (if any) CALL 108 Ambulance for admission in hospital DISTRICT COVID-19 HELPLINE NUMBERS TALUK COVID-19 HELPLINE NUMBERS • 08382- • 08388- • 08386- • 08387- • 08385- • 08384- 226331 230243 222054 220262 226422 226383 Karwar Ankola Kumta Honnavar Bhatkal Sirsi • 08389- • 08419- • 08301- • 08284- • 08383- • 08284- 230127 261129 222122 221134 282723 295959 Siddapur Yellapur Mundgod Haliyal Joida Dandeli The above numbers can be called for general enquiries PRACTICAL EXPERIENCES Keep calling 108 till you are able to connect and raise your request to book a bed. Don’t give up. Bed information is shared on attendee's phone, keep it charged and in allocation with network coverage If ambulance wait-time is high, book a private ambulance (List enclosed) Talk to a Taluka officer in case of emergency and urgent request. (THO and Tahasildar) District Hospital holds higher quota of beds, they are your best bet. Arranging private bed is tedious and difficult. TESTING FOR COVID-19 RT-PCR, RAT, CT-SCAN RT-PCRtestisusuallyrecommendedtestforanyCovidtreatment. RapidAntigenTest(RAT)testistypicallytakentogetimmediateresults,howe verRT-PCRisbetter. Ifyouhaveseveresymptomsorareaprimarycontact,takeRATandRT- PCRsimultaneously. CTscanisusuallyrecommendedbydoctorsforpatientswithseveresymptom s. CHECKLIST / IMPORTANT INFORMATION Carry a copy of Aadhar Card and your mobile phone when visiting lab for testing. Ensure you get the SRF-ID via SMS before leaving the lab after the swab sample has been collected. RT-PCR test results could take upto 36 hours. Take a Rapid Antingen Test (RAT) in the same centre if you have severe symptoms / are a primary contact. COVID TESTING CENTERS COVID testing is done for all Primary Contacts & Symptomatic at Taluk Health Center, District Covid Hospital and in certain locations during special camps CT SCAN CENTER For a CT scan, the patient can visit either the government or private hospital with this facility A doctor’s prescription is required in some of the clinics and hospitals to get the test done FOR OXYGEN AND MEDICINE STATUS List enclosed) ( OXYGEN AND MEDICINE STATUS CAN BE OBTAINED FROM FOLLOWING NUMBERS 08382-229857 08382-295226 +91-9483511015 1077 LIVE STATUS OF BEDS, OXYGEN, & REMDISIVIR Click on the cursor image to the left to view the live status of beds availability, Oxygen Availability, and Remdisivir Availability COVID CARE CENTRES Name, Designation And Total Type Of Covid Care Center Contact Detail Of No. Of Contact No. CCC (CCC) Postal Nodal MO For Coordinating Beds Sl.No Taluk Of The (School / Address And The CCC Officer (Health In Nodal MO Hostel/E Contact No. Education Officer The tc) / Male Health CCC Assistant) Dr. BCM Hostel Smt. 1 Karwar SudhitaPednek 9972443980 Hotel 71 Bharatwada, Karwar AnupamaAnkolekar ar BCM Hostel Ankola TruptiNaik 2 Ankola Dr/Sandhya 9731423367 Hostel 50 9844377792 ,827748123 Multi Calamity Centre , R G Naik, Health Dr. AJNYA Purpose 3 Kumta Near Diet College 8277506038 Education Officer, 40 NAYAK Cyclone Kumta 8762940350 Center Dinesh Naik ,Sr. MurarjiResidencial Dr. AJNYA Male Health Hostel/Sc 4 Kumta School, 8277506038 30 NAYAK Assistant, hool HegdeKumta 9008876628 Bcm Hostel Dr. Pratiksha 5 Honnavar 9483461804 Sr. HI Hostel 50 Honnavar R. Nayk Social Welfare 6 Honnavar Dr. Praveen 9480789378 Sr. HI Hostel 50 Hostel Honnavar Smt.Sojiya, 9480603609, DrSavitha Kitturchennamma Muncipal Health 7 Bhatkal Kamath, AMO 8495990910 Hostel 70 Hostel Sonarkeri Inspector Thbhatkal PattanPanchayathB hatkal District Training Dr. Rajesh SmtGouri C Naik - Training 8 Sirsi Centre SirsiHubli Naik (Rbsk 7676935614 50 9113627149 Centre Road ChipagiSirsi Mo) Dr. Pre Metric Girls 9 Siddapur Lakshmikanth 9945731994 Shri Arun Sr. HI Hostel 50 Hostel Kondli Naik Kalamma Nagar Dr. Nagaraj Shri S.T Bhat 10 Yellapur Near Degree College 8764759251 Collage 32 Bhat BheoThoKarwar Yellapur Murarji Girls Hostel Dr. Rajesh 11 Danedli 9448934089 Sr. HI Hostel 33 Dandeli Prasad Dr. Ramesh Shri Kalgutkar 12 Haliyal JateriNivasa 9448153548 House 36 Kadam BHEO (IC) Govt. First Grade Shri PattanShetti 13 Mundgod Dr.H. F Ingle 9481952938 Collage 40 Collage Mundgod BHEO Murarji Desai Hostel Taluka Hospital Dr.VijayKochar D. S RaikerBheo 14 Joida Joida Near 8383282703 Hostel 25 agi (IC) Durgadevi Temple Ph No-08383282703 Total 627 HOSPITAL NODAL OFFICERS Sl. Phone Hospital Name Type Nodal Officer Designation No. number Dept. of Backward 1 KRIMS Karwar Govt. LokeshNaik 8722957728 Classes 2 Taluka Hospital, Ankola Govt. RamuGunagi, JE, PWD Ankola 9902348434 3 Taluka Hospital, Bhatkal Govt. KrishnakantNaik FDA, TP Bhatkal 9482900875 Dept. of Social 4 Taluka Hospital, Haliyal Govt. JagadishJuttal 9449239638 welfare, Haliyal Dept. of Backward 5 General Hospital, Dandeli Govt. VijaykumarPatil 9743163084 Classes, haliyal Taluka Hospital, Dept. of Social 6 Govt. Rajendra Gouda 8310464372 Honnavar welfare, Honnavar Dept. of Social 7 Taluka Hospital, Kumta Govt. Satish Bhat 9632646235 welfare, Kumta Dept. of Social 8 Taluka Hospital, Mundgod Govt. Krishna Naik 9008488853 Welfare, Mundgod Dept. of Backward 9 Taluka Hospital, Siddapur Govt. Sanjaykumar L 9916282524 Classes, Siddapur Pandit General Hospital, Dept. of Social 10 Govt. PrasannaHegde 9611615240 Sirsi welfare, Sirsi Dept. of Backward 11 Taluka Hospital, Joida Govt. Shrishail Modi 9449932760 Classes, Joida Dept. of Social Welfare 12 Taluka Hospital, Yellapur Govt. Ibrahim D Patan 8762721479 Yellapur Dept. of Backward 13 CHC Pala Govt. Ravi M Chandra 7483925499 Classes, Mundgod SrideviMultiSpeciality Dept. of Backward 14 Pvt. H. P Sharat 9871132297 Hospital, Honnavar Classes, Honnavar St Ignatius Hospital, Miss Agirculture Dept. 15 Pvt. 8861260175 Honnavar LaxmiDalwai Haliyal TSSShripadHegdeKadave Dept. of Social 16 Institute of Medical Pvt. Kiran Naik 9611515312 welfare, Sirsi Science, Sirsi Education Department, 17 RNS Hospital Murdeshwar Pvt. Shankar Naik 9886239182 Bhatkal VishwaSevaSamithi Raghavendra H Dept. of Social 18 Rotary Charitable Pvt. 8538717416 R welfare, Sirsi Hospital, Sirsi Mahalaxmi Memorial Balachandra Education Department, 19 Pvt. 9342995656 Hospital Sirsi Bhat Sirsi Dept. of Backward 20 DTR Hospital Mundgod Pvt. VittalThumbuji 8496977678 Classes, Mundgod Dept. of Backward 21 Pvt. Scan Centre Sirsi Pvt. V.V. Bhat 9448720076 Classes, Sirsi 22 Hi-tech Hospital Kumta Pvt. DevrayNaik AksharaDashohaKumta 9480835630 TALUK HEALTH OFFICER Contact Sl No Taluk Name of the THO Number 1 Karwar Dr. SurajNayak 8277506033 2 Ankola Dr. ArchanaNayak 8277506036 3 Kumta Dr. AjnyaNayak 8277506038 4 Honnavar Dr.UshaHasyagar 8277506035 5 Bhatkal Dr.Murthiraj Bhat 8277506037 6 Sirsi Dr. Vinayak Bhat 8277506039 7 Siddapur Dr.Lakshmikant 8277506031 8 Yellapur Dr. Narendra Pawar 8277506034 9 Haliyal Dr.RameshKadm 8277506032 10 Mundgod Dr. Padmapriya 8277506040 11 Joida Dr.SujataUkkali 8277506041 ASSISTANT MEDICAL OFFICER Sl. No. Taluk/CHC Name of the AMO Contact Number 1 Ankola Dr.MahendraP.Nayak 9448016438 2 Kumta Dr.Ganesh T.H. 9448115830 3 Honnavar Dr.RajeshKini 9448629438 4 Bhatkal Dr.Dinkar H. 9481214233 5 CHC Shirali Dr.Balachandra Mesta 9448407125 6 Sirsi (PGH Sirsi) Dr.Gajanan Bhat 9448068350 7 Siddapur Dr.A.G.Shrinivas 9448319500 8 Yellapur Dr.RamaHegde 8105383698 9 Mundgod Dr.H.F.Ingle 9481952938 10 CHC Pala 11 Haliyal Dr.RameshKadm 9448153548 12 CHC Dandeli Dr.Rajesh Prasad 9448934089 13 Joida Dr.VijaykumarKochargi 7899570024 TAHSILDAR Sl. No. Taluk Tashildar Name Landline Mobile 1 Karwar Sri R.V Katti 08382-226331 9448304950 2 Ankola Sri. Uday Kumar 08388-230243 9686664860 3 Kumta Sri. MegarajNaik 08386-222054 9986837513 4 Honnavar Sri. VivekShenvi 08387-220232 8050429183 5 Bhatkal Sri. Ravichandra 08385-226422 7349453154 6 Sirsi Sri. M R Kulkarni 08384-226383 9986835589 7 Siddapur Sri. Prasad SA 08389-230127 9113535365 8 Yellapur Sri. SrikrishnaKamkar 08419-261129 9901140551 9 Mundgod Sri. Sridhar Mundalmani 08301-222122 8800149169 10 Haliyal Sri. Praveen Hucchannavar 08284-221134 9845613247 11 Joida Sri. Sanjay Kamble 08383-282723 9980466700 12 Dandeli Sri. Shailesh P 08284-295959 8277860532 EXECUTIVE OFFICER Sl. No. Taluk EO's Name Landline Mobile 1 Karwar Sri. AnandkumarBaippanavar 08382-226389 9480879120 2 Ankola Sri. Parshuram Y Sawant 08388-230244 9480879100 3 Kumta Sri. Chandrakant T Naik 08386-222050 9480879125 4 Honnavar Sri. Karim Asadi 08387-220232 9480879115 5 Bhatkal Sri. PrabhakarChikkanamane 08385-226429 9480879105 6 Sirsi Sri. F G Chinnanavar 08384-226421 9480879140 7 Siddapur Sri. Prashant V Rao 08389-230128 9480879135 8 Yellapur Sri. Jagadish
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