AMERICAN BICYCLIST PEDALING A NATIONAL UNITED SPOKES FOR JUSTICE BIKE PLAN Community A double amputee Strategies to reduce stakeholders come rides for human fatalities and increase together for better rights p. 8 mode share p. 12 bicycling p. 16 January - February 2014 WWW.BIKELEAGUE.ORG AMERICAN BICYCLIST CONTENT January - February 2014 FROM THE SADDLE PEDALING FOR JUSTICE A double amputee and new advocacy 8 organization ride for human rights PEDAL PROGRESS IT’S TIME FOR A NATIONAL BIKE PLAN A strategy to slash bicyclist 12 fatalities and increase mode share UNITED SPOKES When community stakeholders come 16 together the result is better bicycling for all THINK BIKE DRIVING STUDENTS ON BIKES City of Chattanooga’s drivers education program 22 goes multi-modal National Bike Summit 2012 WHEELS IN MOTION: 24 IN EVERY ISSUE TRACTION WITH AMTRAK National Coalition advocates for eased rules 02 VIEWPOINT to bring bikes on trains 03 INBOX 04 COGS&GEARS WOMEN BIKE 14 INFOGRAPHIC WOMEN BIKE INFOGRAPHIC 26 CONTEST WINNERS 28 QUICKSTOP AMERICAN BICYCLIST IS PRINTED WITH SOY INK ON 30% POST-CONSUMER RECYCLED PAPER CERTIFIED BY RAINFOREST ALLIANCE TO THE FOREST STEWARDSHIP COUNCIL™ STANDARDS. ON THE COVER: Gary Fischer and Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.) at the 2012 National Bike Summit. Credit: Chris Eichler. VIEWPOINT A NEW MISSION AND VISION FOR THE LEAGUE Bicycling brings people together When more people ride, individual lives sometimes don’t play) in the broader bi- our movement, focus our energies and be are better; communities are stronger and cycling movement. a catalyst for real change by identifying better connected; our nation is healthier, I’m also excited to report on a pow- a clear role for advocates, the business happier and environmentally and eco- erful, unifying and timely strategy that community and government agencies at nomically stronger. emerged for our work in 2014. This year all levels in achieving two simple goals: After a day and a half of discussing, marks the 20-year anniversary of the Na- getting more people riding, and making brainstorming, and parsing, these sim- tional Bicycling and Walking Study — a biking safer. ple and powerful beliefs emerged from congressionally mandated action plan The 2014 National Bike Summit is the the League Board of Directors’ strate- to double bicycling and walking levels start of the process — and it’s no coin- gic planning retreat. To me, they repre- while reducing crashes by 10 percent cidence that we chose “United Spokes” sent not only a compelling statement That “study” created a genuine focus as the theme for this year’s gathering of of beliefs but also an irresistible reason and specific action plan for federal, state the bicycling movement’s leaders. A na- for “why” we do the things we do at the and local transportation agencies that we tional bike plan doesn’t work if it’s solely League. need to re-create in 2014. More than that, a League campaign — we must listen, So strongly do we believe these things we need to seize the momentum for bicy- learn and lead the bicycling movement to that we want everyone in every communi- cling that exists at the local level across make it happen. ty across the country to enjoy the benefits the country; set more ambitious national That’s our mission, and I’m fired up of bicycling and to have the opportunity goals; and engage health, economic de- and ready to go. to get on their bike and ride, for whatever velopment, energy and environment, as reason is important to them. We see a fu- well as transportation agencies in realiz- ture where that is possible — and yet we ing the full potential of bicycling. know we have our work cut out to make A new National Bike Strategy — a na- that vision a reality. tional bike plan, if you will — can unify Andy Clarke, League President After affirming such a set of beliefs and laying out that bold of a vision, we enthu- siastically took the next step. We stepped This year marks the 20-year anni- forward and embraced the challenge of versary of the National Bicycling and Walking Study — a congres- leading the movement to create a bicycle- sionally mandated action plan to friendly America, for everyone. double bicycling and walking lev- At this exciting moment, the League els while reducing crashes by half. board and senior staff were writing the A new National Bike Strategy — a national bike plan, if you will prologue to the next chapter of our 134- — can unify our movement, focus year history. The deliberate and repeated our energies and be a catalyst for focus on “everyone” speaks volumes to real change. Read more about the our commitment to inclusivity. Listen- effort on page 12. ing and learning emerged as key words in how we define leadership, alongside an internal commitment to being more intentional about the role we play (and 2 AMERICAN BICYCLIST INBOX INBOX THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT ACCOUNTING FOR ALL BICYCLISTS In my work building the Women Bike I appreciated the recent “Take Action” PHL program, I have felt so sup- e-mail asking League members to con- ported by Women Bike — not just tact their U.S. Congressional members the Girl Scout grant we received, but in support of the Bicycle and Pedestri- the resource-gathering, report-writing, an Safety Act, which requires the U.S. best-practice searching-out — it’s great Department of Transportation and to feel so personally supported by the state DOTs to account for and work to national-level efforts and not something reduce bicyclist and pedestrian deaths. I necessarily see happening in all arenas As President of Duke City Wheelmen of the bike movement. It’s also quite (DCW), I posted the information be- validating to be able to point to Women cause it is so important, although I did Bike when folks are trying to contex- not really like the way the initiative was tualize/understand the work I’m doing HONORING A LEAGUE LEGEND introduced using Joy Covey’s death. It with Women Bike PHL. So thank you! In October, the Village of Wheeling, isn’t that Ms. Covey’s death isn’t no- - Katie Monroe, Philadelphia, Pa. Ill., renamed a portion of the Dundee table or important, but Ms. Covey had Road Bicycle Path in honor of Phyllis choices — she wasn’t riding a bicycle Harmon (pictured), a member of the because that was the only transporta- ELECTRIC BIKES AND THE LEAGUE Bicycling Hall of Fame, in part, for her The League is to be congratulated in tion she could afford. Using bicycles efforts reestablishing the League after helping to change the restrictive law in for transportation is an economic real- World War II. Even at age 97, Harmon New York that tries to eliminate elec- ity for clients at Noon Day Ministries, continues her (as the plaque notes) tric bike usage in cities. Electric Bikes a resource center for homeless and “tireless work to promote access to cy- Worldwide Reports (www.ebwr.com) near-homeless people. Monthly, DCW cling for all!” estimates that 500,000 e-bikes are on helps these cyclists by equipping their the road in the U.S., with sales growing bikes with lights and reflective gear, an estimated 50% in 2013. The League RIDERS LIKE ME making minor repairs and educating should recognize this trend and pro- I have been riding for 25 years and riders on safer cycling habits. Let’s mote the use of bikes with electric as- never had any interest in joining the not further marginalize some cyclists sist as a pleasurable and useful means to League because it never spoke for me. looking for motivation to “Take Ac- take commute and pleasure trips on two With the advent of Women Bike and tion.” Just as we want DOT to account wheels. In the not-so-distant future, e- the decision to hire Dr. Adonia Lugo, I for all road users who are killed, we bikes will control half the worldwide bi- finally feel like the League is advocat- need to consider all cyclists as equal cycle market, as it does in China today. ing for cyclists like me. Sure took look stakeholders. - Frank Jamerson, Ph.D., Publisher, enough. Now take my money! - Jennifer Buntz, Electric Bikes Worldwide Reports - Michelle Swanson, Olympia, Wash. DukeCityWheelmen.org GIVE US YOUR FEEDBACK Email your comments to [email protected]; send a letter to 1612 K St NW, Ste 308, Washington, DC 2006; or chime in on Facebook (facebook.com/leagueamericanbicyclists) or Twitter (@bikeleague). AMERICAN BICYCLIST 3 COGS&GEARS STAFF PROFILES: The League is Growing! The League is growing! Thanks to sup- ADONIA LUGO, Equity AMELIA NEPTUNE, Bicycle port from Trek Bicycles and the Robert Initiative Manager Friendly America Wood Johnson Foundation, the League Program Specialist Adonia E. Lugo, has welcomed three new staff members to Ph.D., became the Amelia Neptune joined build upon our work to create a Bicycle Equity Initiative the League’s Bicycle Friendly America for everyone! Manager at the Friendly America team League in November 2013. Through in December 2013, where she manages STEVE CLARK, Bicycle collaborations such as CicLAvia, City the Bicycle Friendly University and Bi- Friendly Community of Lights, the Seattle Bike Justice Proj- cycle Friendly Business programs. Prior Program Specialist ect, Bicicultures, the L.A. Bike Move- to working for the League, Amelia was Steve Clark has spent ment History Project, and most recent- the first Campus Bicycle Coordinator most of his adult life ly the Bike Equity Network, Adonia for the University of Illinois at Urba- celebrating, promoting has worked since 2008 to bring cross- na-Champaign, a bronze-level Bicycle and improving bicycling.
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