ilasmRn ia DEPARTMENT OF MINES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY B U LLETIN No. 22 Catalogue of Publications ISSUED BY THE Government of Tasmania RELATING TO THE MINES, MINERALS, AND GEOLOGY OF THE STATE, TO 31ST DECEMBER, 1914 COMPILED BY W . H. TWELVETREES, Government Geologist luued unut'r the autnority of Tlu H onounhle J. E. OGDEN . Mini!llel' fo .. Mine. ~lIlma nl a: J O HN VAIL. GOVERNMENT PRINTER. HOBART 1915 PREFACE. To TS catalogue comprises all that has been published by the Government of Tasmania respecting the economic mining, geology, and mineralogy of the State up to the 31st December, 1914. Many of the pUblications are now out of print, but can be consulted in the Journals of Parliament. In each case the nature of the publication, whether a Parliamentary Paper, a Mines Department Report, a Geological Survey Bulletin, &c., has been stated so as to facilitate reference. Further information may be obtained on application to either the Secretary for Mines or the Geological Survey. Many enquiries are received by the Geological Survey with respect to reports and other publications included in the catalogue, and it is hoped that this issue will satisfy requirements in that directioll_ W. H . TWEL VETREES, Government Geologist. LauDeestoD, 10th May, 1915 . Catalogue of Publications issued by the Government of Tasmania, relating to the Mines, Minerals, and Geology of the State. 1. Boat Expeditions round Tasmania, 1815-16 and 1824 : Report by J. Hobbs on Boat Voyage round Tasmania, 10th September, 1824. Fep. House of Assembly Paper No. 107, 1881. 2. Coal at South Cape Bay and Adventure Bay, by Thoa. Scott, Assistant Surveyor, R. A. Roberts, and J. IIobbs. 25th October, 1826. Survey Office Reports. Fep. Legislative Council Paper No. 16 , 1861. 3. A R eport of the Exploration of the 'Vestern Coun­ try, by Chas. Gould, 26th June, 1860. Fep., with map and geological section. House of Assembly Paper No.4. Legislative Council Paper No.6. 4. Examination of the District between Chudleigh and Launceston: A Letter, by Chas. Gould, 2nd Aug­ ust, 1860. Fep. Legislative Council Paper No. 16. 5. Exploration of North-'Vestern Country: Reports by Ronald C. Gunn, 1860. Fep. House of Assembly Paper No. 11. Legislative Council Paper No. 14. 6. Resinous Shales (Dysodile at Latrobe), by Chas. Gould, 23rd March, 1861. Fep., with a geological map. House of Assembly Paper No.8. Legis­ lative Council Paper No.8. 7. Coalfields (Fingal and East Coast), by Chas. Gould , 25th March, 1861. Fep., with a geological map and seven plates of sections. House of Assembly Paper No.9. Legislative Council Paper No.7. 3 2 21. Report on George Town and Waterhouse Gold Fields, 8. Report on Ascertaining Commercial Value of Coal, by Bernard Shaw, 26th .Tune, 1873. Fep. House by Chas. Gould, 25(,h July and 15th August, 1861. Fep. House of Assembly Paper No. 65. of Assembly Paper No. 57. 9. Repor.t upon the Mersey Coalfield, by Chas. Gould, 22. Report on Country round Mt. Bischoff, by C. P. 29th October, 1861. }o'ep. House of Assembly Sprent, 3rd May, 1876. Fep. House of Assembly Paper No. 135. Legislative Council Paper No. 50. Paper No. 42. Legislative Council Paper No. 43. 10. Macquarie Harbour, by Chas. Gould, 1862. Fcp. 23. Western Countrv: Reports by J. R. Scott, 22nd House of Assembly Paper No. 26. Legislative May, 1877, and C. P. Sprent, 19th June, 1877. Council Paper No. 20. Fep. House of Assembly Paper No. 27. Legis­ 11. Tasmanian Coal Experiments on board the Steam­ lative Council Paper No. 21. ship "Tasmania" and at the Launceston Gas Works in 1862. Fcp. House of Assembly Paper' 24. Report on the Mineral Resources of the West Coast, No. 81, 1864. by Chas. P. Sprent, 13th July, 1878. Fep. House 12. Gold at Mt. Arrowsmith: Report by Albert Dumar­ of Assembly Paper No. 51. esq, 23rd April, 1863. Fep. Legislative Council 25. Reports on Goldfields of the Colony, by Bernard Paper No. 50. Shaw, 1880-1881. Fep. House of Assembly 13. Western Country, by Chas. Gould, 1863. Fep. Paper No. 79. Legislative Council Paper No. 74. House of Assembly Paper No.9. Legislative Coun­ cil Paper No. IA. 26. West Coast ProO'ress Reports on Mines: No.1, Pie­ man River G~ldfield; No.2, Mt. Heemskirk-by 14. Geological Surveyor's Report on Part of County of G. Thureau, 1st June, 1881. Fcp., with seven Dorset, by Chas. Gould, 18th July, 1864. Fep. maps and sections. House of Assembly PA.per No. House of Assembly Paper No. 46. Legislative 82. Legislative Council Paper No. 77. Council Paper No.' 39. 15. Coalfields, Report from the Select Committee on 27. Port Cygnet, Oyster Cove, and Salldfly: Report on Coalfields, 2nd September, 1864. Fep. House t,he Gold Deposits at and in the Vicinity of Lyming­ of Assembly Paper No. 95. ton; Report on the Coal Mines in the vicinity of 16. Geological Su:veyor's Report of the Country near Gardner's and Randall's Bays; Report on the Coal Ilfracombe, In the 'Vest Tamar District, by ebas. Mine near Victoria, Huon River ; Report on the Gould, August, 1866. Fep., with three maps. Gold Deposits at Little Oyster Cove; Report on House of Assembly Paper No. 76. the Southern Coal Measures at Sandfly-by G. 17. Geological Report on River Forth and North Coast, Thureau, 26th and 30th August, and 2nd Septem­ by Chas. Gould, 18th February, 1867. Fep. House ber, 1881. Fcp., with thirteen maps and sections. of Assembly Paper No. 74. House of Assembly Paper No. 109. Legislative 18. Coal South of Oatlands, by Chas. Gould, 13th July, Council Paper No. 91. 1869. Fep., with two maps. House of Assembly 28. The St. Paul's River Tin Deposits, by G. Thureau, and Legislative Council Paper No. 18. 8th September, 1881. Fep., with a geological 19. Gold at Waterhouse, by Chas. Gould, 26th July, map. House of Assembly Paper No. 108. 1869. Fep. House of Assembly and Legislative Council Paper No. 19. 29. Report on the Ben Lomond Tin Deposits, by G. Thureau, 9th September, 1881. Fep., with two 20. Gold at Mangana, by Chas. Gould, 31st July, 1869. maps of leases and one section. House of Assembly Fep. House of Assembly and Legislative Council Paper No. 20. Paper No. 108. 4 5 30. Report on Gladstone, Mussel Roe, and Waterhouse: (No.1) Report on the Mineral Deposits near Glad­ 38. The Auriferous Drifts of the South-East Valley in stone (North Mt. Cameron); (No.2) Report on the the Neighbourhood of Fingal, Tasmania, by F. M. AUriferous Quartz Reefs near the Mussel Roe Krause, 1st .March, 1883. Fcp., with one plate of River ; (No.3) Report on the \Vaterhouse Quartz sections. I-louse of Assembly Paper No. 91. Legi:.­ Reefs-by G. ~hureau , 17th and 22nd October, lative Council Paper No. 92. 1881. Fep., wIth seven maps and sections. HOU$e of Assembly Papel,," No. 127. Legislative Council 39. Report on the Recently Discovered Goldfield at Paper No. 105. .Mt. Victoria, County of Dorset, Tasmania, by G. Thureau, April, 1883. Fep. House of Assembly 31. Report on the North·\Vestern :Mineral Deposits, by Paper No. 50. Legislative Council Paper No. 59. G. Thureau, 30th December, 1881. Fep-, with two plans of, leases, two geological sket,eh-maps, and 40. Report on the }"uture Prospects as Regards Produc­ five sectlOns. House of Asspmbly Paper No. 43 tiveness and Permanency of the Beaconsfield and 1882. Legislative Couucil Paper No. 58. ' Salisbury Miuing Districts, by G. Thureau, Ma~ , 1883. Fcp., with a map and three plates of sec­ 32. Mineral Resou~ces, West Coast: Report from the tions. House of Assembly Paper No. 51. Legis­ Select CommIttee, 1881. Fep. Legislative Coun­ lative Council Paper No. 60. cil Paper No. 9l. 41. Report on the Mersey Coal Deposits, by G. Thureau, 33. Report 011 the Future Prospects as Regards Pro­ ductiveness and Permanency of the Back Creek May, 1883. Fer., with a geological sketch map, five sections, and a plan of leases. House of Goldfield, County of Dorset, by G. Thureau Assembly Paper No. 52. Legislative Council Pape':" 24th ~arch, 1882. Fcp., with plan of leases, on~ GeologICal Sketch-map, and one cross-section. No.6!. House. of Assembly Paper No. 45. Legislative 42. Report on the Country between Lake St. Clair and CouncIl Paper No. 60. Macquarie Harbour, by T. B. Moore, 23rd May, 34. Report on the Mineral Resources and Permanency of 1883. Fep. House of Assembly Paper No. 56. the Den Goldfield, by G. Thureau, 12th July, 1882. Legislative Council Paper No. 65. Fep. House of Assembly Paper No. 44. Legis­ 43. Report on Fingal and Mt. Nicholas Coal Deposits, lative Council Paper No. 59. by G. Thureau, 9th August, 1883. Fep., with a 35. Rel?ort on ~he Prospects and Permanency of the map and two sections. House of Assembly Paper TIll Deposlts, whether Lode or Alluvial at Mt No. 90. Legislative Council Paper No.9!. l-Ieemskirk, by G. Thureau, August, 18~32. Fcp: 44. Report on the Hamilton and Quse Coal Deposits, by House of Assembly Paper No. 89. Legislative G. Thureau, 14th August, 1883. Fep., with a geo­ Council Paper No. 73. logical map and three sections. House of Assembly 36. Report on the Mineral Resources and Permanency of Paper No. 111. Legislative Council Paper No. 96. the Lefroy Goldfield, Tasmania, by G. Thureau, 45. Trial of Mt. Nicholas Coal on Main Line Railway: 29th September, 1882. Fep.! with a plan of leases, Report by the Manager of Main Line Railway, two geologICal plans, and SIX sections. House of C.
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