Palestine <Sa3ette Ipubltsbeb bç authority No. 1060 THURSDAY, 5TH DECEMBER, 1940 1231 CONTENTS GOVERNMENT NOTICES Page ־ Appointments, etc. - - - - - 1233 ־ - Medical Licences cancelled - - - 1233 Correspondence concerning Irrigation to be addressed to the Water Commissioner - 1233 ־ ־ - Correspondence addressed to the "Middle East Force" 1233 ־ ־ . - ־ Tenders 1233 Notice of Intended Destruction of Records of the Magistrate's Court, Tulkarm - 1234 ־ Loss of Receipts by the Municipality of Safad 1234 Citation Orders - - - - - - 1234 Notices of the Execution Offices, Tel Aviv and Nablus - - 1235 RETURN Quarantine and Infectious Diseases Summary - - - - 1237 NOTICES REGARDING BANKRUPTCIES AND COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES, REGISTRATION OF COMPANIES AND PARTNERSHIPS, ETC. - - - - - 1237 CORRIGENDA - - - - - - - 1242 SUPPLEMENT No. 2. The following subsidiary legislation is published in Supplement No, 2 which forms part of this Gazette : — Wholesale Dealing in Controlled Articles (Haifa District) Rules, 1940, under the Food ־ - ־ and Essential Commodities (Control) Ordinance, 1939 1649 Trades and Industries (Haifa District) Order, 1940, under the Trades and Industries (Regulation) Ordinance - 1649 Order under the Customs Tariff and Exemption Ordinance, 1937, approving certain of Item 775 of the (/׳) Institutions for the Purposes of Sub-Paragraphs (h) and Schedule to the Ordinance - 1650 {Continued,) PRICE : 50 MILS. CONTENTS {Continued) Page Tobacco (Amendment) Rules, 1940, under the Tobacco Ordinance - - 1651 Lydda Municipal Commission Order in Council, 1940, under the Municipal Corpora­ ־ - - tions Ordinance, 1934 - - 1652 Tiberias Municipal Commission Order in Council, 1940, under the Municipal Corpora­ tions Ordinance, 1934 - 1652 Notice under the Antiquities (Amendment) Ordinance, 1934, adding certain Antiquities ־ - to the Schedule of Historical Monuments and Sites - 1653 Notice under the Immigration Ordinance, appointing an. Immigration Officer for the Purpose of the Ordinance - 1653 Notice of Change in a Permit granted for the Publication of a Newspaper, under the ־ - - ־ ־ ־ Press Ordinance 1653 Notices of Posting of Valuation Lists in the Urban Areas of Haifa and Jaffa, under ־ the Urban Property Tax Ordinance - - - 1654 Order No. 200 of 1940, under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, prescribing the Limits of the Ramie Town Planning Area - - - 1655 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, provisionally approving certain ea of Haifa and the Regional־Detailed Schemes within the Town Planning Ai Planning Area of Haifa - 1657 Notices under the Town Planning Ordinance, 1936, approving certain Detailed Schemes within the Town Planning Area of Haifa - 1660 Notice under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance, approving and accepting the Sub-division of Land in the Beir Susin Village - 1663 Notices of Posting of Schedules of Rights to Land in certain Localities, under the Land (Settlement of Title) Ordinance - 1663 Notice under the Immigration Ordinance, terminating the Appointment of certain ־ Immigration Officers - - - - 1665 Courts Vacation Rules (No. 3), 1940, under the Courts Ordinance - - 1665 ־ Courts Vacation Order (No. 3), 1940, under the Courts Ordinance - 1665 Vesting Order 21, under the Trading with the Enemy Ordinance, vesting certain Pro­ perties in the Custodian of Enemy Property - - - 1666 Tel Aviv and Outlying Localities (Slaughter House) (Amendment) Rules, 1940, under the Auimal Diseases Ordinance - - - - 1667 5th December, 1940. THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 1233 APPOINTMENTS, ETC. BAUM HAUDEK YA'ARI has been cancelled on the grant to the holder of a new licence No. DR. APPOINTMENT. 3046 dated 2nd December, 1940, in the name of The High Commissioner has appointed: — ELLEN NUSSBAUM SIMON. MR. R.F. JARDINE, C.M.G., O.B.E., Assistant J. MACQUEEN Director, Grade F., Department of Land for Director, Settlement, to be Water Commissioner, in Medical Services. addition to his substantive duties, with 2nd December, 1940. effect from the 1st December, 1940. (Gaz/23/40) ACTING APPOINTMENT. NOTICE. The High Commissioner has appointed MR. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. J. GOBERNIK, Cadet District Officer, District Administration, to act as District Officer, Licence No. DR. 2275 dated 26th Npvember, Haifa, with effect from the 25th November, 1935, to practise medicine granted to THEODOR 1940, until further order. WERTHEIMBER has been cancelled on account of the death of the holder. J. MACQUEEN TERMINATION OF ACTING APPOINTMENT. for Director, Medical Services. The acting appointment of MR. A. L. JONES, 2nd December, 1940. M.C., Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer, (Gaz/23/40) Palestine Railways, published in Palestine Gazette No. 990 of the 7th March, 1940, ceased with effect from the 19th November, 1940. NOTICE. In future, all correspondence concerning ir• TERMINATION OF APPOINTMENT. rigation and cognate questions which used pre• viously to be addressed to the Department of The appointment of CAPTAIN J.C.A.D. LAW- Agriculture and Fisheries, should be addressed SON, Squadron Officer, Trans-Jordan Frontier to the Water Commissioner, P.O.B. 189, De• Force, terminated with effect from the 10th partment of Land Settlement, Mamillah Road October, 1940. Offices, Jerusalem. C. H. HARTWELL for Chief Secretary. CORRIGENDUM. (U/626/39) The date of the termination of appointment of MR. F. D. CORFIELD, M.B.E., Deputy Dis• trict Commissioner, District Administration, NOTICE. Galilee District, published in Palestine Gazette No. 1042 of the 5th September, 1940, as "1st DEPARTMENT OF POSTS AND TELEGRAPHS. September, 1940" should read "8th September, 1940". Correspondence addressed to the "Middle East Force". It is notified for information that corres• pondence and parcels addressed to members of NOTICE. | His Majesty's forces serving with units of the ! Middle East Force wherever they may be sta- DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. | tioned must be fully prepaid by the sender. I Licence No. DR. 1931 dated 2nd November, The appropriate rates of postage are those 1934, to practise medicine granted to SHLOMO applicable to the Inland Post. LACHMANN has been cancelled on account of the death of the holder. j 26th November, 1940. J. MACQTJEEN for Director, i (Gaz/4/40) Medical Services. 29th November, 1940. *(Gaz/23/40) TENDERS. i L NOTICE. MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF KHAN YUNIS. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. Tenders are invited for the supply of the Licence No. DR. 1589 dated 6th March, 1934, following materials to the Municipal Corpora- to practise medicine granted to ELLEN NUSS- ! tion of Khan Yunis :. 1234 THE PALESTINE GAZETTE 5th December, 1940 100 tons of cement, Palestinian or Egyp• 42, 198, 489, 500, 560, 611, 671, 755, 813, tian, to be delivered at the municipal stores 823, 831, 857, 886 and 916 of 1923; at Khan Yunis not later than the 30th Novem• 245, 290, 309, 320, 343, 358, 534, 538, 592, ber, 1940. 690, 714, 719 and 735 of 1924; 12, 20, 79, 90, 95, 99, 111, 114, 126, 158, The Municipal Council does not bind itself 163, 164, 214, 267, 273, 281, 282, 291, 294, to accept the lowest or any tender. 299, 310, 334, 344, 382, 393, 394, 402, 417, 419, 422, 425, 426, 430, 444, 450, 462, 465, ABDUL RAHMAN EL FARRA 474, 488, 494, 518, 531, 535, 536, 539 and Mayor of Khan Yunis. 566 of 1925. (Gaz/29/40) 4. Files of correspondence, circulars, Court returns, etc. for the years 1919 until 1936 (in• II. clusive). THE PALESTINE POLICE FORCE. Objections, if any, to the destruction of these Tenders are invited for the supply of 500 records should be submitted to me within six agals, cotton, black, required by the Palestine weeks of the publication of this notice in the Police Force. Palestine Gaztte, failing which an application will be made for an order under rule 11 of the 2. Full particulars and tender forms may above rules. be obtained from the Quartermaster, Russian Buildings, Jerusalem. Dated this 26th day of November, 1940. 3. Tenders will not be accepted after Wednes• day, 11th December, 1940. SH. MUHTADIE Registrar, A. SAUNDERS District Court, Nablus. 2nd December, 1940. Inspector-General. (Gaz/54/40) (Gaz/42/40) DISTRICT COURT OF NABLUS. NOTICE. NOTICE OF INTENDED DESTRUCTION OF RECORDS UNDER RULE 11 OF THE ARCHIVES RULES, 1935, AS Notice is hereby given that blank receipt book AMENDED. No. 451 for market fees containing 50 receipts numbering 22501 to 22550 has been lost. Notice is hereby given that I, SHUKRY MUHTADIE, Registrar of the District and Land ! Any person who finds or is in possession of Courts, Nablus, intend to apply to His Lord• | any of these receipts should deliver them to the ship the Chief Justice, for permission under j Municipality of Safad. rule 11 of the Archives Rules, 1935, as amended, to destroy Court records in the Magistrate's MOHAMMAD ZAKI QADDURA Court, Tulkarm, as follows: — Mayor of Safad. 1. Criminal case files for the years 1919- 23rd November, 1940. 1938 (inclusive) with the exception of the fol• lowing cases: — Cases Nos. : CITATIONS. 436, 761, 867 and 2021 of 1927; 357, 391, 419 and 506 of 1928; I. 85, 168, 181, 213, 282, 483, 824 and 1752 of IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF JERUSALEM. 1929; 98, 1013, 1015 and 1347 of 1931; In the matter of the late BOULOS YOUSSEF SAID 1679 and 1140 of 1932; j i of Jerusalem. 793 and 1114 of 1933; i 150, 765, 1175, 1214 and 1215 of 1934; 49, 50, 51, 53, 70, 379, 568, 541, 755, 816 and Let all persons take notice that MRS. NABEEHA 886 of 1935; SAID has applied to the District Court of Jeru• 179, 185, 181 and 266 of 1936; salem for an order declaring the succession to 240, 255, 429, 565 and 642 of 1937; BOULOS YOUSSEF SAID of Jerusalem, deceased, 79, 87, 113, 128 and 167 of 1938. and that the said application will be heard in 2. Civil case files for the years 1919-1925 (in• the District Court, Jerusalem, on the 17th day clusive) with the exception of the following of December, 1940. cases: — All persons claiming any interest must ap• Cases Nos. 99 and 772 of 1921. pear at the said place and time, otherwise such order will be made as to the Court seems right.
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