Holy Name Catholic Church 3814 Nash Boulevard, San Antonio Texas 78223 Website: www.holynameusa.org, Phone (210) 333-5020 Easter Sunday April 1, 2018 Theme : “You seek Jesus of Nazareth, the crucified. He has been raised; he is not here” (Gospel). A blessed Easter to all. The Lord is Risen, Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia, the Lord is Risen indeed! Capital Campaign 2018-2021 Holy Name Parish Goal: $514,000.00 Volunteers are needed in the following area: Capital Campaign 2018-2021 Holy Name Parish Family Festival will be April 22, 2018 2018 Limited Raffle Sponsored by CYO Ministry Raffle Tickets are now available @$100 each Virgen de Guadalupe Memorial Bricks are still available Holy Name Gift Shop Is Now Open Holy Name Catholic Church San Antonio, Texas April 1, 2018 Administration Parish Ministries Pastor : Rev. Martin F. Parayno (Office) 333-5020 (ext. 5106) ACTS Core David Salinas 364-6048 Email: [email protected] Adoration Mary Jane Martinez 445-5057 Anointing : 367-4231 Altar Server Ministry Cecilia Ramirez 326-6902 Priest in Residence : Rev. Kennedy Nyumba 769-7559 Altar Server Ministry Assistant Gina Rios 393-0585 Deacons : Reynaldo Hinojosa, Sr . [email protected] Altar Society Sandra Guerra 378-5951 Larry Lindsey [email protected] Bereavement Ministry Laura Garcia 269-0284 Daniel Kearns Catholic Education Ministry TBA Roberto Ruiz Charismatic Prayer Group Ray Miles 633-3462 Director of Ministries : Joe Lopez 333-5020 (ext. 5102) C.Y.O. Alison Carrasco 843-3136 Email : [email protected] Divine Mercy Cenacle Angelo Bustamante 687-9806 Parish Special Project : David Torres Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist Website Administrator : Pedro Ybarra Louis & Gina Rios 573-5870 Email : [email protected] Extra Ministers of the Eucharist to the Sick & Homebound Assistant D.R.E.: Irma Bickel Mary Shisk 333-6760 (Office) 333-5020 (ext. 5110) Email : [email protected] Family Ministry John & Katherine Baxter (714)322-9215 Office Manager: Allan Ford 333-5020 First Friday/Saturday Devotion (Oremus): Alden Lim 296-5505 Email: [email protected] Healing Ministry Ray & Nancy Miles 633-3462 Bookkeeper : Daryl Ang (Office) 333-5020 (ext.5103) Hospitality Alex Zapata 333-8319 Email: [email protected] Knights of Columbus #8789 Ernest Pena 213-6086 Pay-com & Compliance Administrator : Diane Calimlim Lectors Miguel Puga 854-4096 Sacristan : Will Villanova Assistant: John Honesto Legion of Mary Beverly Zulaica 333-7654 Mary Ellen Hinojosa, John Nava, Diane Calimlim Liturgy Coordinator Deacon Larry Lindsey Nancy Lindsey, John Hogg Made with Love Ministry Loren Torres & Chris Montemayor Secretaries : Minerva Reyna Men’s Club Floyd Lutz 333-6160 (Office) 333-5020 (ext. 5101) Motorcycle Ministry Alex Avilez 422-4775 Email: [email protected] Music Ministry Jun Sorio, Laura Atamosa Anna Alvarez & Eugene Jaceoldo (Office) 333-5020 (ext. 5104) Outreach Ministry Richard Rios 333-6077 Email: [email protected] Pilgrimage Lourdes Bugher 516-2139 Activity Center Event Coor. : Glenda Lopez 897-1980 Prayer Garden Leroy & Louis Garcia Email: [email protected] R.C.I.A. Deacon Ray Hinojosa Maintenance Facilities: Paco Monzon Society of Our Lady of Guadalupe; Diana Guerra 620-5644 Legal Adviser : James Porter, J.D. St. Philomena’s Ministry Crystal Nava 378-2793 Safety Coordinator (OVASE): Bee Bee Rodriguez Youth Ministry Nicole Hoyt 260-1795 Gift Shop Volunteers: Rosemary Albert, Elizabeth Padilla, Pastoral Council Isabel Farias, Alycia Jennings, Bertha Segovia, Elizabeth Rodriguez & Chairperson: Ed Hernandez Pedro Ybarra Vice Chairperson: Raquel Clark Parish Office Hours Secretary: Lorraine Pruski Monday thru Friday: 9AM—5PM Members: David Pedraza Yvonne Rodriguez Nicole Hoyt Closed for lunch 12 Noon-1:00PM Brooke Pawelek Diana Puga Sal Segura John Winfield Gift Shop Hours Ray Miles Sunday: 10AM—2:30PM Parish Finance Council Monday thru Friday: 2PM—5PM Chairperson: Gary Mullhollen Secretary: Joanne Torres Sacramental Preparation MEMBERS: Marriage: Please make appointment with Pastor at least 6 months Joe Lopez James Porter Manuel Caballero before marriage. Stewardship Council Baptism: Every 2nd or 4th Sunday or by appointment. Parents and Chairman: Miguel Puga Godparents are required to attend class. Every 3rd Friday at 7 PM in the Religious Education Room. Capital Campaign Committee Funeral: Call the Office for arrangements. Chairman: Joe Lopez Devotions Holy Name Catholic School Adoration : Every Wednesday (9 AM—5 PM) Pre-K thru 8th Benediction : Every Wednesday after the 6:30 PM Mass Principal: Jennifer Tiller 333-7356 Rosary :30 minutes before each Mass Secretary: Judy Sumner Holy Communion to the Sick and Homebound : Every Wednesday after the 8:00 a.m. School Council President: Stephen P. FitzSimon Mass Schedule Vice-President: Lucy M. Cruz Secretary: Liz Trainor Mass Daily Mass : Monday thru Thursday 8 AM Friday:8:30 AM MEMBERS: Saturday :5 PM (English) and 7 PM (Spanish) Rudy Nino Rosie Ramirez Mark Delgado Sunday : 7 AM, 9 AM, 11 AM, 1 PM (all in English) Glen Gonzales Manuel Vera Confession: Mon. - Fri. before or after Mass P.T.C. President: Anna Araatia and Sat. 4 PM to 4:45 PM Alumni Association: Catherine Kramer (210) 264-7134 Mass with Anointing of the Sick: The Last Wednesday of every month Easter Sunday Domingo de Pascua April 1, 2018 1 de Abril de 2018 Reading I: Acts 10:34a,37-43 Lectura I: Hechos 10: 34a, 37-43 Responsorial Psalm 118:1-2,16- Salmo responsorial 118: 1-2,16-17,22-23 17,22-23 Lectura II: Colosenses 3: 1-4 o 1 Cor. 5: 6b-8 Reading II: Colossians 3:1-4 or Evangelio: Juan 20: 1-9 o Mateo 28: 1-10 o Lucas 24: 13- 1 Cor. 5:6b-8 35 Gospel: John 20:1-9 or Matthew 28:1-10 or Luke 24:13 Tema: "Este hombre Dios resucitó al tercer día y -35 concedió que sea visible, no a todas las personas, sino a nosotros, los testigos elegidos por Dios de antemano, Theme: “This man God raised on the third day and que comieron y bebieron con él después de resucitar de granted that he be visible, not to all the people, but to entre los muertos" ( Hechos de los Apóstoles). us, the witnesses chosen by God in advance, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead” (Acts Cuando necesitas estar inspirado y motivado para of the Apostles). hacer algo grandioso, necesitas una razón asombrosa. ¿Con qué frecuencia nos encontramos con personas que When you need to be inspired and motivated to han caído en la depresión y la desesperación? doing something great, you need an awesome reason. Prácticamente dependen de las píldoras para levantarse How often we encounter people who have fallen into y dar sentido a lo que la vida tiene para ofrecer. Escuche depression and despair? They practically depend on sus historias e identifique y relacione fácilmente su pills to get up and make sense of what life has to offer. dolor. Por ejemplo, el dolor de perder a un ser querido y Listen to their stories and you easily identify and relate el dolor de la traición son historias comunes. En to their pain. For example, the grief of losing a loved resumen, nadie se salva. Es un camino humano por el one and the pain of betrayal are common stories. In que todos tenemos que pasar. short, no one is spared. It is a human path we all have to go through. Alguien cambió esa historia y nos ha dado una razón increíble para tener esperanza y vivir de nuevo. Someone changed that story, and has given us an Jesús como el Hijo de Dios encarnado sufrió como todos awesome reason to hope and live anew. Jesus as the nosotros, murió como todos nosotros y resucitó de entre Incarnate Son of God suffered like we all do, died like los muertos como todos nosotros lo haremos. De hecho, we all will and rose from the dead like we all shall be. el cinismo humano y la desesperación tienen una nueva Indeed, human cynicism and despair has a new dirección y adquieren un nuevo significado. En Cristo, el direction and taken a new meaning. In Christ, perdón y la sanación se hacen posibles. En términos forgiveness and healing becomes possible. In bold and audaces y definitivos, declaró: "Yo soy la definitive terms He declared, “I am the resurrección. Cualquiera que crea en mí, resurrection. Anyone who believes in me, even aunque esa persona muera, vivirá, y el que vive though that person dies, will live, and whoever y cree en mí nunca morirá" (Juan 11: 25-26). lives and believes in me will never die” (John 11:25-26). Al creer en Cristo, trazamos un camino de amor y misericordia de Dios. Podemos continuar con nuestras vidas As we believe in Christ, we chart a path of God’s loving confiando en la victoria sobre toda clase de desalientos y mercy and love. We can go on with our lives confident of maldad. Como San Juan Crisóstomo, confiamos en Dios e victory over all kinds of discouragements and evil. Like St. incluso nos burlamos de la desesperación. "Oh muerte, John Chrysostom we trust in God and even mock the face of ¿dónde está tu aguijón? Oh infierno, ¿dónde está tu victoria? despair. "O Death, where is your sting? O Hell, where is Cristo resucitó, y tú eres derrocado. Cristo resucitó, y los your victory? Christ is risen, and you are overthrown. demonios cayeron. Cristo resucitó, y los ángeles se Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen. Christ is risen, regocijaron. Cristo resucitó, y la vida reina. Cristo resucitó, y and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life reigns. Christ ningún muerto permanece en el sepulcro, porque Cristo, is risen, and not one dead remains in the grave.
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