No.6 (25), 1975 / NOVEMBER-DECEMBER uile teuisionists ut the 1060 Buthrrest ond lilostorru *leelimgs This issue of tlre aAlbania Todoyu is dedicoted io the lgth Volume ol fhe Works o{ Camrade Enver Horhs which wos distribufed throwghout Albtnio on filovem ber 8ith 1975. This volume includes speeches, reporls, leffe rs oad rodiogroms ol the.period June-December 1960 which throw light on the de- termined struggte woged by the Party ol Lobour of Albanio and Comrode- inver Hoxho agoinst Khrushchevite revisionistn, Rerl Unily ls Athieued ond Slrenglheneil Only on lhe Bosls ol Munisl-leninist Pfintiples r we shall Go to Moscouu nol with ren Bunnetrs! hul wilh Only One, uuith the Btnner of Morxism-leninism r &![hether Albonio ls o Sotiolisf, Country or not, Ihls Does mot Depend on Khrushcheu, hut it Hus Been Decided by the Albrniun Feop[e through f,he Wurs They llnve foughl onil the Blood Theg Huve Shed We Shotl Ardently Eefend Murxism-leninism sltd the lnleresls of the People IWc Haue Fought Emply-bellied ond Bore-fooled, huI Houe lleuer Kolowed Io Anybody I Other Repcrls, Speerhes, lellers, ond Rodiogroms A WORK OT GREAT POIITI( On Natember 8, 1975, the 3ath anniltersary of the ,founding af the Party, the 19th uolurne of the Worles bg cornrade Enoer Hoxha, First Secretary of the Central Comrnittee of the PLA, leader of the Party and of the Albanian people, oas distributed throughout Albania, In the series o7 the Worles by comrade Eruter Hoxha the materials of this oolume are of great political and ideological irnportance. They belong to the pe-' riod Jurre-Decernber 1960, a DerA complicated period ruhen deep ideological and political disagreements had arisen in the relations betru,een a nurnber of parties. In this period the PLA had to take decisions of special responsibility and openly rise before the entire international cornrnunist mooernent, to defend Marxism- Leninisrn and proletorian internationalisru from the neru and dangerous reoision- ist trend, which had been crystalized in its ranks by Khrushcheoite reoisionisrn. ln this oolwme a clear picture is gioen oy the consistent struggle carried out by the Partg of Labour of Albania at the Bucharest Meeting and the Moscow Meeting. At Bucharest the PLA dtd not accept that tke alleged vnistalees of the Comrnunist Party of Ckina showld be iwdged and the latter condernned on the ba- sis of a docurnent full of slanderous accusations fabricated by the Sooiet leader- ship, ruithout gioing the Cornvnwnist Party of China titne and the possibilitq to read the rnaterial and present its own oieru. At tke Moscow Meeting the PLA had ns say with reoolutionarA courdge and, before international cornrnunisrn, openly criticised the wrong line of the Sooiet leadership concerning a series of maior questions of principle. The Parta of Labowr of Albania neoer made con- cessions ooer principles and refused to follow thte reoisionist course of the Khrushcheo group. The editors ol the reoiew 'Albania Today" are publishing some rnaterials frorn tkis oolume in this issue, hoping that in this way theg will fulfill the de- sire oy the resders. AI. AND IDEOI.OGICAT UATUE I.EIIER ADDRESSED IO ATt THE BASIC ORGANIZATIOI{S OF ITIE PARTY ABOUI THE HOI.DING OF IHE BUCIIARESI MEEIITIG AND ABOUT IHE DISAGREEMEIITS BEIWEEN THE COMMU}IIST PARTY OF IHE SOYIET UNIO}I A}ID IHE COMMUNISI PARTY OF ClIIl{A August 9, 1960 Some important ideological and political disagreements rneeting at the time of the 3rd Congress 'of the Runranian have arisen bet'ween the Communist Party of the Soviet Union Workers' Party, on June 20, afterivhich, in agreement with and the Communist Palty of China. Word about these dis- the central committees bf ihe sister parties, rve shall fix agreements is beginning to appear both in the Chinese and the ,definite date of the meeting,'. The Central Committee Soviet press as well as in the speeches of the leaders of these of our Party replied to the €entral Cornmittee of the Commu- two countries, of course, without mentioning one-another by nist Party of the Soviet Union, that it agreed that the meet- name, but making allusions, which anybody can easily under- ing should be postponed, and that agreement should be stand. These questions also have been spoken about and dis- reached in Bucharest about the fixing of the date when it cussed openly at the meeting in Bucharest of the reple- should be held. For this purpose, the Political Bureau of the sentatives of the comrnunist and rvorkers' parties r,vho were Central Committee authorized comrade Hysni Kapol, who delegates of their parties to the 3rd Congless of the Ru- headed the d,elegation of our Party to the 3rd Congress of turanian Workers' Party. the Rumanian Workers'Party, to exchange opinions with the The Central Committee of the Pal'ty considcrs it neccssaly l'epresentatives of the sister parties who were at the Congress, to inform all the Party orgatizations of onr stand towards about the fixing of the date of the meeting 'uvhich u'as this problern by means of this letter. proposed in the letters of the Central Committee of the Com- On June 2,1960 the Central Committee of the Coturnunist munist Party of the Soviet Union. Party of the Soviet LTnion sent a letter to the Central Corn- But in fact, our delegation, which rvent to participate mittee of our Party, in which it proposed the holding, at in the Congress of the Rumanian Workers' Party and discuss the the end of June, of a meeting of the representatives of the fixing of the date of the meeting of the representativei of the communist and workers' parties of the countries of the so- communist and workers' parties of the socialist camp found cialist camp .to exchange opinions about the problens of the itself in Bucharest faced with an international meeting already plesent international situation and to determine our fur- prepared. This meeting uras contrary to what had been ther common line". The Central Committee of our Party decided, it was contrary to the content of the letters of immediately replied to this letter, stressing that it was in the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet fu1l agreement with holding the proposed meeting at the Ulion, of which we spoke above, The agenda, too, was quite end of June, ard that the delegation of our Party for this different: instead of exchanging opinions about fixing the purpose would be headed by comrade Enver Hoxha. How- date of the meeting of the representatives of the communist ever, on Jute 7 our Central Committee received another letter and r,r'orkers' parties, as stated in the letter of the Central from the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, accu- Soviet Union. In this letter the Central Contmittee of thc stations were made there against the Communist Party of Communist Party of the Soviet Union informed us that, all China. To this end only 10 hours before the meeting i the parties had agreed in principle to the holding of the 45 page document prepared by the Soviet comrades was dis- Meeting of the representatives of the communist and work- tributed to all the foreign delegates (the majority of whom ers' parties of the socialist camp, but some of them had were only members of the central committees), in which proposed that the meeting should be postponed to a later the views of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union were date. Concerning this, the June 7 letter of the Central cxpressed concerning the disagreements they have r.vith the Committee of the Cornmunist Party of the Soviet Union said: Chinese comrades. And on this very impcirtant and delicate "We could have a preliminary discussion with the repre- question it was demanded that the representatives of more sentatives of your Party about the time for convening the than 50 communist and workers' parties of various coun- 4o61251,1915 ALBANIA TODAY tries, who had eome to Bucharesl for another purpose, should w,e should work jointly in the future for the good of socialism adopt a stand, after 10 hours, and accuse the Communist and communism, for the good of the unity of our socialist Party of China. camp, be reached. It is quite clear that this meeting had been organized This u'ise, principlcd, and Leninist stand \'vas maintained in haste and in opposition to the most elementary Leninist by comrade Hysni Kapo at the Bucharest Meeting on the organizational rules. As you know vely well, dear com- instructions of the Political Burcau. As you know from the rades, even lvhen the question of a rank and file metrber ccnmunique published in the press, this stand was fully and is to be put forward for discussion in the Party branch, the unanituousl;y app::oved by the Plenunr of the Central Committee Party teaches us to be careful, cautious, just, and never of the Party which rvas held on July ll-72,1960. The Central hasty. Impiementing this Leninist principle of the Party, Committee is convinced that this correct and principled starad the branch may hold one, two and frequently even three will be unanimously approved by every mernber of our heroic meetings, the members are informed at least thr-ee days Partv. Only those who do not want to respect tl're Leninist before of the agenCa and its content, commissions are ap- norms can fail to approve our correct stand. pointed to prepare the lecessary materials, etc. And this, and The disagrcements existing between the Communist Party this alone, is the rigl-rt way of the Party, the organizational of the Soviet Union aud the Comrnunist Party of China con- way Marxism-Leninism teaches us.
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